Use Javadoc style comments on SearchEvent properties.

For better code readability and understanding.
luccioman 8 years ago
parent c6ae87168a
commit da3dbf9ea1

@ -124,7 +124,9 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
public final static ConcurrentLog log = new ConcurrentLog("SEARCH");
public static final int SNIPPET_MAX_LENGTH = 220;
private static final int MAX_TOPWORDS = 12; // default count of words for topicnavigagtor
/** Default count of words for topicnavigagtor */
private static final int MAX_TOPWORDS = 12;
private long eventTime;
public QueryParams query;
@ -141,56 +143,116 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
private byte[] IAmaxcounthash, IAneardhthash;
public Thread rwiProcess;
public Thread localsolrsearch;
/** Offset of the next local Solr index request
* Example : last local request with offset=10 and itemsPerPage=20, sets this attribute to 30. */
private int localsolroffset;
private final AtomicInteger expectedRemoteReferences, maxExpectedRemoteReferences; // counter for referenced that had been sorted out for other reasons
public final ScoreMap<String> locationNavigator; // a counter for the appearance of location coordinates
public final ScoreMap<String> protocolNavigator; // a counter for protocol types
public final ScoreMap<String> dateNavigator; // a counter for file types
public final ScoreMap<String> languageNavigator; // a counter for appearance of languages
public final Map<String, ScoreMap<String>> vocabularyNavigator; // counters for Vocabularies; key is metatag.getVocabularyName()
private final int topicNavigatorCount; // if 0 no topicNavigator, holds expected number of terms for the topicNavigator
// map of search custom/configured search navigators in addition to above standard navigators (which use special handling or display forms)
public final Map<String, Navigator> navigatorPlugins; // map of active search navigators key=internal navigator name
/** counter for referenced that had been sorted out for other reasons */
private final AtomicInteger expectedRemoteReferences, maxExpectedRemoteReferences;
/** a counter for the appearance of location coordinates */
public final ScoreMap<String> locationNavigator;
/** a counter for protocol types */
public final ScoreMap<String> protocolNavigator;
/** a counter for file types */
public final ScoreMap<String> dateNavigator;
/** a counter for appearance of languages */
public final ScoreMap<String> languageNavigator;
/** counters for Vocabularies; key is metatag.getVocabularyName() */
public final Map<String, ScoreMap<String>> vocabularyNavigator;
/** if 0 no topicNavigator, holds expected number of terms for the topicNavigator */
private final int topicNavigatorCount;
/** map of search custom/configured search navigators in addition to above standard navigators (which use special handling or display forms) */
public final Map<String, Navigator> navigatorPlugins;
private final LoaderDispatcher loader;
private final HandleSet snippetFetchWordHashes; // a set of word hashes that are used to match with the snippets
/** a set of word hashes that are used to match with the snippets */
private final HandleSet snippetFetchWordHashes;
private final boolean deleteIfSnippetFail;
private long urlRetrievalAllTime;
private long snippetComputationAllTime;
private ConcurrentHashMap<String, LinkedHashSet<String>> snippets;
private final boolean remote;
public final boolean addResultsToLocalIndex; // add received results to local index (defult=true)
/** add received results to local index (defult=true) */
public final boolean addResultsToLocalIndex;
/** Maximum size allowed (in kbytes) for a remote document result to be stored to local index */
private long remoteStoredDocMaxSize;
private SortedMap<byte[], ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> localSearchInclusion;
private final ScoreMap<String> ref; // reference score computation for the commonSense heuristic
/** reference score computation for the commonSense heuristic */
private final ScoreMap<String> ref;
private final long maxtime;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, WeakPriorityBlockingQueue<WordReferenceVars>> doubleDomCache; // key = domhash (6 bytes); value = like stack
private final int[] flagcount; // flag counter
/** key = domhash (6 bytes); value = like stack */
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, WeakPriorityBlockingQueue<WordReferenceVars>> doubleDomCache;
/** flag counter */
private final int[] flagcount;
private final AtomicInteger feedersAlive, feedersTerminated, snippetFetchAlive;
private boolean addRunning;
private final AtomicInteger receivedRemoteReferences;
private final ReferenceOrder order;
private final HandleSet urlhashes; // map for double-check; String/Long relation, addresses ranking number (backreference for deletion)
private final Map<String, String> taggingPredicates; // a map from tagging vocabulary names to tagging predicate uris
private final WeakPriorityBlockingQueue<WordReferenceVars> rwiStack; // thats the bag where the RWI search process writes to
private final WeakPriorityBlockingQueue<URIMetadataNode> nodeStack; // thats the bag where the solr results are written to
private final WeakPriorityBlockingQueue<URIMetadataNode> resultList; // thats the result list where the actual search result is waiting to be displayed
private final boolean pollImmediately; // if this is true, then every entry in result List is polled immediately to prevent a re-ranking in the resultList. This is usefull if there is only one index source.
