@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
// last major change: 25.02.2004
// last major change: 31.08.2010
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -22,210 +22,300 @@
package de.anomic.crawler ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.blob.MapHeap ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowSpaceExceededException ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Base64Order ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.CloneableIterator ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Digest ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.NaturalOrder ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.kelondroException ;
public class CrawlProfile {
public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap < String , String > implements Map < String , String > {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5527325718810703504L ;
public static final String MATCH_ALL = ".*" ;
public static final String MATCH_NEVER = "" ;
static ConcurrentHashMap < String , Map < String , DomProfile > > domsCache = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , Map < String , DomProfile > > ( ) ;
// this is a simple record structure that hold all properties of a single crawl start
public static final String HANDLE = "handle" ;
public static final String NAME = "name" ;
public static final String START_URL = "startURL" ;
public static final String FILTER_MUSTMATCH = "generalFilter" ;
public static final String FILTER_MUSTNOTMATCH = "nevermatch" ;
public static final String DEPTH = "generalDepth" ;
public static final String RECRAWL_IF_OLDER = "recrawlIfOlder" ;
public static final String DOM_FILTER_DEPTH = "domFilterDepth" ;
public static final String DOM_MAX_PAGES = "domMaxPages" ;
public static final String CRAWLING_Q = "crawlingQ" ;
public static final String INDEX_TEXT = "indexText" ;
public static final String INDEX_MEDIA = "indexMedia" ;
public static final String STORE_HTCACHE = "storeHTCache" ;
public static final String STORE_TXCACHE = "storeTXCache" ;
public static final String REMOTE_INDEXING = "remoteIndexing" ;
public static final String XSSTOPW = "xsstopw" ;
public static final String XDSTOPW = "xdstopw" ;
public static final String XPSTOPW = "xpstopw" ;
public static final String CACHE_STRAGEGY = "cacheStrategy" ;
MapHeap profileTable ;
private final File profileTableFile ;
private Map < String , DomProfile > doms ;
private Pattern mustmatch = null , mustnotmatch = null ;
public CrawlProfile ( final File file ) throws IOException {
//System.out.println("loading crawl profile from " + file);
this . profileTableFile = file ;
profileTableFile . getParentFile ( ) . mkdirs ( ) ;
profileTable = new MapHeap ( profileTableFile , Word . commonHashLength , NaturalOrder . naturalOrder , 1024 * 64 , 500 , '_' ) ;
profileIterator pi = new profileIterator ( true ) ;
entry e ;
while ( pi . hasNext ( ) ) {
e = pi . next ( ) ;
if ( e = = null ) continue ;
Log . logInfo ( "CrawlProfiles" , "loaded Profile " + e . handle ( ) + ": " + e . name ( ) ) ;
public CrawlProfile ( final String name , final DigestURI startURL ,
final String mustmatch ,
final String mustnotmatch ,
final int depth ,
final long recrawlIfOlder /*date*/ ,
final int domFilterDepth , final int domMaxPages ,
final boolean crawlingQ ,
final boolean indexText , final boolean indexMedia ,
final boolean storeHTCache , final boolean storeTXCache ,
final boolean remoteIndexing ,
final boolean xsstopw , final boolean xdstopw , final boolean xpstopw ,
final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy ) {
super ( 40 ) ;
if ( name = = null | | name . length ( ) = = 0 ) throw new NullPointerException ( "name must not be null" ) ;
final String handle = ( startURL = = null ) ? Base64Order . enhancedCoder . encode ( Digest . encodeMD5Raw ( name ) ) . substring ( 0 , Word . commonHashLength ) : new String ( startURL . hash ( ) ) ;
put ( HANDLE , handle ) ;
put ( NAME , name ) ;
put ( START_URL , ( startURL = = null ) ? "" : startURL . toNormalform ( true , false ) ) ;
put ( FILTER_MUSTMATCH , ( mustmatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL : mustmatch ) ;
put ( FILTER_MUSTNOTMATCH , ( mustnotmatch = = null ) ? CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER : mustnotmatch ) ;
put ( DEPTH , depth ) ;
put ( RECRAWL_IF_OLDER , recrawlIfOlder ) ;
put ( DOM_FILTER_DEPTH , domFilterDepth ) ;
put ( DOM_MAX_PAGES , domMaxPages ) ;
put ( CRAWLING_Q , crawlingQ ) ; // crawling of urls with '?'
