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// (C) 2008 by Michael Peter Christen;, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 30.12.2008 on
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.kelondro.blob;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII;
import net.yacy.cora.document.UTF8;
13 years ago
import net.yacy.cora.order.ByteOrder;
import net.yacy.cora.order.CloneableIterator;
13 years ago
import net.yacy.cora.order.Digest;
import net.yacy.cora.order.NaturalOrder;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog;
import net.yacy.cora.util.LookAheadIterator;
import net.yacy.cora.util.SpaceExceededException;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowHandleMap;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MemoryControl;
13 years ago
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.RotateIterator;
public class HeapReader {
//public final static long keepFreeMem = 20 * 1024 * 1024;
private final static ConcurrentLog log = new ConcurrentLog("HeapReader");
// input values
protected int keylength; // the length of the primary key
protected File heapFile; // the file of the heap
protected final ByteOrder ordering; // the ordering on keys
// computed values
protected Writer file; // a random access to the file
protected HandleMap index; // key/seek relation for used records
protected Gap free; // set of {seek, size} pairs denoting space and position of free records
private File fingerprintFileIdx, fingerprintFileGap; // files with dumped indexes. Will be deleted if file is written
private Date closeDate; // records a time when the file was closed; used for debugging
public HeapReader(
final File heapFile,
final int keylength,
final ByteOrder ordering) throws IOException {
this.ordering = ordering;
this.heapFile = heapFile;
this.keylength = keylength;
this.index = null; // will be created as result of initialization process = null; // will be initialized later depending on existing idx/gap file
this.file = new CachedFileWriter(this.heapFile);
this.closeDate = null;
// read or initialize the index
this.fingerprintFileIdx = null;
this.fingerprintFileGap = null;
if (initIndexReadDump()) {
// verify that everything worked just fine
// pick some elements of the index
Iterator<byte[]> i = this.index.keys(true, null);
int c = 3;
byte[] b, b1 = new byte[this.keylength];
long pos;
boolean ok = true;
while (i.hasNext() && c-- > 0) {
b =;
pos = this.index.get(b); + 4);
this.file.readFully(b1, 0, b1.length);
if (!this.ordering.equal(b, b1)) {
ok = false;
if (!ok) {
log.warn("verification of idx file for " + heapFile.toString() + " failed, re-building index");
} else {"using a dump of the index of " + heapFile.toString() + ".");
} else {
// if we did not have a dump, create a new index
// merge gaps that follow directly
// after the initial initialization of the heap, we close the file again
// to make more room to file pointers which may run out if the number
// of file descriptors is too low and the number of files is too high
// the file will be opened again automatically when the next access to it comes.
public long mem() {
return this.index.mem(); // don't add the memory for free here since then the asserts for memory management don't work
public void trim() {
protected byte[] normalizeKey(byte[] key) {
// check size of key: zero-filled keys are only possible of the ordering is
// an instance of the natural ordering. Base64-orderings cannot use zeros in keys.
assert key.length >= this.keylength || this.ordering instanceof NaturalOrder;
return normalizeKey(key, this.keylength);
private static final byte zero = 0;
protected static byte[] normalizeKey(byte[] key, int keylength) {
if (key.length == keylength) return key;
byte[] k = new byte[keylength];
if (key.length < keylength) {
System.arraycopy(key, 0, k, 0, key.length);
for (int i = key.length; i < keylength; i++) k[i] = zero;
} else {
System.arraycopy(key, 0, k, 0, keylength);
return k;
private boolean initIndexReadDump() {
// look for an index dump and read it if it exist
// if this is successful, return true; otherwise false
String fingerprint = fingerprintFileHash(this.heapFile);
if (fingerprint == null) {
log.severe("cannot generate a fingerprint for " + this.heapFile + ": null");
return false;
this.fingerprintFileIdx = HeapWriter.fingerprintIndexFile(this.heapFile, fingerprint);
if (!this.fingerprintFileIdx.exists()) this.fingerprintFileIdx = new File(this.fingerprintFileIdx.getAbsolutePath() + ".gz");
this.fingerprintFileGap = HeapWriter.fingerprintGapFile(this.heapFile, fingerprint);
if (!this.fingerprintFileGap.exists()) this.fingerprintFileGap = new File(this.fingerprintFileGap.getAbsolutePath() + ".gz");
if (!this.fingerprintFileIdx.exists() || !this.fingerprintFileGap.exists()) {
deleteAllFingerprints(this.heapFile, this.fingerprintFileIdx.getName(), this.fingerprintFileGap.getName());
return false;
// there is an index and a gap file:
// read the index file:
try {
this.index = new RowHandleMap(this.keylength, this.ordering, 8, this.fingerprintFileIdx);
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
} catch (SpaceExceededException e) {
return false;
// check saturation
if (this.index instanceof RowHandleMap) {
int[] saturation = ((RowHandleMap) this.index).saturation(); // {<the maximum length of consecutive equal-beginning bytes in the key>, <the minimum number of leading zeros in the second column>}"saturation of " + this.fingerprintFileIdx.getName() + ": keylength = " + saturation[0] + ", vallength = " + saturation[1] + ", size = " + this.index.size() +
", maximum saving for index-compression = " + (saturation[0] * this.index.size() / 1024 / 1024) + " MB" +
", exact saving for value-compression = " + (saturation[1] * this.index.size() / 1024 / 1024) + " MB");
// read the gap file:
try { = new Gap(this.fingerprintFileGap);
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
// everything is fine now
return !this.index.isEmpty();
* deletion of the fingerprint: this should happen if the heap is written or entries are deleted
* if the files are not deleted then it may be possible that they are not used anyway because the
* fingerprint hash does not fit with the heap dump file hash. But since the hash is not computed
* from all the data and just some key bytes it may be possible that the hash did not change.
