Previously search navigators/facets elements were sorted only by counts.
Now from the ConfigSearchPage_p.html admin page, sort direction
(ascending/descending) and type (on counts or labels) can be customized
independently for each navigator.
- set the chunksize to 100 to meet the max of the embedded solr
- re-enable sorting (the case where we switched it of should be away)
- enable recrawling on remote-solr
Processing of gzip encoded incoming requests (on /yacy/transferRWI.html
and /yacy/transferURL.html) was no more working since upgrade to Jetty
9.4.12 (see commit 51f4be1).
To prevent any conflicting behavior with Jetty internals, use now the
GzipHandler provided by Jetty to decompress incoming gzip encoded
requests rather than the previously used custom GZIPRequestWrapper.
Fixes issue #249
On some conditions (especially when reaching timeout), concurrent Solr
query tasks used by the /HostBrowser.html and /api/linkstructure.json
never terminated, thus leaking resources, as reported by @Vort in issue
New "Media Type detection" section in the advanced crawl start page
allow to choose between :
- not loading URLs with unknown or unsupported file extension without
checking the actual Media Type (relying Content-Type header for now).
This was the old default behavior, faster, but not really accurate.
- always cross check URL file extension against the actual Media Type.
This lets properly parse URLs ending with an apparently odd file
extension, but which have actually a supported Media Type such as
Sample URLs with misleading file extensions added as documentation in
the crawl start page.
fixes issue #244
Not using the JDK URLDecoder.decode() function, as it strips '+'
characters when they occur after '?' (both characters having regular
expression semantics when used in blacklist path patterns)
Normalize blacklist path patterns using percent-encoding, at pattern
edition in web interface and at loading from configuration files.
Fixes issue #237
To make seed upload (in /Settings_p.html?page=seed page) with SCP easier
when the user specify a remote target directory path.
See report by @vikulin in issue #227
- support of "%h" and "%t" pattern components
- more proper initialization of file handler when the data folder is not
the default one, notably to prevent a non blocking but ugly error stack
trace reported by the log manager at startup with that kind of setup
Previously, if YaCy log folder was for example at
`/home/user/yacy/DATA/LOG`, because of improper truncation of log path,
an unnecessary directory creation was atempted at `/home/us`.
- Removed calls to no more existing clearResources functions (on PDFont
class and its children) since upgrade to pdfbox 2.n.n
- Removed hacky usage of protected internal ClassLoader function. This
removes the warnings displayed when running with JDK9 or JDK10 :
[java] WARNING: Illegal reflective access by
net.yacy.document.parser.pdfParser$ResourceCleaner (file:<path>) to
method java.lang.ClassLoader.findLoadedClass(java.lang.String)
[java] WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers
of net.yacy.document.parser.pdfParser$ResourceCleaner
[java] WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of
further illegal reflective access operations
[java] WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a
future release
Crawling thousands of pdf documents from various sources after
modifications applied, revealed no new memory leak related to pdfbox
(measurements done with JVisualVM).
As reported by @vikulin in issue #187, crawling websites using a raw
IPv6 address as host name in their URL failed when running on Microsoft
Windows platforms (FAT32 or NTFS filesystems) when YaCy crawler created
the crawl queue folder, as the ':' character which is part of an IPV6
address is forbidden on these filesystems.
The status of the library in the DictionaryLoader_p.html page now also
advertises the user that an upgrade can be applied when an older dump is
already loaded.
Upgrade applied as suggested by Niklas Andrus @fapth_gitlab on Gitter
Relative URLs to CSS stylesheets were not properly rendered when using
the Solr html response writer and the "/solr/collection1/select" entry
point instead of "/solr/select".
Was useless as done in an already synchronized block, and the lock
object was assigned a new value in that same block, and nowhere else a
lock is requested on that same object.
When using the 'From Link-List of URL' as a crawl start, with lists in
the order of one or more thousands of links, the failreason_s Solr field
maximum size (32kb) was exceeded by the string representation of the URL
must-match filter when a crawl URL was rejected because not matching.
SimpleDateFormat must not be used by concurrent threads without
synchronization for parsing or formating dates as it is not thread-safe
(internally holds a calendar instance that is not synchronized).
Prefer now DateTimeFormatter when possible as it is thread-safe without
concurrent access performance bottleneck (does not internally use
synchronization locks).
