This will prevent mistakenly hiding a div element not designed to be an
infobox but having a ".info" parent (After having previously added the
possibility for a div - and not only a span element - to be an infobox).
<inputname="diskFreeAutoregulate"id="diskFreeAutoregulate"type="checkbox"#(diskFreeAutoregulate)#::checked#(/diskFreeAutoregulate)#aria-describedby="autoregulateFreeInfo"/> when absolute minimum limit has been reached.
<imgsrc="env/grafics/i16.gif"width="16"height="16"alt="Free space disk autoregulation info"/>
The autoregulation task performs the following sequence of operations, stopping once free space disk is over the steady-state value :
<li>delete old releases</li>
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
<inputname="diskUsedAutoregulate"id="diskUsedAutoregulate"type="checkbox"#(diskUsedAutoregulate)#::checked#(/diskUsedAutoregulate)#aria-describedby="autoregulateUsedInfo"> when absolute maximum limit has been reached.
<imgsrc="env/grafics/i16.gif"width="16"height="16"alt="Used space disk autoregulation info"/>