@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ public final class SearchEvent implements ScoreMapUpdatesListener {
if ( ! Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . DEBUG_SEARCH_LOCAL_SOLR_OFF , false ) ) {
final boolean useSolrFacets = true ;
this . localsolrsearch = RemoteSearch . solrRemoteSearch ( this ,
this . query . solrQuery ( this . query . contentdom , useSolrFacets , this . excludeintext_image ) , this . query . offset ,
this . query . solrQuery ( this . query . contentdom , this . query . isStrictContentDom ( ) , useSolrFacets , this . excludeintext_image ) , this . query . offset ,
this . query . itemsPerPage , null /* this peer */ , 0 , Switchboard . urlBlacklist , useSolrFacets , true ) ;
this . localsolroffset = this . query . offset + this . query . itemsPerPage ;
@ -734,13 +734,27 @@ public final class SearchEvent implements ScoreMapUpdatesListener {
// check document domain
if ( this . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) > 0 & &
( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . AUDIO & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasaudio ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . VIDEO & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasvideo ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . IMAGE & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasimage ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . APP & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasapp ) ) ) ) ) {
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) log . fine ( "dropped RWI: contentdom fail" ) ;
continue pollloop ;
if ( this . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) > 0 ) {
boolean domainMatch = true ;
if ( this . query . isStrictContentDom ( ) ) {
if ( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . AUDIO & & iEntry . getType ( ) ! = Response . DT_AUDIO ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . VIDEO & & iEntry . getType ( ) ! = Response . DT_MOVIE ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . IMAGE & & iEntry . getType ( ) ! = Response . DT_IMAGE ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . APP & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasapp ) ) ) ) {
domainMatch = false ;
} else if ( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . AUDIO & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasaudio ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . VIDEO & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasvideo ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . IMAGE & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasimage ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . APP & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasapp ) ) ) ) {
domainMatch = false ;
if ( ! domainMatch ) {
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) {
log . fine ( "dropped RWI: contentdom fail" ) ;
continue pollloop ;
// check language
@ -1003,14 +1017,25 @@ public final class SearchEvent implements ScoreMapUpdatesListener {
// check document domain
if ( this . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) > 0 & &
( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . AUDIO & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasaudio ) ) ) | |
if ( this . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) > 0 ) {
boolean domainMatch = true ;
if ( this . query . isStrictContentDom ( ) ) {
if ( this . query . contentdom ! = iEntry . getContentDomain ( ) ) {
domainMatch = false ;
} else if ( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . AUDIO & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasaudio ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . VIDEO & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasvideo ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . IMAGE & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasimage ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . APP & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasapp ) ) ) ) ) {
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) log . fine ( "dropped Node: content domain does not match" ) ;
updateCountsOnSolrEntryToEvict ( iEntry , facets , local , ! incrementNavigators ) ;
continue pollloop ;
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . APP & & ! ( flags . get ( Tokenizer . flag_cat_hasapp ) ) ) ) {
domainMatch = false ;
if ( ! domainMatch ) {
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) {
log . fine ( "dropped Node: content domain does not match" ) ;
updateCountsOnSolrEntryToEvict ( iEntry , facets , local , ! incrementNavigators ) ;
continue pollloop ;
// filter out media links in text search, if wanted
@ -2113,7 +2138,7 @@ public final class SearchEvent implements ScoreMapUpdatesListener {
final boolean useSolrFacets = ( this . localsolrsearch = = null ) ;
final boolean incrementNavigators = false ;
this . localsolrsearch = RemoteSearch . solrRemoteSearch ( this ,
this . query . solrQuery ( this . query . contentdom , useSolrFacets , this . excludeintext_image ) ,
this . query . solrQuery ( this . query . contentdom , this . query . isStrictContentDom ( ) , useSolrFacets , this . excludeintext_image ) ,
this . localsolroffset , nextitems , null /* this peer */ , 0 , Switchboard . urlBlacklist , useSolrFacets , incrementNavigators ) ;
this . localsolroffset + = nextitems ;
@ -2204,7 +2229,7 @@ public final class SearchEvent implements ScoreMapUpdatesListener {
return null ;
public ImageResult oneImageResult ( final int item , final long timeout ) throws MalformedURLException {
public ImageResult oneImageResult ( final int item , final long timeout , final boolean strictContentDom ) throws MalformedURLException {
if ( item < imageViewed . size ( ) ) return nthImage ( item ) ;
if ( imageSpareGood . size ( ) > 0 ) return nextSpare ( ) ; // first put out all good spare, but no bad spare
URIMetadataNode doc = oneResult ( imagePageCounter + + , timeout ) ; // we must use a different counter here because the image counter can be higher when one page filled up several spare
@ -2233,7 +2258,7 @@ public final class SearchEvent implements ScoreMapUpdatesListener {
if ( ! imageViewed . containsKey ( id ) & & ! containsSpare ( id ) ) imageSpareGood . put ( id , new ImageResult ( doc . url ( ) , doc . url ( ) , doc . mime ( ) , doc . title ( ) , w , h , 0 ) ) ;
} else {
} else if ( ! strictContentDom ) {
Collection < Object > altO = doc . getFieldValues ( CollectionSchema . images_alt_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
Collection < Object > imgO = doc . getFieldValues ( CollectionSchema . images_urlstub_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) ) ;
if ( imgO ! = null & & imgO . size ( ) > 0 & & imgO instanceof List < ? > ) {