@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ package de.anomic.yacy.graphics;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.text.ParseException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
@ -47,38 +50,46 @@ import net.yacy.cora.document.UTF8;
import net.yacy.document.Condenser ;
import net.yacy.document.Document ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Row ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Row.Entry ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowSpaceExceededException ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Base64Order ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.MicroDate ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.AbstractReference ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.Reference ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.ReferenceContainer ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.ReferenceContainerCache ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.ReferenceFactory ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.LookAheadIterator ;
public class WebStructureGraph {
public static int maxCRLDump = 500000 ;
public static int maxCRGDump = 200000 ;
public static int maxref = 300 ; // maximum number of references, to avoid overflow when a large link farm occurs (i.e. wikipedia)
public static int maxhosts = 20000 ; // maximum number of hosts in web structure map
private final Log log ;
private final static Log log = new Log ( "WebStructureGraph" ) ;
private final File structureFile ;
private final TreeMap < String , String > structure_old ; // <b64hash(6)>','<host> to <date-yyyymmdd(8)>{<target-b64hash(6)><target-count-hex(4)>}*
private final TreeMap < String , String > structure_new ;
private final BlockingQueue < leanrefObject > publicRefDNSResolvingQueue ;
private final p ublicRefDNSResolvingProcess publicRefDNSResolvingWorker ;
private final P ublicRefDNSResolvingProcess publicRefDNSResolvingWorker ;
private final static leanrefObject leanrefObjectPOISON = new leanrefObject ( null , null ) ;
private static class leanrefObject {
p ublic final DigestURI url ;
p ublic final Set < MultiProtocolURI > globalRefURLs ;
p ublic leanrefObject ( final DigestURI url , final Set < MultiProtocolURI > globalRefURLs ) {
p rivate final DigestURI url ;
p rivate final Set < MultiProtocolURI > globalRefURLs ;
p rivate leanrefObject ( final DigestURI url , final Set < MultiProtocolURI > globalRefURLs ) {
this . url = url ;
this . globalRefURLs = globalRefURLs ;
public WebStructureGraph ( final Log log , final File structureFile ) {
this . log = log ;
public WebStructureGraph ( final File structureFile ) {
this . structure_old = new TreeMap < String , String > ( ) ;
this . structure_new = new TreeMap < String , String > ( ) ;
this . structureFile = structureFile ;
@ -110,12 +121,12 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
delcount - - ;
this . publicRefDNSResolvingWorker = new p ublicRefDNSResolvingProcess( ) ;
this . publicRefDNSResolvingWorker = new P ublicRefDNSResolvingProcess( ) ;
this . publicRefDNSResolvingWorker . start ( ) ;
private class p ublicRefDNSResolvingProcess extends Thread {
p ublic p ublicRefDNSResolvingProcess( ) {
private class P ublicRefDNSResolvingProcess extends Thread {
p rivate P ublicRefDNSResolvingProcess( ) {
public void run ( ) {
leanrefObject lro ;
@ -155,7 +166,7 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
p ublic void learnrefs ( final leanrefObject lro ) {
p rivate void learnrefs ( final leanrefObject lro ) {
final StringBuilder cpg = new StringBuilder ( 240 ) ;
assert cpg . length ( ) % 12 = = 0 : "cpg.length() = " + cpg . length ( ) + ", cpg = " + cpg . toString ( ) ;
final String refhashp = UTF8 . String ( lro . url . hash ( ) , 6 , 6 ) ; // ref hash part
@ -224,20 +235,20 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
return s . toString ( ) ;
