- Added a new method to check activation of mandatory fields on
Collection Configuration commit, consistently with checks previously
performed in Switchboard startup and with mandatory fields in the
default schema.
- Reorganized default schema and CollectionConfiguration enumeration :
moved no more mandatory fields in a specific section, and moved fields
enabled at startup to the mandatory section.
- Marked mandatory fields as required and with stronger font in the
IndexSchema_p.html page
As noticed by @reger24, abusive use of OpenSearch systems should be
prevented, especially if allowing to parse and reuse HTML results.
robots.txt file is now checked before requesting an external OpenSearch
system to respect the host exclusions and eventual crawl-delay value.
The check is also performed when trying to add a new OpenSearch URL
template through the /ConfigHeuristics_p.html admin page.
As discussed in PR #93 with @JeremyRand and @reger24 this new advanced
settings page includes:
- a new setting to control remote Solr responses encoding
- some existing debug settings which could not be set through the admin
user interface
This property has been deprecated four years ago by commit
d74472f562. For any active search event
id, it was then always filled with "-UNRESOLVED_PATTERN-".
This is to be more easily understandable and to reflect more accurately
the current memory strategies implementations that eventually set the
"proper" state not only because DHT reception.
As described in mantis 725 (http://mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=725) the
HostBrowser.xml api directory entries had incorrect count attribute
This was because the HostBrowser html page and backing template servlet
evolved, but modifications were not reported on the xml api.
This will prevent mistakenly hiding a div element not designed to be an
infobox but having a ".info" parent (After having previously added the
possibility for a div - and not only a span element - to be an infobox).
As mentioned in issue #103, control settings over YaCy disk usage
already existed but lacked a user-friendly way to set them.
I added it to the Performance_p.html administration page with a little
refactoring on the "Resource Observer" fieldset for improved
accessibility and HTML standards respect.
Also added the possibility to enable/disable the autoregulation fonction
from this page.
Made use of ol, li, thead, th, tbody, h1 and h2 html tags.
Added aria-label attributes to provide alternative textual information
previously only conveyed by color cue.
Tested behavior with NVDA 2016.4 screen reader.
Also removed deprecated HTML attributes uses.
Validation performed with Nu Html Checker 17.1.0.
Cross browser tested with :
- Debian Jessie : Firefox ESR 45.6.0
- MS Windows 10 : Firefox 50.1.0, Chrome 55.0.2883.87, MS Edge
In the /HostBrowser.html page "only hosts with urls pending in the
crawler", "only with load errors" and "Administration Options" all
require administration credentials. But they were displayed even to
unauthenticated users, and clicking them did nothing and returned the
/HostBrowser.html page empty.
This new "documentStructure" parameter can be set to false to only get
hosts accumulated references on a resource and thus prevent scraping the
specified URL and getting citations references.
Also set WebStructureGraph constants as final and updated the Javadoc
with example api call URLs.
Host names should not contain XML special characters such as quotation
mark, but at this stage the WebGraph may have mistakenly recorded a host
name with such characters. What's more the DigestURL constructor does
not prevent this.
By the way using serverObjects.putXML to encode host names we ensure
here the rendered XML is well formed and can be parsed by external tools
even if an structure entry is incorrect.
As described in mantis 721 (http://mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=721)
WatchWebStructure_p.html failed to include in its structure view https
and other protocols and ports than default http.
As described in mantis 720 (http://mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=720),
when requesting this API with a domain name instead of a complete URL
only HTTP references on default port were listed.
This ensure consistent implementation of the url host hash generation
and easier usage finding in source code.
Also added a unit test for this function.
The augmented Browsing option was reduced to the web proxy functionallity.
Augmented browsing is not available and no known plan exist to reimplement
alteration of result pages with additional information.
Measurement sample : import from blacklist local file containing about
15000 entries
- before refactoring : several minutes
- after refactoring : a few seconds!
Favicon display only makes sense for http(s) websites, being public or
intranet. So I modified the favicon conditional display to verify the
result URL protocol rather than if we are in intranet mode.
Also prevented rendering an img HTML tag with empty src on other results
protocols such as ftp or file.
Fixing this thanks to priest2 report
to use javax.servlet.http.Cookie parameters.
Depreciate now obsolete getHeaderCookies.
Adjust setting of MaxAge to spec if >= 0 otherwise keep default.
For this on the header of the viewed result a "add bookmark" button is
available (for authenticated users).
Currently the bookmark is added to a (virtual) bookmark folder "/proxy"
w/o any additional tags etc.
to not already actives.
