@ -56,19 +56,25 @@ public class ResumptionToken extends TreeMap<String, String> {
int recordCounter ;
public ResumptionToken ( final byte [ ] b ) throws IOException {
private DigestURI source ;
public ResumptionToken ( DigestURI source , final byte [ ] b ) throws IOException {
super ( ( Collator ) insensitiveCollator . clone ( ) ) ;
this . source = source ;
this . recordCounter = 0 ;
new Parser ( b ) ;
/ *
public ResumptionToken (
DigestURI source ,
Date expirationDate ,
int completeListSize ,
int cursor ,
String token
) {
super ( ( Collator ) insensitiveCollator . clone ( ) ) ;
this . source = source ;
this . recordCounter = 0 ;
this . put ( "expirationDate" , DateFormatter . formatISO8601 ( expirationDate ) ) ;
this . put ( "completeListSize" , Integer . toString ( completeListSize ) ) ;
@ -77,18 +83,21 @@ public class ResumptionToken extends TreeMap<String, String> {
public ResumptionToken (
DigestURI source ,
String expirationDate ,
int completeListSize ,
int cursor ,
String token
) {
super ( ( Collator ) insensitiveCollator . clone ( ) ) ;
this . source = source ;
this . recordCounter = 0 ;
this . put ( "expirationDate" , expirationDate ) ;
this . put ( "completeListSize" , Integer . toString ( completeListSize ) ) ;
this . put ( "cursor" , Integer . toString ( cursor ) ) ;
this . put ( "token" , token ) ;
* /
/ * *
* truncate the given url at the '?'
@ -116,12 +125,13 @@ public class ResumptionToken extends TreeMap<String, String> {
* @return
* @throws IOException in case that no follow - up url can be generated ; i . e . if the expiration date is exceeded
* /
public DigestURI resumptionURL ( DigestURI givenURL ) throws IOException {
// decide which kind of encoding strat gy was used to get a resumptionToken:
public DigestURI resumptionURL ( ) throws IOException {
// decide which kind of encoding strat e gy was used to get a resumptionToken:
String token = this . getToken ( ) ;
if ( token = = null | | token . length ( ) = = 0 ) throw new IOException ( "end of resumption reached" ) ;
String url = truncatedURL ( givenURL ) ;
if ( token = = null ) throw new IOException ( "end of resumption reached - token == null" ) ;
if ( token . length ( ) = = 0 ) throw new IOException ( "end of resumption reached - token.length() == 0" ) ;
String url = truncatedURL ( this . source ) ;
// encoded state
if ( token . indexOf ( "from=" ) > = 0 ) {
@ -135,8 +145,40 @@ public class ResumptionToken extends TreeMap<String, String> {
if ( expiration . before ( new Date ( ) ) ) throw new IOException ( "the resumption is expired at " + DateFormatter . formatISO8601 ( expiration ) + " (now: " + DateFormatter . formatISO8601 ( new Date ( ) ) ) ;
// the resumption token is still fresh
return new DigestURI ( url + "verb=ListRecords&resumptionToken=" + token , null ) ;
String u = url + "verb=ListRecords&resumptionToken=" + escape ( token ) ;
return new DigestURI ( u , null ) ;
public static StringBuilder escape ( final String s ) {
final int len = s . length ( ) ;
final StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder ( len + 10 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
final int ch = s . charAt ( i ) ;
if ( ch = = '/' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%2F" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '?' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%3F" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '#' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%23" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '=' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%3D" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '&' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%26" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = ':' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%3A" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = ';' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%3B" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = ' ' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%20" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '%' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%25" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '+' ) {
sbuf . append ( "%2B" ) ;
} else {
sbuf . append ( ( char ) ch ) ;
return sbuf ;
/ * *
@ -199,7 +241,7 @@ public class ResumptionToken extends TreeMap<String, String> {
public String toString ( ) {
return " expirationDate=" + DateFormatter . formatISO8601 ( this . getExpirationDate ( ) ) + ", completeListSize=" + getCompleteListSize ( ) +
return " source = " + this . source + ", expirationDate=" + DateFormatter . formatISO8601 ( this . getExpirationDate ( ) ) + ", completeListSize=" + getCompleteListSize ( ) +
", cursor=" + this . getCursor ( ) + ", token=" + this . getToken ( ) ;
@ -224,13 +266,13 @@ public class ResumptionToken extends TreeMap<String, String> {
this . saxParser . parse ( this . stream , this ) ;
} catch ( SAXException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
Log . logWarning ( "ResumptionToken" , "token was not parsed :\n" + new String ( b ) ) ;
Log . logWarning ( "ResumptionToken" , "token was not parsed (1) :\n" + new String ( b ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
Log . logWarning ( "ResumptionToken" , "token was not parsed :\n" + new String ( b ) ) ;
Log . logWarning ( "ResumptionToken" , "token was not parsed (2) :\n" + new String ( b ) ) ;
} catch ( ParserConfigurationException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
Log . logWarning ( "ResumptionToken" , "token was not parsed :\n" + new String ( b ) ) ;
Log . logWarning ( "ResumptionToken" , "token was not parsed (3) :\n" + new String ( b ) ) ;
throw new IOException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} finally {
try {
@ -246,7 +288,13 @@ public class ResumptionToken extends TreeMap<String, String> {
completeListSize = "226"
cursor = "0" > 688 < / resumptionToken >
* /
/ *
< resumptionToken expirationDate = "2010-05-03T19:30:43Z"
completeListSize = "578"
cursor = "0" > 1518323588 < / resumptionToken >
* /
public void startElement ( final String uri , final String name , final String tag , final Attributes atts ) throws SAXException {
if ( "record" . equals ( tag ) ) {
recordCounter + + ;