@ -20,10 +20,12 @@
package net.yacy.cora.protocol ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java .util.Vector ;
import java x.servlet.http.Cookie ;
import org.apache.http.Header ;
@ -139,103 +141,47 @@ public class ResponseHeader extends HeaderFramework {
* Holds header properties
* /
//Since properties such as cookies can be multiple, we cannot use HashMap here. We have to use Vector.
private Vector < Entry > headerProps = new Vector < Entry > ( ) ;
/ * *
* Implementation of Map . Entry . Structure that hold two values - exactly what we need !
* /
public static class Entry implements Map . Entry < String , String > {
private final String k ;
private String v ;
Entry ( final String k , final String v ) {
this . k = k ;
this . v = v ;
public String getKey ( ) {
return this . k ;
public String getValue ( ) {
return this . v ;
public String setValue ( final String v ) {
final String r = this . v ;
this . v = v ;
return r ;
private List < Cookie > cookieStore ; // init on first access
/ * *
* Sets Cookie on the client machine .
* @param name Cookie name
* @param value Cookie value
* @param expires when should this cookie be autmatically deleted . If < b > null < / b > - cookie will stay forever
* @param maxage time to live in seconds , none negative number , according to https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2109, 0=discard in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2965
* @param path Path the cookie belongs to . Default - "/" . Can be < b > null < / b > .
* @param domain Domain this cookie belongs to . Default - domain name . Can be < b > null < / b > .
* @param secure If true cookie will be send only over safe connection such as https
* @see further documentation : < a href = "http://docs.sun.com/source/816-6408-10/cookies.htm" > docs . sun . com < / a >
* /
public void setCookie ( final String name , final String value , final String expires , final String path , final String domain , final boolean secure )
public void setCookie ( final String name , final String value , final Integer maxage , final String path , final String domain , final boolean secure )
/ *
* TODO : Here every value can be validated for correctness if needed
* For example semicolon should be not in any of the values
* However an exception in this case would be an overhead IMHO .
* /
String cookieString = name + "=" + value + ";" ;
if ( expires ! = null ) cookieString + = " expires=" + expires + ";" ;
if ( path ! = null ) cookieString + = " path=" + path + ";" ;
if ( domain ! = null ) cookieString + = " domain=" + domain + ";" ;
if ( secure ) cookieString + = " secure;" ;
this . headerProps . add ( new Entry ( "Set-Cookie" , cookieString ) ) ;
/ * *
* Sets Cookie on the client machine .
* @param name Cookie name
* @param value Cookie value
* @param expires when should this cookie be automatically deleted . If < b > null < / b > - cookie will stay forever
* @param path Path the cookie belongs to . Default - "/" . Can be < b > null < / b > .
* @param domain Domain this cookie belongs to . Default - domain name . Can be < b > null < / b > .
* Note : this cookie will be sent over each connection independent if it is safe connection or not .
* @see further documentation : < a href = "http://docs.sun.com/source/816-6408-10/cookies.htm" > docs . sun . com < / a >
* /
public void setCookie ( final String name , final String value , final String expires , final String path , final String domain )
setCookie ( name , value , expires , path , domain , false ) ;
/ * *
* Sets Cookie on the client machine .
* @param name Cookie name
* @param value Cookie value
* @param expires when should this cookie be automatically deleted . If < b > null < / b > - cookie will stay forever
* @param path Path the cookie belongs to . Default - "/" . Can be < b > null < / b > .
* Note : this cookie will be sent over each connection independent if it is safe connection or not .
* @see further documentation : < a href = "http://docs.sun.com/source/816-6408-10/cookies.htm" > docs . sun . com < / a >
* /
public void setCookie ( final String name , final String value , final String expires , final String path )
setCookie ( name , value , expires , path , null , false ) ;
if ( this . cookieStore = = null ) this . cookieStore = new ArrayList < Cookie > ( ) ;
Cookie c = new Cookie ( name , value ) ;
if ( maxage ! = null ) c . setMaxAge ( maxage ) ;
if ( path ! = null ) c . setPath ( path ) ;
if ( domain ! = null ) c . setDomain ( domain ) ;
if ( secure ) c . setSecure ( secure ) ;
this . cookieStore . add ( c ) ;
/ * *
* Sets Cookie on the client machine .
* @param name Cookie name
* @param value Cookie value
* @param expires when should this cookie be automatically deleted . If < b > null < / b > - cookie will stay forever
* @param maxage time to live in seconds , none negative number , according to https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2109, 0=discard in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2965
* Note : this cookie will be sent over each connection independent if it is safe connection or not .
* @see further documentation : < a href = "http://docs.sun.com/source/816-6408-10/cookies.htm" > docs . sun . com < / a >
* /
public void setCookie ( final String name , final String value , final String expires )
public void setCookie ( final String name , final String value , final Integer maxage )
setCookie ( name , value , expires , null , null , false ) ;
setCookie ( name , value , maxage , null , null , false ) ;
/ * *
* Sets Cookie on the client machine .
@ -251,8 +197,8 @@ public class ResponseHeader extends HeaderFramework {
setCookie ( name , value , null , null , null , false ) ;
public Vector< Entry > getAdditionalHeaderPropert ies( ) {
return this . headerProps ;
public List< Cookie > getCookiesEntr ies( ) {
return this . cookieStore ;
/ *