put ( INDEX_TEXT , indexText ) ;
put ( INDEX_MEDIA , indexMedia ) ;
put ( STORE_HTCACHE , storeHTCache ) ;
put ( STORE_TXCACHE , storeTXCache ) ;
put ( REMOTE_INDEXING , remoteIndexing ) ;
put ( XSSTOPW , xsstopw ) ; // exclude static stop-words
put ( XDSTOPW , xdstopw ) ; // exclude dynamic stop-word
put ( XPSTOPW , xpstopw ) ; // exclude parent stop-words
put ( CACHE_STRAGEGY , cacheStrategy . toString ( ) ) ;
doms = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , DomProfile > ( ) ;
public void clear ( ) {
// deletes the profile database and creates a new one
if ( profileTable ! = null ) profileTable . close ( ) ;
FileUtils . deletedelete ( profileTableFile ) ;
profileTableFile . getParentFile ( ) . mkdirs ( ) ;
try {
profileTable = new MapHeap ( profileTableFile , Word . commonHashLength , NaturalOrder . naturalOrder , 1024 * 64 , 500 , '_' ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
public CrawlProfile ( Map < String , String > ext ) {
super ( ext = = null ? 1 : ext . size ( ) ) ;
if ( ext ! = null ) this . putAll ( ext ) ;
doms = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , DomProfile > ( ) ;
public void close ( ) {
if ( profileTable ! = null ) profileTable . close ( ) ;
this . profileTable = null ;
public void put ( String key , boolean value ) {
super . put ( key , Boolean . toString ( value ) ) ;
public int size ( ) {
return profileTable . size ( ) ;
public void put ( String key , int value ) {
super . put ( key , Integer . toString ( value ) ) ;
public Iterator < entry > profiles ( final boolean up ) {
// enumerates profile entries
try {
return new profileIterator ( up ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return new HashSet < entry > ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
public void put ( String key , long value ) {
super . put ( key , Long . toString ( value ) ) ;
public class profileIterator implements Iterator < entry > {
// the iterator iterates all keys, which are byte[] objects
CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > handleIterator ;
String lastkey ;
public profileIterator ( final boolean up ) throws IOException {
handleIterator = profileTable . keys ( up , false ) ;
lastkey = null ;
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
try {
return handleIterator . hasNext ( ) ;
} catch ( final kelondroException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
clear ( ) ;
return false ;
public entry next ( ) {
try {
lastkey = new String ( handleIterator . next ( ) ) ;
return getEntry ( lastkey ) ;
} catch ( final kelondroException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
clear ( ) ;
return null ;
public String handle ( ) {
final String r = get ( HANDLE ) ;
//if (r == null) return null;
return r ;
public String name ( ) {
final String r = get ( NAME ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return "" ;
return r ;
public String startURL ( ) {
final String r = get ( START_URL ) ;
return r ;
public Pattern mustMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . mustmatch = = null ) {
String r = get ( FILTER_MUSTMATCH ) ;
if ( r = = null ) r = CrawlProfile . MATCH_ALL ;
this . mustmatch = Pattern . compile ( r ) ;
public void remove ( ) {
if ( lastkey ! = null ) try {
removeEntry ( lastkey . getBytes ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final kelondroException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
clear ( ) ;
return this . mustmatch ;
public Pattern mustNotMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . mustnotmatch = = null ) {
String r = get ( FILTER_MUSTNOTMATCH ) ;
if ( r = = null ) r = CrawlProfile . MATCH_NEVER ;
this . mustnotmatch = Pattern . compile ( r ) ;
return this . mustnotmatch ;
public void removeEntry ( final byte [ ] handle ) {
public int depth ( ) {
final String r = get ( DEPTH ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return 0 ;
try {
profileTable . delete ( handle ) ;
} catch ( final IO Exception e ) {
return Integer . parseInt ( r ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormat Exception e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return 0 ;
public entry newEntry ( final Map < String , String > mem ) {
final entry ne = new entry ( mem ) ;
public CacheStrategy cacheStrategy ( ) {
final String r = get ( CACHE_STRAGEGY ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return CacheStrategy . IFFRESH ;
