// yacyClient.java
// -------------------------------------
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling,
// running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible
// for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly
// by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software
// is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this
// software may allow other people or application to access your computer and
// any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the
// software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is
// (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the
// software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with
// the software.
// Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file
// gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the
// lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be
// done inside the copyright notice above. A re-distribution must contain
// the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
// Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
package net.yacy.peers ;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream ;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStreamReader ;
import java.net.InetAddress ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap ;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean ;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger ;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.ContentBody ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField.Count ;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse ;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument ;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList ;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument ;
import net.yacy.migration ;
import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification.ContentDomain ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.UTF8 ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.feed.RSSFeed ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.feed.RSSMessage ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.feed.RSSReader ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.RemoteSolrConnector ;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.SolrConnector ;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.instance.RemoteInstance ;
import net.yacy.cora.order.Base64Order ;
import net.yacy.cora.order.Digest ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ClientIdentification ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.http.HTTPClient ;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ClusteredScoreMap ;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ReversibleScoreMap ;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.HandleSet ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ByteBuffer ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.CommonPattern ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.JSONArray ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.JSONException ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.JSONObject ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.JSONTokener ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.SpaceExceededException ;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.ResultURLs ;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.ResultURLs.EventOrigin ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataNode ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReference ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReferenceFactory ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.Reference ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.ReferenceContainer ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.ReferenceContainerCache ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils ;
import net.yacy.peers.graphics.ProfilingGraph ;
import net.yacy.peers.graphics.WebStructureGraph ;
import net.yacy.peers.graphics.WebStructureGraph.HostReference ;
import net.yacy.peers.operation.yacyVersion ;
import net.yacy.repository.Blacklist ;
import net.yacy.repository.Blacklist.BlacklistType ;
import net.yacy.search.EventTracker ;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard ;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants ;
import net.yacy.search.index.Segment ;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEvent ;
import net.yacy.search.query.SecondarySearchSuperviser ;
import net.yacy.search.schema.CollectionSchema ;
import net.yacy.search.snippet.TextSnippet ;
import net.yacy.server.serverCore ;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects ;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch ;
import net.yacy.utils.crypt ;
public final class Protocol {
/ * *
* wrapper class for multi - post attempts to multiple IPs
* /
public static class Post {
public byte [ ] result ; // contains the result from a successful post or null if no attempt was successful
public Set < String > unsuccessfulAddresses ; // contains a set of addresses which had been tested for submission was without success
public String successfulAddress ; // contains the address which had been successfully used or null if no success with any Address
public Post (
final String targetAddress ,
final String targetPeerHash ,
final String path ,
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts ,
final int timeout ) throws IOException {
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent ) ;
httpClient . setTimout ( timeout ) ;
this . result = httpClient . POSTbytes (
new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + targetAddress + path ) ,
Seed . b64Hash2hexHash ( targetPeerHash ) + ".yacyh" ,
parts ,
false , true ) ;
this . unsuccessfulAddresses = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
if ( this . result = = null ) {
this . unsuccessfulAddresses . add ( targetAddress ) ;
this . successfulAddress = null ;
} else {
this . successfulAddress = targetAddress ;
/ * *
* this is called to enrich the seed information by - own address ( if peer is behind a nat / router ) - check
* peer type ( virgin / junior / senior / principal ) to do this , we send a ' Hello ' to another peer this carries
* the following information : ' iam ' - own hash ' youare ' - remote hash , to verify that we are correct ' key '
* - a session key that the remote peer may use to answer and the own seed string we expect the following
* information to be send back : - ' yourip ' the ip of the connection peer ( we ) - ' yourtype ' the type of
* this peer that the other peer checked by asking for a specific word and the remote seed string one
* exceptional failure case is when we know the other ' s peers hash , the other peers responds correctly but
* they appear to be another peer by comparisment of the other peer ' s hash this works of course only if we
* know the other peer ' s hash .
* @return the number of new seeds
* /
public static Map < String , String > hello (
final Seed mySeed ,
final PeerActions peerActions ,
final String targetAddress ,
final String targetHash ) {
Map < String , String > result = null ;
final String salt = crypt . randomSalt ( ) ;
long responseTime = Long . MAX_VALUE ;
byte [ ] content = null ;
try {
// generate request
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , null , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "count" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "20" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "magic" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Long . toString ( Network . magic ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "seed" , UTF8 . StringBody ( mySeed . genSeedStr ( salt ) ) ) ;
// send request
final long start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
// final byte[] content = HTTPConnector.getConnector(MultiProtocolURI.yacybotUserAgent).post(new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + address + "/yacy/hello.html"), 30000, yacySeed.b64Hash2hexHash(otherHash) + ".yacyh", parts);
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent , 30000 ) ;
content =
httpClient . POSTbytes (
new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + targetAddress + "/yacy/hello.html" ) ,
Seed . b64Hash2hexHash ( targetHash ) + ".yacyh" ,
parts ,
false , true ) ;
responseTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ;
result = FileUtils . table ( content ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
if ( Thread . currentThread ( ) . isInterrupted ( ) ) { Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello thread '" + Thread . currentThread ( ) . getName ( ) + "' interrupted." ) ;
return null ;
Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello thread '" + Thread . currentThread ( ) . getName ( ) + "', peer " + targetAddress + "; exception: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
// try again (go into loop)
result = null ;
if ( result = = null | | result . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello result error: "
+ ( ( result = = null ) ? "result null" : ( "result=" + result . toString ( ) ) ) ) ;
return null ;
Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello thread '" + Thread . currentThread ( ) . getName ( ) + "' contacted peer at " + targetAddress + ", received " + ( ( content = = null ) ? "null" : content . length ) + " bytes, time = " + responseTime + " milliseconds" ) ;
// check consistency with expectation
Seed otherPeer = null ;
String seed ;
if ( ( targetHash ! = null ) & & ( targetHash . length ( ) > 0 ) & & ( ( seed = result . get ( "seed0" ) ) ! = null ) ) {
if ( seed . length ( ) > Seed . maxsize ) {
Network . log . info ( "hello/client 0: rejected contacting seed; too large (" + seed . length ( ) + " > " + Seed . maxsize + ")" ) ;
} else {
try {
// patch the remote peer address to avoid that remote peers spoof the network with wrong addresses
String host = Domains . stripToHostName ( targetAddress ) ;
InetAddress ie = Domains . dnsResolve ( host ) ;
otherPeer = Seed . genRemoteSeed ( seed , false , ie . getHostAddress ( ) ) ;
if ( ! otherPeer . hash . equals ( targetHash ) ) {
Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello: consistency error: otherPeer.hash = " + otherPeer . hash + ", otherHash = " + targetHash ) ;
return null ; // no success
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello: consistency error: other seed bad:" + e . getMessage ( ) + ", seed=" + seed ) ;
return null ; // no success
// get access type response
String mytype = result . get ( Seed . YOURTYPE ) ;
if ( mytype = = null ) {
mytype = "" ;
// set my own seed according to new information
// we overwrite our own IP number only
if ( serverCore . useStaticIP ) {
mySeed . setIPs ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . myPublicIPs ( ) ) ;
} else {
final String myIP = result . get ( "yourip" ) ;
// with the IPv6 extension, this may contain several ips, separated by comma ','
HashSet < String > h = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
for ( String s : CommonPattern . COMMA . split ( myIP ) ) {
if ( s . length ( ) > 0 & & Seed . isProperIP ( s ) ) h . add ( s ) ;
if ( h . size ( ) > 0 ) mySeed . setIPs ( h ) ;
mySeed . setFlagRootNode (
( mytype . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) | | mytype . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ) & &
Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . index . fulltext ( ) . connectedLocalSolr ( ) & &
responseTime < 1000 & & Domains . isThisHostIP ( mySeed . getIPs ( ) )
) ;
// change our seed-type
final Accessible accessible = new Accessible ( ) ;
if ( mytype . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) | | mytype . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ) {
accessible . IWasAccessed = true ;
if ( mySeed . isPrincipal ( ) ) {
mytype = Seed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ;
} else {
accessible . IWasAccessed = false ;
accessible . lastUpdated = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
Network . amIAccessibleDB . put ( targetHash , accessible ) ;
/ *
* If we were reported as junior we have to check if your port forwarding channel is broken
* If this is true we try to reconnect the sch channel to the remote server now .
