warc = Web ARChive File Format.
Warc files with extension .warc or compressed warc.gz can be placed in the
DATA/surrogate/in and contained responses are imported to the index.
The used library is stream based so we can easily extend it later to use
and load warc's from the net.
A port value of -1 will disable this option.
If set to a value greater 0, YaCy listens on this of on the local loopback
address ( for a shutdown or restart signal.
E.g. connect to http://localhost:8005/shutdown will stop the YaCy server.
http://localhost:8005/restart will restart it.
This option allows to stop YaCy locally independant from the web web
frontend (which might be configured for password protected remote access).
HTTP "Referer" header sent by the browser when using YaCy can now be
controlled either with the referrer meta tag as a global policy, or only
for search result links by adding the attribute rel="noreferrer".
To improve privacy with the less possible regressions, the default is
set as meta tag with value "origin-when-cross-origin" : internal YaCy
links behavior is not affected, but when visiting external websites
referrer url is not empty but stripped from query parameters and path.
Older browsers, Safari, MS IE and Edge do not support the referrer meta
tag, so the standard but less flexible noreferrer link type can also be
enabled as an alternative.
User-friendly settings page to be implemented.
low number of found documents - by adding additional end condition to
remove processed query with number of found docs <= process-chunck-size.
Noticed on query h4_txt:[* TO *], found 21, process 21, call of commit happend
but on next cycle same query again 21 docs found (while h4_txt was removed
from schema and committed inputdocuments).
Fix NPE on disabled local SolrIndex, occuring on search moving to the 2nd result page.
The debug purpose only setting to disabeling local SolrIndex (System Admin -> Debug Settings) should long term probably be removed from production code.
These fields are default enabled but with no doubt not strictly
mandatory with the current code base.
As reported by @reger24, splitting between essential mandatory and
optional fields is still to be improved to reflect the current YaCy
- Added a new method to check activation of mandatory fields on
Collection Configuration commit, consistently with checks previously
performed in Switchboard startup and with mandatory fields in the
default schema.
- Reorganized default schema and CollectionConfiguration enumeration :
moved no more mandatory fields in a specific section, and moved fields
enabled at startup to the mandatory section.
- Marked mandatory fields as required and with stronger font in the
IndexSchema_p.html page
sq=solr-querystring) to allow to filter simple text queries for processing,
remove toString for counter parameter
use more predefined constants in solrservlet
As reported by Palulukas in YaCy forum
the Index Export operation can fails, notably when the Solr index
contains one or more documents with empty (despite required)
"load_date_dt" field.
This fixes the export failure when the situation finally occurs, but
more should be done to harden verifications on minimum required fields.
to avoid repeat of tokenized url as description,
continuation of 7e09bff4a11409cabe8b
Add some javadoc, and not needed remove of omitted fields in postprocessing.
As discussed in PR #93 with @JeremyRand and @reger24 this new advanced
settings page includes:
- a new setting to control remote Solr responses encoding
- some existing debug settings which could not be set through the admin
user interface
index schema.
To assemble the original link url for out-/inboundlinks, icons and pictures
the *_protocol_sxt and *_urlstub_sxt is needed (due to the used data-reduced
storage methode). Auto-enable *_protocol_sxt if *_urlstub_sxt is enabled.
to be able to correctly assemble the original link url.
As mentioned in issue #103, control settings over YaCy disk usage
already existed but lacked a user-friendly way to set them.
I added it to the Performance_p.html administration page with a little
refactoring on the "Resource Observer" fieldset for improved
accessibility and HTML standards respect.
Also added the possibility to enable/disable the autoregulation fonction
from this page.
As reported by @tglman on issue #90, when searching images on the local
index only, pages next to the first were always empty. This was a
regression from commit c25e48e969.
This ensure consistent implementation of the url host hash generation
and easier usage finding in source code.
Also added a unit test for this function.
to use javax.servlet.http.Cookie parameters.
Depreciate now obsolete getHeaderCookies.
Adjust setting of MaxAge to spec if >= 0 otherwise keep default.
The main shutdown hook thread was not properly waiting for the main
thread termination which consequently could not properly close resources
and threads. After terminating a running YaCy peer this way (Ctrl+C in
console, or kill <pid> for example), you could see the still existing
DATA/yacy.running file.
Tested with :
- Debian Jessie openjdk 7 and 8 : regular shutdown, Ctrl+C, kill
command, system restart while yacy is running
- Windows 10 Oracle JDK 7 and 8 : non regression on regular shutdown
Applied rules :
- when the FTP URL denotes a file resource, stack it as any start URL :
eventually embedded links can be followed applying the usual depth rules
- when the FTP URL denotes a directory, list files under this directory
and stack them for crawl, and repeat the process on sub folders until
crawl depth is reached
to not already actives.
Dht results are now included in count this might over shoot on redundant
dht and solr, while the previous solr facet based was always low.
Fixes issue #90 for local queries only: Stealth mode, Portal mode or
Intranet mode.