/** map for double-check; String/Long relation, addresses ranking number (backreference for deletion) */
private final HandleSet urlhashes;
/** a map from tagging vocabulary names to tagging predicate uris */
private final Map<String, String> taggingPredicates;
/** thats the bag where the RWI search process writes to. Contains both references from both local and remote RWIs. */
private final WeakPriorityBlockingQueue<WordReferenceVars> rwiStack;
/** thats the bag where the solr results are written to */
private final WeakPriorityBlockingQueue<URIMetadataNode> nodeStack;
/** thats the result list where the actual search result is waiting to be displayed */
private final WeakPriorityBlockingQueue<URIMetadataNode> resultList;
/** if this is true, then every entry in result List is polled immediately to prevent a re-ranking in the resultList. This is usefull if there is only one index source. */
private final boolean pollImmediately;
public final boolean excludeintext_image;
// the following values are filled during the search process as statistics for the search
public final AtomicInteger local_rwi_available; // the number of hits generated/ranked by the local search in rwi index
public final AtomicInteger local_rwi_stored; // the number of existing hits by the local search in rwi index
public final AtomicInteger remote_rwi_available; // the number of hits imported from remote peers (rwi/solr mixed)
public final AtomicInteger remote_rwi_stored; // the number of existing hits at remote site
public final AtomicInteger remote_rwi_peerCount; // the number of peers which contributed to the remote search result
public final AtomicInteger local_solr_available; // the number of hits generated/ranked by the local search in solr
public final AtomicInteger local_solr_stored; // the number of existing hits by the local search in solr
public final AtomicInteger remote_solr_available;// the number of hits imported from remote peers (rwi/solr mixed)
public final AtomicInteger remote_solr_stored; // the number of existing hits at remote site
public final AtomicInteger remote_solr_peerCount;// the number of peers which contributed to the remote search result
/** the number of hits generated/ranked by the local search in rwi index */
public final AtomicInteger local_rwi_available;
/** the number of existing hits by the local search in rwi index */
public final AtomicInteger local_rwi_stored;
/** the number of hits imported from remote peers (rwi/solr mixed) */
public final AtomicInteger remote_rwi_available;
/** the number of existing hits at remote site */
public final AtomicInteger remote_rwi_stored;
/** the number of peers which contributed to the remote search result */
public final AtomicInteger remote_rwi_peerCount;
/** the number of hits generated/ranked by the local search in solr */
public final AtomicInteger local_solr_available;
/** the number of existing hits by the local search in solr */
public final AtomicInteger local_solr_stored;
/** the number of hits imported from remote peers (rwi/solr mixed) */
public final AtomicInteger remote_solr_available;
/** the number of existing hits at remote site */
public final AtomicInteger remote_solr_stored;
/** the number of peers which contributed to the remote search result */
public final AtomicInteger remote_solr_peerCount;
public int getResultCount() {
return Math.max(
