- cleaned uo the code. The new eclipse helios provided new warnings for dead code. This change cleans up most of these warnings
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6945 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
Here a new concept called 'search heuristics' is introduced. A heuristic is a kind of 'shortcut' to good results in IT, here for good search results. In this case it will be used to get a very transparent way to compare what YaCy is able to produce as search result and what g**gle produces as search result. Here is what your can do now:
- add the phrase 'heuristic:scroogle' to your search query, like 'oil spill heuristic:scroogle' and then a call to scroogle is made to get anonymous search results from g**gle.
- these results are _not_ taken as meta-search results, but are used to instantly feed a crawling and indexing process. This happens very fast, here 20 results from scroogle are taken and loaded all simultanously, parsed and indexed immediately and from the results of the parsed content the search result is feeded, along to the normal p2p search
- when new results from that heuristic (more to come) get part of the search results, then it is verified if such results are redundant to existing (they had been part of the normal YaCy search result anyway) or if they had been completely new to YaCy.
- in the search results the new search results from heuristics are marked with a 'H ++' and search results from heuristics that had been already found by YaCy are marked with a 'H ='. That means:
- you can now see YaCy and Scroogle search results in one result page but you also see that you would not have 'missed' the g**gle results when you would only have used YaCy.
- to make it short: YaCy now subsumes g**gle results. If you use only YaCy, you miss nothing.
to come: a configuration page that let you configure the usage of heuristics and get this feature by default.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6944 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
implemented a hint from dulcedo "use site: - operator as crawl start point".
YaCy already was able to search using a site-constraint. This function is now extended with a instant crawling feature.
When you now use the site-operator, then the landing page of the site iand every page that is linked from this page are loaded, indexed and selected for the search result within that search request. When the remote server responds quickly enough, then this process can result in search results during the normal search result preparation .. just in some seconds.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6941 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
a cache access shall not made directly to the cache any more, all loading attempts shall use the LoaderDispatcher.
To control the usage of the cache, a enum instance from CrawlProfile.CacheStrategy shall be used.
Some direct loading methods without the usage of a cache strategy have been removed. This affects also the verify-option
of the yacysearch servlet. If there is a 'verify=false' now after this commit this does not necessarily mean that no snippets
are generated. Instead, all snippets that can be retrieved using the cache only are presented. This still means that the search hit was not verified because the snippet was generated using the cache. If a cache-based generation of snippets is not possible, then the verify=false causes that the link is not rejected.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6936 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
Hint: the YaCy search can easily be integrated into the firefox search window:
Just start a search, then open the pop-up menu inside the firefox search input window and select "add search engine"
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6935 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- a new news db will be created (news1024.db), the old one (news.db) can be deleted
- peers with too large news payload are not ignored any more (they may have been invisible because they had a too large news payload!)
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6917 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- now xms is lower than xmx (lets try what happens)
- removed default path for intranet crawl starts to avoid confusion as seen on linuxtag
- added time-out to upnp request (i have a new router which may need that)
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6916 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
Network.html: shortened some <br /> tags to <br/>
ConfigBasic.html fixed some typo cann for German translation file
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6914 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- it is now possible to crawl the local file system with an intranet peer
- redesign of URL handling
- refactoring: created LGPLed package cora: 'content retrieval api' which may be used externally by other applications without yacy core elements because it has no dependencies to other parts of yacy
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6902 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added number of online peers at the last day and the last week
- changed design of statistic table
- network picture now shows exactly those peers that are counted in the statistic overview for one day
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6897 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- order locations by (primary) population and (secondary) longitude (reverse ordering, both)
- added population from GeoNames, OpenGeoDB does not have that information
- changed default viewpoint of map to (30,15); shows more land and europe in the center
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6893 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- changed description text to 'title' entity (subject is a list of keywords and was very messed)
- added ViewFile in location pop-up
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6891 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
Added alt tag to page tabs in yacysearch.java for HTML validity
Added new German translations for geo search phrase in de.lng
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6890 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- used that to display two layers on map: cities and search result locations
- added many marker grafics for the display of the markers on the map
- some refactoring of the yacy news code plus bugfixes for latest move from Tree to Table data structure
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6889 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- cycle map is default because it looks best at 'world view'
- added control elements to map
- increased map size
- added deletion of search results for each time when a new search is done
- moved search box up and added yacy icon in such a way that the search page looks exaclty the same as the standard search
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6885 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added downloader option in DictionaryLoader
