@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ public class RobotsTxt {
if ( response = = null ) {
processOldEntry ( robotsTxt4Host , robotsURL , robotsTable ) ;
} else {
processNewEntry ( robotsURL , response , agent . robotIDs ) ;
robotsTxt4Host = processNewEntry ( response , agent . robotIDs ) ;
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ public class RobotsTxt {
if ( response = = null ) {
processOldEntry ( null , robotsURL , robotsTable ) ;
} else {
processNewEntry ( r obotsURL, r esponse, agent . robotIDs ) ;
processNewEntry ( r esponse, agent . robotIDs ) ;
@ -314,7 +314,13 @@ public class RobotsTxt {
private void processNewEntry ( DigestURL robotsURL , Response response , final String [ ] thisAgents ) {
/ * *
* Process a response to a robots . txt request , create a new robots entry , add it to the robots table then return it .
* @param response the response to the requested robots . txt URL . Must not be null .
* @param thisAgents the agent identifier ( s ) used to request the robots . txt URL
* @return the new robots entry
* /
private RobotsTxtEntry processNewEntry ( final Response response , final String [ ] thisAgents ) {
final byte [ ] robotsTxt = response . getContent ( ) ;
//Log.logInfo("RobotsTxt", "robots of " + robotsURL.toNormalform(true, true) + ":\n" + ((robotsTxt == null) ? "null" : UTF8.String(robotsTxt))); // debug TODO remove
RobotsTxtParser parserResult ;
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ public class RobotsTxt {
boolean isBrowserAgent = thisAgents . length = = 1 & & thisAgents [ 0 ] . equals ( "Mozilla" ) ;
if ( isBrowserAgent ) denyPath . clear ( ) ;
final RobotsTxtEntry robotsTxt4Host = new RobotsTxtEntry (
r obotsURL ,
r esponse. getRequest ( ) . url ( ) ,
parserResult . allowList ( ) ,
denyPath ,
new Date ( ) ,
@ -344,6 +350,7 @@ public class RobotsTxt {
parserResult . crawlDelayMillis ( ) ,
parserResult . agentName ( ) ) ;
addEntry ( robotsTxt4Host ) ;
return robotsTxt4Host ;
private String addEntry ( final RobotsTxtEntry entry ) {