try {
profileTable . insert ( ne . handle ( ) . getBytes ( ) , ne . map ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
clear ( ) ;
try {
profileTable . insert ( ne . handle ( ) . getBytes ( ) , ne . map ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final Exception ee ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
System . exit ( 0 ) ;
return CacheStrategy . decode ( Integer . parseInt ( r ) ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return CacheStrategy . IFFRESH ;
return ne ;
public entry newEntry ( final String name ,
final DigestURI startURL ,
final String mustmatch , final String mustnotmatch ,
final int generalDepth ,
final long recrawlIfOlder /*date*/ , final int domFilterDepth , final int domMaxPages ,
final boolean crawlingQ ,
final boolean indexText , final boolean indexMedia ,
final boolean storeHTCache , final boolean storeTXCache ,
final boolean remoteIndexing ,
final boolean xsstopw , final boolean xdstopw , final boolean xpstopw ,
final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy ) {
final entry ne = new entry (
name , startURL ,
mustmatch , mustnotmatch ,
generalDepth ,
recrawlIfOlder , domFilterDepth , domMaxPages ,
crawlingQ ,
indexText , indexMedia ,
storeHTCache , storeTXCache ,
remoteIndexing ,
xsstopw , xdstopw , xpstopw ,
cacheStrategy ) ;
public void setCacheStrategy ( CacheStrategy newStrategy ) {
put ( CACHE_STRAGEGY , newStrategy . toString ( ) ) ;
public long recrawlIfOlder ( ) {
// returns a long (millis) that is the minimum age that
// an entry must have to be re-crawled
final String r = get ( RECRAWL_IF_OLDER ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return 0 L ;
try {
profileTable . insert ( ne . handle ( ) . getBytes ( ) , ne . map ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
clear ( ) ;
try {
profileTable . insert ( ne . handle ( ) . getBytes ( ) , ne . map ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final Exception ee ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
System . exit ( 0 ) ;
final long l = Long . parseLong ( r ) ;
return ( l < 0 ) ? 0 L : l ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return 0 L ;
return ne ;
public boolean hasEntry ( final String handle ) {
return profileTable . containsKey ( handle . getBytes ( ) ) ;
public entry getEntry ( final String handle ) {
if ( profileTable = = null ) return null ;
Map < String , String > m ;
public int domFilterDepth ( ) {
// if the depth is equal or less to this depth,
// then the current url feeds with its domain the crawl filter
// if this is -1, all domains are feeded
final String r = get ( DOM_FILTER_DEPTH ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
try {
m = profileTable . get ( handle . getBytes ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
final int i = Integer . parseInt ( r ) ;
if ( i < 0 ) return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
return i ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return null ;
} catch ( RowSpaceExceededException e ) {
return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
public int domMaxPages ( ) {
// this is the maximum number of pages that are crawled for a single domain
// if -1, this means no limit
final String r = get ( DOM_MAX_PAGES ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
try {
final int i = Integer . parseInt ( r ) ;
if ( i < 0 ) return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
return i ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return null ;
return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
if ( m = = null ) return null ;
return new entry ( m ) ;
public boolean crawlingQ ( ) {
final String r = get ( CRAWLING_Q ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean indexText ( ) {
final String r = get ( INDEX_TEXT ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return true ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean indexMedia ( ) {
final String r = get ( INDEX_MEDIA ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return true ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean storeHTCache ( ) {
final String r = get ( STORE_HTCACHE ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean storeTXCache ( ) {
final String r = get ( STORE_TXCACHE ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean remoteIndexing ( ) {