public structureEntry outgoingReferences ( final String dom hash) {
// returns a map with a dom hash(String):refcount(Integer) relation
assert dom hash. length ( ) = = 6 ;
public StructureEntry outgoingReferences ( final String host hash) {
// returns a map with a host hash(String):refcount(Integer) relation
assert host hash. length ( ) = = 6 ;
SortedMap < String , String > tailMap ;
Map < String , Integer > h = new HashMap < String , Integer > ( ) ;
String domain = "" ;
String hostname = "" ;
String date = "" ;
String ref ;
synchronized ( structure_old ) {
tailMap = structure_old . tailMap ( dom hash) ;
tailMap = structure_old . tailMap ( host hash) ;
if ( ! tailMap . isEmpty ( ) ) {
final String key = tailMap . firstKey ( ) ;
if ( key . startsWith ( dom hash) ) {
domain = key . substring ( 7 ) ;
if ( key . startsWith ( host hash) ) {
hostname = key . substring ( 7 ) ;
ref = tailMap . get ( key ) ;
date = ref . substring ( 0 , 8 ) ;
h = refstr2map ( ref ) ;
@ -245,82 +256,220 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
synchronized ( structure_new ) {
tailMap = structure_new . tailMap ( dom hash) ;
tailMap = structure_new . tailMap ( host hash) ;
if ( ! tailMap . isEmpty ( ) ) {
final String key = tailMap . firstKey ( ) ;
if ( key . startsWith ( dom hash) ) {
if ( key . startsWith ( host hash) ) {
ref = tailMap . get ( key ) ;
if ( domain. length ( ) = = 0 ) domain = key . substring ( 7 ) ;
if ( hostname. length ( ) = = 0 ) hostname = key . substring ( 7 ) ;
if ( date . length ( ) = = 0 ) date = ref . substring ( 0 , 8 ) ;
assert domain . equals ( key . substring ( 7 ) ) : "domain = " + domain + ", key = " + key ;
h . putAll ( refstr2map ( ref ) ) ;
if ( h . isEmpty ( ) ) return null ;
return new structureEntry( domhash , domain , date , h ) ;
return new StructureEntry( hosthash , hostname , date , h ) ;
public structureEntry incomingReferences ( final String dom hash) {
String host = resolveDomHash2DomString ( dom hash) ;
if ( host = = null ) return null ;
public StructureEntry incomingReferences ( final String host hash) {
String host name = hostHash2hostName ( host hash) ;
if ( host name = = null ) return null ;
// collect the references
WebStructureGraph . s tructureEntry sentry ;
HashMap < String , Integer > dom hashes = new HashMap < String , Integer > ( ) ;
Iterator < WebStructureGraph . structureEntry> i = structureEntry Iterator( false ) ;
WebStructureGraph . S tructureEntry sentry ;
HashMap < String , Integer > host hashes = new HashMap < String , Integer > ( ) ;
Iterator < WebStructureGraph . StructureEntry> i = new Structure Iterator( false ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
sentry = i . next ( ) ;
if ( sentry . references . containsKey ( domhash) ) domhashes . put ( sentry . domhash , sentry . references . get ( dom hash) ) ;
if ( sentry . references . containsKey ( hosthash) ) hosthashes . put ( sentry . hosthash , sentry . references . get ( host hash) ) ;
i = structureEntry Iterator( true ) ;
i = new Structure Iterator( true ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
sentry = i . next ( ) ;
if ( sentry . references . containsKey ( domhash) ) domhashes . put ( sentry . domhash , sentry . references . get ( dom hash) ) ;
if ( sentry . references . containsKey ( hosthash) ) hosthashes . put ( sentry . hosthash , sentry . references . get ( host hash) ) ;
// construct a new structureEntry Object
return new s tructureEntry(
dom hash,
host ,
return new S tructureEntry(
host hash,
host name ,
GenericFormatter . SHORT_DAY_FORMATTER . format ( ) ,
domhashes ) ;
hosthashes ) ;
public static class HostReferenceFactory implements ReferenceFactory < HostReference > {
private static final Row hostReferenceRow = new Row ( "String h-6, Cardinal m-4 {b256}, Cardinal c-4 {b256}" , Base64Order . enhancedCoder ) ;
public HostReferenceFactory ( ) {
public Row getRow ( ) {
return hostReferenceRow ;
