- this allows additional features, like servlet configuration via web.xml and many more things.
- currently the standard servlets are still configured in the code (so the supplied defaults/web.xml is not realy needed, yet),
but could be expanded
- lookup for web.xml - 1. in /DATA/SETTINGS then in /defaults
as path for solr index dumps (instead of the SEGMENTS path). This will
make a maintenance of index backups easier. It will also provide a tool
to migrate from an freeworld index to a webportal index.
- user entry in UserDB with admin right can login to access protected pages
- dto. admin user, choosen username is stored in conf (adminAccountUserName=)
not-flushed Solr cache is now handled in this way:
- it is smaller by default
- an Solr-internal process is started to flush the cache periodically
(this does NOT clean the cache, just removes old objects)
- a Solr-external process (the standard YaCy cleanup-process) now has
direct access to the solr internal cache and flushes them completely.
The time frame for such a flush is defined by the cleanup-process
frequency, by default 10 minutes.
- transformed log lines to String before they are stored because the
storage space is about 1:250 (45kb for one line before transformation,
180 bytes afterwards)
- this saves up to 10MB RAM so we can increase the number of lines to
1000 again.
the right content domain (i.e. identifying that it is an image, text
etc.) because it used the file extension and not an existing mime type
- fixed the new setting that images shall be loaded for a better image
- both fixes together makes it now possible to crawl
commons.wikimedia.org which makes use of 'funny' document names (i.e.
ending with .jpg while the document is html)
webgraph index which is temporary filled with the crawl profile key.
This is used to select a set of documents for post-processing as soon as
a crawl is finished. Now the postprocessing for a specific crawl is
started when that specific crawl is finished and not at the end of all
post-processing steps.
is visible whenever a location is available in the search result.
To activate this, the search.navigation property in yacy.conf must be
modified to the new default values.
for anchor attributes.
- this caused that large portions of the parser code had to be adopted
as well
- added a counter target_order_i for anchor links in webgraph
fuzzy_signature_copycount_i, which count the number of copies of
non-unique documents and assigns this to each document. Thus, each
document there is a number assigned which shows how many copies of this
document exists.
These fields are disabled by default.
like normal documents. Using this option (by default on at this moment;
this might change soon) it is possible to get the exif data into the
search index to be used in image search.
in intranets and the internet can now choose to appear as Googlebot.
This is an essential necessity to be able to compete in the field of
commercial search appliances, since most web pages are these days
optimized only for Google and no other search platform any more. All
commercial search engine providers have a built-in fake-Google User
Agent to be able to get the same search index as Google can do. Without
the resistance against obeying to robots.txt in this case, no
competition is possible any more. YaCy will always obey the robots.txt
when it is used for crawling the web in a peer-to-peer network, but to
establish a Search Appliance (like a Google Search Appliance, GSA) it is
necessary to be able to behave exactly like a Google crawler.
With this change, you will be able to switch the user agent when portal
or intranet mode is selected on per-crawl-start basis. Every crawl start
can have a different user agent.
without the file extension. This part of the file path is removed from
the multi-field url_paths_sxt, which has now not the file name as last
part of the path list.
The same applies to the new fields source_file_name_s and
target_file_name_s in the webgraph schema.
references_internal_url_sxt because they had been shown to be
superfluous. The citation of referrer in the host browser is possible
without them. Therefore now the host browser does not only show
internal, but also external referrer to each link.
explored for citations within other documents. A click on the
'Citations' link shows an analysis with all text lines in the document
each with a complete list of documents which contain the same line. A
second section shows the linking documents in ascending order of number
of citations from the original document. Because documents from
different hosts are most interesting here, they are listed at the top of
the page as possible 'copypasta' source.
yacy will load linked web pages from search results until the total
number of web pages reaches 15000. This shall give fresh peers a 'boost'
to get faster a personalized search index.
function. This replaces the previous formula, which was bad. Before you
update to this version, please check if you changed the ranking function
yourself before, since it will be overwritten.
While the values for the reference evaluation are computed, also a
backlink-structure can be discovered and written to the index as well.