final String r = get ( REMOTE_INDEXING ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean excludeStaticStopwords ( ) {
final String r = get ( XSSTOPW ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean excludeDynamicStopwords ( ) {
final String r = get ( XDSTOPW ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean excludeParentStopwords ( ) {
final String r = get ( XPSTOPW ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public void domInc ( final String domain , final String referrer , final int depth ) {
final DomProfile dp = doms . get ( domain ) ;
if ( dp = = null ) {
// new domain
doms . put ( domain , new DomProfile ( referrer , depth ) ) ;
} else {
// increase counter
dp . inc ( ) ;
public boolean grantedDomAppearance ( final String domain ) {
final int max = domFilterDepth ( ) ;
if ( max = = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) return true ;
final DomProfile dp = doms . get ( domain ) ;
if ( dp = = null ) {
return 0 < max ;
return dp . depth < = max ;
public void changeEntry ( final entry e , final String propName , final String newValue ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException {
e . mem . put ( propName , newValue ) ;
assert e . handle ( ) ! = null ;
profileTable . insert ( e . handle ( ) . getBytes ( ) , e . mem ) ;
public boolean grantedDomCount ( final String domain ) {
final int max = domMaxPages ( ) ;
if ( max = = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) return true ;
final DomProfile dp = doms . get ( domain ) ;
if ( dp = = null ) {
return 0 < max ;
return dp . count < = max ;
public long getRecrawlDate ( final long oldTimeMinutes ) {
return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - ( 60000L * oldTimeMinutes ) ;
public int domSize ( ) {
return doms . size ( ) ;
public boolean domExists ( final String domain ) {
if ( domFilterDepth ( ) = = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) return true ;
return doms . containsKey ( domain ) ;
public String domName ( final boolean attr , final int index ) {
final Iterator < Map . Entry < String , DomProfile > > domnamesi = doms . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
String domname = "" ;
Map . Entry < String , DomProfile > ey ;
DomProfile dp ;
int i = 0 ;
while ( ( domnamesi . hasNext ( ) ) & & ( i < index ) ) {
ey = domnamesi . next ( ) ;
i + + ;
if ( domnamesi . hasNext ( ) ) {
ey = domnamesi . next ( ) ;
dp = ey . getValue ( ) ;
domname = ey . getKey ( ) + ( ( attr ) ? ( "/r=" + dp . referrer + ", d=" + dp . depth + ", c=" + dp . count ) : " " ) ;
return domname ;
public static class DomProfile {
public final static class DomProfile {
public String referrer ;
public int depth , count ;
@ -275,287 +365,8 @@ public class CrawlProfile {
return this . code = = 3 ;
public static class entry {
// this is a simple record structure that hold all properties of a single crawl start
public static final String HANDLE = "handle" ;
public static final String NAME = "name" ;
public static final String START_URL = "startURL" ;
public static final String FILTER_MUSTMATCH = "generalFilter" ;
public static final String FILTER_MUSTNOTMATCH = "nevermatch" ;
public static final String DEPTH = "generalDepth" ;
public static final String RECRAWL_IF_OLDER = "recrawlIfOlder" ;
public static final String DOM_FILTER_DEPTH = "domFilterDepth" ;
public static final String DOM_MAX_PAGES = "domMaxPages" ;
public static final String CRAWLING_Q = "crawlingQ" ;
public static final String INDEX_TEXT = "indexText" ;
public static final String INDEX_MEDIA = "indexMedia" ;
public static final String STORE_HTCACHE = "storeHTCache" ;
public static final String STORE_TXCACHE = "storeTXCache" ;
public static final String REMOTE_INDEXING = "remoteIndexing" ;
public static final String XSSTOPW = "xsstopw" ;
public static final String XDSTOPW = "xdstopw" ;
public static final String XPSTOPW = "xpstopw" ;
public static final String CACHE_STRAGEGY = "cacheStrategy" ;
private Map < String , String > mem ;
private Map < String , DomProfile > doms ;
private Pattern mustmatch = null , mustnotmatch = null ;
public entry ( final String name , final DigestURI startURL ,
final String mustmatch ,
final String mustnotmatch ,
final int depth ,
final long recrawlIfOlder /*date*/ ,
final int domFilterDepth , final int domMaxPages ,
final boolean crawlingQ ,
final boolean indexText , final boolean indexMedia ,
