@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/ * *
* URIMetadataNode
* Copyright 2012 by Michael Peter Christen
* First released 3.4 .2012 at http : //yacy.net
* First released 10.8 .2012 at http : //yacy.net
* This file is part of YaCy Content Integration
@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
* version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21 . txt
* If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
@ -22,432 +22,260 @@
package net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.Node ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.Rdf ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReferenceVars ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.UTF8 ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.Tagging ;
import net.yacy.document.Condenser ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReference ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Base64Order ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Bitfield ;
import net.yacy.search.index.YaCySchema ;
public class URIMetadataNode /*extends URIReferenceNode implements URIMetadata*/ {
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument ;
private final Node entry ;
import de.anomic.crawler.retrieval.Request ;
import de.anomic.crawler.retrieval.Response ;
import de.anomic.tools.crypt ;
/ * *
* This is the URIMetadata object implementation for Solr documents .
* The purpose of this object is the migration from the old metadata structure to solr document .
* Future implementations should try to replace URIMetadata objects completely by SolrDocument objects
* /
public class URIMetadataNode implements URIMetadata {
private final byte [ ] hash ;
private final String urlRaw , keywords ;
private DigestURI url ;
Bitfield flags ;
private final int imagec , audioc , videoc , appc ;
private final double lon , lat ;
private long ranking ; // during generation of a search result this value is set
private final SolrDocument doc ;
private final String snippet ;
private final WordReferenceVars word ; // this is only used if the url is transported via remote search requests
private final long ranking ; // during generation of a search result this value is set
public URIMetadataNode ( ) {
// create a dummy entry, good to produce poison objects
this . entry = new Node ( Rdf . Description ) ;
this . snippet = null ;
this . word = null ;
this . ranking = 0 ;
/ *
public URIMetadataNode (
final DigestURI url ,
final String dc_title ,
final String dc_creator ,
final String dc_subject ,
final String dc_publisher ,
final float lon , final float lat , // decimal degrees as in WGS84; if unknown both values may be 0.0f;
final Date mod ,
final Date load ,
final Date fresh ,
final String referrer ,
final byte [ ] md5 ,
final long size ,
final int wc ,
final char dt ,
final Bitfield flags ,
final byte [ ] lang ,
final int llocal ,
final int lother ,
final int laudio ,
final int limage ,
final int lvideo ,
final int lapp ) {
// create new entry
this . entry = new Node ( ) ;
this . entry . setSubject ( UTF8 . getBytes ( url . toNormalform ( true , false ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setObject ( YaCyMetadata . hash , url . hash ( ) ) ;
this . entry . setObject ( DublinCore . Title , UTF8 . getBytes ( dc_title ) ) ;
this . entry . setObject ( DublinCore . Creator , UTF8 . getBytes ( dc_creator ) ) ;
this . entry . setObject ( DublinCore . Subject , UTF8 . getBytes ( dc_subject ) ) ;
this . entry . setObject ( DublinCore . Publisher , UTF8 . getBytes ( dc_publisher ) ) ;
this . entry . setObject ( Geo . Lat , ASCII . getBytes ( Float . toString ( lat ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setObject ( Geo . Long , ASCII . getBytes ( Float . toString ( lon ) ) ) ;
encodeDate ( col_mod , mod ) ;
encodeDate ( col_load , load ) ;
encodeDate ( col_fresh , fresh ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_referrer , ( referrer = = null ) ? null : UTF8 . getBytes ( referrer ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_md5 , md5 ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_size , size ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_wc , wc ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_dt , new byte [ ] { ( byte ) dt } ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_flags , flags . bytes ( ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_lang , lang ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_llocal , llocal ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_lother , lother ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_limage , limage ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_laudio , laudio ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_lvideo , lvideo ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_lapp , lapp ) ;
