postpone apicall exec date init until actual call

fix for
The difference is on scheduling a large number of rss feeds and loading 
is not finished before shutdown of YaCy. The change makes sure not already
loaded RSS will be loaded by the scheduler on next startup.
reger 9 years ago
parent 5e335b32da
commit 07311020d4

@ -160,7 +160,9 @@ public class WorkTables extends Tables {
* store a API call and set attributes to schedule a re-call of that API call according to a given frequence
* This is the same as the previous method but it also computes a re-call time and stores that additionally
* This is the same as the previous method but it also sets a re-call time and stores that additionally
* The method does't assume that the APICall was made and initializes the last_exec_date with null, this
* is set on actual APICall execution.
* @param post the post arguments of the api call
* @param servletName the name of the servlet
* @param type name of the servlet category
@ -191,14 +193,14 @@ public class WorkTables extends Tables {
data.put(TABLE_API_COL_COMMENT, UTF8.getBytes(comment));
byte[] date = ASCII.getBytes(GenericFormatter.SHORT_MILSEC_FORMATTER.format());
data.put(TABLE_API_COL_DATE_LAST_EXEC, (Date)null);
data.put(TABLE_API_COL_URL, UTF8.getBytes(apiurl));
// insert APICALL attributes
data.put(TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_COUNT, UTF8.getBytes("1"));
data.put(TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_COUNT, UTF8.getBytes("0"));
data.put(TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_TIME, ASCII.getBytes(Integer.toString(time)));
calculateAPIScheduler(data, false); // set next execution time
// calculateAPIScheduler(data, false); // set next execution time
pk = super.insert(TABLE_API_NAME, data);
} catch (final IOException e) {
@ -234,6 +236,14 @@ public class WorkTables extends Tables {
if (row == null) continue;
String theapicall = UTF8.String(row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_URL)) + "&" + WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK + "=" + UTF8.String(row.getPK());
try { // set exec time before the actual call to prevent repeat during client timeout (on short schedule duration)
final Date now = new Date();
row.put(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE_LAST_EXEC, now); // record exec time
WorkTables.calculateAPIScheduler(row, false); // calculate next update time
Switchboard.getSwitchboard().tables.update(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, row);
} catch (IOException ex) {
ConcurrentLog.warn("APICALL", "error updating exec time for " + theapicall);
try {
MultiProtocolURL url = new MultiProtocolURL("http", host, port, theapicall);
// use 4 param MultiProtocolURL to allow api_row_url with searchpart (like url?p=a&p2=b ) in client.GETbytes()

@ -2204,17 +2204,24 @@ public final class Switchboard extends serverSwitch {
if (row == null) continue;
// select api calls according to scheduler settings
final Date date_next_exec = row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE_NEXT_EXEC, (Date) null);
if (date_next_exec != null && now.after(date_next_exec)) pks.add(UTF8.String(row.getPK()));
final int stime = row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_SCHEDULE_TIME, 0);
if (stime > 0) { // has scheduled repeat
final Date date_next_exec = row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE_NEXT_EXEC, (Date) null);
if (date_next_exec != null) { // has been executed befor
if (now.after(date_next_exec)) pks.add(UTF8.String(row.getPK()));
} else { // was never executed before
// select api calls according to event settings
final String kind = row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_EVENT_KIND, "off");
if (!"off".equals(kind)) {
String action = row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_EVENT_ACTION, "startup");
Date date_last_exec = row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE_LAST_EXEC, (Date) null);
if ("startup".equals(action)) {
if (startupAction) {
if ("once".equals(kind)) {
if ("once".equals(kind) && date_last_exec != null) {
row.put(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_EVENT_KIND, "off");
sb.tables.update(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, row);
@ -2225,7 +2232,7 @@ public final class Switchboard extends serverSwitch {
long cycle = getThread(SwitchboardConstants.CLEANUP).getBusySleep();
if (d < System.currentTimeMillis() && System.currentTimeMillis() - d < cycle) {
if ("once".equals(kind)) {
if ("once".equals(kind) && date_last_exec != null) {
row.put(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_EVENT_KIND, "off");
row.put(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE_NEXT_EXEC, "");
sb.tables.update(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, row);
@ -2237,16 +2244,6 @@ public final class Switchboard extends serverSwitch {
} catch (final IOException e) {
for (final String pk : pks) {
try {
row =, UTF8.getBytes(pk));
WorkTables.calculateAPIScheduler(row, true); // calculate next update time
this.tables.update(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, row);
} catch (final Throwable e ) {
startupAction = false;
// execute api calls
