@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ package net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.responsewriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
@ -49,7 +50,9 @@ import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
import org.apache.solr.schema.TextField;
import org.apache.solr.search.DocIterator;
import org.apache.solr.search.DocList;
import org.apache.solr.search.ReturnFields;
import org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher;
import org.apache.solr.search.SolrReturnFields;
public class EnhancedXMLResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
@ -83,14 +86,14 @@ public class EnhancedXMLResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
SimpleOrderedMap<Object> highlighting = (SimpleOrderedMap<Object>) values.get("highlighting");
writeProps(writer, "responseHeader", responseHeader); // this.writeVal("responseHeader", responseHeader);
writeDocs(writer, request, response); // this.writeVal("response", response);
writeDocs(writer, request, response, rsp.getReturnFields()); // this.writeVal("response", response);
writeProps(writer, "highlighting", highlighting);
public static void write(final Writer writer, final SolrQueryRequest request, final SolrDocumentList sdl) throws IOException {
writeDocs(writer, request, sdl);
writeDocs(writer, request, sdl, new SolrReturnFields(request));
@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ public class EnhancedXMLResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
private static final void writeDocs(final Writer writer, final SolrQueryRequest request, final DocList response) throws IOException {
private static final void writeDocs(final Writer writer, final SolrQueryRequest request, final DocList response, final ReturnFields returnFields) throws IOException {
boolean includeScore = false;
final int sz = response.size();
@ -135,13 +138,13 @@ public class EnhancedXMLResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
int id = iterator.nextDoc();
Document doc = searcher.doc(id);
writeDoc(writer, schema, null, doc.getFields(), (includeScore ? iterator.score() : 0.0f), includeScore);
writeDoc(writer, schema, null, doc.getFields(), (includeScore ? iterator.score() : 0.0f), includeScore, returnFields);
private static final void writeDocs(final Writer writer, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final SolrQueryRequest request, final SolrDocumentList docs) throws IOException {
private static final void writeDocs(final Writer writer, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final SolrQueryRequest request, final SolrDocumentList docs, final ReturnFields returnFields) throws IOException {
boolean includeScore = false;
final int sz = docs.size();
@ -159,18 +162,25 @@ public class EnhancedXMLResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
Iterator<SolrDocument> iterator = docs.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
SolrDocument doc = iterator.next();
writeDoc(writer, doc);
writeDoc(writer, doc, returnFields);
private static final void writeDoc(final Writer writer, final IndexSchema schema, final String name, final List<IndexableField> fields, final float score, final boolean includeScore) throws IOException {
private static final void writeDoc(final Writer writer, final IndexSchema schema, final String name,
final List<IndexableField> fields, final float score, final boolean includeScore,
final ReturnFields returnFields) throws IOException {
startTagOpen(writer, "doc", name);
if (includeScore) {
writeTag(writer, "float", "score", Float.toString(score), false); // this is the special Solr "score" pseudo-field
/* Fields may be renamed in the ouput result, using aliases in the 'fl' parameter
* (see https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/6_6/common-query-parameters.html#CommonQueryParameters-FieldNameAliases) */
final Map<String, String> fieldRenamings = returnFields == null ? Collections.emptyMap()
: returnFields.getFieldRenames();
int sz = fields.size();
int fidx1 = 0, fidx2 = 0;
@ -181,30 +191,35 @@ public class EnhancedXMLResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
while (fidx2 < sz && fieldName.equals(fields.get(fidx2).name())) {
SchemaField sf = schema == null ? null : schema.getFieldOrNull(fieldName);
if (sf == null) {
sf = new SchemaField(fieldName, new TextField());
FieldType type = sf.getType();
if (fidx1 + 1 == fidx2) {
if (sf.multiValued()) {
startTagOpen(writer, "arr", fieldName);
String sv = value.stringValue();
writeField(writer, type.getTypeName(), null, sv); //sf.write(this, null, f1);
} else {
writeField(writer, type.getTypeName(), value.name(), value.stringValue()); //sf.write(this, f1.name(), f1);
} else {
startTagOpen(writer, "arr", fieldName);
for (int i = fidx1; i < fidx2; i++) {
String sv = fields.get(i).stringValue();
writeField(writer, type.getTypeName(), null, sv); //sf.write(this, null, (Fieldable)this.tlst.get(i));
if(returnFields == null || returnFields.wantsField(fieldName)) {
SchemaField sf = schema == null ? null : schema.getFieldOrNull(fieldName);
if (sf == null) {
sf = new SchemaField(fieldName, new TextField());
final String renderedFieldName = fieldRenamings.getOrDefault(fieldName, fieldName);
FieldType type = sf.getType();
if (fidx1 + 1 == fidx2) {
if (sf.multiValued()) {
startTagOpen(writer, "arr", renderedFieldName);
String sv = value.stringValue();
writeField(writer, type.getTypeName(), null, sv); //sf.write(this, null, f1);
} else {
writeField(writer, type.getTypeName(), renderedFieldName, value.stringValue()); //sf.write(this, f1.name(), f1);
} else {
startTagOpen(writer, "arr", renderedFieldName);
for (int i = fidx1; i < fidx2; i++) {
String sv = fields.get(i).stringValue();
writeField(writer, type.getTypeName(), null, sv); //sf.write(this, null, (Fieldable)this.tlst.get(i));
fidx1 = fidx2;
@ -233,27 +248,68 @@ public class EnhancedXMLResponseWriter implements QueryResponseWriter {
public static final void writeDoc(final Writer writer, final SolrDocument doc) throws IOException {
* Append XML representation of the given Solr document to the writer
* @param writer
* an open writer. Must not be null.
* @param doc
* the solr document to write. Must not be null.
* @param returnFields
* the eventual fields return configuration, allowing for example to
* restrict the actually returned fields. May be null.
* @throws IOException
* when a write error occurred
private static final void writeDoc(final Writer writer, final SolrDocument doc, final ReturnFields returnFields) throws IOException {
startTagOpen(writer, "doc", null);
/* Fields may be renamed in the ouput result, using aliases in the 'fl' parameter
* (see https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/6_6/common-query-parameters.html#CommonQueryParameters-FieldNameAliases) */
final Map<String, String> fieldRenamings = returnFields == null ? Collections.emptyMap()
: returnFields.getFieldRenames();
final Map<String, Object> fields = doc.getFieldValueMap();
for (String key: fields.keySet()) {
if (key == null) continue;
if (key == null) {
if (returnFields != null && !returnFields.wantsField(key)) {
Object value = doc.get(key);
final String renderedFieldName = fieldRenamings.getOrDefault(key, key);
if (value == null) {
} else if (value instanceof Collection<?>) {
startTagOpen(writer, "arr", key);
startTagOpen(writer, "arr", renderedFieldName);
for (Object o: ((Collection<?>) value)) {
writeField(writer, null, o);
writer.write("</arr>"); writer.write(lb);
} else {
writeField(writer, key, value);
writeField(writer, renderedFieldName, value);
* Append XML representation of the given Solr document to the writer
* @param writer
* an open writer. Must not be null.
* @param doc
* the solr document to write. Must not be null.
* @throws IOException
* when a write error occurred
public static final void writeDoc(final Writer writer, final SolrDocument doc) throws IOException {
writeDoc(writer, doc, null);
private static void writeField(final Writer writer, final String typeName, final String name, final String value) throws IOException {
if (typeName.equals(SolrType.text_general.printName()) ||