@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.List ;
import org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.CryptographyException ;
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.annotation.PDAnnotation;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.annotation.PDAnnotationLink ;
import org.apache.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.UTF8 ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.AnchorURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog ;
@ -64,6 +66,9 @@ import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MemoryControl;
public class pdfParser extends AbstractParser implements Parser {
public static boolean individualPages = false ;
public static String individualPagePropertyname = "page" ;
public pdfParser ( ) {
super ( "Acrobat Portable Document Parser" ) ;
this . SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS . add ( "pdf" ) ;
@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ public class pdfParser extends AbstractParser implements Parser {
static {
clean_up_idiotic_PDFParser_font_cache_which_eats_up_tons_of_megabytes ( ) ; // must be called here to get that into the class loader; it will block other threads otherwise;
public Document [ ] parse ( final AnchorURL location , final String mimeType , final String charset , final InputStream source ) throws Parser . Failure , InterruptedException {
@ -141,51 +146,117 @@ public class pdfParser extends AbstractParser implements Parser {
if ( docTitle = = null | | docTitle . isEmpty ( ) ) {
docTitle = MultiProtocolURL . unescape ( location . getFileName ( ) ) ;
final CharBuffer writer = new CharBuffer ( odtParser . MAX_DOCSIZE ) ;
byte [ ] contentBytes = new byte [ 0 ] ;
Collection < AnchorURL > pdflinks = null ;
if ( docTitle = = null ) {
docTitle = docSubject ;
String [ ] docKeywords = null ;
if ( docKeywordStr ! = null ) {
docKeywords = docKeywordStr . split ( " |," ) ;
Collection < AnchorURL > [ ] pdflinks = null ;
Document [ ] result = null ;
try {
// create a writer for output
final PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper ( "UTF-8" ) ;
// get the links
pdflinks = extractPdfLinks ( pdfDoc ) ;
// get the fulltext (either per document or for each page)
final PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper ( "UTF-8" ) ;
if ( individualPages ) {
// this is a hack which stores individual pages of the source pdf into individual index documents
// the new documents will get a virtual link with a post argument page=X appended to the original url
// collect text
int pagecount = pdfDoc . getNumberOfPages ( ) ;
String [ ] pages = new String [ pagecount ] ;
for ( int page = 1 ; page < = pagecount ; page + + ) {
stripper . setStartPage ( page ) ;
stripper . setEndPage ( page ) ;
pages [ page - 1 ] = stripper . getText ( pdfDoc ) ;
System . out . println ( "PAGE " + page + ": " + pages [ page - 1 ] ) ;
// create individual documents for each page
assert pages . length = = pdflinks . length : "pages.length = " + pages . length + ", pdflinks.length = " + pdflinks . length ;
result = new Document [ Math . min ( pages . length , pdflinks . length ) ] ;
String loc = location . toNormalform ( true ) ;
for ( int page = 0 ; page < result . length ; page + + ) {
result [ page ] = new Document (
new AnchorURL ( loc + ( loc . indexOf ( '?' ) > 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + individualPagePropertyname + '=' + ( page + 1 ) ) , // these are virtual new pages; we cannot combine them with '#' as that would be removed when computing the urlhash
mimeType ,
"UTF-8" ,
this ,
null ,
docKeywords ,
singleList ( docTitle ) ,
docAuthor ,
docPublisher ,
null ,
null ,
0.0f , 0.0f ,
pages = = null | | page > pages . length ? new byte [ 0 ] : UTF8 . getBytes ( pages [ page ] ) ,
pdflinks = = null | | page > = pdflinks . length ? null : pdflinks [ page ] ,
null ,
null ,
false ,
docDate ) ;
} else {
// collect the whole text at once
final CharBuffer writer = new CharBuffer ( odtParser . MAX_DOCSIZE ) ;
byte [ ] contentBytes = new byte [ 0 ] ;
stripper . setEndPage ( 3 ) ; // get first 3 pages (always)
writer . append ( stripper . getText ( pdfDoc ) ) ;
contentBytes = writer . getBytes ( ) ; // remember text in case of interrupting thread
stripper . setEndPage ( 3 ) ; // get first 3 pages (always)
writer . append ( stripper . getText ( pdfDoc ) ) ;