The host browser has been extended to show such backlinks to each
presented links. The host browser therefore can now show an information
where an document is linked. The new citation reference is computed as
likelyhood for a random click path with recursive usage of previously
computed likelyhood. This process is repeated until the likelyhood
converges to a specific number. This number is then normalized to a
ranking value CRn, 0<=CRn<=1. The value CRn can therefore be used to
rank popularity within intra-domain link structures.
- move setting of system property solr.directoryFactory=solr.MMapDirectoryFactory to solrcore.properties
- add check of os.arch for 64bit system, if it fails use default/solrcore.x86.properties (if exists) as solrcore.properties
reason: on 32bit MMapDirectoryFactory may fail with.....
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Map failed
at sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl.map(FileChannelImpl.java:849)
at org.apache.lucene.store.MMapDirectory.map(MMapDirectory.java:283)
soft commits, reduced caching size of search events, ensured that solr
results are processed before connection is closed to keep that stuff not
too long in RAM
This will enable https-access to YaCy, but this feature is disabled by
default using the new server.https=false attribute. This has two
- make it easier for everyone to use https (just set server.https=true)
- provide the basis for secure yacy-to-yacy communication in the future
holds the number of documents for the host where the document is hosted.
This is necessary for ranking and the norming of references per local
host in the ranking computation.
references_external_i and references_exthosts_i. These can be used to
count and evaluate the number of external links to every web page. An
experimental ranking function can be i.e.:
- no document search this time
- adjusted banner and network to not show 'WORDS' but DHT Chunks. This
is to avoid confusion for robinson peers which do not create Word
- an existing ranking servlet for solr was extended. It is now possible
to set boost values for fields, boost functions and boost queries.
- The ranking can have different instances, but currently only the first
one is used
- added an abstraction layer for fields which can be used for search and
those fields can be edited in the solr ranking configruation
- the ranking value from solr within the field score is used to combine
remote search requests, which all are created using the same locally
defined boost values
- reduced the number of fields which are used for search (makes it
- replaced some text fields by string fields (makes indexing faster)
- removed classes which had no use
- made a large number of experiments for a better ranking and created a
temporary setting which prefers hits inside titles
- adjusted also the RWI-based ranking computation to 'prefer title'
- made special cases like for portal search where no post-processing and
post-ranking is wanted: this keeps the original ranking order as done by
- fixed many bugs with old settings for ranking
- removed unused solr access classes
- made snippet generation for documents aus YaCy RWI/DHT concurrent (as
it was before the search process removation)
- reduced the number of remote results in settings file because the
processing of such mass documents add is too CPU-intensive (in Solr)
index (new solr core webgraph) .. this is now off by default
- completely redesigned this servlet
- added description how to attach a remote solr
- adjusted naming of servlet and menues
- moved 'lazy initialization' attribut from IndexSchema to
IndexFederated (this is a general option) back again.
log4j-over-slf4j is there. From slf4j all loggings are routed to the jdk
logger. Now all loggings are consistently done to the jdk logger.
- added some lines to the logging properties to suppress many solr
logging statements. The number of the logging entries had already become
a performance issue, therefore removing these from the log should
increase performance.
The default schema uses only some of them and the resting search index
has now the following properties:
- webgraph size will have about 40 times as much entries as default
- the complete index size will increase and may be about the double size
of current amount
As testing showed, not much indexing performance is lost. The default
index will be smaller (moved fields out of it); thus searching
can be faster.
The new index will cause that some old parts in YaCy can be removed,
i.e. specialized webgraph data and the noload crawler. The new index
will make it possible to:
- search within link texts of linked but not indexed documents (about 20
times of document index in size!!)
- get a very detailed link graph
- enhance ranking using a complete link graph
To get the full access to the new index, the API to solr has now two
access points: one with attribute core=collection1 for the default
search index and core=webgraph to the new webgraph search index. This is
also avaiable for p2p operation but client access is not yet
structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second
core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the
deep-embedded solr:
- migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory
'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called
- added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core
- added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in
- added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr
connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required
a complete re-design of the solr embedding
- migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling
- migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core,
the default core named 'collection1'
- migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores;
for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using
the peer address as solr address
- migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be
used after this migration!
- redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the
instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must
retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to
it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network)
- added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is
replaced by solr.collection.schema
4.0.0 there is a new softcommit feature which implements a
near-real-time (NRT) search option. The softcommit does not do IO and
does not cause performance issues.
YaCy has now an extension in its solr connectors to use the softcommit
feature. The softcommit call now replaces all places where a hard commit
was used. Furthermore the commit strategy in when doing a search from
the web interface was changed (it's done every time before a search is
The softcommit feature was implemented because it was needed for the
following changes (customer demands), which is also included in this
git commit:
- added a feature to identify all documents which have unique titles
and/or unique descriptions. These unique flags are disabled by default.
- added also a feature to set a flag when the url from a canonical tag
is equal to the document url. This is also disabled by default.
To support the new softcommit strategy, the commitWithinMs option was
set to -1 do disable automatic commit based on document insert times. If
documents are inserted permanently then also a commit would happen
permanently whenever the commitWithinMs time is reached. This would
conflict with the regular autocommit of 10 minutes and the new
softcommit strategy.
Instead, in the start script is checked if the host is a 64 host and
-Dsolr.directoryFactory=solr.MMapDirectoryFactory is set as java option
Reverted the ramBufferSizeMB setting (this was not enabled anyway)
because that may be too much memory for small peers and embedded
Activated the mergeFactor 4; this was commented out by mistake
the target of these performance settings is the reduction of IO in
general and during search in particual.
- reduced mergeFactor to 4. This will increase the IO during indexing,
but will reduce IO during search. It will also greatly reduce the number
of open files which should make it possible to have overall larger
indexes until the number of open files in an OS is reached.
- increased ramBufferSizeMB to 256mb. This will reduce the number of
commits. This change may compensate the reduction of the mergeFactor.
- disabled updateLog. This is a real-time search feature which is
available in YaCy anyway because a commit is forced if index.html is
called. The updateLog feature causes a lot of IO during indexing and
search and produced a lot of files in SEGMENTS/solr_40/data/tlog
This attribute can be used for ranking and for other purpose (demand by
The click depth is computed in two steps:
- during indexing the current fill-state of the reverse link index is
used to backtrack the current page to the root page. The length of that
backtrack is the clickdepth. But this does not discover the shortest
click depth. To get this, a second process to check again is needed
- added a process tag that can be used to do operations on the existing
index after a crawl; i.e. calculation the shortest clickpath. Added a
field to control this operation but not a method to operate on this.
- added a visualization of the clickpath length in the host browser
- fixed conflict in htroot/yacysearch.java
- removed nedres check because that causes that the remote server is not
called at all in most cases (local index has already results but we want
- fixed a regex bug (a '=' too much)
- any system supporting opensearch specification can be configured
- search query is only forwarded to remote system if not enough results available on local peer
- discover function provided, checking the local Solr index for links to opensearchdescription files, to add to the config
- sample config file with some general search engines with opensearch support
- ConfigPortal: added checkbox Host Browser
- yacy.init: added search.result.show.hostbrowser as default = on (true)
- fix HostBrowser: broken link to protected WebStructurePicture for public user
introduce a copy-field for the author field to be copied to a string
field. This field is then used to generate facets. Without this field,
the facet would consist only of the words of the author names, not of
the full author string.
clicks which are necessary to get from the portal of a host to a
specific document. At this time, only the start document is flagged with
clickdepth '0', all other with '-1'. To get the actual clickdepth, a
process must use crawled information to collect the actual number of
clicks. This will be added in another/next step.
INCOMING links to the corresponding web page. This information is taken
from the reverse link index (a 'little sister' of the RWI index).
- this field can be of use to enhance the ranking because a web page
with more incoming links can be more more important than others. But
this is not true for typical link pages like menues. Therefore the
number of outgoing links is needed.
- added a new solr attribute 'bf' to solr queries which is a boost
function extension. this field can contain a formula which comuptes the
boost according to given field values. After some experiments the
following forumla is now default:
This takes the number of references and the inbound links. Further
experiments are needed to enhance that forumula.