* /
if ( mytype . equalsIgnoreCase ( Seed . PEERTYPE_JUNIOR ) ) {
Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.hello: Peer '"
+ ( ( otherPeer = = null ) ? "unknown" : otherPeer . getName ( ) )
+ "' reported us as junior." ) ;
} else if ( ( mytype . equalsIgnoreCase ( Seed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) )
| | ( mytype . equalsIgnoreCase ( Seed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ) ) {
if ( Network . log . isFine ( ) ) {
Network . log . fine ( "yacyClient.hello: Peer '"
+ ( ( otherPeer = = null ) ? "unknown" : otherPeer . getName ( ) )
+ "' reported us as "
+ mytype
+ ", accepted other peer." ) ;
} else {
// wrong type report
if ( Network . log . isFine ( ) ) {
Network . log . fine ( "yacyClient.hello: Peer '"
+ ( ( otherPeer = = null ) ? "unknown" : otherPeer . getName ( ) )
+ "' reported us as "
+ mytype
+ ", rejecting other peer." ) ;
return null ;
if ( mySeed . orVirgin ( ) . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_VIRGIN ) ) {
mySeed . put ( Seed . PEERTYPE , mytype ) ;
final String error = mySeed . isProper ( true ) ;
if ( error ! = null ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.hello mySeed error - not proper: " + error ) ;
return null ;
//final Date remoteTime = yacyCore.parseUniversalDate((String) result.get(yacySeed.MYTIME)); // read remote time
// read the seeds that the peer returned and integrate them into own database
int i = 0 ;
String seedStr ;
Seed s ;
final int connectedBefore = peerActions . sizeConnected ( ) ;
while ( ( seedStr = result . get ( "seed" + i + + ) ) ! = null ) {
// integrate new seed into own database
// the first seed, "seed0" is the seed of the responding peer
if ( seedStr . length ( ) > Seed . maxsize ) {
Network . log . info ( "hello/client: rejected contacting seed; too large (" + seedStr . length ( ) + " > " + Seed . maxsize + ")" ) ;
} else {
try {
if ( i = = 1 ) {
String host = Domains . stripToHostName ( targetAddress ) ;
InetAddress ia = Domains . dnsResolve ( host ) ;
if ( ia = = null ) continue ;
host = ia . getHostAddress ( ) ; // the actual address of the target as we had been successful when contacting them is patched here
s = Seed . genRemoteSeed ( seedStr , false , host ) ;
} else {
s = Seed . genRemoteSeed ( seedStr , false , null ) ;
peerActions . peerArrival ( s , ( i = = 1 ) ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Network . log . info ( "hello/client: rejected contacting seed; bad (" + e . getMessage ( ) + ")" ) ;
final int connectedAfter = peerActions . sizeConnected ( ) ;
// update event tracker
EventTracker . update ( EventTracker . EClass . PEERPING , new ProfilingGraph . EventPing ( mySeed . getName ( ) , targetHash , true , connectedAfter - connectedBefore ) , false ) ;
return result ;
public static Seed querySeed ( final Seed target , final String seedHash ) {
// prepare request
final String salt = crypt . randomSalt ( ) ;
// send request
try {
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "object" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "seed" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "env" , UTF8 . StringBody ( seedHash ) ) ;
String ip = target . getIP ( ) ;
final Post post = new Post ( target . getPublicAddress ( ip ) , target . hash , "/yacy/query.html" , parts , 10000 ) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( post . result ) ;
if ( result = = null | | result . isEmpty ( ) ) {
return null ;
//final Date remoteTime = yacyCore.parseUniversalDate((String) result.get(yacySeed.MYTIME)); // read remote time
return Seed . genRemoteSeed ( result . get ( "response" ) , false , ip ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.querySeed error:" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
return null ;
public static long [ ] queryRWICount ( final String targetAddress , final String targetHash , int timeout ) {
// prepare request
final String salt = crypt . randomSalt ( ) ;
// send request
try {
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts = basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , targetHash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "object" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "rwicount" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "ttl" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "0" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "env" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "" ) ) ;
//ConcurrentLog.info("**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**", "posting request to " + targetAddress);
final Post post = new Post ( targetAddress , targetHash , "/yacy/query.html" , parts , timeout ) ;
//ConcurrentLog.info("**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**", "received CONTENT from requesting " + targetAddress + (post.result == null ? "NULL" : (": length = " + post.result.length)));
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( post . result ) ;
if ( result = = null | | result . isEmpty ( ) ) return new long [ ] { - 1 , - 1 } ;
//ConcurrentLog.info("**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**", "received RESULT from requesting " + targetAddress + " : result = " + result.toString());
final String resp = result . get ( "response" ) ;
//ConcurrentLog.info("**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**", "received RESPONSE from requesting " + targetAddress + " : response = " + resp);
if ( resp = = null ) return new long [ ] { - 1 , - 1 } ;
String magic = result . get ( "magic" ) ;
if ( magic = = null ) magic = "0" ;
try {
return new long [ ] { Long . parseLong ( resp ) , Long . parseLong ( magic ) } ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
return new long [ ] { - 1 , - 1 } ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
//ConcurrentLog.info("**hello-DEBUG**queryRWICount**", "received EXCEPTION from requesting " + targetAddress + ": " + e.getMessage());
if ( Network . log . isFine ( ) ) Network . log . fine ( "yacyClient.queryRWICount error:" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
return new long [ ] { - 1 , - 1 } ;
public static RSSFeed queryRemoteCrawlURLs (
final SeedDB seedDB ,
final Seed target ,
final int maxCount ,
final long maxTime ) {
// returns a list of
if ( target = = null ) {
return null ;
final int targetCount = Integer . parseInt ( target . get ( Seed . RCOUNT , "0" ) ) ;
if ( targetCount < = 0 ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.queryRemoteCrawlURLs wrong peer '"
+ target . getName ( )
+ "' selected: not enough links available" ) ;
return null ;
// prepare request
final String salt = crypt . randomSalt ( ) ;
// send request
/* a long time-out is needed */
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "call" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "remotecrawl" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "count" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( maxCount ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "time" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Long . toString ( maxTime ) ) ) ;
// final byte[] result = HTTPConnector.getConnector(MultiProtocolURI.yacybotUserAgent).post(new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + target.getClusterAddress() + "/yacy/urls.xml"), (int) maxTime, target.getHexHash() + ".yacyh", parts);
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent , ( int ) maxTime ) ;
RSSReader reader = null ;
for ( String ip : target . getIPs ( ) ) {
try {
final byte [ ] result = httpClient . POSTbytes ( new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + target . getPublicAddress ( ip ) + "/yacy/urls.xml" ) , target . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" , parts , false , true ) ;
reader = RSSReader . parse ( RSSFeed . DEFAULT_MAXSIZE , result ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
reader = null ;
if ( reader ! = null ) break ;
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.queryRemoteCrawlURLs failed asking peer '" + target . getName ( ) + "': probably bad response from remote peer (1), reader == null" ) ;
target . put ( Seed . RCOUNT , "0" ) ;
seedDB . peerActions . interfaceDeparture ( target , ip ) ;
final RSSFeed feed = reader = = null ? null : reader . getFeed ( ) ;
if ( feed = = null ) {
// case where the rss reader does not understand the content
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.queryRemoteCrawlURLs failed asking peer '" + target . getName ( ) + "': probably bad response from remote peer (2)" ) ;
//System.out.println("***DEBUG*** rss input = " + UTF8.String(result));
target . put ( Seed . RCOUNT , "0" ) ;
seedDB . updateConnected ( target ) ; // overwrite number of remote-available number to avoid that this peer is called again (until update is done by peer ping)
return null ;
// update number of remotely available links in seed
target . put ( Seed . RCOUNT , Integer . toString ( Math . max ( 0 , targetCount - feed . size ( ) ) ) ) ;
seedDB . updateConnected ( target ) ;
return feed ;
protected static int primarySearch (
final SearchEvent event ,
final String wordhashes ,
final String excludehashes ,
final String language ,
final ContentDomain contentdom ,
final int count ,
final long time ,
final int maxDistance ,
final int partitions ,
final Seed target ,
final SecondarySearchSuperviser secondarySearchSuperviser ,
final Blacklist blacklist ) throws InterruptedException {
// send a search request to peer with remote Hash
// iam : complete seed of the requesting peer
// youare : seed hash of the target peer, used for testing network stability
// key : transmission key for response
// search : a list of search words
// hsearch : a string of word hashes
// fwdep : forward depth. if "0" then peer may NOT ask another peer for more results
// fwden : forward deny, a list of seed hashes. They may NOT be target of forward hopping
// count : maximum number of wanted results
// global : if "true", then result may consist of answers from other peers
// partitions : number of remote peers that are asked (for evaluation of QPM)
// duetime : maximum time that a peer should spent to create a result
final long timestamp = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
event . addExpectedRemoteReferences ( count ) ;
SearchResult result = null ;
for ( String ip : target . getIPs ( ) ) {
//if (ip.indexOf(':') >= 0) System.out.println("Search target: IPv6: " + ip);