//System.out.println("===DEBUG=== " + load.toString() + ", " + decodeDate(col_load).toString());
this . snippet = null ;
this . word = null ;
this . ranking = 0 ;
this . comp = null ;
private byte [ ] encodeDate ( final Date d ) {
// calculates the number of days since 1.1.1970 and returns this as 4-byte array
// 86400000 is the number of milliseconds in one day
return NaturalOrder . encodeLong ( d . getTime ( ) / 86400000L , 4 ) ;
private Date decodeDate ( final int col ) {
final long t = this . entry . getColLong ( col ) ;
public static byte [ ] encodeComp (
final DigestURI url ,
final String dc_title ,
final String dc_creator ,
final String dc_subject ,
final String dc_publisher ,
final float lat ,
final float lon ) {
final CharBuffer s = new CharBuffer ( 360 ) ;
s . append ( url . toNormalform ( false , true ) ) . appendLF ( ) ;
s . append ( dc_title ) . appendLF ( ) ;
if ( dc_creator . length ( ) > 80 ) s . append ( dc_creator , 0 , 80 ) ; else s . append ( dc_creator ) ;
s . appendLF ( ) ;
if ( dc_subject . length ( ) > 120 ) s . append ( dc_subject , 0 , 120 ) ; else s . append ( dc_subject ) ;
s . appendLF ( ) ;
if ( dc_publisher . length ( ) > 80 ) s . append ( dc_publisher , 0 , 80 ) ; else s . append ( dc_publisher ) ;
s . appendLF ( ) ;
if ( lon = = 0.0f & & lat = = 0.0f ) s . appendLF ( ) ; else s . append ( Float . toString ( lat ) ) . append ( ',' ) . append ( Float . toString ( lon ) ) . appendLF ( ) ;
return UTF8 . getBytes ( s . toString ( ) ) ;
public URIMetadataRow ( final Row . Entry entry , final WordReferenceVars searchedWord , final long ranking ) {
this . entry = entry ;
this . snippet = null ;
this . word = searchedWord ;
this . ranking = ranking ;
this . comp = null ;
private WordReference word ; // this is only used if the url is transported via remote search requests
public URIMetadataRow ( final Properties prop ) {
// generates an plasmaLURLEntry using the properties from the argument
// the property names must correspond to the one from toString
//System.out.println("DEBUG-ENTRY: prop=" + prop.toString());
DigestURI url ;
public URIMetadataNode ( final SolrDocument doc ) {
this . doc = doc ;
this . snippet = "" ;
this . word = null ;
this . ranking = Long . MIN_VALUE ;
this . hash = ASCII . getBytes ( getString ( YaCySchema . id ) ) ;
this . urlRaw = getString ( YaCySchema . sku ) ;
try {
url = new DigestURI ( crypt . simpleDecode ( prop . getProperty ( "url" , "" ) , null ) , ASCII . getBytes ( prop . getProperty ( "hash" ) ) ) ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) {
url = null ;
this . url = new DigestURI ( this . urlRaw , this . hash ) ;
} catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
this . url = null ;
String descr = crypt . simpleDecode ( prop . getProperty ( "descr" , "" ) , null ) ; if ( descr = = null ) descr = "" ;
String dc_creator = crypt . simpleDecode ( prop . getProperty ( "author" , "" ) , null ) ; if ( dc_creator = = null ) dc_creator = "" ;
String tags = crypt . simpleDecode ( prop . getProperty ( "tags" , "" ) , null ) ; if ( tags = = null ) tags = "" ;
String dc_publisher = crypt . simpleDecode ( prop . getProperty ( "publisher" , "" ) , null ) ; if ( dc_publisher = = null ) dc_publisher = "" ;
String lons = crypt . simpleDecode ( prop . getProperty ( "lon" , "0.0" ) , null ) ; if ( lons = = null ) lons = "0.0" ;
String lats = crypt . simpleDecode ( prop . getProperty ( "lat" , "0.0" ) , null ) ; if ( lats = = null ) lats = "0.0" ;
this . entry = rowdef . newEntry ( ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_hash , url . hash ( ) ) ; // FIXME potential null pointer access
this . entry . setCol ( col_comp , encodeComp ( url , descr , dc_creator , tags , dc_publisher , Float . parseFloat ( lats ) , Float . parseFloat ( lons ) ) ) ;
// create new formatters to make concurrency possible
final GenericFormatter formatter = new GenericFormatter ( GenericFormatter . FORMAT_SHORT_DAY , GenericFormatter . time_minute ) ;
try {
encodeDate ( col_mod , formatter . parse ( prop . getProperty ( "mod" , "20000101" ) ) ) ;
} catch ( final ParseException e ) {
encodeDate ( col_mod , new Date ( ) ) ;
try {
