@ -585,11 +585,10 @@ public final class Protocol
null ) ;
public static int s earch(
public static int primaryS earch(
final SearchEvent event ,
final String wordhashes ,
final String excludehashes ,
final String urlhashes ,
final String modifier ,
final String language ,
final String sitehash ,
@ -598,7 +597,6 @@ public final class Protocol
final int count ,
final long time ,
final int maxDistance ,
final boolean global ,
final int partitions ,
final Seed target ,
final SearchEvent . SecondarySearchSuperviser secondarySearchSuperviser ,
@ -628,7 +626,7 @@ public final class Protocol
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , crypt . randomSalt ( ) ) ,
wordhashes ,
excludehashes ,
urlhashes ,
"" ,
modifier ,
language ,
sitehash ,
@ -637,43 +635,127 @@ public final class Protocol
count ,
time ,
maxDistance ,
global ,
partitions ,
target . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" ,
target . getClusterAddress ( ) ,
) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Network . log . logInfo ( "SEARCH failed, Peer: "
+ target . hash
+ ":"
+ target . getName ( )
+ " ("
+ e . getMessage ( )
+ ")" ) ;
Network . log . logInfo ( "SEARCH failed, Peer: " + target . hash + ":" + target . getName ( ) + " (" + e . getMessage ( ) + ")" ) ;
//yacyCore.peerActions.peerDeparture(target, "search request to peer created io exception: " + e.getMessage());
return - 1 ;
// computation time
final long totalrequesttime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ;
final boolean thisIsASecondarySearch = urlhashes . length ( ) > 0 ;
assert ! thisIsASecondarySearch | | secondarySearchSuperviser = = null ;
try {
remoteSearchProcess ( event , count , totalrequesttime , wordhashes , target , blacklist , result ) ;
} catch ( SpaceExceededException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return - 1 ;
// read index abstract
if ( secondarySearchSuperviser ! = null ) {
String wordhash ;
String whacc = "" ;
ByteBuffer ci ;
int ac = 0 ;
for ( final Map . Entry < byte [ ] , String > abstractEntry : result . indexabstract . entrySet ( ) ) {
try {
ci = new ByteBuffer ( abstractEntry . getValue ( ) ) ;
wordhash = ASCII . String ( abstractEntry . getKey ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
continue ;
whacc + = wordhash ;
secondarySearchSuperviser . addAbstract (
wordhash ,
WordReferenceFactory . decompressIndex ( ci , target . hash ) ) ;
ac + + ;
if ( ac > 0 ) {
secondarySearchSuperviser . commitAbstract ( ) ;
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: peer " + target . getName ( ) + " sent " + ac + " index abstracts for words " + whacc ) ;
return result . urlcount ;
public static int secondarySearch (
final SearchEvent event ,
final String wordhashes ,
final String urlhashes ,
final String contentdom ,
final int count ,
final long time ,
final int maxDistance ,
final int partitions ,
final Seed target ,
final Blacklist blacklist ) {
final long timestamp = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
event . rankingProcess . addExpectedRemoteReferences ( count ) ;
SearchResult result ;
try {
result =
new SearchResult (
event ,
basicRequestParts ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) , target . hash , crypt . randomSalt ( ) ) ,
wordhashes ,
"" ,
urlhashes ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
contentdom ,
count ,
time ,
maxDistance ,
partitions ,
target . getHexHash ( ) + ".yacyh" ,
target . getClusterAddress ( ) ,
) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Network . log . logInfo ( "SEARCH failed, Peer: " + target . hash + ":" + target . getName ( ) + " (" + e . getMessage ( ) + ")" ) ;
//yacyCore.peerActions.peerDeparture(target, "search request to peer created io exception: " + e.getMessage());
return - 1 ;
// computation time
final long totalrequesttime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timestamp ;
try {
remoteSearchProcess ( event , count , totalrequesttime , wordhashes , target , blacklist , result ) ;
} catch ( SpaceExceededException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return - 1 ;
return result . urlcount ;
public static void remoteSearchProcess (
final SearchEvent event ,
final int count ,
final long time ,
final String wordhashes ,
final Seed target ,
final Blacklist blacklist ,
final SearchResult result
) throws SpaceExceededException {
// create containers
final int words = wordhashes . length ( ) / Word . commonHashLength ;
assert words > 0 : "wordhashes = " + wordhashes ;
final List < ReferenceContainer < WordReference > > container = new ArrayList < ReferenceContainer < WordReference > > ( words ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < words ; i + + ) {
try {
container . add ( ReferenceContainer . emptyContainer (
container . add ( ReferenceContainer . emptyContainer (
Segment . wordReferenceFactory ,
ASCII . getBytes ( wordhashes . substring ( i * Word . commonHashLength , ( i + 1 ) * Word . commonHashLength ) ) ,
count ) ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return - 1 ;
count ) ) ; // throws SpaceExceededException
// insert results to containers
@ -689,13 +771,10 @@ public final class Protocol
assert ( urlEntry . hash ( ) . length = = 12 ) : "urlEntry.hash() = " + ASCII . String ( urlEntry . hash ( ) ) ;
if ( urlEntry . hash ( ) . length ! = 12 ) {
continue ; // bad url hash
if ( blacklist . isListed ( BlacklistType . SEARCH , urlEntry ) ) {
if ( Network . log . isInfo ( ) ) {
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: filtered blacklisted url "
+ urlEntry . url ( )
+ " from peer "
+ target . getName ( ) ) ;
if ( Network . log . isInfo ( ) ) {