String clusteraddress = target . getPublicAddress ( ip ) ;
if ( target . clash ( event . peers . mySeed ( ) . getIPs ( ) ) ) clusteraddress = "localhost:" + event . peers . mySeed ( ) . getPort ( ) ;
try {
result =
new SearchResult (
event ,
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , crypt . randomSalt ( ) ) ,
wordhashes ,
excludehashes ,
"" ,
language ,
contentdom ,
count ,
time ,
maxDistance ,
partitions ,
target . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" ,
clusteraddress ,
) ;
break ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Network . log . info ( "SEARCH failed, Peer: " + target . hash + ":" + target . getName ( ) + " (" + e . getMessage ( ) + ")" ) ;
event . peers . peerActions . interfaceDeparture ( target , ip ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( result = = null ) return - 1 ;
// computation time
final long totalrequesttime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ;
try {
remoteSearchProcess ( event , count , totalrequesttime , wordhashes , target , blacklist , result ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
return - 1 ;
// read index abstract
if ( secondarySearchSuperviser ! = null ) {
String wordhash ;
String whacc = "" ;
ByteBuffer ci ;
int ac = 0 ;
for ( final Map . Entry < byte [ ] , String > abstractEntry : result . indexabstract . entrySet ( ) ) {
try {
ci = new ByteBuffer ( abstractEntry . getValue ( ) ) ;
wordhash = ASCII . String ( abstractEntry . getKey ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
continue ;
whacc + = wordhash ;
secondarySearchSuperviser . addAbstract (
wordhash ,
WordReferenceFactory . decompressIndex ( ci , target . hash ) ) ;
ac + + ;
if ( ac > 0 ) {
secondarySearchSuperviser . commitAbstract ( ) ;
Network . log . info ( "remote search: peer " + target . getName ( ) + " sent " + ac + " index abstracts for words " + whacc ) ;
return result . availableCount ;
protected static int secondarySearch (
final SearchEvent event ,
final String wordhashes ,
final String urlhashes ,
final ContentDomain contentdom ,
final int count ,
final long time ,
final int maxDistance ,
final int partitions ,
final Seed target ,
final Blacklist blacklist ) throws InterruptedException {
final long timestamp = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
event . addExpectedRemoteReferences ( count ) ;
SearchResult result = null ;
for ( String ip : target . getIPs ( ) ) {
try {
result =
new SearchResult (
event ,
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , crypt . randomSalt ( ) ) ,
wordhashes ,
"" ,
urlhashes ,
"" ,
contentdom ,
count ,
time ,
maxDistance ,
partitions ,
target . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" ,
target . getPublicAddress ( ip ) ,
) ;
break ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Network . log . info ( "SEARCH failed, Peer: " + target . hash + ":" + target . getName ( ) + " (" + e . getMessage ( ) + ")" ) ;
event . peers . peerActions . interfaceDeparture ( target , ip ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( result = = null ) return - 1 ;
// computation time
final long totalrequesttime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ;
try {
remoteSearchProcess ( event , count , totalrequesttime , wordhashes , target , blacklist , result ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
return - 1 ;
return result . availableCount ;
private static void remoteSearchProcess (
final SearchEvent event ,
final int count ,
final long time ,
final String wordhashes ,
final Seed target ,
final Blacklist blacklist ,
final SearchResult result
) throws SpaceExceededException , InterruptedException {
// create containers
final int words = wordhashes . length ( ) / Word . commonHashLength ;
assert words > 0 : "wordhashes = " + wordhashes ;
final List < ReferenceContainer < WordReference > > container = new ArrayList < ReferenceContainer < WordReference > > ( words ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < words ; i + + ) {
container . add ( ReferenceContainer . emptyContainer (
Segment . wordReferenceFactory ,
ASCII . getBytes ( wordhashes . substring ( i * Word . commonHashLength , ( i + 1 ) * Word . commonHashLength ) ) ,
count ) ) ; // throws SpaceExceededException
// insert results to containers
int term = count ;
Map < String , LinkedHashSet < String > > snip ;
if ( event . addResultsToLocalIndex ) {
snip = null ;
} else {
snip = new HashMap < String , LinkedHashSet < String > > ( ) ; // needed to display nodestack results
List < URIMetadataNode > storeDocs = new ArrayList < URIMetadataNode > ( result . links . size ( ) ) ;
for ( final URIMetadataNode urlEntry : result . links ) {
if ( term - - < = 0 ) {
break ; // do not process more that requested (in case that evil peers fill us up with rubbish)
// get one single search result
if ( urlEntry = = null ) {
continue ;
assert ( urlEntry . hash ( ) . length = = 12 ) : "urlEntry.hash() = " + ASCII . String ( urlEntry . hash ( ) ) ;
if ( urlEntry . hash ( ) . length ! = 12 ) {
continue ; // bad url hash
if ( blacklist . isListed ( BlacklistType . SEARCH , urlEntry . url ( ) ) ) {
if ( Network . log . isInfo ( ) ) {
Network . log . info ( "remote search: filtered blacklisted url " + urlEntry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( true ) + " from peer " + target . getName ( ) ) ;
continue ; // block with backlist
final String urlRejectReason =
Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . crawlStacker . urlInAcceptedDomain ( urlEntry . url ( ) ) ;
if ( urlRejectReason ! = null ) {
if ( Network . log . isInfo ( ) ) {
Network . log . info ( "remote search: rejected url '" + urlEntry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( true ) + "' (" + urlRejectReason + ") from peer " + target . getName ( ) ) ;
continue ; // reject url outside of our domain
// save the url entry
final Reference entry = urlEntry . word ( ) ;
if ( entry = = null ) {
if ( Network . log . isWarn ( ) ) {
Network . log . warn ( "remote search: no word attached from peer " + target . getName ( ) + ", version " + target . getVersion ( ) ) ;
continue ; // no word attached
// the search-result-url transports all the attributes of word indexes
if ( ! Base64Order . enhancedCoder . equal ( entry . urlhash ( ) , urlEntry . hash ( ) ) ) {
Network . log . info ( "remote search: url-hash " + ASCII . String ( urlEntry . hash ( ) ) + " does not belong to word-attached-hash " + ASCII . String ( entry . urlhash ( ) ) + "; url = " + urlEntry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( true ) + " from peer " + target . getName ( ) ) ;
continue ; // spammed
// passed all checks, store url
storeDocs . add ( urlEntry ) ;
ResultURLs . stack (
ASCII . String ( urlEntry . url ( ) . hash ( ) ) ,
urlEntry . url ( ) . getHost ( ) ,
event . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash . getBytes ( ) ,
UTF8 . getBytes ( target . hash ) ,
EventOrigin . QUERIES ) ;
if ( urlEntry . snippet ( ) ! = null
& & urlEntry . snippet ( ) . length ( ) > 0
& & ! urlEntry . snippet ( ) . equals ( "null" ) ) {
// we don't store the snippets along the url entry,
// because they are search-specific.
// instead, they are placed in a snipped-search cache.
// System.out.println("--- RECEIVED SNIPPET '" + urlEntry.snippet() + "'");
TextSnippet . snippetsCache . put ( wordhashes , ASCII . String ( urlEntry . hash ( ) ) , urlEntry . snippet ( ) ) ;
// add snippet for snippethandling for nodestack entries (used if not stored to index)
if ( ! event . addResultsToLocalIndex ) {
// TODO: must have a snippet even to get the snippetcache entry back when adding to nodestack
LinkedHashSet < String > sniptxt = new LinkedHashSet < String > ( ) ;
sniptxt . add ( urlEntry . snippet ( ) ) ;
snip . put ( ASCII . String ( urlEntry . hash ( ) ) , sniptxt ) ;
// add the url entry to the word indexes
for ( final ReferenceContainer < WordReference > c : container ) {
try {
c . add ( entry ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
break ;
// store remote result to local result container
// insert one container into the search result buffer
// one is enough, only the references are used, not the word
if ( event . addResultsToLocalIndex ) {
/ *
* Current thread might be interrupted by SearchEvent . cleanup ( )
* /
if ( Thread . interrupted ( ) ) {
throw new InterruptedException ( "solrQuery interrupted" ) ;
WriteMetadataNodeToLocalIndexThread writerToLocalIndex = new WriteMetadataNodeToLocalIndexThread ( event . query . getSegment ( ) , storeDocs ) ;
writerToLocalIndex . start ( ) ;
try {
writerToLocalIndex . join ( ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
/ *
* Current thread interruption might happen while waiting
* for writeToLocalIndexThread .
* /
writerToLocalIndex . stopWriting ( ) ;
throw new InterruptedException ( "remoteProcess stopped!" ) ;
event . addRWIs ( container . get ( 0 ) , false , target . getName ( ) + "/" + target . hash , result . totalCount , time ) ;
} else {
// feed results as nodes (SolrQuery results) which carry metadata,
// to prevent a call to getMetaData for RWI results, which would fail (if no metadata in index and no display of these results)
Map < String , ReversibleScoreMap < String > > facets = new HashMap < String , ReversibleScoreMap < String > > ( ) ;
event . addNodes ( storeDocs , facets , snip , false , target . getName ( ) + "/" + target . hash , count ) ;
event . addFinalize ( ) ;
event . addExpectedRemoteReferences ( - count ) ;
// insert the containers to the index
for ( final ReferenceContainer < WordReference > c : container ) {
try {
event . query . getSegment ( ) . storeRWI ( c ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
// integrate remote top-words/topics
if ( result . references ! = null & & result . references . length > 0 ) {
Network . log . info ( "remote search: peer " + target . getName ( ) + " sent " + result . references . length + " topics" ) ;
// add references twice, so they can be counted (must have at least 2 entries)
synchronized ( event ) {
event . addTopic ( result . references ) ;
event . addTopic ( result . references ) ;
Network . log . info ( "remote search: peer " + target . getName ( ) + " sent " + container . get ( 0 ) . size ( ) + "/" + result . totalCount + " references" ) ;
/ * *
* This thread is used to write a collection of URIMetadataNode documents to a segment allowing to be safely stopped .