encodeDate ( col_load , formatter . parse ( prop . getProperty ( "load" , "20000101" ) ) ) ;
} catch ( final ParseException e ) {
encodeDate ( col_load , new Date ( ) ) ;
try {
encodeDate ( col_fresh , formatter . parse ( prop . getProperty ( "fresh" , "20000101" ) ) ) ;
} catch ( final ParseException e ) {
encodeDate ( col_fresh , new Date ( ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_referrer , UTF8 . getBytes ( prop . getProperty ( "referrer" , "" ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_md5 , Digest . decodeHex ( prop . getProperty ( "md5" , "" ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_size , Integer . parseInt ( prop . getProperty ( "size" , "0" ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_wc , Integer . parseInt ( prop . getProperty ( "wc" , "0" ) ) ) ;
final String dt = prop . getProperty ( "dt" , "t" ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_dt , dt . length ( ) > 0 ? new byte [ ] { ( byte ) dt . charAt ( 0 ) } : new byte [ ] { ( byte ) 't' } ) ;
final String flags = prop . getProperty ( "flags" , "AAAAAA" ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_flags , ( flags . length ( ) > 6 ) ? QueryParams . empty_constraint . bytes ( ) : ( new Bitfield ( 4 , flags ) ) . bytes ( ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_lang , UTF8 . getBytes ( prop . getProperty ( "lang" , "uk" ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_llocal , Integer . parseInt ( prop . getProperty ( "llocal" , "0" ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_lother , Integer . parseInt ( prop . getProperty ( "lother" , "0" ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_limage , Integer . parseInt ( prop . getProperty ( "limage" , "0" ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_laudio , Integer . parseInt ( prop . getProperty ( "laudio" , "0" ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_lvideo , Integer . parseInt ( prop . getProperty ( "lvideo" , "0" ) ) ) ;
this . entry . setCol ( col_lapp , Integer . parseInt ( prop . getProperty ( "lapp" , "0" ) ) ) ;
this . snippet = crypt . simpleDecode ( prop . getProperty ( "snippet" , "" ) , null ) ;
this . word = null ;
if ( prop . containsKey ( "word" ) ) throw new kelondroException ( "old database structure is not supported" ) ;
if ( prop . containsKey ( "wi" ) ) {
this . word = new WordReferenceVars ( new WordReferenceRow ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . decodeString ( prop . getProperty ( "wi" , "" ) ) ) ) ;
this . ranking = 0 ;
this . comp = null ;
// to set the flags bitfield we need to pre-load some values from the Solr document
this . keywords = getString ( YaCySchema . keywords ) ;
this . imagec = getInt ( YaCySchema . imagescount_i ) ;
this . audioc = getInt ( YaCySchema . audiolinkscount_i ) ;
this . videoc = getInt ( YaCySchema . videolinkscount_i ) ;
this . appc = getInt ( YaCySchema . videolinkscount_i ) ;
this . lon = getDouble ( YaCySchema . lon_coordinate ) ;
this . lat = getDouble ( YaCySchema . lat_coordinate ) ;
this . flags = new Bitfield ( ) ;
if ( this . keywords ! = null & & this . keywords . indexOf ( "indexof" ) > = 0 ) this . flags . set ( Condenser . flag_cat_indexof , true ) ;
if ( this . lon ! = 0.0d | | this . lat ! = 0.0d ) this . flags . set ( Condenser . flag_cat_haslocation , true ) ;
if ( this . imagec > 0 ) this . flags . set ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasimage , true ) ;
if ( this . audioc > 0 ) this . flags . set ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasaudio , true ) ;
if ( this . videoc > 0 ) this . flags . set ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasvideo , true ) ;
if ( this . appc > 0 ) this . flags . set ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasapp , true ) ;
public URIMetadataNode ( final SolrDocument doc , final WordReference searchedWord , final long ranking ) {
this ( doc ) ;
this . word = searchedWord ;
this . ranking = ranking ;
public static URIMetadataRow importEntry ( final String propStr ) {
if ( propStr = = null | | ( propStr . length ( ) > 0 & & propStr . charAt ( 0 ) ! = '{' ) | | ! propStr . endsWith ( "}" ) ) {
return null ;
try {
return new URIMetadataRow ( MapTools . s2p ( propStr . substring ( 1 , propStr . length ( ) - 1 ) ) ) ;
} catch ( final kelondroException e ) {
// wrong format
return null ;
private int getInt ( YaCySchema field ) {
Integer x = ( Integer ) this . doc . getFieldValue ( field . name ( ) ) ;
if ( x = = null ) return 0 ;
return x . intValue ( ) ;
private StringBuilder corePropList ( ) {
