del abandoned indexcleaner.html, servlet deleted with commit

crawler servlet log warning line on failure in one of multiple urls (instead of exception msg)
indexcontrolrwi skip not needed type conversion on ranking
reger 8 years ago
parent 024b811a7b
commit 042c2868df

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public class Crawler_p {
if (crawlingStartURL != null && (crawlingStartURL.isFile() || crawlingStartURL.isSMB())) storeHTCache = false;
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
ConcurrentLog.warn("Crawler_p", "crawl start url invalid" + e.getMessage());
} else {
crawlName = crawlingFile.getName();

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>YaCy '#[clientname]#': Index Cleaner</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="10" />
<body id="IndexCleaner">
<h2>Index Cleaner</h2>
<dt>ThreadAlive: #[threadAlive]#</dt>
<dt>ThreadToString: #[threadToString]#</dt>
<dt>Total URLs searched: #[total]# (#[percentUrls]#%)</dt>
<dt>Blacklisted URLs found: #[blacklisted]#</dt>
<dt>Percentage blacklisted: #[percent]#%</dt>
<dt>last searched URL: #[lastUrl]# (#[lastHash]#)</dt>
<dt>last blacklisted URL found: #[lastBlacklistedUrl]# (#[lastBlacklistedHash]#)</dt>
<dt>ThreadAlive: #[threadAlive]#</dt>
<dt>ThreadToString: #[threadToString]#</dt>
<dt>RWIs at Start: #[RWIcountstart]#</dt>
<dt>RWIs now: #[RWIcountnow]#</dt>
<dt>wordHash in Progress: #[wordHashNow]#</dt>
<dt>last wordHash with deleted URLs: #[lastWordHash]#</dt>
<dt>Number of deleted URLs in on this Hash: #[lastDeletionCounter]#</dt>
URL-DB-Cleaner - Clean up the database by deletion of blacklisted urls:<br />
<select name="selectSegment" size="1">
<option value="#[name]#" #(selected)#::selected="selected"#(/selected)#>#[name]#</option>
<a href="IndexCleaner_p.html?action=ustart">Start/Resume</a>
<a href="IndexCleaner_p.html?action=ustop">Stop</a>
<a href="IndexCleaner_p.html?action=upause">Pause</a>
RWI-DB-Cleaner - Clean up the database by deletion of words with reference to blacklisted urls:<br />
<a href="IndexCleaner_p.html?action=rstart">Start/Resume</a>
<a href="IndexCleaner_p.html?action=rstop">Stop</a>
<a href="IndexCleaner_p.html?action=rpause">Pause</a>

@ -489,14 +489,14 @@ public class IndexControlRWIs_p {
DigestURL url;
URIMetadataNode entry;
String us;
float rn = Float.MIN_VALUE;
long rn = Long.MIN_VALUE;
while (!theSearch.rwiIsEmpty() && (entry = theSearch.pullOneFilteredFromRWI(false)) != null) {
url = entry.url();
if ( url == null ) {
us = url.toNormalform(true);
if ( rn == Float.MIN_VALUE ) {
if ( rn == Long.MIN_VALUE ) {
rn = entry.score();
prop.put("genUrlList_urlList_" + i + "_urlExists", "1");
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ public class IndexControlRWIs_p {
prop.putHTML("genUrlList_urlList_" + i + "_urlExists_urlString", us);
prop.put("genUrlList_urlList_" + i + "_urlExists_urlStringShort",
(us.length() > 40) ? (us.substring(0, 20) + "<br>" + us.substring(20, 40) + "...") : ((us.length() > 30) ? (us.substring(0, 20) + "<br>" + us.substring(20)) : us));
prop.putNum("genUrlList_urlList_" + i + "_urlExists_ranking", Float.toString(entry.score() - rn));
prop.putNum("genUrlList_urlList_" + i + "_urlExists_ranking", entry.score() - rn);
prop.putNum("genUrlList_urlList_" + i + "_urlExists_domlength", DigestURL.domLengthEstimation(entry.hash()));
prop.putNum("genUrlList_urlList_" + i + "_urlExists_tf", 1000.0 * entry.word().termFrequency());
prop.putNum("genUrlList_urlList_" + i + "_urlExists_authority", (theSearch.getOrder() == null) ? -1 : theSearch.getOrder().authority(ASCII.String(entry.hash(), 6, 6)));