* Indeed , if one interrupt a thread while commiting to Solr index , the index is closed and will be no more writable
* ( later calls would throw a org . apache . lucene . store . AlreadyClosedException ) because Solr IndexWriter uses an InterruptibleChanel .
* This thread allow to safely stop writing operation using an AtomicBoolean .
* @author luc
* /
private static class WriteMetadataNodeToLocalIndexThread extends Thread {
private AtomicBoolean stop = new AtomicBoolean ( false ) ;
private Segment segment ;
private Collection < URIMetadataNode > storeDocs ;
/ * *
* Parameters must be not null .
* @param segment solr segment to write
* @param storeDocs solr documents collection to put to segment
* /
public WriteMetadataNodeToLocalIndexThread ( Segment segment , Collection < URIMetadataNode > storeDocs ) {
this . segment = segment ;
this . storeDocs = storeDocs ;
/ * *
* Use this to stop writing operation . This thread will not stop immediately as Solr might be writing something .
* /
public void stopWriting ( ) {
this . stop . set ( true ) ;
public void run ( ) {
for ( URIMetadataNode entry : this . storeDocs ) {
if ( stop . get ( ) ) {
Network . log . info ( "Writing documents collection to Solr segment was stopped." ) ;
return ;
try {
segment . setFirstSeenTime ( entry . hash ( ) , Math . min ( entry . moddate ( ) . getTime ( ) , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
segment . fulltext ( ) . putMetadata ( entry ) ; // it will be checked inside the putMetadata that poor metadata does not overwrite rich metadata
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
private static class SearchResult {
public int availableCount ; // number of returned LURL's for this search
public int totalCount ; //
public Map < byte [ ] , Integer > indexcount ; //
//public long searchtime; // time that the peer actually spent to create the result
public String [ ] references ; // search hints, the top-words
public List < URIMetadataNode > links ; // LURLs of search
public Map < byte [ ] , String > indexabstract ; // index abstracts, a collection of url-hashes per word
public SearchResult (
final SearchEvent event ,
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts ,
final String wordhashes ,
final String excludehashes ,
final String urlhashes ,
final String language ,
final ContentDomain contentdom ,
final int count ,
final long time ,
final int maxDistance ,
final int partitions ,
final String hostname ,
final String hostaddress ,
final SecondarySearchSuperviser secondarySearchSuperviser
) throws IOException {
// send a search request to peer with remote Hash
//if (hostaddress.equals(mySeed.getClusterAddress())) hostaddress = "" + mySeed.getPort(); // for debugging
// iam : complete seed of the requesting peer
// youare : seed hash of the target peer, used for testing network stability
// key : transmission key for response
// search : a list of search words
// hsearch : a string of word hashes
// fwdep : forward depth. if "0" then peer may NOT ask another peer for more results
// fwden : forward deny, a list of seed hashes. They may NOT be target of forward hopping
// count : maximum number of wanted results
// global : if "true", then result may consist of answers from other peers
// partitions : number of remote peers that are asked (for evaluation of QPM)
// duetime : maximum time that a peer should spent to create a result
// send request
Map < String , String > resultMap = null ;
String key = "" ;
final ContentBody keyBody = parts . get ( "key" ) ;
if ( keyBody ! = null ) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( 20 ) ;
keyBody . writeTo ( baos ) ;
key = UTF8 . String ( baos . toByteArray ( ) ) ;
baos . close ( ) ;
baos = null ;
parts . put ( "myseed" , UTF8 . StringBody ( ( event . peers . mySeed ( ) = = null ) ? "" : event . peers . mySeed ( ) . genSeedStr ( key ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "count" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( Math . max ( 10 , count ) ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "time" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Long . toString ( Math . max ( 3000 , time ) ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "partitions" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( partitions ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "query" , UTF8 . StringBody ( wordhashes ) ) ;
parts . put ( "exclude" , UTF8 . StringBody ( excludehashes ) ) ;
parts . put ( "duetime" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "1000" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "urls" , UTF8 . StringBody ( urlhashes ) ) ;
parts . put ( "prefer" , UTF8 . StringBody ( event . query . prefer . pattern ( ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "filter" , UTF8 . StringBody ( event . query . urlMaskString ) ) ;
parts . put ( "modifier" , UTF8 . StringBody ( event . query . modifier . toString ( ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "language" , UTF8 . StringBody ( language ) ) ;
parts . put ( "sitehash" , UTF8 . StringBody ( event . query . modifier . sitehash ) ) ;
//parts.put("sitehost", UTF8.StringBody(event.query.modifier.sitehost));
parts . put ( "author" , UTF8 . StringBody ( event . query . modifier . author ) ) ;
parts . put ( "contentdom" , UTF8 . StringBody ( contentdom = = null ? ContentDomain . ALL . toString ( ) : contentdom . toString ( ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "ttl" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "0" ) ) ;
parts . put ( "maxdist" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( maxDistance ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "profile" , UTF8 . StringBody ( crypt . simpleEncode ( event . query . ranking . toExternalString ( ) ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "constraint" , UTF8 . StringBody ( ( event . query . constraint = = null ) ? "" : event . query . constraint . exportB64 ( ) ) ) ;
if ( secondarySearchSuperviser ! = null ) {
parts . put ( "abstracts" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "auto" ) ) ;
// resultMap = FileUtils.table(HTTPConnector.getConnector(MultiProtocolURI.yacybotUserAgent).post(new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + hostaddress + "/yacy/search.html"), 60000, hostname, parts));
//resultMap = FileUtils.table(HTTPConnector.getConnector(MultiProtocolURI.crawlerUserAgent).post(new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + target.getClusterAddress() + "/yacy/search.html"), 60000, target.getHexHash() + ".yacyh", parts));
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent , 8000 ) ;
//System.out.println("Protocol: http://" + hostaddress + "/yacy/search.html" + requestPartsToString(parts)); // DEBUG
byte [ ] a = httpClient . POSTbytes ( new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + hostaddress + "/yacy/search.html" ) , hostname , parts , false , true ) ;
if ( a ! = null & & a . length > 200000 ) {
// there is something wrong. This is too large, maybe a hack on the other side?
a = null ;
resultMap = FileUtils . table ( a ) ;
// evaluate request result
if ( resultMap = = null | | resultMap . isEmpty ( ) ) {
throw new IOException ( "resultMap is NULL" ) ;
/ *
try {
this . searchtime = Integer . parseInt ( resultMap . get ( "searchtime" ) ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new IOException ( "wrong output format for searchtime: "
+ e . getMessage ( )
+ ", map = "
+ resultMap . toString ( ) ) ;
* /
try {
this . totalCount = Integer . parseInt ( resultMap . get ( "joincount" ) ) ; // the complete number of hits at remote site; rwi+solr (via: theSearch.getResultCount())
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new IOException ( "wrong output format for joincount: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
try {
this . availableCount = Integer . parseInt ( resultMap . get ( "count" ) ) ; // the number of hits that are returned in the result list
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new IOException ( "wrong output format for count: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
// scan the result map for entries with special prefix
this . indexcount = new TreeMap < byte [ ] , Integer > ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder ) ;
this . indexabstract = new TreeMap < byte [ ] , String > ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder ) ;
for ( final Map . Entry < String , String > entry : resultMap . entrySet ( ) ) {
if ( entry . getKey ( ) . startsWith ( "indexcount." ) ) {
this . indexcount . put (
UTF8 . getBytes ( entry . getKey ( ) . substring ( 11 ) ) ,
Integer . parseInt ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
if ( entry . getKey ( ) . startsWith ( "indexabstract." ) ) {
this . indexabstract . put ( UTF8 . getBytes ( entry . getKey ( ) . substring ( 14 ) ) , entry . getValue ( ) ) ;
this . references = CommonPattern . COMMA . split ( resultMap . get ( "references" ) ) ;
this . links = new ArrayList < URIMetadataNode > ( this . availableCount ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < this . availableCount ; n + + ) {
// get one single search result
final String resultLine = resultMap . get ( "resource" + n ) ;
if ( resultLine = = null ) {
continue ;
final URIMetadataNode urlEntry = URIMetadataNode . importEntry ( resultLine , "dht" ) ;
if ( urlEntry = = null ) {
continue ;
this . links . add ( urlEntry ) ;
private final static CollectionSchema [ ] snippetFields = new CollectionSchema [ ] { CollectionSchema . description_txt , CollectionSchema . h4_txt , CollectionSchema . h3_txt , CollectionSchema . h2_txt , CollectionSchema . h1_txt , CollectionSchema . text_t } ;
/ * *
* Execute solr query against specified target .
* @param event search event ot feed with results
* @param solrQuery solr query
* @param offset pagination start indice
* @param count expected maximum results
* @param target target peer to query . May be null : in that case , local peer is queried .
