@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.TimeZone ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.index.IntegerHandleIndex ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.index.ObjectIndex ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.index.Row ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.index.RowCollection ;
@ -68,15 +69,15 @@ public class IndexCollection implements Index {
private static final int EcoFSBufferSize = 1000 ;
private static final int errorLimit = 500 ; // if the index exceeds this number of errors, it is re-built next time the application starts
private ObjectIndex index ;
private final int keylength ;
private final File path ;
private final String filenameStub ;
private final File commonsPath ;
private ObjectIndex index ;
private final int keylength ;
private final File path ;
private final String filenameStub ;
private final File commonsPath ;
private final Row payloadrow ; // definition of the payload (chunks inside the collections)
private final int maxPartitions ; // this is the maxmimum number of array files
private int indexErrors ; // counter for exceptions when index returned wrong value
private Map < String , FixedWidthArray > arrays ; // Map of (partitionNumber"-"chunksize)/kelondroFixedWidthArray - Objects
private final Row payloadrow ; // definition of the payload (chunks inside the collections)
private final int maxPartitions ; // this is the maxmimum number of array files
private int indexErrors ; // counter for exceptions when index returned wrong value
private static final int idx_col_key = 0 ; // the index
private static final int idx_col_chunksize = 1 ; // chunksize (number of bytes in a single chunk, needed for migration option)
@ -93,16 +94,16 @@ public class IndexCollection implements Index {
final int keyLength ,
final ByteOrder indexOrder ,
final int maxpartitions ,
final Row rowdef ,
final Row payload row,
boolean useCommons ) throws IOException {
// the buffersize is number of bytes that are only used if the kelondroFlexTable is backed up with a kelondroTree
indexErrors = 0 ;
this . path = path ;
this . filenameStub = filenameStub ;
this . keylength = keyLength ;
this . payloadrow = rowdef ;
this . payloadrow = payload row;
this . maxPartitions = maxpartitions ;
File cop = new File ( path , filenameStub + "." + fillZ ( Integer . toHexString ( rowdef . objectsize ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 4 ) + ".commons" ) ;
File cop = new File ( path , filenameStub + "." + fillZ ( Integer . toHexString ( payload row. objectsize ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 4 ) + ".commons" ) ;
this . commonsPath = ( useCommons ) ? cop : null ;
if ( this . commonsPath = = null ) {
FileUtils . deleteDirectory ( cop ) ;
@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ public class IndexCollection implements Index {
// open index and array files
this . arrays = new HashMap < String , FixedWidthArray > ( ) ; // all entries will be dynamically created with getArray()
index = openIndexFile ( path , filenameStub , indexOrder , loadfactor , rowdef , 0 ) ;
index = openIndexFile ( path , this . keylength , filenameStub , indexOrder , loadfactor , payload row, 0 ) ;
openAllArrayFiles ( false , indexOrder ) ;
} else {
// calculate initialSpace
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ public class IndexCollection implements Index {
final int partitionNumber = Integer . parseInt ( list [ i ] . substring ( pos + 9 , pos + 11 ) , 16 ) ;
final int serialNumber = Integer . parseInt ( list [ i ] . substring ( pos + 12 , pos + 14 ) , 16 ) ;
try {
array = openArrayFile ( partitionNumber , serialNumber , indexOrder , true ) ;
array = openArrayFile ( this . path , this . filenameStub , this . keylength , partitionNumber , serialNumber , indexOrder , this . payloadrow . objectsize , true ) ;
initialSpace + = array . size ( ) ;
array . close ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ public class IndexCollection implements Index {
final int partitionNumber = Integer . parseInt ( list [ i ] . substring ( pos + 9 , pos + 11 ) , 16 ) ;
final int serialNumber = Integer . parseInt ( list [ i ] . substring ( pos + 12 , pos + 14 ) , 16 ) ;
try {
array = openArrayFile ( partitionNumber , serialNumber , indexOrder , true ) ;
array = openArrayFile ( this . path , this . filenameStub , this . keylength , partitionNumber , serialNumber , indexOrder , this . payloadrow . objectsize , true ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
continue ;
@ -390,7 +391,67 @@ public class IndexCollection implements Index {
if ( doublecount > 0 ) Log . logWarning ( "STARTUP" , "found " + doublecount + " RWI entries with references to several collections. All have been fixed (zombies still exists)." ) ;
private ObjectIndex openIndexFile ( final File path , final String filenameStub , final ByteOrder indexOrder ,