// generate a parseable string; this is a simple property-list
final Components metadata = metadata ( ) ;
final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder ( 300 ) ;
if ( metadata = = null ) return null ;
//System.out.println("author=" + comp.author());
// create new formatters to make concurrency possible
final GenericFormatter formatter = new GenericFormatter ( GenericFormatter . FORMAT_SHORT_DAY , GenericFormatter . time_minute ) ;
try {
s . append ( "hash=" ) . append ( ASCII . String ( hash ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",url=" ) . append ( crypt . simpleEncode ( metadata . url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",descr=" ) . append ( crypt . simpleEncode ( metadata . dc_title ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",author=" ) . append ( crypt . simpleEncode ( metadata . dc_creator ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",tags=" ) . append ( crypt . simpleEncode ( metadata . dc_subject ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",publisher=" ) . append ( crypt . simpleEncode ( metadata . dc_publisher ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lat=" ) . append ( metadata . lat ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lon=" ) . append ( metadata . lon ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",mod=" ) . append ( formatter . format ( moddate ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",load=" ) . append ( formatter . format ( loaddate ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",fresh=" ) . append ( formatter . format ( freshdate ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",referrer=" ) . append ( referrerHash ( ) = = null ? "" : ASCII . String ( referrerHash ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",md5=" ) . append ( md5 ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",size=" ) . append ( size ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",wc=" ) . append ( wordCount ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",dt=" ) . append ( doctype ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",flags=" ) . append ( flags ( ) . exportB64 ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lang=" ) . append ( language ( ) = = null ? "EN" : UTF8 . String ( language ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",llocal=" ) . append ( llocal ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lother=" ) . append ( lother ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",limage=" ) . append ( limage ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",laudio=" ) . append ( laudio ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lvideo=" ) . append ( lvideo ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lapp=" ) . append ( lapp ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
private long getLong ( YaCySchema field ) {
Long x = ( Long ) this . doc . getFieldValue ( field . name ( ) ) ;
if ( x = = null ) return 0 ;
return x . longValue ( ) ;
if ( this . word ! = null ) {
// append also word properties
final String wprop = this . word . toPropertyForm ( ) ;
s . append ( ",wi=" ) . append ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeString ( wprop ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
return s ;
private double getDouble ( YaCySchema field ) {
Double x = ( Double ) this . doc . getFieldValue ( field . name ( ) ) ;
if ( x = = null ) return 0.0d ;
return x . doubleValue ( ) ;
} catch ( final Throwable e ) {
// serverLog.logFailure("plasmaLURL.corePropList", e.getMessage());
// if (moddate == null) serverLog.logFailure("plasmaLURL.corePropList", "moddate=null");
// if (loaddate == null) serverLog.logFailure("plasmaLURL.corePropList", "loaddate=null");
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return null ;
private Date getDate ( YaCySchema field ) {
Date x = ( Date ) this . doc . getFieldValue ( field . name ( ) ) ;
if ( x = = null ) return new Date ( 0 ) ;
return x ;
public Row . Entry toRowEntry ( ) {
return this . entry ;
private String getString ( YaCySchema field ) {
String x = ( String ) this . doc . getFieldValue ( field . name ( ) ) ;
if ( x = = null ) return "" ;
return x ;
public byte [ ] hash ( ) {
// return a url-hash, based on the md5 algorithm
// the result is a String of 12 bytes within a 72-bit space
// (each byte has an 6-bit range)
// that should be enough for all web pages on the world
return this . entry . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) ;
