@ -330,16 +330,29 @@ public class QueryGoal {
for ( final byte [ ] b : blues ) this . include_hashes . remove ( b ) ;
/ * *
* Generate a Solr filter query to receive valid urls
* This filters out error - urls .
* On noimages = true a filter is added to exclude links to images
* using the content_type ( as well as urls with common image file extension )
* @param noimages true if filter for images should be included
* @return Solr filter query
* /
public List < String > collectionTextFilterQuery ( boolean noimages ) {
final ArrayList < String > fqs = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
// add filter to prevent that results come from failed urls
fqs . add ( CollectionSchema . httpstatus_i . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":200" ) ;
if ( noimages ) fqs . add ( "-" + CollectionSchema . url_file_ext_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":(jpg OR png OR gif)" ) ;
if ( noimages ) {
fqs . add ( "-" + CollectionSchema . content_type . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":(image/*)" ) ;
fqs . add ( "-" + CollectionSchema . url_file_ext_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":(jpg OR png OR gif)" ) ;
return fqs ;
public StringBuilder collectionTextQuery ( ) {
// parse special requests
@ -348,16 +361,27 @@ public class QueryGoal {
// add goal query
return getGoalQuery ( ) ;
/ * *
* Generate a Solr filter query to receive valid image results .
* This filters error - urls out and includes urls with mime image / * as well
* as urls with links to images .
* We use the mime ( image / * ) only to find images as the parser assigned the
* best mime to index documents . This applies also to parsed file systems .
* This ensures that no text urls with image - fileextension is returned
* ( as some large internet sites like to use such urls )
* @return Solr filter query for image urls
* /
public List < String > collectionImageFilterQuery ( ) {
final ArrayList < String > fqs = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
// add filter to prevent that results come from failed urls
fqs . add ( CollectionSchema . httpstatus_i . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":200" ) ;
fqs . add (
CollectionSchema . images_urlstub_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) + AbstractSolrConnector . CATCHALL_DTERM + " OR " +
CollectionSchema . url_file_ext_s . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":(jpg OR png OR gif) OR " +
CollectionSchema . content_type . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":(image/*)" ) ;
CollectionSchema . content_type . getSolrFieldName ( ) + ":(image/*) OR " +
CollectionSchema . images_urlstub_sxt . getSolrFieldName ( ) + AbstractSolrConnector . CATCHALL_DTERM ) ;
return fqs ;