public HostReference produceSlow ( Entry e ) {
return new HostReference ( e ) ;
public HostReference produceFast ( HostReference e ) {
return e ;
public static class HostReference extends AbstractReference implements Reference {
private final Row . Entry entry ;
public HostReference ( final byte [ ] hostHash , final long modified , final int count ) {
assert ( hostHash . length = = 6 ) : "hostHash = " + UTF8 . String ( hostHash ) ;
this . entry = hostReferenceFacory . getRow ( ) . newEntry ( ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( 0 , hostHash ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( 1 , MicroDate . microDateDays ( modified ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( 2 , count ) ;
public HostReference ( Row . Entry entry ) {
this . entry = entry ;
public String toPropertyForm ( ) {
return this . entry . toPropertyForm ( ':' , true , true , false , true ) ;
public Entry toKelondroEntry ( ) {
return this . entry ;
public byte [ ] metadataHash ( ) {
return this . entry . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) ;
public int count ( ) {
return ( int ) this . entry . getColLong ( 2 ) ;
public long lastModified ( ) {
return MicroDate . reverseMicroDateDays ( ( int ) this . entry . getColLong ( 1 ) ) ;
public void join ( final Reference r ) {
// joins two entries into one entry
HostReference oe = ( HostReference ) r ;
// combine date
long o = oe . lastModified ( ) ;
if ( this . lastModified ( ) < o ) this . entry . setCol ( 1 , MicroDate . microDateDays ( o ) ) ;
// combine count
int c = oe . count ( ) ;
if ( this . count ( ) < c ) this . entry . setCol ( 2 , c ) ;
public Collection < Integer > positions ( ) {
return new ArrayList < Integer > ( 0 ) ;
public HashMap < String , Integer > incomingDomains ( final String domhash ) {
public static final HostReferenceFactory hostReferenceFacory = new HostReferenceFactory ( ) ;
public static ReferenceContainerCache < HostReference > hostReferenceIndexCache = null ;
public static long hostReferenceIndexCacheTime = 0 ;
public static final long hostReferenceIndexCacheTTL = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12 ; // 12 hours time to live for cache
public synchronized ReferenceContainerCache < HostReference > incomingReferences ( ) {
// we return a cache if the cache is filled and not stale
if ( hostReferenceIndexCache ! = null & &
hostReferenceIndexCacheTime + hostReferenceIndexCacheTTL > System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) return hostReferenceIndexCache ;
// collect the references
WebStructureGraph . structureEntry sentry ;
HashMap < String , Integer > domains = new HashMap < String , Integer > ( ) ;
Iterator < WebStructureGraph . structureEntry > i = structureEntryIterator ( false ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
sentry = i . next ( ) ;
if ( sentry . references . containsKey ( domhash ) ) domains . put ( sentry . domain , sentry . references . get ( domhash ) ) ;
HostReferenceFactory hostReferenceFactory = new HostReferenceFactory ( ) ;
ReferenceContainerCache < HostReference > idx = new ReferenceContainerCache < HostReference > ( hostReferenceFactory , hostReferenceFactory . getRow ( ) , Base64Order . enhancedCoder ) ;
// we iterate over all structure entries.
// one structure entry has information that a specific host links to a list of other hosts
incomingReferencesEnrich ( idx , new StructureIterator ( false ) , 3000 ) ;
incomingReferencesEnrich ( idx , new StructureIterator ( true ) , 3000 ) ;
// fill the cache again and set fill time
hostReferenceIndexCache = idx ;
hostReferenceIndexCacheTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
return hostReferenceIndexCache ;
private void incomingReferencesEnrich (
ReferenceContainerCache < HostReference > idx ,
Iterator < WebStructureGraph . StructureEntry > structureIterator ,
long time ) {
// we iterate over all structure entries.