This uses an enhanced version of the Nutch/Solr TextProfileSignatue.
As a result, a signature of the document is written to the solr search
index. Additionally for each time when a signature is written, it is
checked if the singature exists already in the index. If the signature
does not exist, the document is marked as unique. The unique attribute
can now be used to sort document lists and bring duplicates to the end
of a result list.
To enable this, a large portion of the search api to Solr had to be
changed. This affected mainly caching of 'exists' searches to enhance
the check for existing signatures and do this without actually doing a
solr query.
Because here the first time a long number is used as value in the Solr
store, also the value naming in the YaCySchema had to be adopted and
normalized. This caused that many files had to be changed.
URIMetadataNode which creates the opportunity to access Solr objects
directly and use their information richness
- lazy initialization of the URIMetadataNode object - should cause less
computation and memory usage during search.
- removed dead code
on the jaudiotagger library. The parser is disabled by default as it
needs to store temporary files for non file:// protocols, which might be
disliked. For your local MP3-collection it loads nicely Artist,
Title, Album etc. from the audio files meta data.
This can be used to add another stemming to solr using stemming files
that are expressed as synonyms for grammatical alternatives. The
synonym/stemming files must have the following form:
- each line is a comma-separated list of synonyms
- the list of synonyms may be enclosed with {} (like the GSA synonyms
- the file may contain comments which are lines starting with a '#'
The synonym file(s) must be placed in DATA/DICTIONARIES/synonyms/ and
are activated by default whenever a synonym file is in place.
Then, for each word that is found in a document all synonyms are added
to a long text field which is stored into synonyms_t. Processes using
the synonyms must query with that field as optional matcher.
this new search interface is something completely new for search, but
completely common on desktops: browser a web space like one would browse
a file system in a file browser. The file listing is created using the
search index and a faceted restriction to specific domains.
create an document entry. This makes remote search much slower.
- removed synchronization of add method if ip_s is activated to prevent
that a user configuration causes bad behavior. The disadvantage of that
is, that a index dump can cause data loss if an indexing is running
during index dump
- catched more exceptions and more NPE
- better abstraction in MirrorSolrConnector
- slight performance enhancement when only the index count is requested
(rows=0 is sufficient to get a total count)
- a solr field collection_sxt can be used to store a set of crawl tags
- when this field is activated, a crawl tag can be assigned when crawls
are started
- the content of the collection field can be comma-separated, all of
them are assigned to the documents when they are indexed as result of
such a crawl start
- a search result can be drilled down to a specific collection; this is
currently only available in the solr interface and also in the gsa
interface using the 'site' option
- this adds a mandatory field for gsa queries (the google api demands
that field all the time)
title_count_i, title_chars_val, title_words_val
description_count_i, description_chars_val, description_words_val
- added many asserts to ensure data type correctness from YaCy to Solr
and vice versa
- made many fixes according to new findings from these asserts (!)
- fixed type definition found by the verifier
- added multivalue-string fields for solr with extension 'sxt'
- added multivalue-integer fields for solr with extension 'val'
- renamed some solr attributes from txt to sxt
- changed solr query line to an explicit AND/OR structure
- added a country code second level domain list to Domains class; with
- added a host string parser to get domain class name, country-code
second-level domain and subdomain out of it
- removed old coordinate attributes
for production as a replacement of the metadata-db.
This intermediate release 1.041 will switch on the previously optional
solr index and the old metadata-db will still work as it did before.
Solr+metadata are accessed in mixed mode, no migration is done yet.
If this causes not a catastrophe until the end of the weekend, we will
do a YaCy 1.1 main release containing this as default.
metadata representation from the solr index. This shall replace metadata
from the built-in database in the future.
- added the Solr-driven metadata into the search index of YaCy which
makes it now possible to run YaCy without the old metadata index. This
is a major stept forward to a full migration to Solr.
writings to the Metadata-DB are now also done to solr. This includes
metadata transfer during search and rwi transfer.