* @param partitions
* @param blacklist url list to exclude from results
* @return the size of results list
* @throws InterruptedException when interrupt status on calling thread is detected while processing
* /
protected static int solrQuery (
final SearchEvent event ,
final SolrQuery solrQuery ,
final int offset ,
final int count ,
final Seed target ,
final int partitions ,
final Blacklist blacklist ) throws InterruptedException {
//try {System.out.println("*** debug-query *** " + URLDecoder.decode(solrQuery.toString(), "UTF-8"));} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {}
if ( event . query . getQueryGoal ( ) . getQueryString ( false ) = = null | | event . query . getQueryGoal ( ) . getQueryString ( false ) . length ( ) = = 0 ) {
return - 1 ; // we cannot query solr only with word hashes, there is no clear text string
event . addExpectedRemoteReferences ( count ) ;
if ( partitions > 0 ) solrQuery . set ( "partitions" , partitions ) ;
solrQuery . setStart ( offset ) ;
solrQuery . setRows ( count ) ;
// set highlighting query attributes
if ( event . query . contentdom = = Classification . ContentDomain . TEXT | | event . query . contentdom = = Classification . ContentDomain . ALL ) {
solrQuery . setHighlight ( true ) ;
solrQuery . setHighlightFragsize ( SearchEvent . SNIPPET_MAX_LENGTH ) ;
solrQuery . setHighlightSimplePost ( "</b>" ) ;
solrQuery . setHighlightSimplePre ( "<b>" ) ;
solrQuery . setHighlightSnippets ( 5 ) ;
for ( CollectionSchema field : snippetFields ) solrQuery . addHighlightField ( field . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
//System.out.println("*** debug-query-highligh ***:" + ConcurrentLog.stackTrace());
} else {
solrQuery . setHighlight ( false ) ;
boolean localsearch = target = = null | | target . equals ( event . peers . mySeed ( ) ) ;
Map < String , ReversibleScoreMap < String > > facets = new HashMap < String , ReversibleScoreMap < String > > ( event . query . facetfields . size ( ) ) ;
Map < String , LinkedHashSet < String > > snippets = new HashMap < String , LinkedHashSet < String > > ( ) ; // this will be a list of urlhash-snippet entries
final QueryResponse [ ] rsp = new QueryResponse [ ] { null } ;
final SolrDocumentList [ ] docList = new SolrDocumentList [ ] { null } ;
String ip = target . getIP ( ) ;
{ // encapsulate expensive solr QueryResponse object
if ( localsearch & & ! Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . DEBUG_SEARCH_REMOTE_SOLR_TESTLOCAL , false ) ) {
// search the local index
try {
SolrConnector sc = event . getQuery ( ) . getSegment ( ) . fulltext ( ) . getDefaultConnector ( ) ;
if ( ! sc . isClosed ( ) ) {
rsp [ 0 ] = sc . getResponseByParams ( solrQuery ) ;
docList [ 0 ] = rsp [ 0 ] . getResults ( ) ;
} catch ( final Throwable e ) {
Network . log . info ( "SEARCH failed (solr), localpeer (" + e . getMessage ( ) + ")" , e ) ;
return - 1 ;
} else {
try {
final boolean myseed = target = = event . peers . mySeed ( ) ;
if ( ! myseed & & ! target . getFlagSolrAvailable ( ) ) { // skip if peer.dna has flag that last try resulted in error
Network . log . info ( "SEARCH skip (solr), remote Solr interface not accessible, peer=" + target . getName ( ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
final String address = myseed ? "localhost:" + target . getPort ( ) : target . getPublicAddress ( ip ) ;
final int solrtimeout = Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getConfigInt ( SwitchboardConstants . FEDERATED_SERVICE_SOLR_INDEXING_TIMEOUT , 6000 ) ;
Thread remoteRequest = new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
this . setName ( "Protocol.solrQuery(" + solrQuery . getQuery ( ) + " to " + target . hash + ")" ) ;
try {
RemoteInstance instance = new RemoteInstance ( "http://" + address , null , "solr" , solrtimeout ) ; // this is a 'patch configuration' which considers 'solr' as default collection
try {
SolrConnector solrConnector = new RemoteSolrConnector ( instance , myseed ? true : target . getVersion ( ) > = 1.63 , "solr" ) ;
if ( ! solrConnector . isClosed ( ) ) try {
rsp [ 0 ] = solrConnector . getResponseByParams ( solrQuery ) ;
docList [ 0 ] = rsp [ 0 ] . getResults ( ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { } finally {
solrConnector . close ( ) ;
} catch ( Throwable ee ) { } finally {
instance . close ( ) ;
} catch ( Throwable eee ) { }
} ;
remoteRequest . start ( ) ;
remoteRequest . join ( solrtimeout ) ; // just wait until timeout appears
if ( remoteRequest . isAlive ( ) ) {
try { remoteRequest . interrupt ( ) ; } catch ( Throwable e ) { }
Network . log . info ( "SEARCH failed (solr), remote Peer: " + target . getName ( ) + "/" + target . getPublicAddress ( ip ) + " does not answer (time-out)" ) ;
target . setFlagSolrAvailable ( false | | myseed ) ;
return - 1 ; // give up, leave remoteRequest abandoned.
// no need to close this here because that sends a commit to remote solr which is not wanted here
} catch ( final Throwable e ) {
Network . log . info ( "SEARCH failed (solr), remote Peer: " + target . getName ( ) + "/" + target . getPublicAddress ( ip ) + " (" + e . getMessage ( ) + ")" ) ;
target . setFlagSolrAvailable ( false | | localsearch ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( rsp [ 0 ] = = null | | docList [ 0 ] = = null ) {
Network . log . info ( "SEARCH failed (solr), remote Peer: " + target . getName ( ) + "/" + target . getPublicAddress ( ip ) + " returned null" ) ;
target . setFlagSolrAvailable ( false | | localsearch ) ;
return - 1 ;
// evaluate facets
for ( String field : event . query . facetfields ) {
FacetField facet = rsp [ 0 ] . getFacetField ( field ) ;
ReversibleScoreMap < String > result = new ClusteredScoreMap < String > ( UTF8 . insensitiveUTF8Comparator ) ;
List < Count > values = facet = = null ? null : facet . getValues ( ) ;
if ( values = = null ) continue ;
for ( Count ff : values ) {
int c = ( int ) ff . getCount ( ) ;
if ( c = = 0 ) continue ;
if ( ff . getName ( ) . length ( ) = = 0 ) continue ; // facet entry without text is not useful
result . set ( ff . getName ( ) , c ) ;
if ( result . size ( ) > 0 ) facets . put ( field , result ) ;
// evaluate snippets
Map < String , Map < String , List < String > > > rawsnippets = rsp [ 0 ] . getHighlighting ( ) ; // a map from the urlhash to a map with key=field and value = list of snippets
if ( rawsnippets ! = null ) {
nextsnippet : for ( Map . Entry < String , Map < String , List < String > > > re : rawsnippets . entrySet ( ) ) {
Map < String , List < String > > rs = re . getValue ( ) ;
for ( CollectionSchema field : snippetFields ) {
if ( rs . containsKey ( field . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ) {
List < String > s = rs . get ( field . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
if ( s . size ( ) > 0 ) {
LinkedHashSet < String > ls = new LinkedHashSet < String > ( ) ;
ls . addAll ( s ) ;
snippets . put ( re . getKey ( ) , ls ) ;
continue nextsnippet ;
// no snippet found :( --we don't assign a value here by default; that can be done as an evaluation outside this method
rsp [ 0 ] = null ;
// evaluate result
if ( docList = = null | | docList [ 0 ] . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
Network . log . info ( "SEARCH (solr), returned 0 out of 0 documents from " + ( target = = null ? "shard" : ( "peer " + target . hash + ":" + target . getName ( ) ) ) + " query = " + solrQuery . toString ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
List < URIMetadataNode > container = new ArrayList < URIMetadataNode > ( ) ;
Network . log . info ( "SEARCH (solr), returned " + docList [ 0 ] . size ( ) + " out of " + docList [ 0 ] . getNumFound ( ) + " documents and " + facets . size ( ) + " facets " + facets . keySet ( ) . toString ( ) + " from " + ( target = = null ? "shard" : ( "peer " + target . hash + ":" + target . getName ( ) ) ) ) ;
int term = count ;
Collection < SolrInputDocument > docs ;
if ( event . addResultsToLocalIndex ) { // only needed to store remote results
docs = new ArrayList < SolrInputDocument > ( docList [ 0 ] . size ( ) ) ;
} else docs = null ;
for ( final SolrDocument doc : docList [ 0 ] ) {
//System.out.println("***DEBUG*** " + ((String) doc.getFieldValue("sku")));
if ( term - - < = 0 ) {
break ; // do not process more that requested (in case that evil peers fill us up with rubbish)
// get one single search result
if ( doc = = null ) {
continue ;
URIMetadataNode urlEntry ;
try {
urlEntry = new URIMetadataNode ( doc ) ;
} catch ( MalformedURLException ex ) {
continue ;
if ( blacklist . isListed ( BlacklistType . SEARCH , urlEntry . url ( ) ) ) {
if ( Network . log . isInfo ( ) ) {
if ( localsearch ) {
Network . log . info ( "local search (solr): filtered blacklisted url " + urlEntry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
} else {
Network . log . info ( "remote search (solr): filtered blacklisted url " + urlEntry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( true ) + " from " + ( target = = null ? "shard" : ( "peer " + target . hash + ":" + target . getName ( ) ) ) ) ;
continue ; // block with blacklist
final String urlRejectReason = Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . crawlStacker . urlInAcceptedDomain ( urlEntry . url ( ) ) ;
if ( urlRejectReason ! = null ) {
if ( Network . log . isInfo ( ) ) {
if ( localsearch ) {
Network . log . info ( "local search (solr): rejected url '" + urlEntry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( true ) + "' (" + urlRejectReason + ")" ) ;
} else {
Network . log . info ( "remote search (solr): rejected url '" + urlEntry . url ( ) . toNormalform ( true ) + "' (" + urlRejectReason + ") from peer " + target . getName ( ) ) ;
continue ; // reject url outside of our domain