contentBytes = writer . getBytes ( ) ; // remember text in case of interrupting thread
if ( pdfDoc . getNumberOfPages ( ) > 3 ) { // spare creating/starting thread if all pages read
stripper . setStartPage ( 4 ) ; // continue with page 4 (terminated, resulting in no text)
stripper . setEndPage ( Integer . MAX_VALUE ) ; // set to default
// we start the pdf parsing in a separate thread to ensure that it can be terminated
final PDDocument pdfDocC = pdfDoc ;
final Thread t = new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
Thread . currentThread ( ) . setName ( "pdfParser.getText:" + location ) ;
try {
writer . append ( stripper . getText ( pdfDocC ) ) ;
} catch ( final Throwable e ) { }
} ;
t . start ( ) ;
t . join ( 3000 ) ; // pdfbox likes to forget to terminate ... (quite often)
if ( t . isAlive ( ) ) t . interrupt ( ) ;
contentBytes = writer . getBytes ( ) ; // get final text before closing writer
if ( pdfDoc . getNumberOfPages ( ) > 3 ) { // spare creating/starting thread if all pages read
stripper . setStartPage ( 4 ) ; // continue with page 4 (terminated, resulting in no text)
stripper . setEndPage ( Integer . MAX_VALUE ) ; // set to default
// we start the pdf parsing in a separate thread to ensure that it can be terminated
final PDDocument pdfDocC = pdfDoc ;
final Thread t = new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
Thread . currentThread ( ) . setName ( "pdfParser.getText:" + location ) ;
try {
writer . append ( stripper . getText ( pdfDocC ) ) ;
} catch ( final Throwable e ) { }
} ;
t . start ( ) ;
t . join ( 3000 ) ;
if ( t . isAlive ( ) ) t . interrupt ( ) ;
contentBytes = writer . getBytes ( ) ; // get final text before closing writer
pdflinks = extractPdfLinks ( pdfDoc ) ;
Collection < AnchorURL > pdflinksCombined = new HashSet < AnchorURL > ( ) ;
for ( Collection < AnchorURL > pdflinksx : pdflinks ) if ( pdflinksx ! = null ) pdflinksCombined . addAll ( pdflinksx ) ;
result = new Document [ ] { new Document (
location ,
mimeType ,
"UTF-8" ,
this ,
null ,
docKeywords ,
singleList ( docTitle ) ,
docAuthor ,
docPublisher ,
null ,
null ,
0.0f , 0.0f ,
contentBytes ,
pdflinksCombined ,
null ,
null ,
false ,
docDate ) } ;
} catch ( final Throwable e ) {
//close the writer (in finally)
//throw new Parser.Failure(e.getMessage(), location);
} finally {
try { pdfDoc . close ( ) ; } catch ( final Throwable e ) { }
writer . close ( ) ;
String [ ] docKeywords = null ;
if ( docKeywordStr ! = null ) {
docKeywords = docKeywordStr . split ( " |," ) ;
if ( docTitle = = null ) {
docTitle = docSubject ;
// clear resources in pdfbox. they say that is resolved but it's not. see:
@ -201,25 +272,7 @@ public class pdfParser extends AbstractParser implements Parser {
pdfDoc = null ;
clean_up_idiotic_PDFParser_font_cache_which_eats_up_tons_of_megabytes ( ) ;
return new Document [ ] { new Document (
location ,
mimeType ,
"UTF-8" ,
this ,
null ,
docKeywords ,
singleList ( docTitle ) ,
docAuthor ,
docPublisher ,
null ,
null ,
0.0f , 0.0f ,
contentBytes ,
( pdflinks = = null | | pdflinks . isEmpty ( ) ) ? null : pdflinks ,
null ,
null ,
false ,
docDate ) } ;
return result ;
/ * *
@ -227,11 +280,14 @@ public class pdfParser extends AbstractParser implements Parser {
* @param pdf the document to parse
* @return all detected links
* /
private Collection < AnchorURL > extractPdfLinks ( final PDDocument pdf ) {
final Collection < AnchorURL > pdflinks = new ArrayList < AnchorURL > ( ) ;
private Collection < AnchorURL > [ ] extractPdfLinks ( final PDDocument pdf ) {
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
List < PDPage > allPages = pdf . getDocumentCatalog ( ) . getAllPages ( ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
Collection < AnchorURL > [ ] linkCollections = ( Collection < AnchorURL > [ ] ) new Collection < ? > [ allPages . size ( ) ] ;
int pagecount = 0 ;
for ( PDPage page : allPages ) {
final Collection < AnchorURL > pdflinks = new ArrayList < AnchorURL > ( ) ;
try {
List < PDAnnotation > annotations = page . getAnnotations ( ) ;
if ( annotations ! = null ) {
@ -248,8 +304,9 @@ public class pdfParser extends AbstractParser implements Parser {
} catch ( IOException ex ) { }
linkCollections [ pagecount + + ] = pdflinks ;
return pdf links;
return linkCollection s;
public static void clean_up_idiotic_PDFParser_font_cache_which_eats_up_tons_of_megabytes ( ) {