return this . hash ;
public long ranking ( ) {
return this . ranking ;
public String hosthash ( ) {
return ( String ) this . doc . getFieldValue ( YaCySchema . host_id_s . name ( ) ) ;
public boolean matches ( final Pattern matcher ) {
return this . metadata ( ) . matches ( matcher ) ;
public Date moddate ( ) {
return getDate ( YaCySchema . last_modified ) ;
public DigestURI url ( ) {
return this . metadata( ) . url( ) ;
return this . url ;
public String dc_title ( ) {
return this . metadata ( ) . dc_title ( ) ;
public boolean matches ( Pattern matcher ) {
return matcher . matcher ( this . urlRaw . toLowerCase ( ) ) . matches ( ) ;
public String dc_creator ( ) {
return this . metadata ( ) . dc_creator ( ) ;
public String dc_title ( ) {
@SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
List < String > titles = ( List < String > ) this . doc . getFieldValue ( YaCySchema . title . name ( ) ) ;
if ( titles = = null | | titles . size ( ) = = 0 ) return "" ;
return titles . get ( 0 ) ;
public String dc_publisher ( ) {
return this . metadata ( ) . dc_publisher ( ) ;
public String dc_creator ( ) {
return getString ( YaCySchema . author ) ;
public String dc_subject ( ) {
return this . metadata ( ) . dc_subject ( ) ;
public String dc_publisher ( ) {
return getString ( YaCySchema . publisher_t ) ;
public float lat ( ) {
return this . metadata ( ) . lat ( ) ;
public String dc_subject ( ) {
return this . keywords ;
public float lon ( ) {
return this . metadata ( ) . lon ( ) ;
public double lat ( ) {
return this . lat ;
private Components metadata ( ) {
// avoid double computation of metadata elements
if ( this . comp ! = null ) return this . comp ;
// parse elements from comp field;
final byte [ ] c = this . entry . getColBytes ( col_comp , true ) ;
final List < byte [ ] > cl = ByteBuffer . split ( c , ( byte ) 10 ) ;
this . comp = new Components (
( cl . size ( ) > 0 ) ? UTF8 . String ( cl . get ( 0 ) ) : "" ,
hash ( ) ,
( cl . size ( ) > 1 ) ? UTF8 . String ( cl . get ( 1 ) ) : "" ,
( cl . size ( ) > 2 ) ? UTF8 . String ( cl . get ( 2 ) ) : "" ,
( cl . size ( ) > 3 ) ? UTF8 . String ( cl . get ( 3 ) ) : "" ,
( cl . size ( ) > 4 ) ? UTF8 . String ( cl . get ( 4 ) ) : "" ,
( cl . size ( ) > 5 ) ? UTF8 . String ( cl . get ( 5 ) ) : "" ) ;
return this . comp ;
public double lon ( ) {
return this . lon ;
public Date moddate ( ) {
return decodeDate ( col_mod ) ;
public long ranking ( ) {
return this . ranking ;
public Date loaddate ( ) {
return decodeDate( col_load ) ;
return getDate ( YaCySchema . load_date_dt ) ;
public Date freshdate ( ) {
return decodeDate ( col_fresh ) ;
public byte [ ] referrerHash ( ) {
// return the creator's hash or null if there is none
// FIXME: There seem to be some malformed entries in the databasees like "null\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
final byte [ ] r = this . entry . getColBytes ( col_referrer , true ) ;
if ( r ! = null ) {
int i = r . length ;
while ( i > 0 ) {
if ( r [ - - i ] = = 0 ) return null ;
return r ;
return getDate ( YaCySchema . fresh_date_dt ) ;
public String md5 ( ) {
// returns the md5 in hex representation
return Digest . encodeHex ( this . entry . getColBytes ( col_md5 , true ) ) ;
return getString ( YaCySchema . md5_s ) ;
public char doctype ( ) {
return ( char ) this . entry . getColByte ( col_dt ) ;
return Response . docType ( getString ( YaCySchema . content_type ) ) ;
public byte [ ] language ( ) {
byte [ ] b = this . entry . getColBytes ( col_lang , true ) ;
if ( b = = null | | b [ 0 ] = = ( byte ) '[' ) {
String tld = this . metadata ( ) . url . getTLD ( ) ;
if ( tld . length ( ) < 2 | | tld . length ( ) > 2 ) return ASCII . getBytes ( "en" ) ;
return ASCII . getBytes ( tld ) ;
return b ;
String [ ] languages = ( String [ ] ) this . doc . getFieldValue ( YaCySchema . language_txt . name ( ) ) ;
if ( languages = = null | | languages . length = = 0 ) return ASCII . getBytes ( "en" ) ;
return UTF8 . getBytes ( languages [ 0 ] ) ;
public int size ( ) {
return ( int ) this . entry . getColLong ( col_size ) ;
return getInt ( YaCySchema . size_i ) ;
public Bitfield flags ( ) {
return new Bitfield ( this. entry. getColBytes ( col_ flags, true ) ) ;
return this. flags;
public int wordCount ( ) {
return ( int ) this . entry . getColLong ( col_wc ) ;
return getInt ( YaCySchema . wordcount_i ) ;
public int llocal ( ) {
return ( int ) this . entry . getColLong ( col_llocal ) ;
return getInt ( YaCySchema . inboundlinkscount_i ) ;
public int lother ( ) {