For P2p mode, the issue would probably be difficult to solve with
reasonable performance. This is still to dig.
Also switched some InterreputedException catch log messages to warn
level as this is normal behavior when shutting down a peer.
Fixed yacysearch buttons navbar behavior to deal correctly with total
results count or offset over 1000. Also improved the buttons navbar to
be able to navigate over 10th page for local queries.
When a downloaded archive release is corrupted, empty, or can not be
opened for any reason, the update script must not be launched because it
erases the existing lib/*.jar libraries.
NullPointerException occurred when using and Identificator instance
which encountered and error in its constructor.
This error could be caused by a missing "langdetect" folder in the
current folder of the main process, or by simultaneous first calls to
the constructor, initializing concurrently the DetectorFactory.langlist.
Fixes the mantis 714 (http://mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=714)
When starting a crawl from a file containing thousands of links,
configuration setting "crawler.MaxActiveThreads" is effective to prevent
saturating the system with too many outgoing HTTP connections threads
launched by the crawler.
But robots.txt was not affected by this setting and was indefinitely
increasing the number of concurrently loading threads until most ot the
connections timed out.
To improve performance control, added a pool of threads for Robots.txt,
consistently used in its ensureExist() and massCrawlCheck() methods.
The Robots.txt threads pool max size can now be configured in the
/PerformanceQueus_p.html page, or with the new
"robots.txt.MaxActiveThreads" setting, initialized with the same default
value as the crawler.
It can take any Date field of the index and displays a list of year strings
in reverse order by the year (not the score/count).
To allow to define the index field to use, the fieldname (and title can be
appended to the navi's name "year" e.g. year:load_date_dt:LoadDate
It works also with dates_in_content_dts field (from the graphical date
navigator). Here the query parameter from: to: are used on selection as
Query modifier (for other dates currently no query parameter available, so
selection won't work to filter search results).
Not included in the UI Searchpage layout config so far (for experiment with
it manual change to conf needed).
the navigator to include counts all matches (rwi+fulltext).
Fixing also unresolved_pattern in navigators title (of the counter)
The use of inurl: query modifier as filter has not been changed keeping
it as soft (unsharp) filter facet.
Upd StringNavigator to prevent empty string form multivalued solr fields,
removed date value conversion (better handled elsewhere, not need here).
Prepared the first basic navigators (for authors and collections) for the
list of SearchEvent.navigatorPlugins and adjusted servlet to use these.
- this allows to configure display order of these navigators (by ordering config string)
- eventually allows for additional and/or custom navigators using any
available index field without need for changing servlets
- the Collection navigation has been adjusted to exclude the internal,
default robot_* and dht collections from displaying
- rwi results are now also checked for navigatior by the refactored navi's
So far no config options were added to customize or add navigators (may
come later if route of upcoming modularization/plugin system is defined).
used for rwi ranking.
Main changes:
- introduce a posintext() to access the stored value. This reduces also mem alloc of position array for WordReferenceRow (index access)
- use the positions() array for joined references on multi-word queries if needed (otherwise allow positions() to be null
- adjust assignments and the min() max() and distance() calculation accordingly
refactor to using long in URIMetadataNode too (and related call parameters)
As remote rwi score's are not used (since v1.83) skip reading float-score ,
but keep in toString() for communication with older versions.
Even after network switch, ErroCache was still holding a reference to
the previous Solr cores, thus becoming useless until next YaCy restart.
Initial error cache filling with recent errors from the index was also
missing after the swtich.
The embedded core holds a lock on the index and must be closed. Earlier commit
comment states that core should be closed with solr instance instead on close
of connector.
Adjusted the InstanceMirror.close() to take care of closing the embedded
instance to release the lock.
In 2 routines of fulltext this was already explicite implemented (disconnectLocalSolr).
Now this disconnect is part of the InstanceMirror.close().
- move the maxcount limit restriction completely to getTopicNavigator (as there not used in getTopics)
- let search servlet use getTopics by default (w/o RWI connected check, as of now, Topics are available w/o any additional index interaction)
+ changed the postRanking to add one score only if word appears more as one time.
+ getTopics() unused code block rem'd (save performace)-> routine needs rework !
Added Javadocs to refactored methods.
Added log warnings instead of silently failing some errors.
Only fill collection1hosts when required ( shallComputeCR true).
to also support handling of urls w/o corresponding file-extension.
For this refactor use of document.getParserObject() to alway return a Parser (for clean logic)
and define/move the scraperObject as local var of AbstractParser.
Adjust related calls to getParserObject (where actually a scraperObject is wanted).
Addionally skip appending url token to parsed text for dht metadata entries
(by default returned as result by rwi index).
- after last_exec_date is altered, next_exec_date should be recalculated
- makes the recalculation of next_exec in advance (without api call surely made) in Switchbard.schedulerJob() obsolete
Slightly modify next_exec calc. on missed event to now+schedule_time (from fix 10min)
fix for http://mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=677
The difference is on scheduling a large number of rss feeds and loading
is not finished before shutdown of YaCy. The change makes sure not already
loaded RSS will be loaded by the scheduler on next startup.
to save the resources and keep handler chain small if the feature is not used.