public void deleteFingerprint() {
if (this.fingerprintFileIdx != null) {
this.fingerprintFileIdx = null;
if (this.fingerprintFileGap != null) {
this.fingerprintFileGap = null;
protected static String fingerprintFileHash(File f) {
assert f != null;
assert f.exists() : "file = " + f.toString();
String fp = Digest.fastFingerprintB64(f, false);
assert fp != null : "file = " + f.toString();
if (fp == null) return null;
return fp.substring(0, 12);
private static void deleteAllFingerprints(File f, String exception1, String exception2) {
File d = f.getParentFile();
String n = f.getName();
String[] l = d.list();
for (int i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
if (!l[i].startsWith(n)) continue;
if (exception1 != null && l[i].equals(exception1)) continue;
if (exception2 != null && l[i].equals(exception2)) continue;
if (l[i].endsWith(".idx") ||
l[i].endsWith(".gap") ||
l[i].endsWith(".idx.gz") ||
) FileUtils.deletedelete(new File(d, l[i]));
private void initIndexReadFromHeap() throws IOException {
// this initializes the this.index object by reading positions from the heap file"generating index for " + this.heapFile.toString() + ", " + (this.file.length() / 1024 / 1024) + " MB. Please wait."); = new Gap();
RowHandleMap.initDataConsumer indexready = RowHandleMap.asynchronusInitializer( + ".initializer", this.keylength, this.ordering, 8, Math.max(10, (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / (10 * 1024 * 1024))));
byte[] key = new byte[this.keylength];
int reclen;
long seek = 0;
if (this.file.length() > 0) {
loop: while (true) { // don't test available() here because this does not work for files > 2GB
try {
// go to seek position;
// read length of the following record without the length of the record size bytes
reclen = this.file.readInt();
//assert reclen > 0 : " reclen == 0 at seek pos " + seek;
if (reclen == 0) {
// very bad file inconsistency
log.severe("reclen == 0 at seek pos " + seek + " in file " + this.heapFile);
this.file.setLength(seek); // delete everything else at the remaining of the file :-(
break loop;
// read key
this.file.readFully(key, 0, key.length);
} catch (final IOException e) {
// EOF reached
break loop; // terminate loop
// check if this record is empty
if (key == null || key[0] == 0) {
// it is an empty record, store to free list
if (reclen > 0), reclen);
} else {
if (this.ordering.wellformed(key)) {
indexready.consume(key, seek);
key = new byte[this.keylength];
} else {
// free the lost space, reclen); + 4);
Arrays.fill(key, (byte) 0);
this.file.write(key); // mark the place as empty record
log.warn("BLOB " + this.heapFile.getName() + ": skiped not wellformed key " + UTF8.String(key) + " at seek pos " + seek);
// new seek position
seek += 4L + reclen;
// finish the index generation
try {
this.index = indexready.result();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
}"finished index generation for " + this.heapFile.toString() + ", " + this.index.size() + " entries, " + + " gaps.");
private void mergeFreeEntries() throws IOException {
// try to merge free entries
if ( > 1) {
int merged = 0;
Map.Entry<Long, Integer> lastFree, nextFree;
final Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Integer>> i =;
lastFree =;
while (i.hasNext()) {
nextFree =;
//System.out.println("*** DEBUG BLOB: free-seek = " + + ", size = " + nextFree.size);
// check if they follow directly
if (lastFree.getKey() + lastFree.getValue() + 4 == nextFree.getKey()) {
// merge those records;
lastFree.setValue(lastFree.getValue() + nextFree.getValue() + 4); // this updates also the free map
} else {
lastFree = nextFree;
}"BLOB " + this.heapFile.toString() + ": merged " + merged + " free records");
if (merged > 0) deleteFingerprint();
public String name() {
return this.heapFile.toString();
public File location() {
return this.heapFile;
* the number of BLOBs in the heap
* @return the number of BLOBs in the heap
public int size() {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in size(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return 0;
synchronized (this.index) {
return (this.index == null) ? 0 : this.index.size();
public boolean isEmpty() {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in isEmpty(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return true;
synchronized (this.index) {
return this.index.isEmpty();
* test if a key is in the heap file. This does not need any IO, because it uses only the ram index
* @param key
* @return true if the key exists, false otherwise
public boolean containsKey(byte[] key) {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in containsKey(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return false;
key = normalizeKey(key);
synchronized (this.index) {
// check if the file index contains the key
return this.index.get(key) >= 0;
public ByteOrder ordering() {
return this.ordering;
* find a special key in the heap: the one with the smallest key
* this method is useful if the entries are ordered using their keys.
