// yacySeed.java
// -------------------------------------
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// YACY stands for Yet Another CYberspace
// the yacySeed Object is the object that bundles and carries all information about
// a single peer in the yacy space.
// The yacySeed object is carried along peers using a string representation, that can
// be compressed and/or scrambled, depending on the purpose of the process.
// the yacy status
// any value that is defined here will be overwritten each time the proxy is started
// to prevent that the system gets confused, it should be set to "" which means
// undefined. Other status' that can be reached at run-time are
// junior - a peer that has no public socket, thus cannot be reached on demand
// senior - a peer that has a public socked and serves search queries
// principal - a peer like a senior socket and serves as gateway for network definition
package net.yacy.peers ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileReader ;
import java.io.FileWriter ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.net.Inet6Address ;
import java.net.InetAddress ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.net.URL ;
import java.text.ParseException ;
import java.time.DateTimeException ;
import java.time.Instant ;
import java.time.LocalDateTime ;
import java.time.ZoneOffset ;
import java.util.Collections ;
import java.util.Comparator ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Random ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.StringTokenizer ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import net.yacy.cora.date.AbstractFormatter ;
import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.UTF8 ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.yacy.Distribution ;
import net.yacy.cora.order.Base64Order ;
import net.yacy.cora.order.Digest ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains ;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ClusteredScoreMap ;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ScoreMap ;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.HandleSet ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MapTools ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.OS ;
import net.yacy.peers.operation.yacyVersion ;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard ;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants ;
import net.yacy.utils.Bitfield ;
import net.yacy.utils.crypt ;
public class Seed implements Cloneable , Comparable < Seed > , Comparator < Seed >
public static String ANON_PREFIX = "_anon" ;
public static final int maxsize = 16000 ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "sI" ( send index / words )
* /
public static final String INDEX_OUT = "sI" ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "rI" ( received index / words )
* /
public static final String INDEX_IN = "rI" ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "sU" ( send URLs )
* /
public static final String URL_OUT = "sU" ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "rU" ( received URLs )
* /
public static final String URL_IN = "rU" ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "virgin" , a peer which cannot reach any other peers
* /
public static final String PEERTYPE_VIRGIN = "virgin" ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "junior" , this is a peer which cannot be reached from the outside
* /
public static final String PEERTYPE_JUNIOR = "junior" ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "mentee" , this is a junior peer with an mentor peer attached as ' remote ' server port
* /
public static final String PEERTYPE_MENTEE = "mentee" ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "senior" , this is a peer with an open port to the public
* /
public static final String PEERTYPE_SENIOR = "senior" ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "mentor" , this is a senior peer which hosts server ports for mentee peers
* /
public static final String PEERTYPE_MENTOR = "mentor" ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "principal" , a senior peer which distributes the seed list to an outside hoster ( i . e . using ftp upload to a web server )
* /
public static final String PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL = "principal" ;
/ * *
* < b > substance < / b > "PeerType"
* /
public static final String PEERTYPE = "PeerType" ;
private static final String FLAGS = "Flags" ;
public static final String FLAGSZERO = " " ;
/** the applications version */
public static final String VERSION = "Version" ;
public static final String YOURTYPE = "yourtype" ;
public static final String LASTSEEN = "LastSeen" ;
private static final String USPEED = "USpeed" ;
/** the name of the peer (user-set) */
public static final String NAME = "Name" ;
public static final String HASH = "Hash" ;
/** Birthday - first startup */
private static final String BDATE = "BDate" ;
/** UTC-Offset */
public static final String UTC = "UTC" ;
private static final String PEERTAGS = "Tags" ;
/** the speed of indexing (pages/minute) of the peer */
public static final String ISPEED = "ISpeed" ;
/** the speed of retrieval (queries/minute) of the peer */
public static final String RSPEED = "RSpeed" ;
/** the number of minutes that the peer is up in minutes/day (moving average MA30) */
public static final String UPTIME = "Uptime" ;
/** the number of links that the peer has stored (LURL's) */
public static final String LCOUNT = "LCount" ;
/** the number of links that the peer has noticed, but not loaded (NURL's) */
public static final String NCOUNT = "NCount" ;
/** the number of links that the peer provides for remote crawls (ZURL's) */
public static final String RCOUNT = "RCount" ;
/** the number of different words the peer has indexed */
public static final String ICOUNT = "ICount" ;
/** the number of seeds that the peer has stored */
public static final String SCOUNT = "SCount" ;
/** the number of clients that the peer connects (connects/hour as double) */
public static final String CCOUNT = "CCount" ;
/** the public IP of this peer (old field, will be used to carry the IPv4) */
public static final String IP = "IP" ;
/ * * more public IPs of this peer , containing only IPv6 addresses . This list of of IPv6 addresses is separated with a vertical bar / pipe '|' .
