@ -902,10 +902,12 @@ public final class Protocol {
Map<String, String> resultMap = null;
String key = "";
final ContentBody keyBody = parts.get("key");
if ( keyBody != null ) {
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(20);
if (keyBody != null) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(20);
key = baos.toString();
key = UTF8.String(baos.toByteArray());
baos = null;
String filter = event.query.urlMask.pattern().toString();
@ -1037,67 +1039,70 @@ public final class Protocol {
RemoteInstance instance = null;
SolrConnector solrConnector = null;
SolrDocumentList docList = null;
QueryResponse rsp = null;
if (localsearch) {
// search the local index
try {
rsp = event.getQuery().getSegment().fulltext().getDefaultConnector().getResponseByParams(solrQuery);
docList = rsp.getResults();
} catch (final Throwable e) {
Network.log.info("SEARCH failed (solr), localpeer (" + e.getMessage() + ")", e);
return -1;
} else {
try {
String address = target == event.peers.mySeed() ? "localhost:" + target.getPort() : target.getPublicAddress();
final int solrtimeout = Switchboard.getSwitchboard().getConfigInt(SwitchboardConstants.FEDERATED_SERVICE_SOLR_INDEXING_TIMEOUT, 10000);
instance = new RemoteInstance("http://" + address, null, "solr", solrtimeout); // this is a 'patch configuration' which considers 'solr' as default collection
solrConnector = new RemoteSolrConnector(instance, "solr");
rsp = solrConnector.getResponseByParams(solrQuery);
docList = rsp.getResults();
// no need to close this here because that sends a commit to remote solr which is not wanted here
} catch (final Throwable e) {
Network.log.info("SEARCH failed (solr), remote Peer: " +target.getName() + "/" + target.getPublicAddress() + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
return -1;
// evaluate facets
Map<String, ReversibleScoreMap<String>> facets = new HashMap<String, ReversibleScoreMap<String>>(event.query.facetfields.size());
for (String field: event.query.facetfields) {
FacetField facet = rsp.getFacetField(field);
ReversibleScoreMap<String> result = new ClusteredScoreMap<String>(UTF8.insensitiveUTF8Comparator);
List<Count> values = facet == null ? null : facet.getValues();
if (values == null) continue;
for (Count ff: values) {
int c = (int) ff.getCount();
if (c == 0) continue;
result.set(ff.getName(), c);
if (result.size() > 0) facets.put(field, result);
// evaluate snippets
Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> rawsnippets = rsp.getHighlighting(); // a map from the urlhash to a map with key=field and value = list of snippets
Map<String, String> snippets = new HashMap<String, String>(); // this will be a list of urlhash-snippet entries
if (rawsnippets != null) {
nextsnippet: for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, List<String>>> re: rawsnippets.entrySet()) {
Map<String, List<String>> rs = re.getValue();
for (CollectionSchema field: snippetFields) {
if (rs.containsKey(field.getSolrFieldName())) {
List<String> s = rs.get(field.getSolrFieldName());
if (s.size() > 0) {
snippets.put(re.getKey(), s.get(0));
continue nextsnippet;
{// encapsulate expensive solr QueryResponse object
QueryResponse rsp = null;
if (localsearch) {
// search the local index
try {
rsp = event.getQuery().getSegment().fulltext().getDefaultConnector().getResponseByParams(solrQuery);
docList = rsp.getResults();
} catch (final Throwable e) {
Network.log.info("SEARCH failed (solr), localpeer (" + e.getMessage() + ")", e);
return -1;
} else {
try {
String address = target == event.peers.mySeed() ? "localhost:" + target.getPort() : target.getPublicAddress();
final int solrtimeout = Switchboard.getSwitchboard().getConfigInt(SwitchboardConstants.FEDERATED_SERVICE_SOLR_INDEXING_TIMEOUT, 6000);
instance = new RemoteInstance("http://" + address, null, "solr", solrtimeout); // this is a 'patch configuration' which considers 'solr' as default collection
solrConnector = new RemoteSolrConnector(instance, "solr");
rsp = solrConnector.getResponseByParams(solrQuery);
docList = rsp.getResults();
// no need to close this here because that sends a commit to remote solr which is not wanted here
} catch (final Throwable e) {
Network.log.info("SEARCH failed (solr), remote Peer: " +target.getName() + "/" + target.getPublicAddress() + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
return -1;
// evaluate facets
for (String field: event.query.facetfields) {
FacetField facet = rsp.getFacetField(field);
ReversibleScoreMap<String> result = new ClusteredScoreMap<String>(UTF8.insensitiveUTF8Comparator);
List<Count> values = facet == null ? null : facet.getValues();
if (values == null) continue;
for (Count ff: values) {
int c = (int) ff.getCount();
if (c == 0) continue;
result.set(ff.getName(), c);
if (result.size() > 0) facets.put(field, result);
// evaluate snippets
Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> rawsnippets = rsp.getHighlighting(); // a map from the urlhash to a map with key=field and value = list of snippets
if (rawsnippets != null) {
nextsnippet: for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, List<String>>> re: rawsnippets.entrySet()) {
Map<String, List<String>> rs = re.getValue();
for (CollectionSchema field: snippetFields) {
if (rs.containsKey(field.getSolrFieldName())) {
List<String> s = rs.get(field.getSolrFieldName());
if (s.size() > 0) {
snippets.put(re.getKey(), s.get(0));
continue nextsnippet;
// no snippet found :( --we don't assign a value here by default; that can be done as an evaluation outside this method
// no snippet found :( --we don't assign a value here by default; that can be done as an evaluation outside this method
rsp = null;
// evaluate result
List<URIMetadataNode> container = new ArrayList<URIMetadataNode>();
if (docList == null || docList.size() == 0) {
@ -1164,24 +1169,25 @@ public final class Protocol {
// add the url entry to the word indexes
final int dls = docList.size();
final int numFound = (int) docList.getNumFound();
docList = null;
if (localsearch) {
event.addNodes(container, facets, snippets, true, "localpeer", (int) docList.getNumFound());
event.addNodes(container, facets, snippets, true, "localpeer", numFound);
Network.log.info("local search (solr): localpeer sent " + container.size() + "/" + docList.getNumFound() + " references");
Network.log.info("local search (solr): localpeer sent " + container.size() + "/" + numFound + " references");
} else {
for (SolrInputDocument doc: docs) {
docs.clear(); docs = null;
event.addNodes(container, facets, snippets, false, target.getName() + "/" + target.hash, (int) docList.getNumFound());
event.addNodes(container, facets, snippets, false, target.getName() + "/" + target.hash, numFound);
Network.log.info("remote search (solr): peer " + target.getName() + " sent " + (container.size() == 0 ? 0 : container.size()) + "/" + docList.getNumFound() + " references");
Network.log.info("remote search (solr): peer " + target.getName() + " sent " + (container.size() == 0 ? 0 : container.size()) + "/" + numFound + " references");
final int dls = docList.size();
docList = null;
if (solrConnector != null) solrConnector.close();
if (instance != null) instance.close();
return dls;