final boolean storeHTCache , final boolean storeTXCache ,
final boolean remoteIndexing ,
final boolean xsstopw , final boolean xdstopw , final boolean xpstopw ,
final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy ) {
if ( name = = null | | name . length ( ) = = 0 ) throw new NullPointerException ( "name must not be null" ) ;
final String handle = ( startURL = = null ) ? Base64Order . enhancedCoder . encode ( Digest . encodeMD5Raw ( name ) ) . substring ( 0 , Word . commonHashLength ) : new String ( startURL . hash ( ) ) ;
mem = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , String > ( 40 ) ;
mem . put ( HANDLE , handle ) ;
mem . put ( NAME , name ) ;
mem . put ( START_URL , ( startURL = = null ) ? "" : startURL . toNormalform ( true , false ) ) ;
mem . put ( FILTER_MUSTMATCH , ( mustmatch = = null ) ? MATCH_ALL : mustmatch ) ;
mem . put ( FILTER_MUSTNOTMATCH , ( mustnotmatch = = null ) ? MATCH_NEVER : mustnotmatch ) ;
mem . put ( DEPTH , Integer . toString ( depth ) ) ;
mem . put ( RECRAWL_IF_OLDER , Long . toString ( recrawlIfOlder ) ) ;
mem . put ( DOM_FILTER_DEPTH , Integer . toString ( domFilterDepth ) ) ;
mem . put ( DOM_MAX_PAGES , Integer . toString ( domMaxPages ) ) ;
mem . put ( CRAWLING_Q , Boolean . toString ( crawlingQ ) ) ; // crawling of urls with '?'
mem . put ( INDEX_TEXT , Boolean . toString ( indexText ) ) ;
mem . put ( INDEX_MEDIA , Boolean . toString ( indexMedia ) ) ;
mem . put ( STORE_HTCACHE , Boolean . toString ( storeHTCache ) ) ;
mem . put ( STORE_TXCACHE , Boolean . toString ( storeTXCache ) ) ;
mem . put ( REMOTE_INDEXING , Boolean . toString ( remoteIndexing ) ) ;
mem . put ( XSSTOPW , Boolean . toString ( xsstopw ) ) ; // exclude static stop-words
mem . put ( XDSTOPW , Boolean . toString ( xdstopw ) ) ; // exclude dynamic stop-word
mem . put ( XPSTOPW , Boolean . toString ( xpstopw ) ) ; // exclude parent stop-words
mem . put ( CACHE_STRAGEGY , cacheStrategy . toString ( ) ) ;
doms = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , DomProfile > ( ) ;
public String toString ( ) {
final StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
if ( this . mem ! = null ) {
str . append ( this . mem . toString ( ) ) ;
return str . toString ( ) ;
public entry ( final Map < String , String > mem ) {
this . mem = mem ;
this . doms = domsCache . get ( this . mem . get ( HANDLE ) ) ;
if ( this . doms = = null ) this . doms = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , DomProfile > ( ) ;
public Map < String , String > map ( ) {
return mem ;
public String handle ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( HANDLE ) ;
//if (r == null) return null;
return r ;
public String name ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( NAME ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return "" ;
return r ;
public String startURL ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( START_URL ) ;
return r ;
public Pattern mustMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . mustmatch = = null ) {
String r = mem . get ( FILTER_MUSTMATCH ) ;
if ( r = = null ) r = MATCH_ALL ;
this . mustmatch = Pattern . compile ( r ) ;
return this . mustmatch ;
public Pattern mustNotMatchPattern ( ) {
if ( this . mustnotmatch = = null ) {
String r = mem . get ( FILTER_MUSTNOTMATCH ) ;
if ( r = = null ) r = MATCH_NEVER ;
this . mustnotmatch = Pattern . compile ( r ) ;
return this . mustnotmatch ;
public int depth ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( DEPTH ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return 0 ;
try {
return Integer . parseInt ( r ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return 0 ;
public CacheStrategy cacheStrategy ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( CACHE_STRAGEGY ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return CacheStrategy . IFFRESH ;
try {
return CacheStrategy . decode ( Integer . parseInt ( r ) ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return CacheStrategy . IFFRESH ;
public void setCacheStrategy ( CacheStrategy newStrategy ) {
mem . put ( CACHE_STRAGEGY , newStrategy . toString ( ) ) ;
public long recrawlIfOlder ( ) {
// returns a long (millis) that is the minimum age that
// an entry must have to be re-crawled
final String r = mem . get ( RECRAWL_IF_OLDER ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return 0 L ;
try {
final long l = Long . parseLong ( r ) ;