- added generalization (interfaces and overarching localization)
- more abstraction using the libraries
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6879 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- fix for initial generation of crawl profiles (one more reason to remove your crawl profiles)
- more String -> byte[] migration
- more logging for cache store/hit
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6874 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- fixes to http file server session handling
- fixes and enhancements to metadata date/time handling
- added dc:publisher metadata field and updated all document parser
- fixed bug in metdata read procedure
- enhanced dublin core and rss parser to understand more fields more properly
- enhanced url selection in case that multiple urls are given in surrogates
- fix for condenser; failure when last word does not end with termination symbol
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6863 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- relaxed dublin core parsing: the dc:reference tag may replace dc:identifier if this does not contain a valid url
- parsing of completeRecords number and presentation in the download list of oai import
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6850 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- now importing OAI-PMH server list fron two sources
- simultanous import from several servers (even > 2000)
- check buttons on OAI-PMH server list to select multiple servers for import start
- it is possible to select all servers at once for import
- imported XML data is gzipped after import from surrogate reader
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6847 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added crawling queue sizes to /api/status_p.xml, syntax same as in queues_p.html
- fixed a bug in queue enumeration that caused a out of bounds exception
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6842 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
The result should be a less usage of new String() and less memory usage (since a String-encapsulated byte[] has 40 bytes overhead)
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6815 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
pass value as byte[], not as String. This should cause that less
byte[] <-> String conversions are made during time-critical tasks.
This redesign is not yet complete, more to come ..
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6775 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
you can now sort by any column in most tables in YaCy just by clicking on the headline column of the table
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6738 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
this searchs for occurrences of the given word in URLs and presents them
in a pop-up list below the input line
- some bugfixes for the new robots table viewer
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6735 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added 'select all' feature in Tables_p
- enhanced ViewFile.html: has now an input field to load arbitrary resources from the web and analyze them (!!!)
- included the ViewFile servlet into the Index Administration menu
- show in ViewFile if ressource is in url-db and/or in Web cache
- bugfixes to BEncodedHeap and Tables management
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6713 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- moved storage of robots.txt entries to WorkTables, so it is now possible to browse the robots entries with the table browser
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6710 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
so far only search requests at the remote search interface had been counted.
This was done to protect the privacy of searchers, because counting was not done and published at the own search interface.
This caused that no search requests of robinson peers had been counted, becuase they cannot be counted at remote peer.
This change introduces a distinction of locally done search requests at the local search interface from search requests that are on the local interface but had been submitted from a remote IP without authentication.
Now 3 counters are maintained:
- partial count of remote searches
- total count of local searches on robinson peers from non-authenticated clients
- total count of local searches on robinson peers from localhost or authenticated clients
In the global statistic of search requests now the first two counters of the three cases are added
Because we habe a large number of robinson peers with a large number of remote non-authenticated requests the statistic should show at least three times of the number of search requests.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6696 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- start again a previously started crawl
- submit settings (again). This option will be used to transmit
all settings of one peer to another peer if the remote-peer
steering function is ready
This steering framework will also be used for a 'schedule-everything'
which will also include a new scheduler for crawling.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6642 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
will loose its leading role for the re-crawl funtion when the new api tables will work. To be prepared for a replacement
of such functions the bookmark class is re-organised.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6637 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
Changed to German language file:
- Updated Crawl Start Page
- Added section for indexing MediaWikis
- Fixed some more start and end tags so that syntax highlighting works correctly
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6617 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
all operations on YaCy in a database that should make it possible
1) to re-create a setting on fresh peers
2) to transmit a setting from one peer to another
3) to re-create crawl starts after a complete deletion of the index
This functionality will also support
4) scheduled re-crawls (new implementation)
To implement this, a new database structure has been crated that stores maps into blob heaps. to encode maps the b-encoding technique was used (this is the same encoding that torrent files use)
- added a b-encoder
- enhanced the b-decoder
- added a b-encoded map heap data structure
- added a table organisation based on b-encoded heaps
- added a servlet to maintain such tables (see Tables_p.html)
- integrated the servlet into the Advanced Settings menu
- added an api recording based on the new tables
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6606 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
this is a work-around for the problem that the search widget
does not load a second page if the first page did not fill up
the window with enough lines such that a scrollbar ist visible.