Dht results are now included in count this might over shoot on redundant
dht and solr, while the previous solr facet based was always low.
Fixes issue #90 for local queries only: Stealth mode, Portal mode or
Intranet mode.
For P2p mode, the issue would probably be difficult to solve with
reasonable performance. This is still to dig.
Also switched some InterreputedException catch log messages to warn
level as this is normal behavior when shutting down a peer.
Fixed yacysearch buttons navbar behavior to deal correctly with total
results count or offset over 1000. Also improved the buttons navbar to
be able to navigate over 10th page for local queries.
When a downloaded archive release is corrupted, empty, or can not be
opened for any reason, the update script must not be launched because it
erases the existing lib/*.jar libraries.
Fixes second part of mantis 708
The bootstrap-switch component has some sizing issues with long labels,
which are not likely to be solved soon due to a lack of resources on
that project (see issue
https://github.com/nostalgiaz/bootstrap-switch/issues/419 )
This fix works by applying the following ideas :
- labels are long, so font-size and padding are reduced on small screen
sizes using a media query
- use relative percent width values on the component wrappers to
prevent overlapping on the neighbour content
- disable animation because it relies on absolute pixels width values
keeping order of added nav's.
The search page preview template displays active navs. Therefore a select
and add button has been added below the preview (to keep it close to actual).
This should in future likely be done by drag&drop (html5 feature).
- using a icon-only admin button at small and medium screen size
- using a icon-only "Search Interfaces" button at small screen size
- hiding the YaCy brand at extra-small screen size
Fixes the header part of mantis 708
Navigator button overlapping is still to fix.
This error occurs on /ConfigSearchPage_p.html and on search results page
when Metadata links are enabled.
The fix was to remove unnecessary use of hs.htmlExpand() which is now
part of highslide-full.js library file, currently not distributed with
YaCy (only includes highslide.js). The Metadata links work correctly and
the initial dynamic expansion offered by htmlExpand() did not bring much
As reported by @reger24, image and favicon viewing was broken with
unauthenticated requests on peers configured to require authentication
even from localhost.
So I unified viewing rights check in a single new function on
ImageViewer class.
This makes YaCy easier to configure when running behind a reverse Proxy.
The check on status avoids trying to update the page with error text
content when the server returned a 404 or 500 error message for example.
to work directly with javax.servlet.http.Cookie (rename headerProps to
cookieStore as is only used for this).
(Re)implement set-cookie in DefaultServlet to make cookieAuthentication
work as designed.
When starting a crawl from a file containing thousands of links,
configuration setting "crawler.MaxActiveThreads" is effective to prevent
saturating the system with too many outgoing HTTP connections threads
launched by the crawler.
But robots.txt was not affected by this setting and was indefinitely
increasing the number of concurrently loading threads until most ot the
connections timed out.
To improve performance control, added a pool of threads for Robots.txt,
consistently used in its ensureExist() and massCrawlCheck() methods.
The Robots.txt threads pool max size can now be configured in the
/PerformanceQueus_p.html page, or with the new
"robots.txt.MaxActiveThreads" setting, initialized with the same default
value as the crawler.
It can take any Date field of the index and displays a list of year strings
in reverse order by the year (not the score/count).
To allow to define the index field to use, the fieldname (and title can be
appended to the navi's name "year" e.g. year:load_date_dt:LoadDate
It works also with dates_in_content_dts field (from the graphical date
navigator). Here the query parameter from: to: are used on selection as
Query modifier (for other dates currently no query parameter available, so
selection won't work to filter search results).
Not included in the UI Searchpage layout config so far (for experiment with
it manual change to conf needed).
Upgraded the following JavaScript libraries dependencies :
- bootstrap-switch to 3.3.2
- html5shiv to 3.7.3 and switched to minified version
- typeahead to 0.10.5
- jQuery to 1.12.4
Removed unused bootstratp-rtl.css and bootstrap-rtl.min.css.
Tested non regressions on the following systems :
- Debian Jessie :
- Firefox 45.4.0
- MS Windows 10 :
- Chrome 54.0.2840.99
- Firefox 50.0
- Edge
- Emulated IE 11, 10 and 9
to make all readily available information from the original ServletRequest
available to YaCy servlets (without converting data to internal structures).
The implementation of the common interface allows easier integration of
YaCy servlets with the servlet standard (e.g. shared login service with
the servlet container etc.)
crawler servlet log warning line on failure in one of multiple urls (instead of exception msg)
indexcontrolrwi skip not needed type conversion on ranking