/ * *
* enumerate all index files and return a set of reference hashes
* @param path
* @param filenameStub
* @param keylength
* @param indexOrder
* @param payloadrow
* @return
* @throws IOException
* /
public static IntegerHandleIndex referenceHashes (
final File path ,
final String filenameStub ,
final int keylength ,
final ByteOrder indexOrder ,
final Row payloadrow ) throws IOException {
final String [ ] list = path . list ( ) ;
FixedWidthArray array ;
IntegerHandleIndex references = new IntegerHandleIndex ( keylength , indexOrder , 100000 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < list . length ; i + + ) if ( list [ i ] . endsWith ( ".kca" ) ) {
// open array
final int pos = list [ i ] . indexOf ( '.' ) ;
if ( pos < 0 ) continue ;
final int partitionNumber = Integer . parseInt ( list [ i ] . substring ( pos + 9 , pos + 11 ) , 16 ) ;
final int serialNumber = Integer . parseInt ( list [ i ] . substring ( pos + 12 , pos + 14 ) , 16 ) ;
try {
array = openArrayFile ( path , filenameStub , keylength , partitionNumber , serialNumber , indexOrder , payloadrow . objectsize , true ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
continue ;
// loop over all elements in array and collect reference hashes
Row . EntryIndex arrayrow ;
final Iterator < EntryIndex > ei = array . contentRows ( - 1 ) ;
final long start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
long lastlog = start ;
int count = 0 ;
while ( ei . hasNext ( ) ) {
arrayrow = ei . next ( ) ;
if ( arrayrow = = null ) continue ;
final RowSet collection = new RowSet ( payloadrow , arrayrow ) ;
final int chunkcountInArray = collection . size ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < chunkcountInArray ; j + + ) {
references . inc ( collection . get ( j , false ) . getColBytes ( 0 ) ) ;
count + + ;
// write a log
if ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - lastlog > 30000 ) {
Log . logFine ( "COLLECTION INDEX STARTUP" , "scanned " + count + " RWI index entries. " + ( ( ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ) * ( array . size ( ) + array . free ( ) - count ) / count ) / 60000 ) + " minutes remaining for this array" ) ;
lastlog = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
return references ;
private static ObjectIndex openIndexFile (
final File path , int keylength , final String filenameStub , final ByteOrder indexOrder ,
final int loadfactor , final Row rowdef , final int initialSpace ) throws IOException {
// open/create index table
final File f = new File ( path , filenameStub + ".index" ) ;
@ -413,12 +474,14 @@ public class IndexCollection implements Index {
return theindex ;
private FixedWidthArray openArrayFile ( final int partitionNumber , final int serialNumber , final ByteOrder indexOrder , final boolean create ) throws IOException {
final File f = arrayFile ( path , filenameStub , loadfactor , payloadrow . objectsize , partitionNumber , serialNumber ) ;
private static FixedWidthArray openArrayFile (
File path , String filenameStub , int keylength ,
final int partitionNumber , final int serialNumber , final ByteOrder indexOrder , int objectsize , final boolean create ) throws IOException {
final File f = arrayFile ( path , filenameStub , loadfactor , objectsize , partitionNumber , serialNumber ) ;
final int load = arrayCapacity ( partitionNumber ) ;
final Row rowdef = new Row (
"byte[] key-" + keylength + "," +
"byte[] collection-" + ( RowCollection . exportOverheadSize + load * this . payloadrow . objectsize) ,
"byte[] collection-" + ( RowCollection . exportOverheadSize + load * objectsize) ,
indexOrder ,
) ;
@ -433,7 +496,7 @@ public class IndexCollection implements Index {
FixedWidthArray array = arrays . get ( accessKey ) ;
if ( array ! = null ) return array ;
try {
array = openArrayFile ( partitionNumber , serialNumber , indexOrder , true ) ;
array = openArrayFile ( this . path , this . filenameStub , this . keylength , partitionNumber , serialNumber , indexOrder , this . payloadrow . objectsize , true ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return null ;
@ -442,14 +505,14 @@ public class IndexCollection implements Index {
return array ;
private int arrayCapacity ( final int arrayCounter ) {
private static int arrayCapacity ( final int arrayCounter ) {
if ( arrayCounter < 0 ) return 0 ;
int load = loadfactor ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < arrayCounter ; i + + ) load = load * loadfactor ;
return load ;
private int arrayIndex ( final int requestedCapacity ) throws kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
private static int arrayIndex ( final int requestedCapacity ) throws kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
// the requestedCapacity is the number of wanted chunks
int load = 1 , i = 0 ;
while ( true ) {