@ -65,10 +65,8 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
private static boolean useYBR = true ;
private static final int maxDoubleDomAll = 20 , maxDoubleDomSpecial = 10000 ;
private final Segment indexSegment ;
private final QueryParams query ;
private final int maxentries ;
private final ReferenceOrder order ;
private final ConcurrentHashMap < String , Integer > urlhashes ; // map for double-check; String/Long relation, addresses ranking number (backreference for deletion)
private final int [ ] flagcount ; // flag counter
private final TreeSet < String > misses ; // contains url-hashes that could not been found in the LURL-DB
@ -86,11 +84,7 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
private final ConcurrentHashMap < String , AuthorInfo > authorNavigator ;
public RankingProcess (
final Segment indexSegment ,
final QueryParams query ,
final int maxentries ,
final int concurrency ) {
public RankingProcess ( final QueryParams query , final int maxentries , final int concurrency ) {
// we collect the urlhashes and construct a list with urlEntry objects
// attention: if minEntries is too high, this method will not terminate within the maxTime
// sortorder: 0 = hash, 1 = url, 2 = ranking
@ -98,7 +92,6 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
this . stack = new SortStack < WordReferenceVars > ( maxentries ) ;
this . doubleDomCache = new HashMap < String , SortStack < WordReferenceVars > > ( ) ;
this . handover = new HashSet < String > ( ) ;
this . order = ( query = = null ) ? null : new ReferenceOrder ( query . ranking , query . targetlang ) ;
this . query = query ;
this . maxentries = maxentries ;
this . remote_peerCount = 0 ;
@ -107,7 +100,6 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
this . local_resourceSize = 0 ;
this . urlhashes = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , Integer > ( 0 , 0.75f , concurrency ) ;
this . misses = new TreeSet < String > ( ) ;
this . indexSegment = indexSegment ;
this . flagcount = new int [ 32 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + ) { this . flagcount [ i ] = 0 ; }
this . hostNavigator = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , HostInfo > ( ) ;
@ -119,6 +111,10 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
assert this . feeders > = 1 ;
public QueryParams getQuery ( ) {
return this . query ;
public void run ( ) {
// do a search
@ -126,7 +122,7 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
// so following sortings together with the global results will be fast
try {
long timer = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
final TermSearch < WordReference > search = this . indexSegment . termIndex ( ) . query (
final TermSearch < WordReference > search = this . query. getSegment ( ) . termIndex ( ) . query (
query . queryHashes ,
query . excludeHashes ,
null ,
@ -146,14 +142,6 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
oneFeederTerminated ( ) ;
public long ranking ( final WordReferenceVars word ) {
return order . cardinal ( word ) ;
public int [ ] zones ( ) {
return this . domZones ;
public void add ( final ReferenceContainer < WordReference > index , final boolean local , final int fullResource ) {
// we collect the urlhashes and construct a list with urlEntry objects
// attention: if minEntries is too high, this method will not terminate within the maxTime
@ -170,7 +158,7 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
long timer = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
// normalize entries
final BlockingQueue < WordReferenceVars > decodedEntries = this . order . normalizeWith ( index ) ;
final BlockingQueue < WordReferenceVars > decodedEntries = this . query. getOrder ( ) . normalizeWith ( index ) ;
MemoryTracker . update ( "SEARCH" , new ProfilingGraph . searchEvent ( query . id ( true ) , SearchEvent . NORMALIZING , index . size ( ) , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timer ) , false ) ;
// iterate over normalized entries and select some that are better than currently stored
@ -244,7 +232,7 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
for ( WordReferenceVars fEntry : filteredEntries ) {
// kick out entries that are too bad according to current findings
r = Long . valueOf ( order . cardinal ( fEntry ) ) ;
r = Long . valueOf ( this . query . getOrder ( ) . cardinal ( fEntry ) ) ;
assert maxentries ! = 0 ;
if ( ( maxentries > = 0 ) & & ( stack . size ( ) > = maxentries ) & & ( stack . bottom ( r . longValue ( ) ) ) ) continue ;
@ -367,6 +355,15 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
return bestEntry ;
/ * *
* get one metadata entry from the ranked results . This will be the ' best ' entry so far
* according to the applied ranking . If there are no more entries left or the timeout
* limit is reached then null is returned . The caller may distinguish the timeout case
* from the case where there will be no more also in the future by calling this . feedingIsFinished ( )
* @param skipDoubleDom should be true if it is wanted that double domain entries are skipped
* @param timeout the time this method may take for a result computation
* @return a metadata entry for a url
* /
public URIMetadataRow takeURL ( final boolean skipDoubleDom , final int timeout ) {
// returns from the current RWI list the best URL entry and removes this entry from the list
long timeLimit = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + timeout ;
@ -377,7 +374,7 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
try { Thread . sleep ( 50 ) ; } catch ( final InterruptedException e1 ) { }
continue ;
final URIMetadataRow page = indexSegment . urlMetadata ( ) . load ( obrwi . element . metadataHash ( ) , obrwi . element , obrwi . weight . longValue ( ) ) ;
final URIMetadataRow page = this . query . getSegment ( ) . urlMetadata ( ) . load ( obrwi . element . metadataHash ( ) , obrwi . element , obrwi . weight . longValue ( ) ) ;
if ( page = = null ) {
misses . add ( obrwi . element . metadataHash ( ) ) ;
continue ;
@ -412,7 +409,7 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
( query . constraint . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_indexof ) ) & &
( ! ( pagetitle . startsWith ( "index of" ) ) ) ) {
final Iterator < byte [ ] > wi = query . queryHashes . iterator ( ) ;
while ( wi . hasNext ( ) ) try { indexSegment . termIndex ( ) . remove ( wi . next ( ) , page . hash ( ) ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { }
while ( wi . hasNext ( ) ) try { this . query . getSegment ( ) . termIndex ( ) . remove ( wi . next ( ) , page . hash ( ) ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { }
continue ;
@ -564,7 +561,7 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
DigestURI url ;
String hostname ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < rc ; i + + ) {
mr = indexSegment . urlMetadata ( ) . load ( hsa [ i ] . hashsample , null , 0 ) ;
mr = this . query . getSegment ( ) . urlMetadata ( ) . load ( hsa [ i ] . hashsample , null , 0 ) ;
if ( mr = = null ) continue ;
url = mr . metadata ( ) . url ( ) ;
if ( url = = null ) continue ;
@ -655,10 +652,6 @@ public final class RankingProcess extends Thread {
return result ;
public ReferenceOrder getOrder ( ) {
return this . order ;
public static void loadYBR ( final File rankingPath , final int count ) {
// load ranking tables
if ( rankingPath . exists ( ) ) {