The new/added solr fields are:
## time when resource was loaded
## date until resource shall be considered as fresh
## id of the host, a 6-byte hash that is part of the document id
## ids of referrer to this document
## the md5 of the raw source
## the name of the publisher of the document
## the language used in the document; starts with primary language
## an external ranking value
## the size of the raw source
## number of links to audio resources
## number of links to video resources
## number of links to application resources
0-values and no empty strings are written). This may save a lot of
memory (in ram and on disc) if excessive 0-values or empty strings
- do not allow default boolean values for checkboxes because that does
not make sense: browsers may omit the checkbox attribute name if the box
is not checked. A default value 'true' would not comply with the
semantic of the browsers response.
- add a checkbox in IndexFederated_p for the lazy initialization of solr
- new limit to use the table copy (instead of flag): 400MB available. If
less is available, then a copy is never used. If more is available, then
it can be used if there is a remaining space of at least 200MB
- flush caches more often: flush the Digest cache
The search can now be configured with a non-display host list.
the search will always exlude the given list of host unless they are
requested directly using the host navigation
- config string for chinese
- do not copy the language file to DATA/LOCALE any more (and do not use
them there, this is really confusing for new translators)
- added visibility of metadata and parser in search results since that shows what YaCy can do in a nice way
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@8091 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
these bookmarks will be used to get a source reference for the search in case of intranet or portal searches.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@8062 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
must-match for IPs (IPs that are known after DNS resolving for each URL in the crawl queue)
must-not-match for IPs
must-match against a list of country codes (allows only loading from hosts that are hostet in given countries)
note: the settings and input environment is there with that commit, but the values are not yet evaluated
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7976 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
You can toggle between previous (standard) and new (generation) strategy at PerformanceMemory_p.html.
The generation memory strategy is implemented with the objective of running more robust
but with the cost of early stopping some tasks (eg. dht) while running low on memory.
This new strategy does respect the generational way a heap is organized on most used jvms.
These changes run fine on my 3 peers for weeks now, but as I'm human, I may fail.
Please be carefull using generation memory strategy and report errors by naming
OS, jvm and java_args.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7886 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
The YaCy freeworld network used in this network definition, minor enhancements for the feed of MetaGer were integrated.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7771 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- many speed/performance hacks
- added solr charding and new charding web interface
- added option to switch off the yacy index when using solr
- added new fail-url categories which are used to make a distinction which fail-urls to be sent to solr
- refactoring/renaming of some method names to distinguish host/url hashes better
- a large number of bug/npe fixes
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7738 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- added more properties to solr index
- refactoring
- more constants in switchboard
- fix for some NPEs
- recognition of more images
- removed synchronization in HandleMap (obviously not necessary?)
- added a nolocal configuration to remove excessive dns lookup (works only on allip - default off). Indexes produced with this setting are all flagged with 'local' and are (on purpose) not usable for freeworld because they will be rejected as beeing local.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7672 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
YaCy supports now the storage to remote solr indexes.
More federated storage (and search) methods may follow.
The remote index scheme is the same as produced by the SolrCell; see
Because this default scheme is used, the default example scheme can be used as solr configuration
This is also the same scheme that solr uses if documents are imported with apache tika.
federated solr storage is switched off by default.
To use this, do the following:
- set federated.service.solr.indexing.enabled = true
- download solr from http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/solr/
- extract the solr (3.1) package, 'cd example' and start solr with 'java -jar start.jar'
- start yacy and then start a crawler. The crawler will fill both, YaCy and solr indexes.
- to check whats in solr after indexing, open http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/
Until now it is not possible to use the solr index to search with YaCy in that solr index.
This functionality is now available for two reasons:
1) to compare the functionality of Solr and YaCy and to compare the search speed
2) to use YaCy as a search appliance for people who need a crawler or other source harvesting methods
that YaCy provides (like dublin core reading, wikimedia dump reading, rss feed reader etc) if people still
want to use solr instead of YaCy.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7654 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- removed configuration button for 'search only for admin' from index.html and added this to ConfigPortal
- added configuration of link verification options (iffresh, cacheonly, nocache, ifexist) to ConfigPortal
- added configuration of navigation options to ConfigPortal
- added an option to switch off automatic index cleaning in case that a link verification method fails
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7613 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
This has two aspects: the user who searches may want to increase these values to get more results and more load on the remote side and the user of the server which is accessed for this search may want to restrict the load. Both sides can now be configured. The server-site maximum load parameters are defined by a network definition and the client-side search request load can be defined by each user individually but when the remote search is done the requested service is limited to the network definition.
