@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
@ -72,8 +74,9 @@ public final class TextParser {
private static final Map<String, Idiom> mime2parser = new TreeMap<String, Idiom>(insensitiveCollator);
private static final Map<String, Idiom> ext2parser = new TreeMap<String, Idiom>(insensitiveCollator);
private static final Map<String, String> ext2mime = new TreeMap<String, String>(insensitiveCollator);
private static final Set<String> denyMime = new TreeSet<String>(insensitiveCollator);
private static final Set<String> denyExtension = new TreeSet<String>(insensitiveCollator);
@ -123,6 +126,15 @@ public final class TextParser {
if (s != null) log.logSevere("parser for extension '" + ext + "' was set to mime '" + s + "', overwriting with new mime '" + prototypeMime + "'.");
ext2mime.put(ext, prototypeMime);
for (String ext: parser.supportedExtensions()) {
// process the extensions
Idiom p0 = ext2parser.get(ext);
if (p0 != null) log.logSevere("parser for extension '" + ext + "' was set to '" + p0.getName() + "', overwriting with new parser '" + parser.getName() + "'.");
ext2parser.put(ext, parser);
Log.logInfo("PARSER", "Parser for extension '" + ext + "': " + parser.getName());
public static Document parseSource(
@ -190,36 +202,37 @@ public final class TextParser {
final long contentLength,
final InputStream sourceStream
) throws InterruptedException, ParserException {
try {
if (log.isFine()) log.logFine("Parsing '" + location + "' from stream");
mimeType = normalizeMimeType(mimeType);
final String fileExt = location.getFileExtension();
final String documentCharset = htmlParser.patchCharsetEncoding(charset);
Idiom parser = idiomParser(location, mimeType);
if (parser == null) {
final String errorMsg = "No parser available to parse extension '" + location.getFileExtension() + "' or mimetype '" + mimeType + "'";
log.logInfo("Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg);
throw new ParserException(errorMsg, location);
if (log.isFine()) log.logInfo("Parsing " + location + " with mimeType '" + mimeType + "' and file extension '" + fileExt + "'.");
if (log.isFine()) log.logFine("Parsing '" + location + "' from stream");
mimeType = normalizeMimeType(mimeType);
final String fileExt = location.getFileExtension();
final String documentCharset = htmlParser.patchCharsetEncoding(charset);
List<Idiom> idioms = idiomParser(location, mimeType);
if (idioms.size() == 0) {
final String errorMsg = "No parser available to parse extension '" + location.getFileExtension() + "' or mimetype '" + mimeType + "'";
log.logInfo("Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg);
throw new ParserException(errorMsg, location);
if (log.isFine()) log.logInfo("Parsing " + location + " with mimeType '" + mimeType + "' and file extension '" + fileExt + "'.");
Document doc = null;
for (Idiom parser: idioms) {
Document doc = parser.parse(location, mimeType, documentCharset, sourceStream);
if (doc == null) {
final String errorMsg = "Parsing content with file extension '" + location.getFileExtension() + "' and mimetype '" + mimeType + "' failed: document == null";
log.logWarning("Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg);
throw new ParserException(errorMsg, location);
try {
doc = parser.parse(location, mimeType, documentCharset, sourceStream);
} catch (ParserException e) {
log.logWarning("tried parser '" + parser.getName() + "' to parse " + location.toNormalform(true, false) + " but failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return doc;
} catch (final Exception e) {
if (e instanceof InterruptedException) throw (InterruptedException) e;
if (e instanceof ParserException) throw (ParserException) e;
final String errorMsg = "Unexpected exception. " + e.getMessage();
log.logSevere("Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg, e);
if (doc != null) break;
if (doc == null) {
final String errorMsg = "Parsing content with file extension '" + location.getFileExtension() + "' and mimetype '" + mimeType + "' failed.";
log.logWarning("Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg);
throw new ParserException(errorMsg, location);
return doc;
@ -239,28 +252,46 @@ public final class TextParser {
private static Idiom idiomParser(final DigestURI url, String mimeType) throws ParserException {
// check mime type
if (mimeType != null) {
mimeType = normalizeMimeType(mimeType);
if (denyMime.contains(mimeType)) throw new ParserException("mime type '" + mimeType + "' is denied", url);
} else {
mimeType = normalizeMimeType(mimeType);
Idiom idiom = mime2parser.get(mimeType);
if (idiom != null) return idiom;
* find a parser for a given url and mime type
* because mime types returned by web severs are sometimes wrong, we also compute the mime type again
* from the extension that can be extracted from the url path. That means that there are 3 criteria
* that can be used to select a parser:
* - the given extension
* - the given mime type
* - the mime type computed from the extension
* @param url the given url
* @param mimeType the given mime type
* @return a list of Idiom parsers that may be appropriate for the given criteria
* @throws ParserException
private static List<Idiom> idiomParser(final DigestURI url, String mimeType1) throws ParserException {
List<Idiom> idioms = new ArrayList<Idiom>(2);
// check extension
String ext = url.getFileExtension();
if (ext == null || ext.length() == 0) throw new ParserException("no file extension", url);
if (denyExtension.contains(ext)) throw new ParserException("file extension '" + ext + "' is denied", url);
mimeType = ext2mime.get(ext);
if (mimeType == null) throw new ParserException("no parser available", url);
idiom = mime2parser.get(mimeType);
assert idiom != null;
if (idiom == null) throw new ParserException("no parser available (internal error!)", url);
return idiom;
Idiom idiom;
if (ext != null && ext.length() > 0) {
if (denyExtension.contains(ext)) throw new ParserException("file extension '" + ext + "' is denied", url);
idiom = ext2parser.get(ext);
if (idiom != null) idioms.add(idiom);
// check given mime type
if (mimeType1 != null) {
mimeType1 = normalizeMimeType(mimeType1);
if (denyMime.contains(mimeType1)) throw new ParserException("mime type '" + mimeType1 + "' is denied", url);
idiom = mime2parser.get(mimeType1);
if (idiom != null && !idioms.contains(idiom)) idioms.add(idiom);
// check mime type computed from extension
String mimeType2 = ext2mime.get(ext);
if (mimeType2 == null || denyMime.contains(mimeType2)) return idioms; // in this case we are a bit more lazy
idiom = mime2parser.get(mimeType2);
if (idiom != null && !idioms.contains(idiom)) idioms.add(idiom);
return idioms;
public static String supportsMime(String mimeType) {