// passed all checks, store url
if ( ! localsearch ) {
// put the remote documents to the local index. We must convert the solr document to a solr input document:
if ( event . addResultsToLocalIndex ) {
/* Check document size, only if a limit is set on remote documents size allowed to be stored to local index */
if ( checkDocumentSize ( doc , event . getRemoteDocStoredMaxSize ( ) * 1024 ) ) {
final SolrInputDocument sid = event . query . getSegment ( ) . fulltext ( ) . getDefaultConfiguration ( ) . toSolrInputDocument ( doc ) ;
// the input document stays untouched because it contains top-level cloned objects
docs . add ( sid ) ;
// will be stored to index, and is a full solr document, can be added to firstseen
event . query . getSegment ( ) . setFirstSeenTime ( urlEntry . hash ( ) , Math . min ( urlEntry . moddate ( ) . getTime ( ) , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
Network . log . info ( "Document size greater than " + event . getRemoteDocStoredMaxSize ( ) + " kbytes, excludes it from being stored to local index. Url : " + urlEntry . urlstring ( ) ) ;
// after this conversion we can remove the largest and not used field text_t and synonyms_sxt from the document
// because that goes into a search cache and would take a lot of memory in the search cache
doc . removeFields ( CollectionSchema . synonyms_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
ResultURLs . stack (
ASCII . String ( urlEntry . url ( ) . hash ( ) ) ,
urlEntry . url ( ) . getHost ( ) ,
event . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash . getBytes ( ) ,
UTF8 . getBytes ( target . hash ) ,
EventOrigin . QUERIES ) ;
// add the url entry to the word indexes
container . add ( urlEntry ) ;
final int dls = docList [ 0 ] . size ( ) ;
final int numFound = ( int ) docList [ 0 ] . getNumFound ( ) ;
docList [ 0 ] . clear ( ) ;
docList [ 0 ] = null ;
if ( localsearch ) {
event . addNodes ( container , facets , snippets , true , "localpeer" , numFound ) ;
event . addFinalize ( ) ;
event . addExpectedRemoteReferences ( - count ) ;
Network . log . info ( "local search (solr): localpeer sent " + container . size ( ) + "/" + numFound + " references" ) ;
} else {
if ( event . addResultsToLocalIndex ) {
/ *
* Current thread might be interrupted by SearchEvent . cleanup ( )
* /
if ( Thread . interrupted ( ) ) {
throw new InterruptedException ( "solrQuery interrupted" ) ;
WriteToLocalIndexThread writeToLocalIndexThread = new WriteToLocalIndexThread ( event . query . getSegment ( ) ,
docs ) ;
writeToLocalIndexThread . start ( ) ;
try {
writeToLocalIndexThread . join ( ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
/ *
* Current thread interruption might happen while waiting
* for writeToLocalIndexThread .
* /
writeToLocalIndexThread . stopWriting ( ) ;
throw new InterruptedException ( "solrQuery interrupted" ) ;
docs . clear ( ) ;
event . addNodes ( container , facets , snippets , false , target . getName ( ) + "/" + target . hash , numFound ) ;
event . addFinalize ( ) ;
event . addExpectedRemoteReferences ( - count ) ;
Network . log . info ( "remote search (solr): peer " + target . getName ( ) + " sent " + ( container . size ( ) = = 0 ? 0 : container . size ( ) ) + "/" + numFound + " references" ) ;
return dls ;
/ * *
* This thread is used to write a collection of Solr documents to a segment allowing to be safely stopped .
* Indeed , if one interrupt a thread while commiting to Solr index , the index is closed and will be no more writable
* ( later calls would throw a org . apache . lucene . store . AlreadyClosedException ) because Solr IndexWriter uses an InterruptibleChanel .
* This thead allow to safely stop writing operation using an AtomicBoolean .
* @author luc
* /
private static class WriteToLocalIndexThread extends Thread {
private AtomicBoolean stop = new AtomicBoolean ( false ) ;
private Segment segment ;
private Collection < SolrInputDocument > docs ;
/ * *
* Parameters must be not null .
* @param segment solr segment to write
* @param docs solr documents collection to put to segment
* /
public WriteToLocalIndexThread ( Segment segment , Collection < SolrInputDocument > docs ) {
this . segment = segment ;
this . docs = docs ;
/ * *
* Use this to stop writing operation . This thread will not stop immediately as Solr might be writing something .
* /
public void stopWriting ( ) {
this . stop . set ( true ) ;
public void run ( ) {
for ( SolrInputDocument doc : docs ) {
if ( stop . get ( ) ) {
Network . log . info ( "Writing documents collection to Solr segment was stopped." ) ;
return ;
segment . putDocument ( doc ) ;
/ * *
* Only when maxSize is greater than zero , check that doc size is lower . To
* process in a reasonable amount of time , document size is not evaluated
* summing all fields sizes , but only against text_t field which is quite representative and might weigh
* some MB .
* @param doc
* document to verify . Must not be null .
* @param maxSize
* maximum allowed size in bytes
* @return true when document evaluated size is lower or equal than maxSize , or when
* maxSize is lower or equal than zero .
* /
protected static boolean checkDocumentSize ( SolrDocument doc , long maxSize ) {
if ( maxSize > 0 ) {
/* All text field is often the largest */
Object value = doc . getFieldValue ( CollectionSchema . text_t . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
if ( value instanceof String ) {
/* Each char uses 2 bytes */
if ( ( ( String ) value ) . length ( ) > ( maxSize / 2 ) ) {
return false ;
return true ;
public static Map < String , String > permissionMessage ( final String targetAddress , final String targetHash ) {
// ask for allowed message size and attachment size
// if this replies null, the peer does not answer
// prepare request
final String salt = crypt . randomSalt ( ) ;
// send request
try {
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , targetHash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "process" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "permission" ) ) ;
final Post post = new Post ( targetAddress , targetAddress , "/yacy/message.html" , parts , 6000 ) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( post . result ) ;
return result ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
// most probably a network time-out exception
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.permissionMessage error:" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
return null ;
public static Map < String , String > crawlReceipt (
final Seed mySeed ,
final Seed target ,
final String process ,
final String result ,
final String reason ,
final URIMetadataNode entry ,
final String wordhashes ) {
assert ( target ! = null ) ;
assert ( mySeed ! = null ) ;
assert ( mySeed ! = target ) ;
/ *
the result can have one of the following values :
negative cases , no retry
unavailable - the resource is not avaiable ( a broken link ) ; not found or interrupted
robot - a robot - file has denied to crawl that resource
negative cases , retry possible
rejected - the peer has rejected to load the resource
dequeue - peer too busy - rejected to crawl
positive cases with crawling
fill - the resource was loaded and processed
update - the resource was already in database but re - loaded and processed
positive cases without crawling
known - the resource is already in database , believed to be fresh and not reloaded
stale - the resource was reloaded but not processed because source had no changes
* /
// prepare request
final String salt = crypt . randomSalt ( ) ;
// determining target address
final String address = target . getPublicAddress ( target . getIP ( ) ) ;
if ( address = = null ) {
return null ;
// send request
try {
// prepare request
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts = basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "process" , UTF8 . StringBody ( process ) ) ;
parts . put ( "urlhash" , UTF8 . StringBody ( ( ( entry = = null ) ? "" : ASCII . String ( entry . hash ( ) ) ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "result" , UTF8 . StringBody ( result ) ) ;
parts . put ( "reason" , UTF8 . StringBody ( reason ) ) ;
parts . put ( "wordh" , UTF8 . StringBody ( wordhashes ) ) ;
final String lurlstr ;
if ( entry = = null ) {
lurlstr = "" ;
} else {
final ArrayList < String > ldesc = entry . getDescription ( ) ;
if ( ldesc . isEmpty ( ) ) {
lurlstr = entry . toString ( ) ;
} else { // add document abstract/description as snippet (remotely stored in description_txt)
lurlstr = entry . toString ( ldesc . get ( 0 ) ) ;
parts . put ( "lurlEntry" , UTF8 . StringBody ( crypt . simpleEncode ( lurlstr , salt ) ) ) ;
// send request
// final byte[] content = HTTPConnector.getConnector(MultiProtocolURI.yacybotUserAgent).post(new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + address + "/yacy/crawlReceipt.html"), 10000, target.getHexHash() + ".yacyh", parts);
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent , 10000 ) ;
final byte [ ] content =
httpClient . POSTbytes (
new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + address + "/yacy/crawlReceipt.html" ) ,
target . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" ,
parts ,
false , true ) ;
return FileUtils . table ( content ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
// most probably a network time-out exception
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.crawlReceipt error:" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
return null ;
public static AtomicInteger metadataRetrievalRunning = new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ;
/ * *
* transfer the index . If the transmission fails , return a string describing the cause . If everything is
* ok , return null .
