privatefinalHandleSeturlhashes;// map for double-check; String/Long relation, addresses ranking number (backreference for deletion)
privatefinalMap<String,String>taggingPredicates;// a map from tagging vocabulary names to tagging predicate uris
privatefinalWeakPriorityBlockingQueue<WordReferenceVars>rwiStack;// thats the bag where the RWI search process writes to
privatefinalWeakPriorityBlockingQueue<URIMetadataNode>nodeStack;// thats the bag where the solr results are written to
privatefinalWeakPriorityBlockingQueue<URIMetadataNode>resultList;// thats the result list where the actual search result is waiting to be displayed
privatefinalbooleanpollImmediately;// if this is true, then every entry in result List is polled immediately to prevent a re-ranking in the resultList. This is usefull if there is only one index source.
/** map for double-check; String/Long relation, addresses ranking number (backreference for deletion) */
/** a map from tagging vocabulary names to tagging predicate uris */
/** thats the bag where the RWI search process writes to. Contains both references from both local and remote RWIs. */
/** if this is true, then every entry in result List is polled immediately to prevent a re-ranking in the resultList. This is usefull if there is only one index source. */
// the following values are filled during the search process as statistics for the search
publicfinalAtomicIntegerlocal_rwi_available;// the number of hits generated/ranked by the local search in rwi index
publicfinalAtomicIntegerlocal_rwi_stored;// the number of existing hits by the local search in rwi index
publicfinalAtomicIntegerremote_rwi_available;// the number of hits imported from remote peers (rwi/solr mixed)
publicfinalAtomicIntegerremote_rwi_stored;// the number of existing hits at remote site
publicfinalAtomicIntegerremote_rwi_peerCount;// the number of peers which contributed to the remote search result
publicfinalAtomicIntegerlocal_solr_available;// the number of hits generated/ranked by the local search in solr
publicfinalAtomicIntegerlocal_solr_stored;// the number of existing hits by the local search in solr
publicfinalAtomicIntegerremote_solr_available;// the number of hits imported from remote peers (rwi/solr mixed)
publicfinalAtomicIntegerremote_solr_stored;// the number of existing hits at remote site
publicfinalAtomicIntegerremote_solr_peerCount;// the number of peers which contributed to the remote search result
/** the number of hits generated/ranked by the local search in rwi index */
/** the number of existing hits by the local search in rwi index */
/** the number of hits imported from remote peers (rwi/solr mixed) */
/** the number of existing hits at remote site */
/** the number of peers which contributed to the remote search result */
/** the number of hits generated/ranked by the local search in solr */
/** the number of existing hits by the local search in solr */
/** the number of hits imported from remote peers (rwi/solr mixed) */
/** the number of existing hits at remote site */
/** the number of peers which contributed to the remote search result */