* then the key with the smallest key denotes the first entry
* @return the smallest key in the heap
* @throws IOException
protected synchronized byte[] firstKey() throws IOException {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in firstKey(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return null;
synchronized (this.index) {
return this.index.smallestKey();
* find a special blob in the heap: one that has the smallest key
* this method is useful if the entries are ordered using their keys.
* then the key with the smallest key denotes the first entry
* @return the entry which key is the smallest in the heap
* @throws IOException
protected byte[] first() throws IOException, SpaceExceededException {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in first(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return null;
synchronized (this.index) {
byte[] key = this.index.smallestKey();
if (key == null) return null;
return get(key);
* find a special key in the heap: the one with the largest key
* this method is useful if the entries are ordered using their keys.
* then the key with the largest key denotes the last entry
* @return the largest key in the heap
* @throws IOException
protected byte[] lastKey() throws IOException {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in lastKey(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return null;
if (this.index == null) return null;
synchronized (this.index) {
return this.index.largestKey();
* find a special blob in the heap: one that has the largest key
* this method is useful if the entries are ordered using their keys.
* then the key with the largest key denotes the last entry
* @return the entry which key is the smallest in the heap
* @throws IOException
protected byte[] last() throws IOException, SpaceExceededException {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in last(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return null;
synchronized (this.index) {
byte[] key = this.index.largestKey();
if (key == null) return null;
return get(key);
* read a blob from the heap
* @param key
* @return
* @throws IOException
public byte[] get(byte[] key) throws IOException, SpaceExceededException {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in get(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return null;
key = normalizeKey(key);
synchronized (this.index) {
// check if the index contains the key
final long pos = this.index.get(key);
if (pos < 0) return null;
// access the file and read the container;
final int len = this.file.readInt() - this.keylength;
if (len < 0) {
// database file may be corrupted and should be deleted :-((
log.severe("file " + this.file.file() + " corrupted at " + pos + ": negative len. len = " + len + ", pk.len = " + this.keylength);
// to get lazy over that problem (who wants to tell the user to stop operation and delete the file???) we work on like the entry does not exist
return null;
long memr = len + this.keylength + 64;
if (MemoryControl.available() < memr) {
if (!MemoryControl.request(memr, true)) throw new SpaceExceededException(memr, "HeapReader.get()/check"); // not enough memory available for this blob
// read the key
byte[] keyf;
try {
keyf = new byte[this.keylength];
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw new SpaceExceededException(this.keylength, "HeapReader.get()/keyf");
this.file.readFully(keyf, 0, keyf.length);
if (!this.ordering.equal(key, keyf)) {
// verification of the indexed access failed. we must re-read the index
log.severe("indexed verification access failed for " + this.heapFile.toString());
// this is a severe operation, it should never happen.