// one structure entry has information that a specific host links to a list of other hosts
long timeout = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + time ;
byte [ ] term ;
HostReference hr ;
WebStructureGraph . StructureEntry sentry ;
structureLoop : while ( structureIterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
sentry = structureIterator . next ( ) ;
// then we loop over all the hosts that are linked from sentry.hosthash
refloop : for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > refhosthashandcounter : sentry . references . entrySet ( ) ) {
term = UTF8 . getBytes ( refhosthashandcounter . getKey ( ) ) ;
try {
hr = new HostReference ( UTF8 . getBytes ( sentry . hosthash ) , GenericFormatter . SHORT_DAY_FORMATTER . parse ( sentry . date ) . getTime ( ) , refhosthashandcounter . getValue ( ) . intValue ( ) ) ;
} catch ( ParseException e ) {
continue refloop ;
// each term refers to an index entry. look if we already have such an entry
ReferenceContainer < HostReference > r = idx . get ( term , null ) ;
try {
if ( r = = null ) {
r = new ReferenceContainer < HostReference > ( hostReferenceFacory , term ) ;
r . add ( hr ) ;
idx . add ( r ) ;
} else {
r . put ( hr ) ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
continue refloop ;
if ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) > timeout ) break structureLoop ;
i = structureEntryIterator ( true ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
sentry = i . next ( ) ;
if ( sentry . references . containsKey ( domhash ) ) domains . put ( sentry . domain , sentry . references . get ( domhash ) ) ;
/ *
private void incomingReferencesTest ( ReferenceContainerCache < HostReference > idx ) {
for ( ReferenceContainer < HostReference > references : idx ) {
log . logInfo ( "Term-Host: " + hostHash2hostName ( UTF8 . String ( references . getTermHash ( ) ) ) ) ;
Iterator < HostReference > referenceIterator = references . entries ( ) ;
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
HostReference reference ;
while ( referenceIterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
reference = referenceIterator . next ( ) ;
s . append ( reference . toPropertyForm ( ) ) ;
log . logInfo ( " ... referenced by " + hostHash2hostName ( UTF8 . String ( reference . metadataHash ( ) ) ) + ", " + reference . count ( ) + " references" ) ;
return domains ;
* /
public int referencesCount ( final String domhash ) {
// returns the number of domains that are referenced by this domhash
assert domhash . length ( ) = = 6 : "domhash = " + domhash ;
public int referencesCount ( final String hosthash ) {
// returns the number of hosts that are referenced by this hosthash
assert hosthash . length ( ) = = 6 : "hosthash = " + hosthash ;
if ( hosthash = = null | | hosthash . length ( ) ! = 6 ) return 0 ;
SortedMap < String , String > tailMap ;
int c = 0 ;
synchronized ( structure_old ) {
tailMap = structure_old . tailMap ( domhash ) ;
tailMap = structure_old . tailMap ( host hash) ;
if ( ! tailMap . isEmpty ( ) ) {
final String key = tailMap . firstKey ( ) ;
if ( key . startsWith ( domhash ) ) {
if ( key . startsWith ( host hash) ) {
c = refstr2count ( tailMap . get ( key ) ) ;
synchronized ( structure_new ) {
tailMap = structure_new . tailMap ( domhash ) ;
tailMap = structure_new . tailMap ( host hash) ;
if ( ! tailMap . isEmpty ( ) ) {
final String key = tailMap . firstKey ( ) ;
if ( key . startsWith ( domhash ) ) {
if ( key . startsWith ( host hash) ) {
c + = refstr2count ( tailMap . get ( key ) ) ;
@ -328,24 +477,24 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
return c ;
public String resolveDomHash2DomString( final String dom hash) {
// returns the domain as string, null if unknown
assert dom hash. length ( ) = = 6 ;
public String hostHash2hostName( final String host hash) {
// returns the host as string, null if unknown
assert host hash. length ( ) = = 6 ;
SortedMap < String , String > tailMap ;
synchronized ( structure_old ) {
tailMap = structure_old . tailMap ( dom hash) ;
tailMap = structure_old . tailMap ( host hash) ;
if ( ! tailMap . isEmpty ( ) ) {
final String key = tailMap . firstKey ( ) ;
if ( key . startsWith ( dom hash) ) {
if ( key . startsWith ( host hash) ) {