You can find now in the network definition file:
network.unit.remotesearch.maxcount and network.unit.remotesearch.maxtime
and in the yacy.conf file:
remotesearch.maxcount and remotesearch.maxtime
There is currently no web interface to define the client-side remote search attributes, please set them manually
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7548 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
* enable with proxyURL = true
* could be useful to browse specific pages with proxy or use own improvements in proxy
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7538 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- filtering out too old peers when reading seed lists (limit is now 240 minutes)
- added concurrent host names resolving in front of the http client because the http client uses the java built-in DNS resolve which is not multithreading-safe (i have seen deadlocks in thread dumps showing that this bug in jdk is still there)
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7515 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- if YaCy is started with the option -gui, it is not in headless mode. Then the java 1.6 browse method is used if all other methods fail
- in linux, the path /etc/alternatives/www-browser is used if no firefox is installed
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7480 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
Please see new coments in yacy.network.freeworld.unit for details of the new DHT selection methods.
The number of maximum peers is now not fixed to a specific number but may increase with
- the partition exponent
- the number of redundant peers
- the robinson burst percentage
- the multiword burst percentage
The maximum can then be the number of senior peers (all visible peers).
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7479 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- some restructuring of the document counting and logging structures was necessary
- better abstraction of CrawlProfiles
- added deletion of logs to the index deletion option (if the index is deleted using the servlets) which is necessary to reset the domain counters for the page limitation
- more refactoring to get the LibraryProvider more clean
- some refactoring of the Condenser class
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7478 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- the own seed file gets the lead for storage of the peer name
- exchanged default peer name generation method with one that does not use the local ip
- default peer names are now strings starting with '_anon'
- added another switch to suppress forwarding to ConfigBasic if the name was already changed
- replaced all usages of the yacy.conf peerName with access to the local seed
- changes to the peer name are now applied directly and not after the next peer ping
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7453 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- this recording is then used to redirect from the Status.html page to BasicConfig in case that servlet was never submitted
- this acts as an addition to the new default pop-up page 'index.html' which offers an administration link to Status.html. For a first-time user this then redirects directly to the former start page BasicConfig.html
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7451 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- adjusted top menu on search page (shows less stuff and now also the network graphics)
- adjusted the network page (looks better in when showing no other navigation on top)
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7448 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- words are now not deleted from the search index automatically if index receive is switched off
- a flag in the network definition defines if this feature is switched on at all
- the search filter for not-found word references is switched off for server-side remote searches
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7441 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
instead, a setting at ConfigPortal.html can be made to define if the topmenu shall be shown at these pages or if there is no naviagtion at all.
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7366 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
"Default index.html Page (by forwarder)" in /ConfigPortal.html
The purpose is to forward to /yacyinteractive.html for the 27C3 FTP search plattform
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7365 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
- renamed YaCys search result modifications keywords for RECENT, NEAR and language: to the blekko slashtag naming scheme. YaCy now supports the following blekko-like slash built-in slashtags:
- for search results ordered by date (most recent up)
- for search results where search words appear near to each other (closest up)
- for a sorting by language where the wanted language gets up. Example: /language/de
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7350 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
this was never used and extended in the last years. The resulting YBR ranking criteria
is still a good idea and will be used in the future. Possible generation methods for YBR
ranking are:
- "trust-rank" using the link structure as can be discovered in a single crawl (idea from FSCONS)
- "block-rank" calculated from the local link structure
- a distributed "block-rank" using the xml API to the link structure from other peers
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7349 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
* crawler and search allow only urls matching one in domainlist (if list is provided)
* this may be useful to prevent dedicated networks from being "polluted"
* FilterEngine is improved Backlist-object, Blacklist may inherit from FilterEngine in the future
git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7285 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542