// remove entry from index because keeping that element in the index would not make sense
// nothing to return
return null;
// but if the process ends in this state, it would completely fail
// if the index is not rebuild now at once
// read the blob
byte[] blob;
try {
blob = new byte[len];
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
throw new SpaceExceededException(len, "HeapReader.get()/blob");
this.file.readFully(blob, 0, blob.length);
return blob;
public byte[] get(Object key) {
if (!(key instanceof byte[])) return null;
try {
return get((byte[]) key);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (SpaceExceededException e) {
return null;
protected boolean checkKey(byte[] key, final long pos) throws IOException {
key = normalizeKey(key);;
this.file.readInt(); // skip the size value
// read the key
final byte[] keyf = new byte[this.keylength];
this.file.readFully(keyf, 0, keyf.length);
return this.ordering.equal(key, keyf);
* retrieve the size of the BLOB. This should not be used excessively, because it depends on IO operations.
* @param key
* @return the size of the BLOB or -1 if the BLOB does not exist
* @throws IOException
public long length(byte[] key) throws IOException {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in length(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return 0;
key = normalizeKey(key);
synchronized (this.index) {
// check if the index contains the key
final long pos = this.index.get(key);
if (pos < 0) return -1;
// access the file and read the size of the container;
return this.file.readInt() - this.keylength;
* close the BLOB table
public void close(boolean writeIDX) {
if (this.index == null) return;
synchronized (this.index) {
if (this.file != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
this.file = null;
if (writeIDX && this.index != null && != null && (this.index.size() > 3 || > 3)) {
// now we can create a dump of the index and the gap information
// to speed up the next start
try {
String fingerprint = fingerprintFileHash(this.heapFile);
if (fingerprint == null) {
log.severe("cannot write a dump for " + this.heapFile.getName()+ ": fingerprint is null");
} else {
File newFingerprintFileGap = HeapWriter.fingerprintGapFile(this.heapFile, fingerprint);
if (this.fingerprintFileGap != null &&
this.fingerprintFileGap.getName().equals(newFingerprintFileGap.getName()) &&
this.fingerprintFileGap.exists()) {"using existing gap dump instead of writing a new one: " + this.fingerprintFileGap.getName());
} else {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();;"wrote a dump for the " + + " gap entries of " + this.heapFile.getName()+ " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " milliseconds.");
}; = null;
if (fingerprint != null) {
File newFingerprintFileIdx = HeapWriter.fingerprintIndexFile(this.heapFile, fingerprint);
if (this.fingerprintFileIdx != null &&
this.fingerprintFileIdx.getName().equals(newFingerprintFileIdx.getName()) &&
this.fingerprintFileIdx.exists()) {"using existing idx dump instead of writing a new one: " + this.fingerprintFileIdx.getName());
} else {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.index.dump(newFingerprintFileIdx);"wrote a dump for the " + this.index.size() + " index entries of " + this.heapFile.getName()+ " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " milliseconds.");
this.index = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
if ( != null); = null;
if (this.index != null) this.index.close();
this.index = null;
this.closeDate = new Date();"close HeapFile " + this.heapFile.getName() + "; trace: " + ConcurrentLog.stackTrace());
removed the indexing queue. This queue was superfluous since the introduction of the blocking queues last year, where documents are parsed, analysed and stored in the index with concurrency. - The indexing queue was a historic data structure that was introduced at the very beginning at the project as a part of the switchboard organisation object structure. Without the indexing queue the switchboard queue becomes also superfluous. It has been removed as well. - Removing the switchboard queue requires that all servlets are called without a opaque generic ('<?>'). That caused that all serlets had to be modified. - Many servlets displayed the indexing queue or the size of that queue. In the past months the indexer was so fast that mostly the indexing queue appeared empty, so there was no use of it any more. Because the queue has been removed, the display in the servlets had also to be removed. - The surrogate work task had been a part of the indexing queue control structure. Without the indexing queue the surrogates needed its own task management. That has been integrated here. - Because the indexing queue had a special queue entry object and properties attached to this object, the propterties had to be moved to the queue entry object which is part of the new indexing queue withing the blocking queue, the Response Object. That object has now also the new properties of the removed indexing queue entry object. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
16 years ago
public synchronized void close() {