* This list may have zero entries if the host does not have a IPv6 address . It may have more than one IPv6 address if the
* Host detects more than one public IPv6 locally but did not get a feedback from other peers if any of these addresses are
* reachable . The list may contain only one address , if a ' hello ' with backping to another peer was successful and the other peer
* peer confirmed one of the IPv6 IPs which is then the only entry in this field .
* /
public static final String IP6 = "IP6" ;
public static final String PORT = "Port" ;
public static final String PORTSSL = "PortSSL" ; // https port
public static final String SEEDLISTURL = "seedURL" ;
public static final String NEWS = "news" ; // news attachment
public static final String DCT = "dct" ; // disconnect time
public static final String SOLRAVAILABLE = "SorlAvail" ; // field to remember if remotePeer solr interface is avail.
/** zero-value */
private static final String ZERO = "0" ;
private static final int FLAG_DIRECT_CONNECT = 0 ;
private static final int FLAG_ACCEPT_REMOTE_CRAWL = 1 ;
private static final int FLAG_ACCEPT_REMOTE_INDEX = 2 ;
private static final int FLAG_ROOT_NODE = 3 ;
private static final int FLAG_SSL_AVAILABLE = 4 ;
public static final String DFLT_NETWORK_UNIT = "freeworld" ;
public static final String DFLT_NETWORK_GROUP = "" ;
private static final Random random = new Random ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
// class variables
/** the peer-hash */
public final String hash ;
/** a set of identity founding values, eg. IP, name of the peer, YaCy-version, ... */
private final ConcurrentMap < String , String > dna ;
private long birthdate ; // keep this value in ram since it is often used and may cause lockings in concurrent situations.
Bitfield bitfield = null ;
private static ConcurrentMap < String , String > map2concurrentMap ( Map < String , String > dna0 ) {
ConcurrentMap < String , String > dna = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
dna . putAll ( dna0 ) ;
return dna ;
public Seed ( Map . Entry < byte [ ] , Map < String , String > > dna0 ) {
this ( UTF8 . String ( dna0 . getKey ( ) ) , dna0 . getValue ( ) instanceof ConcurrentMap ? ( ConcurrentMap < String , String > ) dna0 . getValue ( ) : map2concurrentMap ( dna0 . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
public Seed ( final String theHash , final ConcurrentMap < String , String > theDna ) {
// create a seed with a pre-defined hash map
assert theHash ! = null ;
this . hash = theHash ;
this . dna = theDna ;
String flags = this . dna . get ( Seed . FLAGS ) ;
if ( flags = = null ) flags = Seed . FLAGSZERO ;
while ( flags . length ( ) < 4 ) flags + = " " ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . FLAGS , flags ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . NAME , checkPeerName ( get ( Seed . NAME , "∅" ) ) ) ;
this . birthdate = - 1 ; // this means 'not yet parsed', parse that later when it is used
private Seed ( final String theHash ) {
this . dna = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
// settings that can only be computed by originating peer:
// at first startup -
this . hash = theHash ; // the hash key of the peer - very important. should be static somehow, even after restart
this . dna . put ( Seed . NAME , defaultPeerName ( ) ) ;
// later during operation -
this . dna . put ( Seed . ISPEED , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . RSPEED , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . UPTIME , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . LCOUNT , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . NCOUNT , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . RCOUNT , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . ICOUNT , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . SCOUNT , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . CCOUNT , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . VERSION , Seed . ZERO ) ;
// settings that is created during the 'hello' phase - in first contact
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP , "" ) ; // 123.234.345.456
this . dna . put ( Seed . PORT , "∅" ) ;
// settings that can only be computed by visiting peer
this . dna . put ( Seed . USPEED , Seed . ZERO ) ; // the computated uplink speed of the peer
// settings that are needed to organize the seed round-trip
this . dna . put ( Seed . FLAGS , Seed . FLAGSZERO ) ;
setFlagDirectConnect ( false ) ;
setFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl ( true ) ;
setFlagAcceptRemoteIndex ( true ) ;
setUnusedFlags ( ) ;
// index transfer
this . dna . put ( Seed . INDEX_OUT , Seed . ZERO ) ; // send index
this . dna . put ( Seed . INDEX_IN , Seed . ZERO ) ; // received index
this . dna . put ( Seed . URL_OUT , Seed . ZERO ) ; // send URLs
this . dna . put ( Seed . URL_IN , Seed . ZERO ) ; // received URLs
