if(len<0)thrownewIOException("file "+file.file()+" corrupted at "+pos+": negative len. len = "+len+", pk.len = "+index.row().primaryKeyLength);
// database file may be corrupted and should be deleted :-((
Log.logSevere("HeapReader","file "+file.file()+" corrupted at "+pos+": negative len. len = "+len+", pk.len = "+index.row().primaryKeyLength);
// to get lazy over that problem (who wants to tell the user to stop operation and delete the file???) we work on like the entry does not exist
if(!MemoryControl.request(len*2+keepFreeMem,true))thrownewRowSpaceExceededException(len*2+keepFreeMem,"HeapReader.get()");// not enough memory available for this blob