return key . substring ( 7 ) ;
synchronized ( structure_new ) {
tailMap = structure_new . tailMap ( dom hash) ;
tailMap = structure_new . tailMap ( host hash) ;
if ( ! tailMap . isEmpty ( ) ) {
final String key = tailMap . firstKey ( ) ;
if ( key . startsWith ( dom hash) ) {
if ( key . startsWith ( host hash) ) {
return key . substring ( 7 ) ;
@ -354,10 +503,10 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
private void learn ( final DigestURI url , final StringBuilder reference /*string of b64(12digits)-hashes*/ ) {
final String dom hash = UTF8 . String ( url . hash ( ) , 6 , 6 ) ;
final String host hash = UTF8 . String ( url . hash ( ) , 6 , 6 ) ;
// parse the new reference string and join it with the stored references
structureEntry structure = outgoingReferences ( dom hash) ;
StructureEntry structure = outgoingReferences ( host hash) ;
final Map < String , Integer > refs = ( structure = = null ) ? new HashMap < String , Integer > ( ) : structure . references ;
assert reference . length ( ) % 12 = = 0 : "reference.length() = " + reference . length ( ) + ", reference = " + reference . toString ( ) ;
String dom ;
@ -394,7 +543,7 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
// store the map back to the structure
synchronized ( structure_new ) {
structure_new . put ( dom hash + "," + url . getHost ( ) , map2refstr ( refs ) ) ;
structure_new . put ( host hash + "," + url . getHost ( ) , map2refstr ( refs ) ) ;
@ -424,7 +573,7 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
p ublic void saveWebStructure ( ) {
p rivate void saveWebStructure ( ) {
joinOldNew ( ) ;
try {
synchronized ( structure_old ) {
@ -436,7 +585,7 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
public String hostWithMaxReferences ( ) {
// find domain with most references
// find host with most references
String maxhost = null ;
int refsize , maxref = 0 ;
joinOldNew ( ) ;
@ -452,20 +601,19 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
return maxhost ;
public Iterator < structureEntry > structureEntryIterator ( final boolean latest ) {
// iterates objects of type structureEntry
return new structureIterator ( latest ) ;
public Iterator < StructureEntry > structureEntryIterator ( final boolean latest ) {
return new StructureIterator ( latest ) ;
p ublic class structureIterator extends LookAheadIterator < structureEntry > implements Iterator < s tructureEntry> {
p rivate class StructureIterator extends LookAheadIterator < StructureEntry > implements Iterator < S tructureEntry> {
private final Iterator < Map . Entry < String , String > > i ;
p ublic s tructureIterator( final boolean latest ) {
p rivate S tructureIterator( final boolean latest ) {
i = ( ( latest ) ? structure_new : structure_old ) . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
public s tructureEntry next0 ( ) {
public S tructureEntry next0 ( ) {
Map . Entry < String , String > entry = null ;
String dom = null , ref = "" ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
@ -478,20 +626,22 @@ public class WebStructureGraph {
if ( entry = = null | | dom = = null ) return null ;
assert ( ref . length ( ) - 8 ) % 10 = = 0 : "refs = " + ref + ", length = " + ref . length ( ) ;
return new s tructureEntry( dom . substring ( 0 , 6 ) , dom . substring ( 7 ) , ref . substring ( 0 , 8 ) , refstr2map ( ref ) ) ;
return new S tructureEntry( dom . substring ( 0 , 6 ) , dom . substring ( 7 ) , ref . substring ( 0 , 8 ) , refstr2map ( ref ) ) ;
public static class structureEntry {
public String domhash , domain , date ;
public Map < String , Integer > references ;
public structureEntry (
final String domhash ,
final String domain ,
public static class StructureEntry {
public String hosthash ; // the tail of the host hash
public String hostname ; // the host name
public String date ; // date of latest change
public Map < String , Integer > references ; // a map from the referenced host hash to the number of referenced to that host
private StructureEntry (
final String hosthash ,
final String hostname ,
final String date ,
final Map < String , Integer > references ) {
this . domhash = dom hash;
this . domain = domain ;
this . hosthash = host hash;
this . hostname = hostname ;
this . date = date ;
this . references = references ;