// default first filling
this . dna . put ( Seed . BDATE , GenericFormatter . SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER . format ( ) ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . LASTSEEN , this . dna . get ( Seed . BDATE ) ) ; // just as initial setting
this . dna . put ( Seed . UTC , GenericFormatter . UTCDiffString ( ) ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . PEERTYPE , Seed . PEERTYPE_VIRGIN ) ; // virgin/junior/senior/principal
this . birthdate = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
/ * *
* check the peer name : protect against usage as XSS hack
* @param id
* @return a checked name without "<" and ">"
* /
private final static Pattern tp = Pattern . compile ( "<|>" ) ;
public static String checkPeerName ( String name ) {
name = tp . matcher ( name ) . replaceAll ( "_" ) ;
return name ;
/ * *
* generate a default peer name
* @return
* /
private static String defaultPeerName ( ) {
+ OS . infoKey ( )
+ "-"
+ ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) % 77777777L )
+ "-"
+ Network . speedKey ;
/ * *
* Checks for the static fragments of a generated default peer name , such as the string ' dpn '
* @see # makeDefaultPeerName ( )
* @param name the peer name to check for default peer name compliance
* @return whether the given peer name may be a default generated peer name
* /
public static boolean isDefaultPeerName ( final String name ) {
return name . startsWith ( "_anon" ) ;
private Set < String > getIPv6Entries ( ) {
String ip6s = this . dna . get ( Seed . IP6 ) ;
final Set < String > set = Collections . synchronizedSet ( new HashSet < String > ( ) ) ;
if ( ip6s = = null ) return set ;
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer ( ip6s , "|" ) ;
while ( st . hasMoreTokens ( ) ) {
set . add ( Domains . chopZoneID ( st . nextToken ( ) . trim ( ) ) ) ;
return set ;
/ * *
* try to get the public IP < br >
* @return the public IP or null
* /
public final String getIP ( ) {
final String ipx = this . dna . get ( Seed . IP ) ; // may contain both, IPv4 or IPv6
if ( ipx ! = null & & ! ipx . isEmpty ( ) ) return Domains . chopZoneID ( ipx ) ;
Set < String > ip6s = getIPv6Entries ( ) ;
if ( ip6s ! = null & & ip6s . size ( ) > 0 ) return ip6s . iterator ( ) . next ( ) ;
return null ;
/ * *
* Get all my public IPs . If there was a static IP assignment , only one , that IP is returned .
* If no feedback from other peers exist , then all locally determined IPs are returned .
* If a feedback from other peers exist , then return at most two IPs :
* the latest IPv4 and the latest IPv6 which was returned during a hello process from a remote peer
* @return a set of IPs which are supposed to be my own public IPs
* /
public final Set < String > getIPs ( ) {
Set < String > h = new LinkedHashSet < > ( ) ;
final String ipx = this . dna . get ( Seed . IP ) ; // may contain both, IPv4 or IPv6
Set < String > ip6s = getIPv6Entries ( ) ;
// put IPs in h in such a way that we believe the mostfront have more chances to get connected
if ( ipx ! = null & & ! ipx . isEmpty ( ) ) h . add ( Domains . chopZoneID ( ipx ) ) ;
h . addAll ( ip6s ) ;
return h ;
/ * *
* count the number of IPs assgined to that peer
* @return the number of peers in field IP ( should be 1 all the time ) plus the number of IPs in the IP6 field .
* /
public final int countIPs ( ) {
final String ipx = this . dna . get ( Seed . IP ) ; // may contain both, IPv4 or IPv6
Set < String > ip6s = getIPv6Entries ( ) ;
if ( ip6s = = null | | ip6s . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
return ( ipx = = null | | ipx . isEmpty ( ) ) ? 0 : 1 ;
return ( ipx = = null | | ipx . isEmpty ( ) ) ? ip6s . size ( ) : ip6s . size ( ) + 1 ;
/ * *
* remove the given IP from the seed . Be careful not to remove the last IP ; maybe call countIPs before calling the method .
* @param ip
* @return true if the IP was in the seed and had been removed . If the peer did not change , this returns false .
* /
public final boolean removeIP ( String ip ) {
String ipx = Domains . chopZoneID ( this . dna . get ( Seed . IP ) ) ; // may contain both, IPv4 or IPv6
Set < String > ip6s = getIPv6Entries ( ) ;
if ( ip6s = = null | | ip6s . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
if ( ipx ! = null & & ! ipx . isEmpty ( ) & & ipx . equals ( ip ) ) {
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP , "" ) ; // DON'T DO THAT! (the line is correct but you should not remove the last IP
return true ;
return false ;
if ( ip6s ! = null & & ip6s . contains ( ip ) ) {
ip6s . remove ( ip ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP6 , MapTools . set2string ( ip6s , "|" , false ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( ipx ! = null & & ! ipx . isEmpty ( ) & & ipx . equals ( ip ) ) {
ipx = ip6s . iterator ( ) . next ( ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP , