@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroException;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
import de.anomic.server.serverCodings;
import de.anomic.server.serverInstantThread;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySearch;
public final class plasmaSearchEvent {
@ -60,6 +62,8 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent {
private plasmaWordIndex wordIndex;
private plasmaCrawlLURL urlStore;
private plasmaSnippetCache snippetCache;
private plasmaWordIndexEntity rcLocal, rcGlobal; // caches for results
private yacySearch[] searchThreads;
public plasmaSearchEvent(plasmaSearchQuery query, serverLog log, plasmaWordIndex wordIndex, plasmaCrawlLURL urlStore, plasmaSnippetCache snippetCache) {
this.log = log;
@ -67,9 +71,77 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent {
this.query = query;
this.urlStore = urlStore;
this.snippetCache = snippetCache;
this.rcLocal = new plasmaWordIndexEntity(null);
this.rcGlobal = new plasmaWordIndexEntity(null);
this.searchThreads = null;
public plasmaWordIndexEntity search(long time) throws IOException {
public plasmaSearchResult search() {
// combine all threads
if (query.domType == plasmaSearchQuery.SEARCHDOM_GLOBALDHT) {
int fetchcount = ((int) (query.maximumTime / 1000L)) * 5; // number of wanted results until break in search
int fetchpeers = ((int) (query.maximumTime / 1000L)) * 2; // number of target peers; means 30 peers in 10 seconds
long fetchtime = query.maximumTime * 6 / 10; // time to waste
// remember time
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// first trigger a local search within a separate thread
serverInstantThread.oneTimeJob(this, "localSearch", log, 0);
// do a global search
int globalContributions = globalSearch(fetchcount, fetchpeers, fetchtime);
log.logFine("SEARCH TIME AFTER GLOBAL-TRIGGER TO " + fetchpeers + " PEERS: " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000) + " seconds");
try {
// combine the result and order
long remainingTime = query.maximumTime - (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
if (remainingTime < 500) remainingTime = 500;
if (remainingTime > 3000) remainingTime = 3000;
plasmaSearchResult result = order(remainingTime, query.wantedResults);
result.globalContributions = globalContributions;
result.localContributions = rcLocal.size();
// flush results in a separate thread
serverInstantThread.oneTimeJob(this, "flushResults", log, 0);
// clean up
if ((rcLocal != null) && (!(rcLocal.isTMPEntity()))) rcLocal.close();
rcLocal = null;
// return search result
return result;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
} else {
// do a local search
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
plasmaSearchResult result = order(query.maximumTime - (System.currentTimeMillis() - start), query.wantedResults);
result.localContributions = rcLocal.size();
// clean up
if ((rcLocal != null) && (!(rcLocal.isTMPEntity()))) rcLocal.close();
rcLocal = null;
return result;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public void localSearch() throws IOException {
// method called by a one-time
localSearch(query.maximumTime * 6 / 10);
public int localSearch(long time) throws IOException {
// search for the set of hashes and return an array of urlEntry elements
long stamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
@ -78,29 +150,66 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent {
Set entities = wordIndex.getEntities(query.queryHashes, true, true);
// since this is a conjunction we return an empty entity if any word is not known
if (entities == null) return new plasmaWordIndexEntity(null);
if (entities == null) {
rcLocal = new plasmaWordIndexEntity(null);
return 0;
// join the result
return plasmaWordIndexEntity.joinEntities(entities, time - (System.currentTimeMillis() - stamp));
long remainingTime = time - (System.currentTimeMillis() - stamp);
if (remainingTime < 1000) remainingTime = 1000;
rcLocal = plasmaWordIndexEntity.joinEntities(entities, remainingTime);
log.logFine("SEARCH TIME FOR FINDING " + rcLocal.size() + " ELEMENTS: " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - stamp) / 1000) + " seconds");
return rcLocal.size();
public plasmaSearchResult order(plasmaWordIndexEntity searchResult, long maxTime, int minEntries) throws IOException {
// we collect the urlhashes from it and construct a List with urlEntry objects
// attention: if minEntries is too high, this method will not terminate within the maxTime
public int globalSearch(int fetchcount, int fetchpeers, long timelimit) {
// do global fetching
// the result of the fetch is then in the rcGlobal
if (fetchpeers < 10) fetchpeers = 10;
if (fetchcount > query.wantedResults * 10) fetchcount = query.wantedResults * 10;
// set a duetime for clients
long duetime = timelimit - 4000; // subtract network traffic overhead, guessed 4 seconds
if (duetime < 1000) { duetime = 1000; }
long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + timelimit;
searchThreads = yacySearch.searchHashes(query.queryHashes, urlStore, rcGlobal, fetchcount, fetchpeers, plasmaSwitchboard.urlBlacklist, snippetCache, duetime);
// wait until wanted delay passed or wanted result appeared
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < timeout) {
// check if all threads have been finished or results so far are enough
if (rcGlobal.size() >= fetchcount * 3) break; // we have enough
if (yacySearch.remainingWaiting(searchThreads) == 0) break; // we cannot expect more
// wait a little time ..