return ( l < 0 ) ? 0 L : l ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return 0 L ;
public int domFilterDepth ( ) {
// if the depth is equal or less to this depth,
// then the current url feeds with its domain the crawl filter
// if this is -1, all domains are feeded
final String r = mem . get ( DOM_FILTER_DEPTH ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
try {
final int i = Integer . parseInt ( r ) ;
if ( i < 0 ) return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
return i ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
public int domMaxPages ( ) {
// this is the maximum number of pages that are crawled for a single domain
// if -1, this means no limit
final String r = mem . get ( DOM_MAX_PAGES ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
try {
final int i = Integer . parseInt ( r ) ;
if ( i < 0 ) return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
return i ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
return Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
public boolean crawlingQ ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( CRAWLING_Q ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean indexText ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( INDEX_TEXT ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return true ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean indexMedia ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( INDEX_MEDIA ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return true ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean storeHTCache ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( STORE_HTCACHE ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean storeTXCache ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( STORE_TXCACHE ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean remoteIndexing ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( REMOTE_INDEXING ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean excludeStaticStopwords ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( XSSTOPW ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean excludeDynamicStopwords ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( XDSTOPW ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public boolean excludeParentStopwords ( ) {
final String r = mem . get ( XPSTOPW ) ;
if ( r = = null ) return false ;
return ( r . equals ( Boolean . TRUE . toString ( ) ) ) ;
public void domInc ( final String domain , final String referrer , final int depth ) {
final DomProfile dp = doms . get ( domain ) ;
if ( dp = = null ) {
// new domain
doms . put ( domain , new DomProfile ( referrer , depth ) ) ;
} else {
// increase counter
dp . inc ( ) ;
domsCache . put ( this . mem . get ( HANDLE ) , doms ) ;
public boolean grantedDomAppearance ( final String domain ) {
final int max = domFilterDepth ( ) ;
if ( max = = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) return true ;
final DomProfile dp = doms . get ( domain ) ;
if ( dp = = null ) {
return 0 < max ;
return dp . depth < = max ;
public boolean grantedDomCount ( final String domain ) {
final int max = domMaxPages ( ) ;
if ( max = = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) return true ;
final DomProfile dp = doms . get ( domain ) ;
if ( dp = = null ) {
return 0 < max ;
return dp . count < = max ;
public int domSize ( ) {
return doms . size ( ) ;
public boolean domExists ( final String domain ) {
if ( domFilterDepth ( ) = = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) return true ;
return doms . containsKey ( domain ) ;
public String domName ( final boolean attr , final int index ) {
final Iterator < Map . Entry < String , DomProfile > > domnamesi = doms . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
String domname = "" ;
Map . Entry < String , DomProfile > ey ;
DomProfile dp ;
int i = 0 ;
while ( ( domnamesi . hasNext ( ) ) & & ( i < index ) ) {
ey = domnamesi . next ( ) ;
i + + ;
if ( domnamesi . hasNext ( ) ) {
ey = domnamesi . next ( ) ;
dp = ey . getValue ( ) ;
domname = ey . getKey ( ) + ( ( attr ) ? ( "/r=" + dp . referrer + ", d=" + dp . depth + ", c=" + dp . count ) : " " ) ;
return domname ;
public static long getRecrawlDate ( final long oldTimeMinutes ) {
return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - ( 60000L * oldTimeMinutes ) ;