Because the scrollbar triggers loading of following pages, this
must be enforced with the trick that more result lines must be
shown after the first search.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6570 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- increased sort limit, now 3000 entries, before: 1000
this should cause that more results can be shown in case
of strong limitating constraints, like domain navigation
- enhanced the sort process
- check against domain navigator bugs
- fix in sort stack
- showing now all naviagtion pages at first search (not only next page)
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6569 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
this was done because that servlet may be used for wget/cronjob
triggered crawl starts and it appears to be confusing that the
name of the crawl start servlet looks like a pure monitoring tool.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6568 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- moved all index generation servlets to it's own main menu item, including proxy indexing
- removed external index import because this operation is not recommended any more. Joining an index can simply be done by moving the index files from one peer to the other peer; they will be merged automatically
- fix to prevent endless loops when disconnecting http sessions
- fix to prevent application of bad blacklist entries that can cause a 'Dangling meta character' exception
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6558 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- some refactoring in search process
- fixed image search for json and rss output
- search navigation on bottom of search result page in cases where there are more than 6 results on page
- fixes for number of displayed documents
- disabled pseudostemming
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6504 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added many stack trace outputs for exceptions in crawl profile handler to find the 'missing profile handle' bug
- catched one more timeout exception in httpd file loader
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6457 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
(still not possible to start them with one single request, that will be next)
- added a monitor for all running and finished OAI imports (with a little bit of animation..)
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6447 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- extended the OAI-PMH test applet and integrated it into the menu. Does still not import OAI-PMH records, but shows that it is able to read and parse this data
- some redesign in ZURL storage: refactoring of access methods, better concurrency, less synchronization
- added a limitation to the LURL metadata database table cache to 20 million entries: this cache was until now not limited and only limited by the available RAM which may have caused a memory-leak-like behavior.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6440 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- fix for image parser
- temporary integration of images as document types in the crawler and indexer for testing of the image parser
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6435 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
*) Introduced protection against directory traversal attacks in configuration servlets for skin and language configuration. Files can only be deleted if they are contained in a list of files which has been read by the servlet first.
Until now it was possible to delete any data on a system YaCy is running on and which can be deleted by the user who's account has been used to start YaCy. Most of the times a user of YaCy is also the owner of the machine the peer is running on, but this might not always be the case and not even the owner of the machine should be able to use YaCy as a replacement for "rm" or "del".
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6423 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
The old default skin named 'default' is renamed to 'classic-blue'.
All users will keep their current default skin named default, but YaCy will copy the classic-blue also to the skin folder.
For all new peers, the new skin pdblue is used.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6416 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- some documentation fixes
- adopted a default setting for the search window: moves css setting to base.css
- some enhancements for the DocumentIndex class
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6410 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
This is a major change in the organization of indexes.
Please consider a back-up of your data before you run this update.
All existing index files will be moved and renamed to a new position.
With this change, it will be possible to maintain different indexes for different purposes and it will be possible to have a distinction between DHT-in and DHT-out specific indexes. Tenants may also have their own index, and it may be possible to have histories and back-ups of indexes. This is just the beginning, many servlets must be adopted after this change, but all functions that had been there should still work.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6389 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- fixes for numerous other problems
- removed dead code
- resdesign of the strings-method, which produces now less memory overhead and may help to prevent OOMs
- another fix for the deadlock problem in SplitTable
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6373 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- better Exception handling for web cache access
- distinction between access of web cache for proxy and crawler
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6367 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
*) refacored BlacklistCleaner_p.java for better readability
*) moved check of validity of patterns to the Balcklist implementation since patterns might be valid in one implementation, but not in another
*) added method to check validity to Blacklist interface
*) fixed some minor issues like typos or wrong whitespaces
*) set subversion properties for a whole bunch of files
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6359 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
*) https:// and ftp:// can be used as start of the string to be tested now too
*) better error handling (no text in Java anymore)
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6347 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- search result headline font is slightly larger and has an underline (like g**gle)
- no dashed line between results in grey style
- no search results with menu on left side by default (but is still possible)
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6334 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- othervise: close topics window by default
There will be more navigation in the future (i.e. update-time selection)
and the topics will be less important than the others, therefore
it is now hidden by default
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6310 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- limit comparisment to only the first 10 elements that had been sorted before without IO
- added a size cache to index computation because the size is computed at least twice in set comparator
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6306 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added caption to maps containing latitude and longitude information
- prevented that maps occur on second search page
- added location names to did-you-mean
- some refactoring of did-you-mean
- added equal and compareTo test to Coordinates class to make that work in set
- fixed utf-8 support for library files
- fixed a bug in images search icon view caption
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6294 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- a time-out of 10 seconds
- and a clear-on-error
in yacyui-portalsearch, to make the loading bar disappear when nothing is found.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6289 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- less pages are fetched in advance
- just-in-time fetch of next required pages
- fix for missing hand-over of offset to fetch threads
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6279 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
this will cause better computation speed for single- and multi-core;
there are enhancements that will speed up old and slow machines as well
as multi-core CPUs. Indexing of surrogates has been speed up
from 4000 PPM to over 20000 PPM on a simple dual core office computer.
Since the enhancements are mostly in core routines, the hack should also
speed up search performance.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6276 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
this is the beginning of some architecture changes that will hopefully bring some more stability, speed and transparency to the search process.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6260 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- speed enhancements for the cache-only cache policy by using special no-delay rules in the balancer
- fixed some deadlock- and 100% CPU problems in the balancer
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6243 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added special rule to balancer to omit forced delays if cache is used exclusively
- extended the htCache size by default to 32GB
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6241 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- better control to the cache by using combined request-header and content access methods
- refactoring of many classes to comply to this new access method
- make shure that the cache is always written if something was loaded
- some redesign of the process how http response results are feeded into the new indexing queue
- introduction of a cache read policy:
* never use the cache
* use the cache if entry exist
* use the cache if the proxy freshness rule confirmes
* use only the cache and go never online
- added configuration options for the crawl profiles to use the new cache policies. There is not yet a input during crawl start to set the policy but this will be added in another step.
- set the default policies for the existing crawl profiles. If you want them to appear in your default profiles you must delete the crawl profiles database; othervise the policy is 'proxy freshness rule'
- enhanced some cache access methods in such a way that unnecessary retrievals are omitted (i.e. for size computation). That should reduce some IO but also a lot of CPU computation because sizes were computed after decompression of content after retrieval of the content from the disc.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6239 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- removed the plasma package. The name of that package came from a very early pre-version of YaCy, even before YaCy was named AnomicHTTPProxy. The Proxy project introduced search for cache contents using class files that had been developed during the plasma project. Information from 2002 about plasma can be found here:
We stil have one class that comes mostly unchanged from the plasma project, the Condenser class. But this is now part of the document package and all other classes in the plasma package can be assigned to other packages.
- cleaned up the http package: better structure of that class and clean isolation of server and client classes. The old HTCache becomes part of the client sub-package of http.
- because the plasmaSwitchboard is now part of the search package all servlets had to be touched to declare a different package source.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6232 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- The indexing queue was a historic data structure that was introduced at the very beginning at the project as a part of the switchboard organisation object structure. Without the indexing queue the switchboard queue becomes also superfluous. It has been removed as well.
- Removing the switchboard queue requires that all servlets are called without a opaque generic ('<?>'). That caused that all serlets had to be modified.
- Many servlets displayed the indexing queue or the size of that queue. In the past months the indexer was so fast that mostly the indexing queue appeared empty, so there was no use of it any more. Because the queue has been removed, the display in the servlets had also to be removed.
- The surrogate work task had been a part of the indexing queue control structure. Without the indexing queue the surrogates needed its own task management. That has been integrated here.
- Because the indexing queue had a special queue entry object and properties attached to this object, the propterties had to be moved to the queue entry object which is part of the new indexing queue withing the blocking queue, the Response Object. That object has now also the new properties of the removed indexing queue entry object.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6225 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
* autoupdate completely disabled, display hint
* restart-button in interface works!
* moved all build-Variables to yacyBuildProperties
* fixed some warnings
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6195 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added migration of code of settings pages (hmm.. does not work correctly yet, sorry)
- more refactoring
- removed more unused code
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6187 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
high-performance search query situations as seen in yacy-metager integration showed deadlock situation caused by synchronization effects inside of sun.java code. It appears that the logger is not completely safe against deadlock situations in concurrent calls of the logger. One possible solution would be a outside-synchronization with 'synchronized' statements, but that would further apply blocking on all high-efficient methods that call the logger. It is much better to do a non-blocking hand-over of logging lines and work off log entries with a concurrent log writer. This also disconnects IO operations from logging, which can also cause IO operation when a log is written to a file. This commit not only moves the logger from kelondro to yacy.logging, it also inserts the concurrency methods to realize non-blocking logging.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6078 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added &meanCount= to query string
- &meanCount=0 ==> no suggestion, no performance loss
- sorting suggestions by sb.indexSegment.termIndex().count()
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6059 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- portalsearch: introduced yconf.load_js and yconf.load_css
- yacysearch.html still having problems with focus after sidebar is loaded
- yacysearchtrailer.json seems not to be valid json for ?nav=all
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6046 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added a synchronization in pdf parser which should help to avoid deadlocks that occur when displaying several search results pointing to pdf sources
- fixed smaller bugs in navigation
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6036 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- by default the navigator computation if off for servlet yacysearch.html, but:
- the servlet is called by default with a option to switch navigator results on
this will prevent that metasearch users will get slow results that are caused by unnecessary computations
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6035 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added a analysis method that counts bytes that could be saved in case the new HandleMap can be applied in the most efficient way. Look for the log messages beginning with "HeapReader saturation": in most cases we could save about 30% RAM!
- removed the old FlexTable database structure. It was not used any more.
- removed memory statistics in PerformanceMemory about flex tables and node caches (node caches were used by Tree Tables, which are also not used any more)
- add a stub for a steering of navigation functions. That should help to switch off naviagtion computation in cases where it is not demanded by a client
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6034 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
topics will now only be computed using the document title, not the document url,
because the host navigator is now responsible for statistical effects of urls.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6011 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- fixed too early computation of navigation
- moved navigation rendering to yacysearchtrailer
- added more asserts
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6006 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- moved some servlets from here to there..
- changed menu structure
- removed yacyui-portaltest.html which contained an example for the live search which is now integrated on all pages in yacy. The code snippet example from that page is integrated into the ConfigLiveSearch.html servlet
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5994 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
divided that class into three parts:
- the peers object is now hosted by the plasmaSwitchboard
- the crawler elements are now in a new class, crawler.CrawlerSwitchboard
- the index elements are core of the new segment data structure, which is a bundle of different indexes for the full text and (in the future) navigation indexes and the metadata store. The new class is now in kelondro.text.Segment
The refactoring is inspired by the roadmap to create index segments, the option to host different indexes on one peer.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5990 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- yacy can import phpbb3 posts without crawling
- all data is written as surrogate
- indexed surrogate files can be re-used
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5985 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- refactoring: migrated data objects for the new connector classes
- added a DAO interface class to specify an abstract interface for database retrieval connector methods
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5977 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- after a search is started, it is analysed how many hits are in each site
- this can be done really efficient, because the navigation information is hidden in the url hash and can be computed very fast
- the search result shows a column on the right with the hosts and the hits per host
- after a click on a host the search is modified using the efficient site: - operator
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5976 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- modified result page rendering to use new icons instead of numbers
- set different default values in yacy.init for higher indexing performance; removed pro-values
- modified WatchCrawler to accept 30000 PPM instead of only a maximum of 6000 PPM
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5952 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
This bug was introduced when search boxes were added to the header of each page and there may be more pages which are affected.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5951 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- rejecting peers that are older than 6 hours (not-seen during 6 hours)
- 0.78, targeting 0.8 at the end of the week
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5948 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
Future versions of YaCy will have different file structures than given here, because of the new index segment concept, where each peer may have several indexes (called segments) for each network definition. A copy from one peer to another will then create a new index segment.
To track changes for this feature, see forum discussion at
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5945 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- increased default memory size to 180MB
- fixed possible bug in http client reset (there was a deadlock)
- bug in BOBHeap marked, but not solved, cause is still unknown.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5912 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
added new operator "tld:" which was the former "site:"
"site:" uses fast site operator introduced in r5770
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5897 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542