return ( int ) this . entry . getColLong ( col_lother ) ;
return getInt ( YaCySchema . outboundlinkscount_i ) ;
public int limage ( ) {
return ( int ) this . entry . getColLong ( col_limage ) ;
return this . imagec ;
public int laudio ( ) {
return ( int ) this . entry . getColLong ( col_laudio ) ;
return this . audioc ;
public int lvideo ( ) {
return ( int ) this . entry . getColLong ( col_lvideo ) ;
return this . videoc ;
public int lapp ( ) {
return ( int ) this . entry . getColLong ( col_lapp ) ;
return this . appc ;
public String snippet ( ) {
// the snippet may appear here if the url was transported in a remote search
// it will not be saved anywhere, but can only be requested here
return this . snippet ;
public WordReferenceVars word ( ) {
public WordReference word ( ) {
return this . word ;
public boolean isOlder ( final URIMetadata other ) {
public boolean isOlder ( URIMetadata other ) {
if ( other = = null ) return false ;
final Date tmoddate = moddate ( ) ;
final Date omoddate = other . moddate ( ) ;
@ -461,7 +289,84 @@ public class URIMetadataNode /*extends URIReferenceNode implements URIMetadata*/
return false ;
public String toString ( final String snippet ) {
private StringBuilder corePropList ( ) {
// generate a parseable string; this is a simple property-list
final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder ( 300 ) ;
//System.out.println("author=" + comp.author());
// create new formatters to make concurrency possible
final GenericFormatter formatter = new GenericFormatter ( GenericFormatter . FORMAT_SHORT_DAY , GenericFormatter . time_minute ) ;
try {
s . append ( "hash=" ) . append ( ASCII . String ( hash ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",url=" ) . append ( crypt . simpleEncode ( url ( ) . toNormalform ( false , true ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",descr=" ) . append ( crypt . simpleEncode ( dc_title ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",author=" ) . append ( crypt . simpleEncode ( dc_creator ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",tags=" ) . append ( crypt . simpleEncode ( Tagging . cleanTagFromAutotagging ( dc_subject ( ) ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",publisher=" ) . append ( crypt . simpleEncode ( dc_publisher ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lat=" ) . append ( lat ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lon=" ) . append ( lon ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",mod=" ) . append ( formatter . format ( moddate ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",load=" ) . append ( formatter . format ( loaddate ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",fresh=" ) . append ( formatter . format ( freshdate ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",referrer=" ) . append ( referrerHash ( ) = = null ? "" : ASCII . String ( referrerHash ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",md5=" ) . append ( md5 ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",size=" ) . append ( size ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",wc=" ) . append ( wordCount ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",dt=" ) . append ( doctype ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",flags=" ) . append ( flags ( ) . exportB64 ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lang=" ) . append ( language ( ) = = null ? "EN" : UTF8 . String ( language ( ) ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",llocal=" ) . append ( llocal ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lother=" ) . append ( lother ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",limage=" ) . append ( limage ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",laudio=" ) . append ( laudio ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lvideo=" ) . append ( lvideo ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
s . append ( ",lapp=" ) . append ( lapp ( ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
if ( this . word ! = null ) {
// append also word properties
final String wprop = this . word . toPropertyForm ( ) ;
s . append ( ",wi=" ) . append ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . encodeString ( wprop ) ) ;
assert ( s . toString ( ) . indexOf ( 0 ) < 0 ) ;
return s ;
} catch ( final Throwable e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return null ;
/ * *
* the toString format must be completely identical to URIMetadataRow because that is used
* to transport the data over p2p connections .