SimpleDateFormat must not be used by concurrent threads without
synchronization for parsing or formating dates as it is not thread-safe
(internally holds a calendar instance that is not synchronized).
Prefer now DateTimeFormatter when possible as it is thread-safe without
concurrent access performance bottleneck (does not internally use
synchronization locks).
SimpleDateFormat must not be used by concurrent threads without
synchronization for parsing or formating dates as it is not thread-safe
(internally holds a calendar instance that is not synchronized).
Prefer now DateTimeFormatter when possible as it is thread-safe without
concurrent access performance bottleneck (does not internally use
synchronization locks).
This makes possbile to set up much more advanced document crawl filters,
by filtering on one or more document indexed fields before inserting in
the index.
For a better control on the maximum simultaneous outgoing http
connections, as already done for any other http connections (crawls, rwi
search, p2p protocol) using the net.yacy.cora.protocol.http.HTTPClient
If not interested in displaying this on your search results and notably
on a peer with limited resources this can help saving some CPU and
outgoing network connections.
Consistently with the custom Solr http client used for https connections
to remote Solr peers or to YaCy external Solr storage.
This prevent remote Solr requests threads to wait for establishing a
connection to a remote peer longer than the configured timeout.
Initializing Thread names using the Thread constructor parameter is
faster as it already sets a thread name even if no customized one is
given, while an additional call to the Thread.setName() function
internally do synchronized access, eventually runs access check on the
security manager and performs a native call.
Profiling a running YaCy server revealed that the total processing time
spent on Thread.setName() for a typical p2p search was in the range of
* less CPU usage using the Solr 'allowedTime' parameter
* increase chances to get some results even when a first operation step
goes in time out by letting some time for final snippets results
Solr can provide partial results for example when a processing time
limit (specified with the parameter `timeAllowed`) is exceeded.
Before this fix, getting partial results from an embedded Solr index
resulted in a ClassCastException :
"org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList cannot be cast to
That was caused by concurrent modifications (with addHighlightField()
function) to the same SolrQuery instance when requesting Solr on remote
peers in p2p search.
By not generating MD5 hashes on all words of indexed texts, processing
time is reduced by 30 to 50% on indexed documents with more than 1Mbytes
of plain text.
if at least one of the image size fields is enabled in index (images_height_val,
images_width_val, images_pixel_val).
Previously all fields were required to be enabled (hint: default setting
is height + width enabled)
- properly handle IPv6 loopback address replacement
- replace loopback address or host only when accessing peer remotely
- replace loopback part with the peer hostname as requested rather than
with its seed public IP as this works better for Intranet mode and when
peer is behind a reverse proxy.
Otherwise once this operation is applied, the remote Solr(s) instances
are deconnected and the embedded Solr is connected even if disabled by
setting "core.service.fulltext".
Also use constants for related default setting values.
- Use the EnhancedXMLResponseWriter only when requested output is "exml"
- Use the Standard Solr writers when possible, for example for json, xml
or javabin output formats
- Return an error when the requested format can not been rendered with
an external Solr server only
Important : this modification is necessary for peers using exclusively
an external Solr server to be reachable as robinson targets in p2p
search, as the binary format ("javabin") is the default Solr exchange
format for peers.
Before this, when a peer requested a remote one attached only to an
external Solr (no embedded one), it ended with "Invalid type" error, as
the remote peer answered with xml although binary format was requested.
This is necessary when you want to attach to a dedicated external Solr
server protected with basic http authentication and requested over https
but having only a self-signed certificate.
The current default boost function
(`recip(ms(NOW,last_modified),3.16e-11,1,1)`) for the Date ranking
profile is indeed working fine.
What can trigger the error `unexpected docvalues type NUMERIC for field
'last_modified'` is the previous default boost function (quite old now)
or any custom one using the Solr `ord` or `rord` functions on the
last_modified field.
Then the problem was that the migration code in the Switchboard supposed
to detect the old date boost function was incorrect (one trailing right
parenthesis in excess), so the deprecated function remained.
This fixes issue #169.
- Fixes issue #160 : handle properly syntax exceptions with a user
friendly message
- Fixes loss of information on multiple blacklist entries editions
- Fixes loss of entries when moving entries from one list to another
Previously, when clicking a selected facet in the search results page to
unselect it, all other eventually selected modifiers/facets were also
With the appropriate vocabulary settings in Vocabulary_p.html page, this
can produce Vocabulary search facets displaying item types referenced in
html documents by microdata annotation.
