Each extraction is specific to the data that is hosted in the database.
This interface gives you access to the phpBB3 forums software content.
If you read from a imported database, here are some hints to get around problems when importing dumps in phpMyAdmin:
<li>before importing large database dumps, set <pre>$cfg['UploadDir'] = '/tmp';</pre> in phpmyadmin/config.inc.php and place your dump file in /tmp. Otherwise it is not possible to upload files larger than 2MB.</li>
<li>deselect the partial import flag/li>
When a export is started, surrogate files are generated into DATA/SURROGATE/in which are automatically fetched by an indexer thread.
All indexed surrogate files are then moved to DATA/SURROGATE/out and can be re-cycled when a index is deleted.
RSSFeed.channels(RSSFeed.REMOTESEARCH).addMessage(newRSSMessage("Remote Search Request from "+((remoteSeed==null)?"unknown":remoteSeed.getName()),plasmaSearchQuery.anonymizedQueryHashes(theQuery.queryHashes),""));
Log.logInfo("LOCAL_SEARCH","INIT WORD SEARCH: "+theQuery.queryString+":"+plasmaSearchQuery.hashSet2hashString(theQuery.queryHashes)+" - "+theQuery.neededResults()+" links to be computed, "+theQuery.displayResults()+" lines to be displayed");
Log.logInfo("LOCAL_SEARCH","INIT WORD SEARCH: "+theQuery.queryString+":"+ Query.hashSet2hashString(theQuery.queryHashes)+" - "+theQuery.neededResults()+" links to be computed, "+theQuery.displayResults()+" lines to be displayed");
@ -75,10 +76,10 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent {
privatestaticConcurrentHashMap<String,plasmaSearchEvent>lastEvents=newConcurrentHashMap<String,plasmaSearchEvent>();// a cache for objects from this class: re-use old search requests
publicstaticfinallongeventLifetime=60000;// the time an event will stay in the cache, 1 Minute