try {Thread.currentThread().sleep(100);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
return rcGlobal.size();
public plasmaSearchResult order(long maxTime, int minEntries) throws IOException {
// we collect the urlhashes and construct a list with urlEntry objects
// attention: if minEntries is too high, this method will not terminate within the maxTime
plasmaWordIndexEntity searchResult = new plasmaWordIndexEntity(null);
searchResult.merge(rcLocal, -1);
searchResult.merge(rcGlobal, -1);
plasmaSearchResult acc = new plasmaSearchResult(query);
if (searchResult == null) return acc; // strange case where searchResult is not proper: acc is then empty
if (searchResult.size() == 0) return acc; // case that we have nothing to do
Enumeration e = searchResult.elements(true);
Iterator e = searchResult.elements(true);
plasmaWordIndexEntry entry;
long startCreateTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
plasmaCrawlLURL.Entry page;
try {
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
while (e.hasNext()) {
if ((acc.sizeFetched() >= minEntries) &&
(System.currentTimeMillis() - startCreateTime >= maxTime)) break;
entry = (plasmaWordIndexEntry) e.nextElement();
entry = (plasmaWordIndexEntry) e.next();
// find the url entry
page = urlStore.getEntry(entry.getUrlHash());
// add a result
@ -111,10 +220,47 @@ public final class plasmaSearchEvent {
long startSortTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
serverLog.logFine("PLASMA", "plasmaSearch.order: minEntries = " + minEntries + ", effectiveEntries = " + acc.sizeOrdered() + ", demanded Time = " + maxTime + ", effectiveTime = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startCreateTime) + ", createTime = " + (startSortTime - startCreateTime) + ", sortTime = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startSortTime));
serverLog.logFine("PLASMA", "plasmaSearchEvent.order: minEntries = " + minEntries + ", effectiveEntries = " + acc.sizeOrdered() + ", demanded Time = " + maxTime + ", effectiveTime = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startCreateTime) + ", createTime = " + (startSortTime - startCreateTime) + ", sortTime = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startSortTime));
return acc;
public void flushResults() {
// put all new results into wordIndex
// this must be called after search results had been computed
// it is wise to call this within a separate thread because this method waits untill all
if (searchThreads == null) return;
// wait untill all threads are finished
int remaining;
long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while ((remaining = yacySearch.remainingWaiting(searchThreads)) > 0) {
try {Thread.currentThread().sleep(5000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime > 90000) {
serverLog.logFine("PLASMA", "SEARCH FLUSH: " + remaining + " PEERS STILL BUSY; ABANDONED");
// now flush the rcGlobal into wordIndex
Iterator hashi = query.queryHashes.iterator();
String wordHash;
while (hashi.hasNext()) {
wordHash = (String) hashi.next();
Iterator i = rcGlobal.elements(true);
plasmaWordIndexEntry entry;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = (plasmaWordIndexEntry) i.next();
wordIndex.addEntries(plasmaWordIndexEntryContainer.instantContainer(wordHash, System.currentTimeMillis(), entry), false);
serverLog.logFine("PLASMA", "FINISHED FLUSHING " + rcGlobal.size() + " GLOBAL SEARCH RESULTS");
// finally delete the temporary index
rcGlobal = null;
public void preSearch() {
plasmaWordIndexEntity idx = null;