Tested notably, but not limited to, vocabulary classes/types defined by and Dublin Core.
This adds the possibility for the HTML parser to gather typed items URLs
annotated in HTML tags with itemscope and itemtype attributes (see
microdata specification ), notably
Types from the vocabulary, but also Types/Classes from any
other vocabulary, such as the common ones listed in the RDFa core
context ( ).
Recrawl default profile was previously effectively used for crawl
stacker acceptance check, but request entries were indeed still created
with the "snippetGlobalText" profile.
Associate cached content to the last redirection location, instead of
the first URL of a redirection(s) chain :
- for proper base URL processing in parsers (fixes mantis 636 -
- to prevent duplicated content in Solr index when recrawling a
redirected URL
- with only light constraint on known indexed documents load date, as it
can already been controlled by the selection query, and the goal of the
job is indeed to recrawl selected documents now
- using the iffresh cache strategy
check case insensitive.
As keywords are compared lower case, make sure user input keyword:Key
or keyword:key will be shown as active in facet entry key.
Thus allowing to choose at configuration or per search request, whether
extending or not results beyond strict content domain filter (image,
video, audio or application).
Related graphical controls to be added to user interface.
Required for proper operation when the default system locale is Turkish,
as dottless and dotted i characters have specific case conversion rules
in this language.
Introduced through the new configurable setting
network.unit.protocol.https.preferred, defaulting to false for now.
Let choose to prefer using https when available on remote peers to
perform YaCy protocol operations including notably hello or transferRWI.
Not yet implemented for every YaCy protocol operations.
When a crawl is started, a new field to exclude content from scraping is
available. The field can be identified with the class name of div tags.
All text contained in such a div tag where the configured class name(s)
match are not indexed, while the remaining page is indexed.
Upgraded to InetAccessHandler.
Added InetPathAccessHandler extension to InetAccessHandler to maintain
path patterns capability previously available in IPAccessHandler but
lost in InetAccessHandler.
Filtering on IPv6 addresses is now supported.
Support for deprecated pattern formats such as "192.168." and
"" has been removed, but startup automated migration
should convert such patterns eventually present in serverClient.
Allow typing directly internationalized domain names including non ASCII
characters in the search field.
Search is done using the ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) representation.
Default is still http to prevent any regressions, but a new setting is
available to choose https as the preferred protocol to perform remote
New configuration setting 'remotesearch.https.preferred' is manually
editable in yacy.conf file or in Advanced Properties page
Should be enabled as default in the future for improved privacy.
Https could also eventually be used for other peers communications.
Required to properly run on systems with default locale set to Turkish
language, as with this locale the 'i' character has different upper and
lower case flavors than with other locales.
Required to properly run on systems with default locale set to Turkish
language, as with this locale the 'i' character has different upper and
lower case flavors than with other locales.
For any relevant URL parts : host name, URL scheme, session ids or
technical parts (see and for current standard references).
Remaining locale sensitive conversion used for detection of URL word
components in urlComps() makes sense but using detected language would
be preferable than using the default system locale.
Required for people using Turkish language as their default system
locale, as with this locale the 'i' character has different upper and
lower case flavors than with other locales.
Using current IANA reference list at .
As for previous update on known generic TLDs list, the generated URL
hashes on these domains stay the same but it improves performance of URL
hash computation for URLs on these domains.
Using current IANA reference list at
The generated URL hashes on these domains stay the same but performance
is greatly improved as a DNS resolve request is required on URL hash
computation when the TLD part of the host name is unknown.
Hash computation mean time measured on 1541 sample URLs (one on each
TLD) and a computer with a DSL connection : about 230ms before change,
then only 20ms.
Previously named with their ISO 3166-1 country code : this way, when
setting language to "Browser" in ConfigBasic.html, it didn't work
properly when browser preferred language was Chinese or Greek as their
respective language codes are "zh" and "el" (not "cn" and "gr" which are
their country codes)
Also ensure authentication is not lost by Digest timeout when navigating
between index.html and search results page.
This way, running searches with extended features on a remote peer or a
password protected peer works with a regular user (with "Extended
search" rights).