* /
public String toString ( String snippet ) {
// add information needed for remote transport
final StringBuilder core = corePropList ( ) ;
if ( core = = null )
@ -476,12 +381,20 @@ public class URIMetadataNode /*extends URIReferenceNode implements URIMetadata*/
//return "{" + core + ",snippet=" + crypt.simpleEncode(snippet) + "}";
public byte [ ] referrerHash ( ) {
String [ ] referrer = ( String [ ] ) this . doc . getFieldValue ( YaCySchema . referrer_id_txt . name ( ) ) ;
if ( referrer = = null | | referrer . length = = 0 ) return null ;
return ASCII . getBytes ( referrer [ 0 ] ) ;
public Request toBalancerEntry ( final String initiatorHash ) {
return new Request (
ASCII . getBytes ( initiatorHash ) ,
metadata ( ) . url ( ) ,
url( ) ,
referrerHash ( ) ,
metadata ( ) . dc_title ( ) ,
dc_title( ) ,
moddate ( ) ,
null ,
0 ,
@ -489,74 +402,4 @@ public class URIMetadataNode /*extends URIReferenceNode implements URIMetadata*/
0 ,
0 ) ;
public String toString ( ) {
final StringBuilder core = corePropList ( ) ;
if ( core = = null ) return null ;
core . insert ( 0 , "{" ) ;
core . append ( "}" ) ;
return core . toString ( ) ;
//return "{" + core + "}";
private class Components {
private DigestURI url ;
private String urlRaw ;
private byte [ ] urlHash ;
private final String dc_title , dc_creator , dc_subject , dc_publisher ;
private final String latlon ; // a comma-separated tuple as "<latitude>,<longitude>" where the coordinates are given as WGS84 spatial coordinates in decimal degrees
public Components (
final String urlRaw ,
final byte [ ] urlhash ,
final String title ,
final String author ,
final String tags ,
final String publisher ,
final String latlon ) {
this . url = null ;
this . urlRaw = urlRaw ;
this . urlHash = urlhash ;
this . dc_title = title ;
this . dc_creator = author ;
this . dc_subject = tags ;
this . dc_publisher = publisher ;
this . latlon = latlon ;
public boolean matches ( final Pattern matcher ) {
if ( this . urlRaw ! = null ) return matcher . matcher ( this . urlRaw . toLowerCase ( ) ) . matches ( ) ;
if ( this . url ! = null ) return matcher . matcher ( this . url . toNormalform ( true , true ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) . matches ( ) ;
return false ;
public DigestURI url ( ) {
if ( this . url = = null ) {
try {
this . url = new DigestURI ( this . urlRaw , this . urlHash ) ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) {
this . url = null ;
this . urlRaw = null ;
this . urlHash = null ;
return this . url ;
public String dc_title ( ) { return this . dc_title ; }
public String dc_creator ( ) { return this . dc_creator ; }
public String dc_publisher ( ) { return this . dc_publisher ; }
public String dc_subject ( ) { return this . dc_subject ; }
public float lat ( ) {
if ( this . latlon = = null | | this . latlon . isEmpty ( ) ) return 0.0f ;
final int p = this . latlon . indexOf ( ',' ) ;
return p < 0 ? 0.0f : Float . parseFloat ( this . latlon . substring ( 0 , p ) ) ;
public float lon ( ) {
if ( this . latlon = = null | | this . latlon . isEmpty ( ) ) return 0.0f ;
final int p = this . latlon . indexOf ( ',' ) ;
return p < 0 ? 0.0f : Float . parseFloat ( this . latlon . substring ( p + 1 ) ) ;
* /