* @param targetSeed
* @param indexes
* @param urlCache
* @param gzipBody
* @param timeout
* @return
* /
public static String transferIndex (
final SeedDB seeds ,
final Seed targetSeed ,
final ReferenceContainerCache < WordReference > indexes ,
final HandleSet urlRefs ,
final Segment segment ,
final boolean gzipBody ,
final int timeout ) {
// check if we got all necessary urls in the urlCache (only for debugging)
if ( Network . log . isFine ( ) ) {
Iterator < WordReference > eenum ;
Reference entry ;
for ( final ReferenceContainer < WordReference > ic : indexes ) {
eenum = ic . entries ( ) ;
while ( eenum . hasNext ( ) ) {
entry = eenum . next ( ) ;
if ( ! urlRefs . has ( entry . urlhash ( ) ) ) {
Network . log . fine ( "DEBUG transferIndex: to-send url hash '"
+ ASCII . String ( entry . urlhash ( ) )
+ "' is not contained in urlCache" ) ;
// transfer the RWI without the URLs
Map < String , String > in = transferRWI ( targetSeed , indexes , gzipBody , timeout ) ;
if ( in = = null ) {
String errorCause = "no connection from transferRWI" ;
seeds . peerActions . peerDeparture ( targetSeed , errorCause ) ; // disconnect unavailable peer
return errorCause ;
String result = in . get ( "result" ) ;
if ( result = = null ) {
String errorCause = "no result from transferRWI" ;
seeds . peerActions . peerDeparture ( targetSeed , errorCause ) ; // disconnect unavailable peer
return errorCause ;
if ( ! ( result . equals ( "ok" ) ) ) {
targetSeed . setFlagAcceptRemoteIndex ( false ) ; // the peer does not want our index
seeds . addConnected ( targetSeed ) ; // update the peer
return result ;
// in now contains a list of unknown hashes
String uhss = in . get ( "unknownURL" ) ;
if ( uhss = = null ) {
return "no unknownURL tag in response" ;
uhss = uhss . trim ( ) ;
if ( uhss . isEmpty ( ) | | uhss . equals ( "," ) ) {
return null ;
} // all url's known, we are ready here
final String [ ] uhs = CommonPattern . COMMA . split ( uhss ) ;
if ( uhs . length = = 0 ) {
return null ;
} // all url's known
EventChannel . channels ( EventChannel . DHTSEND ) . addMessage ( new RSSMessage ( "Sent " + indexes . size ( ) + " RWIs " + indexes . toString ( ) + " to " + targetSeed . getName ( ) + "/[" + targetSeed . hash + "], " + uhs . length + " URLs there unknown" , "" , targetSeed . hash ) ) ;
in = transferURL ( targetSeed , uhs , urlRefs , segment , gzipBody , timeout ) ;
if ( in = = null ) {
return "no connection from transferURL" ;
result = in . get ( "result" ) ;
if ( result = = null ) {
String errorCause = "no result from transferURL" ;
seeds . peerActions . peerDeparture ( targetSeed , errorCause ) ; // disconnect unavailable peer
return errorCause ;
if ( ! result . equals ( "ok" ) ) {
targetSeed . setFlagAcceptRemoteIndex ( false ) ; // the peer does not want our index
seeds . addConnected ( targetSeed ) ; // update the peer
return result ;
EventChannel . channels ( EventChannel . DHTSEND ) . addMessage (
new RSSMessage (
"Sent " + uhs . length + " URLs to peer " + targetSeed . getName ( ) + "/[" + targetSeed . hash + "]" ,
"" ,
targetSeed . hash ) ) ;
return null ;
private static Map < String , String > transferRWI (
final Seed targetSeed ,
final ReferenceContainerCache < WordReference > indexes ,
boolean gzipBody ,
final int timeout ) {
String ip = targetSeed . getIP ( ) ;
if ( ip = = null ) {
Network . log . warn ( "no address for transferRWI" ) ;
return null ;
final String address = targetSeed . getPublicAddress ( ip ) ;
// prepare post values
final String salt = crypt . randomSalt ( ) ;
// enabling gzip compression for post request body
if ( gzipBody & & ( targetSeed . getVersion ( ) < yacyVersion . YACY_SUPPORTS_GZIP_POST_REQUESTS_CHUNKED ) ) {
gzipBody = false ;
int indexcount = 0 ;
replaced old DHT transmission method with new method. Many things have changed! some of them:
- after a index selection is made, the index is splitted into its vertical components
- from differrent index selctions the splitted components can be accumulated before they are placed into the transmission queue
- each splitted chunk gets its own transmission thread
- multiple transmission threads are started concurrently
- the process can be monitored with the blocking queue servlet
To implement that, a new package de.anomic.yacy.dht was created. Some old files have been removed.
The new index distribution model using a vertical DHT was implemented. An abstraction of this model
is implemented in the new dht package as interface. The freeworld network has now a configuration
of two vertial partitions; sixteen partitions are planned and will be configured if the process is bug-free.
This modification has three main targets:
- enhance the DHT transmission speed
- with a vertical DHT, a search will speed up. With two partitions, two times. With sixteen, sixteen times.
- the vertical DHT will apply a semi-dht for URLs, and peers will receive a fraction of the overall URLs they received before.
with two partitions, the fractions will be halve. With sixteen partitions, a 1/16 of the previous number of URLs.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5586 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
16 years ago
final StringBuilder entrypost = new StringBuilder ( indexes . size ( ) * 73 ) ;
Iterator < WordReference > eenum ;
Reference entry ;
for ( final ReferenceContainer < WordReference > ic : indexes ) {
replaced old DHT transmission method with new method. Many things have changed! some of them:
- after a index selection is made, the index is splitted into its vertical components
- from differrent index selctions the splitted components can be accumulated before they are placed into the transmission queue
- each splitted chunk gets its own transmission thread
- multiple transmission threads are started concurrently
- the process can be monitored with the blocking queue servlet
To implement that, a new package de.anomic.yacy.dht was created. Some old files have been removed.
The new index distribution model using a vertical DHT was implemented. An abstraction of this model
is implemented in the new dht package as interface. The freeworld network has now a configuration
of two vertial partitions; sixteen partitions are planned and will be configured if the process is bug-free.
This modification has three main targets:
- enhance the DHT transmission speed
- with a vertical DHT, a search will speed up. With two partitions, two times. With sixteen, sixteen times.
- the vertical DHT will apply a semi-dht for URLs, and peers will receive a fraction of the overall URLs they received before.