+add a warning message on settingsack_p page to restart on first activation
of minutes in the past and reverted latest change. The export file dump
will now contain four data elements: f - first date of index entry write
date, l - last date of index write date, n - now-date of index dump
time, c - count of numbers inside the dump. '0N' denotes a series of
changes which will lead to the opportunity to exchange index data dumps
in a way that is needed to integrate ZeroNet index data. This will be
based on index dump sharing; that causes this commit.
- Above brought up that parser start url parameter, declared as AnchorURL uses only methodes of parent object DigestURL (changed parameter declaration accordingly).
remote crawl.
On startup we save the resources for remote crawler if disabled. Once started
threads are running idle after disable remote crawl. Now threads are terminated
to save the resources also while disabeling during runtime.
+ remove empty class Channels
Update the result score result field with the result queue ranking value to reflect
the actual calculated/used score,
for rwi & solr stack results.
(calc. etc. is unchanged, it's just that result entry carries the latest val
as api retrieves the number from it)
Collection is not available in pure rwi entries (but in local solr metadata)
But if user wishes to filter by query constraint also rwi shall adhere to this
(even if only rwi entries with parsed or solr received metadata may fit)
1-char tokens and also more-than-1-char tokens, then remove the 1-char
tokens to prevent that we are to strict. This will make it possible to
be a bit more fuzzy in the search where it is appropriate.
(regardless if these fields part of update).
Switch partial update option off in postprocessing if schema contains *_dts (multivalued date field).
see http://mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=601
moved and was not cleared anymore. This results in an huge fieldcache.
Here I try to use DovValues where it is possible.
For this I used the Api-Scheme as new basis für the Solr-Schema.
This needs at least a complete optimization of the Solr-Index to get a
smaller FieldCache.
Everything that is indexed with these setting will not use the
Fieldcache at all.
bayesian filters. This can be used to classify documents during
indexing-time using a pre-definied bayesian filter.
New wordings:
- a context is a class where different categories are possible. The
context name is equal to a facet name.
- a category is a facet type within a facet navigation. Each context
must have several categories, at least one custom name (things you want
to discover) and one with the exact name "negative".
To use this, you must do:
- for each context, you must create a directory within
DATA/CLASSIFICATION with the name of the context (the facet name)
- within each context directory, you must create text files with one
document each per line for every categroy. One of these categories MUST
have the name 'negative.txt'.
Then, each new document is classified to match within one of the given
categories for each context.
- fixed superfluous space in query field list
- fixed filter query logic
- removed look-ahead query which caused that each new search page
submitted two solr queries
- fixed random solr result orders in case that the solr score was equal:
this was then re-ordered by YaCy using the document hash which came from
the solr object and that appeared to be random. Now the hash of the url
is used and the score is additionally modified by the url length to
prevent that this particular case appears at all.
during surrogate reading: those attributes from the dump are removed
during the import process and replaced by new detected attributes
according to the setting of the YaCy peer.
This may cause that all such attributes are removed if the importing
peer has no synonyms and/or no vocabularies defined.
This is a very complex migration: many classes had been renamed or
removed, dependencies changed and the solr index type is now aligned to
be a solr cloud repository.
Together with the Solr 5.2 library update, one other dependent library
had been updated as well: httpclient 4.4->4.4.1
Older indexes are migrated from 4_10 to 5_2. However, the new index
structure is more efficient and we recommend to re-index everything.
Please use the index export before you do the update to a large
surrogate xml file. After the update, start with an empty index and then
initialize this with your dump.
export function is also now the default export option. The export file
format for a full solr export is very similar to a solr search result
xml, only the <lst name="responseHeader"> tag is missing.
The exported xml has a special line termination feature: all documents
will be exported into a single line without any CR in between. That
means that every document is completely inside a single line. While this
is not readable at all for humans, it is very useful for linux line
processing scripts, like grep. Using grep it will be easy to select
single documents which match for a given pattern.
Such dumps shall be importable with the DATA/SURROGATE/in import
function, but that import is not yet adopted to the new file format.
by instatiation from URIMetadataNode, by eleminating differentiation of ResultEntry/URIMetadataNode.
- moved remaining ResultEntry functionallity to URIMetadataNode
- for 1:1 functionallity added a function makeResultEntry()
- removed ResultEntry
- refactored related code
Main difference is after makeResultEntry the text_t content is removed and alternative title/url strings for display are calculated.
Main difference left is, that
If remote crawl option is not activated, skip init of remoteCrawlJob to save the resources of queue and ideling thread.
Deploy of the remoteCrawlJob deferred on activation of the option.
keeping surrogates after processing is essential for some users. If the
space they are taking is too high, please set up an automatic deletion
process (like a cronjob).