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: filtered blacklisted url " + urlEntry . url ( ) + " from peer " + target . getName ( ) ) ;
continue ; // block with backlist
@ -704,12 +783,7 @@ public final class Protocol
Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . crawlStacker . urlInAcceptedDomain ( urlEntry . url ( ) ) ;
if ( urlRejectReason ! = null ) {
if ( Network . log . isInfo ( ) ) {
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: rejected url '"
+ urlEntry . url ( )
+ "' ("
+ urlRejectReason
+ ") from peer "
+ target . getName ( ) ) ;
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: rejected url '" + urlEntry . url ( ) + "' (" + urlRejectReason + ") from peer " + target . getName ( ) ) ;
continue ; // reject url outside of our domain
@ -718,24 +792,14 @@ public final class Protocol
final Reference entry = urlEntry . word ( ) ;
if ( entry = = null ) {
if ( Network . log . isWarning ( ) ) {
Network . log . logWarning ( "remote search: no word attached from peer "
+ target . getName ( )
+ ", version "
+ target . getVersion ( ) ) ;
Network . log . logWarning ( "remote search: no word attached from peer " + target . getName ( ) + ", version " + target . getVersion ( ) ) ;
continue ; // no word attached
// the search-result-url transports all the attributes of word indexes
if ( ! Base64Order . enhancedCoder . equal ( entry . urlhash ( ) , urlEntry . hash ( ) ) ) {
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: url-hash "
+ ASCII . String ( urlEntry . hash ( ) )
+ " does not belong to word-attached-hash "
+ ASCII . String ( entry . urlhash ( ) )
+ "; url = "
+ urlEntry . url ( )
+ " from peer "
+ target . getName ( ) ) ;
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: url-hash " + ASCII . String ( urlEntry . hash ( ) ) + " does not belong to word-attached-hash " + ASCII . String ( entry . urlhash ( ) ) + "; url = " + urlEntry . url ( ) + " from peer " + target . getName ( ) ) ;
continue ; // spammed
@ -789,82 +853,19 @@ public final class Protocol
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: peer "
+ target . getName ( )
+ " sent "
+ container . get ( 0 ) . size ( )
+ "/"
+ result . joincount
+ " references for "
+ ( thisIsASecondarySearch ? "a secondary search" : "joined word queries" ) ) ;
// integrate remote top-words/topics
if ( result . references ! = null & & result . references . length > 0 ) {
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: peer "
+ target . getName ( )
+ " sent "
+ result . references . length
+ " topics" ) ;
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: peer " + target . getName ( ) + " sent " + result . references . length + " topics" ) ;
// add references twice, so they can be counted (must have at least 2 entries)
synchronized ( event . rankingProcess ) {
event . rankingProcess . addTopic ( result . references ) ;
event . rankingProcess . addTopic ( result . references ) ;
// read index abstract
if ( secondarySearchSuperviser ! = null ) {
String wordhash ;
String whacc = "" ;
ByteBuffer ci ;
int ac = 0 ;
for ( final Map . Entry < byte [ ] , String > abstractEntry : result . indexabstract . entrySet ( ) ) {
try {
ci = new ByteBuffer ( abstractEntry . getValue ( ) ) ;
wordhash = ASCII . String ( abstractEntry . getKey ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final OutOfMemoryError e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
continue ;
whacc + = wordhash ;
secondarySearchSuperviser . addAbstract (
wordhash ,
WordReferenceFactory . decompressIndex ( ci , target . hash ) ) ;
ac + + ;
if ( ac > 0 ) {
secondarySearchSuperviser . commitAbstract ( ) ;
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: peer "
+ target . getName ( )
+ " sent "
+ ac
+ " index abstracts for words "
+ whacc ) ;
// generate statistics
if ( Network . log . isFine ( ) ) {
Network . log . logFine ( "SEARCH "
+ result . urlcount
+ target . hash
+ ":"
+ target . getName ( )
+ ", searchtime="
+ result . searchtime
+ ", netdelay="
+ ( totalrequesttime - result . searchtime )
+ ", references="
+ result . references ) ;
return result . urlcount ;
Network . log . logInfo ( "remote search: peer " + target . getName ( ) + " sent " + container . get ( 0 ) . size ( ) + "/" + result . joincount + " references" ) ;
public static class SearchResult
public static class SearchResult {
public String version ; // version : application version of responder
public String uptime ; // uptime : uptime in seconds of responder
public String fwhop ; // hops (depth) of forwards that had been performed to construct this result
@ -892,7 +893,6 @@ public final class Protocol
final int count ,
final long time ,
final int maxDistance ,
final boolean global ,
final int partitions ,
final String hostname ,
final String hostaddress ,
@ -927,7 +927,6 @@ public final class Protocol
parts . put ( "myseed" , UTF8 . StringBody ( ( event . peers . mySeed ( ) = = null ) ? "" : event . peers . mySeed ( ) . genSeedStr ( key ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "count" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( Math . max ( 10 , count ) ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "time" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Long . toString ( Math . max ( 3000 , time ) ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "resource" , UTF8 . StringBody ( ( ( global ) ? "global" : "local" ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "partitions" , UTF8 . StringBody ( Integer . toString ( partitions ) ) ) ;
parts . put ( "query" , UTF8 . StringBody ( wordhashes ) ) ;
parts . put ( "exclude" , UTF8 . StringBody ( excludehashes ) ) ;