with two partitions, the fractions will be halve. With sixteen partitions, a 1/16 of the previous number of URLs.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5586 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
16 years ago
eenum = ic . entries ( ) ;
while ( eenum . hasNext ( ) ) {
entry = eenum . next ( ) ;
. append ( ASCII . String ( ic . getTermHash ( ) ) )
. append ( entry . toPropertyForm ( ) )
. append ( serverCore . CRLF_STRING ) ;
indexcount + + ;
if ( indexcount = = 0 ) {
// nothing to do but everything ok
final Map < String , String > result = new HashMap < String , String > ( 2 ) ;
result . put ( "result" , "ok" ) ;
result . put ( "unknownURL" , "" ) ;
return result ;
try {
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts = basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , targetSeed . hash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "wordc" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( indexes . size ( ) ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "entryc" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( indexcount ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "indexes" , UTF8 . StringBody ( entrypost . toString ( ) ) ) ;
// final byte[] content = HTTPConnector.getConnector(MultiProtocolURI.yacybotUserAgent).post(new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + address + "/yacy/transferRWI.html"), timeout, targetSeed.getHexHash() + ".yacyh", parts, gzipBody);
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent , timeout ) ;
final byte [ ] content =
httpClient . POSTbytes (
new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + address + "/yacy/transferRWI.html" ) ,
targetSeed . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" ,
parts ,
gzipBody , true ) ;
final Iterator < String > v = FileUtils . strings ( content ) ;
// this should return a list of urlhashes that are unknown
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( v ) ;
// return the transfered index data in bytes (for debugging only)
result . put ( "indexPayloadSize" , Integer . toString ( entrypost . length ( ) ) ) ;
return result ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
Network . log . info ( "yacyClient.transferRWI to " + address + " error: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
return null ;
private static Map < String , String > transferURL (
final Seed targetSeed ,
final String [ ] uhs ,
final HandleSet urlRefs ,
final Segment segment ,
boolean gzipBody ,
final int timeout ) {
// this post a message to the remote message board
String ip = targetSeed . getIP ( ) ;
final String address = targetSeed . getPublicAddress ( ip ) ;
if ( address = = null ) {
return null ;
// prepare post values
final String salt = crypt . randomSalt ( ) ;
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , targetSeed . hash , salt ) ;
// enabling gzip compression for post request body
if ( gzipBody & & ( targetSeed . getVersion ( ) < yacyVersion . YACY_SUPPORTS_GZIP_POST_REQUESTS_CHUNKED ) ) {
gzipBody = false ;
// extract the urlCache from the result; this is io-intensive;
// other transmissions should not be started as long as this is running
byte [ ] key ;
URIMetadataNode url ;
String resource ;
int urlc = 0 ;
int urlPayloadSize = 0 ;
metadataRetrievalRunning . incrementAndGet ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < uhs . length ; i + + ) {
key = ASCII . getBytes ( uhs [ i ] ) ;
if ( urlRefs . has ( key ) ) {
url = segment . fulltext ( ) . getMetadata ( key ) ;
if ( url = = null ) {
if ( Network . log . isFine ( ) ) Network . log . fine ( "DEBUG transferIndex: requested url hash '" + uhs [ i ] + "'" ) ;
continue ;
resource = url . toString ( ) ;
//System.out.println("*** DEBUG resource = " + resource);
if ( resource ! = null & & resource . indexOf ( 0 ) = = - 1 ) {
parts . put ( "url" + urlc , UTF8 . StringBody ( resource ) ) ;
urlPayloadSize + = resource . length ( ) ;
urlc + + ;
metadataRetrievalRunning . decrementAndGet ( ) ;
try {
parts . put ( "urlc" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( urlc ) ) ) ;
// final byte[] content = HTTPConnector.getConnector(MultiProtocolURI.yacybotUserAgent).post(new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + address + "/yacy/transferURL.html"), timeout, targetSeed.getHexHash() + ".yacyh", parts, gzipBody);
final HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent , timeout ) ;
final byte [ ] content =
httpClient . POSTbytes (
new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + address + "/yacy/transferURL.html" ) ,
targetSeed . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" ,
parts ,
gzipBody , true ) ;
final Iterator < String > v = FileUtils . strings ( content ) ;
final Map < String , String > result = FileUtils . table ( v ) ;
// return the transfered url data in bytes (for debugging only)
result . put ( "urlPayloadSize" , Integer . toString ( urlPayloadSize ) ) ;
return result ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.transferURL to " + address + " error: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
return null ;
public static Map < String , String > getProfile ( final Seed targetSeed ) {
// ReferenceContainerCache<HostReference> ref = loadIDXHosts(targetSeed);
// this post a message to the remote message board
final String salt = crypt . randomSalt ( ) ;
String address = targetSeed . getPublicAddress ( targetSeed . getIP ( ) ) ;
if ( address = = null ) {
address = "localhost:8090" ;
try {
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , targetSeed . hash , salt ) ;
// final byte[] content = HTTPConnector.getConnector(MultiProtocolURI.yacybotUserAgent).post(new MultiProtocolURI("http://" + address + "/yacy/profile.html"), 5000, targetSeed.getHexHash() + ".yacyh", parts);
final HTTPClient httpclient = new HTTPClient ( ClientIdentification . yacyInternetCrawlerAgent , 15000 ) ;
final byte [ ] content =
httpclient . POSTbytes (
new MultiProtocolURL ( "http://" + address + "/yacy/profile.html" ) ,
targetSeed . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" ,
parts ,
false , true ) ;
return FileUtils . table ( content ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.getProfile error:" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
return null ;
public static ReferenceContainerCache < HostReference > loadIDXHosts ( final Seed target ) {
final ReferenceContainerCache < HostReference > index =
new ReferenceContainerCache < HostReference > (
WebStructureGraph . hostReferenceFactory ,
Base64Order . enhancedCoder ,
6 ) ;
// check if the host supports this protocol
if ( target . getRevision ( ) < migration . IDX_HOST ) {
// if the protocol is not supported then we just return an empty host reference container
return index ;
// prepare request
final String salt = crypt . randomSalt ( ) ;
// send request
try {
final Map < String , ContentBody > parts =
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , salt ) ;
parts . put ( "object" , UTF8 . StringBody ( "host" ) ) ;
final Post post = new Post ( target . getPublicAddress ( target . getIP ( ) ) , target . hash , "/yacy/idx.json" , parts , 30000 ) ;
if ( post . result = = null | | post . result . length = = 0 ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.loadIDXHosts error: empty result" ) ;
return null ;
final JSONObject json =
new JSONObject ( new JSONTokener ( new InputStreamReader ( new ByteArrayInputStream ( post . result ) ) ) ) ;
/ * the json has the following form :
"version" : "#[version]#" ,
"uptime" : "#[uptime]#" ,
"name" : "#[name]#" ,
"rowdef" : "#[rowdef]#" ,
"idx" : {
# { list } # "#[term]#" : [ # [ references ] # ] # ( comma ) # : : , # ( / comma ) #
# { / list } #
* /
final JSONObject idx = json . getJSONObject ( "idx" ) ;
// iterate over all references
final Iterator < String > termIterator = idx . keys ( ) ;
String term ;
while ( termIterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
term = termIterator . next ( ) ;
final JSONArray references = idx . getJSONArray ( term ) ;
// iterate until we get an exception or null
int c = 0 ;
String reference ;
final ReferenceContainer < HostReference > referenceContainer =
new ReferenceContainer < HostReference > (
WebStructureGraph . hostReferenceFactory ,
UTF8 . getBytes ( term ) ) ;
try {
while ( ( reference = references . getString ( c + + ) ) ! = null ) {
//System.out.println("REFERENCE: " + reference);
referenceContainer . add ( new HostReference ( reference ) ) ;
} catch ( final JSONException e ) {
} // this finishes the iteration
index . add ( referenceContainer ) ;
return index ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
Network . log . warn ( "yacyClient.loadIDXHosts error:" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
return index ;
public static final boolean authentifyRequest ( final serverObjects post , final serverSwitch env ) {
if ( post = = null | | env = = null ) {
return false ;
// identify network
final String unitName = post . get ( SwitchboardConstants . NETWORK_NAME , Seed . DFLT_NETWORK_UNIT ) ; // the network unit
if ( ! unitName . equals ( env . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . NETWORK_NAME , Seed . DFLT_NETWORK_UNIT ) ) ) {
return false ;
// check authentication method
final String authenticationControl = env . getConfig ( "network.unit.protocol.control" , "uncontrolled" ) ;
if ( authenticationControl . equals ( "uncontrolled" ) ) {
return true ;
final String authenticationMethod =
env . getConfig ( "network.unit.protocol.request.authentication.method" , "" ) ;
if ( authenticationMethod . isEmpty ( ) ) {
return false ;
if ( authenticationMethod . equals ( "salted-magic-sim" ) ) {
// authorize the peer using the md5-magic
final String salt = post . get ( "key" , "" ) ;
final String iam = post . get ( "iam" , "" ) ;
final String magic = env . getConfig ( "network.unit.protocol.request.authentication.essentials" , "" ) ;
final String md5 = Digest . encodeMD5Hex ( salt + iam + magic ) ;
return post . get ( "magicmd5" , "" ) . equals ( md5 ) ;
// unknown authentication method
return false ;
/ * *
* put in all the essentials for routing and network authentication
* @param sb
* @param targetHash
* @param salt
* @return
* /
public static final LinkedHashMap < String , ContentBody > basicRequestParts ( final Switchboard sb , final String targetHash , final String salt ) {
final LinkedHashMap < String , ContentBody > parts = new LinkedHashMap < String , ContentBody > ( ) ;
// just standard identification essentials
if ( sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash ! = null ) {
parts . put ( "iam" , UTF8 . StringBody ( sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash ) ) ;
if ( targetHash ! = null ) parts . put ( "youare" , UTF8 . StringBody ( targetHash ) ) ;
// time information for synchronization
// use our own formatter to prevent concurrency locks with other processes
final GenericFormatter my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER = new GenericFormatter ( GenericFormatter . FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND , GenericFormatter . time_second ) ;
parts . put ( "mytime" , UTF8 . StringBody ( my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER . format ( ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "myUTC" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Long . toString ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ) ;
// network identification
parts . put ( SwitchboardConstants . NETWORK_NAME , UTF8 . StringBody ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getConfig (
SwitchboardConstants . NETWORK_NAME ,
Seed . DFLT_NETWORK_UNIT ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "key" , UTF8 . StringBody ( salt ) ) ;
// authentication essentials
final String authenticationControl = sb . getConfig ( "network.unit.protocol.control" , "uncontrolled" ) ;
final String authenticationMethod = sb . getConfig ( "network.unit.protocol.request.authentication.method" , "" ) ;
if ( ( authenticationControl . equals ( "controlled" ) ) & & ( authenticationMethod . length ( ) > 0 ) ) {
if ( authenticationMethod . equals ( "salted-magic-sim" ) ) {
// generate an authentication essential using the salt, the iam-hash and the network magic
final String magic = sb . getConfig ( "network.unit.protocol.request.authentication.essentials" , "" ) ;
final String md5 = Digest . encodeMD5Hex ( salt + sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . hash + magic ) ;
parts . put ( "magicmd5" , UTF8 . StringBody ( md5 ) ) ;
return parts ;
public static String requestPartsToString ( Map < String , ContentBody > parts ) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , ContentBody > part : parts . entrySet ( ) ) {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
part . getValue ( ) . writeTo ( baos ) ;
baos . close ( ) ;
sb . append ( "&" ) . append ( part . getKey ( ) ) . append ( "=" ) . append ( ASCII . String ( baos . toByteArray ( ) ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) { }
return "?" + sb . toString ( ) . substring ( 1 ) ;