removed the indexing queue. This queue was superfluous since the introduction of the blocking queues last year, where documents are parsed, analysed and stored in the index with concurrency. - The indexing queue was a historic data structure that was introduced at the very beginning at the project as a part of the switchboard organisation object structure. Without the indexing queue the switchboard queue becomes also superfluous. It has been removed as well. - Removing the switchboard queue requires that all servlets are called without a opaque generic ('<?>'). That caused that all serlets had to be modified. - Many servlets displayed the indexing queue or the size of that queue. In the past months the indexer was so fast that mostly the indexing queue appeared empty, so there was no use of it any more. Because the queue has been removed, the display in the servlets had also to be removed. - The surrogate work task had been a part of the indexing queue control structure. Without the indexing queue the surrogates needed its own task management. That has been integrated here. - Because the indexing queue had a special queue entry object and properties attached to this object, the propterties had to be moved to the queue entry object which is part of the new indexing queue withing the blocking queue, the Response Object. That object has now also the new properties of the removed indexing queue entry object. git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
16 years ago
public void finalize() {
* ask for the length of the primary key
* @return the length of the key
public int keylength() {
return this.keylength;
* iterator over all keys
* @param up
* @param rotating
* @return
* @throws IOException
public CloneableIterator<byte[]> keys(final boolean up, final boolean rotating) throws IOException {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in keys(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return null;
synchronized (this.index) {
return new RotateIterator<byte[]>(this.index.keys(up, null), null, this.index.size());
* iterate over all keys
* @param up
* @param firstKey
* @return
* @throws IOException
public CloneableIterator<byte[]> keys(final boolean up, final byte[] firstKey) throws IOException {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in keys(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return null;
synchronized (this.index) {
return this.index.keys(up, firstKey);
public long length() {
assert (this.index != null) : "index == null; closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date();
if (this.index == null) {
log.severe("this.index == null in length(); closeDate=" + this.closeDate + ", now=" + new Date() + this.heapFile == null ? "" : (" file = " + this.heapFile.toString()));
return 0;
synchronized (this.index) {
return this.heapFile.length();
* static iterator of entries in BLOBHeap files:
* this is used to import heap dumps into a write-enabled index heap
public static class entries extends LookAheadIterator<Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>> implements
CloneableIterator<Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>>,
Iterator<Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>>,
Iterable<Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]>> {
private DataInputStream is;
int keylen;
private final File blobFile;
public entries(final File blobFile, final int keylen) throws IOException {
if (!(blobFile.exists())) throw new IOException("file " + blobFile + " does not exist");
try { = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(blobFile), 256 * 1024));
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(blobFile));
this.keylen = keylen;
this.blobFile = blobFile;
public CloneableIterator<Entry<byte[], byte[]>> clone(Object modifier) {
// if the entries iterator is cloned, close the file!
if ( != null) try {; } catch (final IOException e) {} = null;
try {
return new entries(this.blobFile, this.keylen);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> next0() {
try {
byte b;
int len;
byte[] payload;
byte[] key;
final int keylen1 = this.keylen - 1;
while (true) {
len =;
if (len == 0) continue; // rare, but possible: zero length record (takes 4 bytes)
b =; // read a single by te to check for empty record
if (b == 0) {
// this is empty
// read some more bytes to consume the empty record
if (len > 1) {
if (len - 1 != - 1)) { // all that is remaining
log.warn("problem skiping " + + len + " bytes in " + this.blobFile.getName());
try {;} catch (IOException e) {}
return null;
// we are now ahead of remaining this.keylen - 1 bytes of the key
key = new byte[this.keylen];
key[0] = b; // the first entry that we know already
if (, 1, keylen1) < keylen1) {
try {;} catch (IOException e) {}
return null; // read remaining key bytes
// so far we have read this.keylen - 1 + 1 = this.keylen bytes.
// there must be a remaining number of len - this.keylen bytes left for the BLOB
if (len < this.keylen) {
try {;} catch (IOException e) {}
return null; // a strange case that can only happen in case of corrupted data
try {
payload = new byte[len - this.keylen]; // the remaining record entries
if ( < payload.length) {
try {;} catch (IOException e) {}
return null;
return new entry(key, payload);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError ee) {
// the allocation of memory for the payload may fail
// this is bad because we must interrupt the iteration here but the
// process that uses the iteration may think that the iteraton has just been completed
log.severe("out of memory in LookAheadIterator.next0", ee);
try {;} catch (IOException e) {}
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public synchronized void close() {
if ( != null) try {; } catch (final IOException e) {ConcurrentLog.logException(e);} = null;
public static class entry implements Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> {
private final byte[] s;
private byte[] b;
public entry(final byte[] s, final byte[] b) {
this.s = s;
this.b = b;
public byte[] getKey() {
return this.s;
public byte[] getValue() {
return this.b;
public byte[] setValue(byte[] value) {
byte[] b1 = this.b;
this.b = value;
return b1;
public static void main(final String args[]) {
File f = new File(args[0]);
try {
entries hr = new HeapReader.entries(f, 12);
Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry;
while (hr.hasNext()) {
entry =;
System.out.println(ASCII.String(entry.getKey()) + ":" + UTF8.String(entry.getValue()));
} catch (IOException e) {