@ -39,11 +39,72 @@ function fadeOutBar() {
document . getElementById ( "progressbar" ) . setAttribute ( 'style' , "transition:transform 0s;-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 0s;backgroundColor:transparent;" ) ;
function statistics ( offset , itemscount , itemsperpage , totalcount , localResourceSize , remoteResourceSize , remoteIndexCount , remotePeerCount , navurlbase ) {
if ( totalcount == 0 ) return ;
if ( offset >= 0 ) document . getElementById ( "offset" ) . innerHTML = offset ;
if ( offset >= 0 ) document . getElementById ( "startRecord" ) . setAttribute ( 'value' , offset - 1 ) ;
if ( itemscount >= 0 ) document . getElementById ( "itemscount" ) . firstChild . nodeValue = itemscount ;
/ * *
* @ returns pagination buttons
* /
function renderPaginationButtons ( offset , itemscount , itemsperpage , totalcount , localResourceSize , remoteResourceSize , remoteIndexCount , remotePeerCount , navurlbase , localQuery ) {
var resnav = "<ul class=\"pagination\">" ;
var thispage = Math . floor ( offset / itemsperpage ) ;
var firstPage = thispage - ( thispage % 10 ) ;
if ( thispage == 0 ) {
resnav += "<li class=\"disabled\"><a href=\"#\">«</a></li>" ;
} else {
resnav += "<li><a id=\"prevpage\" href=\"" ;
resnav += ( navurlbase + "&startRecord=" + ( ( thispage - 1 ) * itemsperpage ) ) ;
resnav += "\">«</a></li>" ;
var totalPagesNb = Math . floor ( 1 + ( ( totalcount - 1 ) / itemsperpage ) ) ;
var numberofpages = Math . min ( 10 , totalPagesNb - firstPage ) ;
if ( ! numberofpages ) numberofpages = 10 ;
for ( i = firstPage ; i < ( firstPage + numberofpages ) ; i ++ ) {
if ( i == thispage ) {
resnav += "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\">" ;
resnav += ( i + 1 ) ;
resnav += "</a></li>" ;
} else {
resnav += "<li><a href=\"" ;
resnav += ( navurlbase + "&startRecord=" + ( i * itemsperpage ) ) ;
resnav += "\">" + ( i + 1 ) + "</a></li>" ;
if ( ( localQuery && thispage >= ( totalPagesNb - 1 ) ) || ( ! localQuery && thispage >= ( numberofpages - 1 ) ) ) {
resnav += "<li class=\"disabled\"><a href=\"#\">»</a></li>" ;
} else {
resnav += "<li><a id=\"nextpage\" href=\"" ;
resnav += ( navurlbase + "&startRecord=" + ( ( thispage + 1 ) * itemsperpage ) ) ;
resnav += "\">»</a>" ;
resnav += "</ul>" ;
return resnav ;
/ * *
* Parses a string representing an integer value
* @ param strIntValue formatted string
* @ returns the number value or undefined when the string is undefined , or NaN when the string is not a number
* /
function parseFormattedInt ( strIntValue ) {
var inValue ;
if ( strIntValue != null && strIntValue . replace != null ) {
/* Remove thousands separator and try to parse as integer */
intValue = parseInt ( strIntValue . replace ( /[\.\,]/g , '' ) )
return intValue ;
function statistics ( offset , itemscount , itemsperpage , totalcount , localResourceSize , remoteResourceSize , remoteIndexCount , remotePeerCount , navurlbase , localQuery ) {
var totalcountIntValue = parseFormattedInt ( totalcount ) ;
var offsetIntValue = parseFormattedInt ( offset ) ;
var itemscountIntValue = parseFormattedInt ( itemscount ) ;
var itemsperpageIntValue = parseFormattedInt ( itemsperpage ) ;
if ( totalcountIntValue == 0 ) {
return ;
if ( offsetIntValue >= 0 ) document . getElementById ( "offset" ) . innerHTML = offset ;
if ( offsetIntValue >= 0 ) document . getElementById ( "startRecord" ) . setAttribute ( 'value' , offsetIntValue - 1 ) ;
if ( itemscountIntValue >= 0 ) document . getElementById ( "itemscount" ) . firstChild . nodeValue = itemscount ;
document . getElementById ( "totalcount" ) . firstChild . nodeValue = totalcount ;
if ( document . getElementById ( "localResourceSize" ) != null ) document . getElementById ( "localResourceSize" ) . firstChild . nodeValue = localResourceSize ;
if ( document . getElementById ( "remoteResourceSize" ) != null ) document . getElementById ( "remoteResourceSize" ) . firstChild . nodeValue = remoteResourceSize ;
@ -52,7 +113,7 @@ function statistics(offset, itemscount, itemsperpage, totalcount, localResourceS
// compose page navigation
if ( document . getElementById ( "progressbar" ) . getAttribute ( 'class' ) != "progress-bar progress-bar-success" ) {
var percent = 100 * ( itemscount - offset + 1 ) / itemsperpag e;
var percent = 100 * ( itemscount IntValue - offset IntValue + 1 ) / itemsperpag eIntValu e;
if ( percent == 100 ) {
document . getElementById ( "progressbar" ) . setAttribute ( 'style' , "transition:transform 0s;-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 0s;" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "progressbar" ) . setAttribute ( 'class' , "progress-bar progress-bar-success" ) ;
@ -62,38 +123,9 @@ function statistics(offset, itemscount, itemsperpage, totalcount, localResourceS
var resnavElement = document . getElementById ( "resNav" ) ;
if ( resnavElement != null ) {
var resnav = "<ul class=\"pagination\">" ;
thispage = Math . floor ( offset / itemsperpage ) ;
if ( thispage == 0 ) {
resnav += "<li class=\"disabled\"><a href=\"#\">«</a></li>" ;
} else {
resnav += "<li><a id=\"prevpage\" href=\"" ;
resnav += ( navurlbase + "&startRecord=" + ( ( thispage - 1 ) * itemsperpage ) ) ;
resnav += "\">«</a></li>" ;
numberofpages = Math . floor ( Math . min ( 9 , 1 + ( ( totalcount . replace ( /\./g , '' ) - 1 ) / itemsperpage ) ) ) ;
if ( ! numberofpages ) numberofpages = 9 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numberofpages ; i ++ ) {
if ( i == thispage ) {
resnav += "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\">" ;
resnav += ( i + 1 ) ;
resnav += "</a></li>" ;
} else {
resnav += "<li><a href=\"" ;
resnav += ( navurlbase + "&startRecord=" + ( i * itemsperpage ) ) ;
resnav += "\">" + ( i + 1 ) + "</a></li>" ;
if ( thispage >= numberofpages ) {
resnav += "<li><a href=\"#\">»</a></li>" ;
} else {
resnav += "<li><a id=\"nextpage\" href=\"" ;
resnav += ( navurlbase + "&startRecord=" + ( ( thispage + 1 ) * itemsperpage ) ) ;
resnav += "\">»</a>" ;
resnav += "</ul>" ;
resnavElement . innerHTML = resnav ;
resnavElement . innerHTML = renderPaginationButtons ( offsetIntValue , itemscountIntValue , itemsperpageIntValue ,
totalcountIntValue , parseFormattedInt ( localResourceSize ) , parseFormattedInt ( remoteResourceSize ) , parseFormattedInt ( remoteIndexCount ) ,
parseFormattedInt ( remotePeerCount ) , navurlbase , localQuery ) ;