When authenticating on the search page with a user without "Extended
search" rights, it appears as authenticated, but has just its usual
access to the public search features.
Thus allowing a more convenient way (wihout the need to go to the admin
section) to login when searching on your remote or password protected
peer and benefit from extended search features such as Heuristics,
Bookmarking or JavasScript resorting.
Can be disabled using the ConfigSearchPage_p.html.
Resizing JPEG snapshot images through /api/snapshot.jpg failed when
running on OpenJDK, but rendered successfully with a Oracle JDK.
Details in mantis 772 ( ).
Removing any alpha component (useless in snapshot images) from the
rendered resized image solves the issue.
The target image format (jpeg) doesn't support transparency, so the
Html2ImageTest produced unusable black images when ran on a linux
machine having imagemagick package installed.
The SearchEvent listen to changes on each of its navigators, and the
information about their overall state is sent with each fetched search
item (as a "data-nav-generation" attribute). Then the browser can
regularly fetch a fresh version of yacysearchtrailer.html only if
necessary (when that nav-generation value change).
When the limit is reached, a button allow expanding/collapsing remaining
When this feature is activated without a limit to the number of
displayed tags, when encountering search results with a very large
number of keywords, the results page can become almost unusable (very
long vertical scrollbar)
Occurred when English was the only active language, then making the
ConfigBasic.html page unusable until manually modifying the
locale.language setting.
on recreation of image url.
Set parameter of indexList2protocolList to required number of images (image_stubs)
Situation e.g. image_stub(size=15) but images_protocol(size=12)
This is a fix for mantis 766 ( )
Since the upgrade to Digest authentication, access to protected search
features was indeed disabled once the Digest nonce timed out.
After Digest auth timeout the browser no more sent authentication
information and as the search results page is not private, protected
features were simply be hidden without asking browser again for
Adding a supplementary parameter when accessing the search results as
authenticated fixes this.
Inspired from the existing one used on image search, and consistent with
post filtering on content domain applied in SearchEvent.addNodes().
These filters are quite simplistic but at least audio, video or
application search now return results. Previously, when filtering on
these content domains, many results pages (and often even the first
page) were empty while the total results count suggested that results
should be available. This was because filtering on domain was only
applied AFTER requesting Solr indexes.
- added some missing increments from RWI results
- decrement relevant navigator counts when solr or RWI results are
evicted because duplicates detection or constraints checked belatedly
- do not compute facets when unnecessary to avoid unwanted CPU load
- do not increment from facets when already done
- do not rely on facets on remote solr peers requests, as most of the
time only a limited part of their total results if fetched (thus also
preventing unnecessary load on remote peers)
- use a concurrency friendly score map for the dates navigators to
prevent unwanted ConcurrentModificationExceptions
This improves the situation for the most obvious inconsistencies in
search navigators counts, but more has to be done for a true accuracy
(notably when query modifiers constraints are applied belatedly - after
the solr or RWI retrieval request - such as the content domain
Was inadequately modified in my previous related commits (making next
pages buttons unavailable in Search portal mode), as
SearchEvent.local_solr_available did not count the total filtered
results but only the ones within the currently fetched result page(s).
This modification has indeed low incidence as eventual query modifiers
are already applied when requesting the local solr index.
It mainly impact doublons detected with results from remote peers.
Also updated javadocs for clarification.
As a server-side oriented alternative to the JavaScript realtime
resorting feature proposed in PR #104.
The goal is the same as in this PR : having the possibility compensate
the network latency of various peers results fetching and obtain once
possible a consistently ranked result set.
As reported edycop in mantis 765 ( ), parsing of xlsx files was
quite incomplete.
Now properly support "Shared String Table" entry in Office Open XML
spreadsheets, an also detect embedded URLs.
Integrating the Apache poi-ooxml library could be an option for finer
OOXML formats support, but their SAX style parsing example ( ) tends to
show that a custom SAX handler is still efficient for lightweight and
low memory footprint processing.
Previously, when checking for the first time the robots.txt policy on a
unknown host (not cached in the robots table), result was always empty
in the /getpageinfo_p.xml api and in the /CrawlCheck_p.html page. Next
calls returned however the correct information.
Complements the recent modification related to images in commit 7f395ef.
Unfortunately many documents metadata fetched from the freeworld p2p
network have only partial information about embedded images. Without
proper error handling, this made many searches in p2p mode to fail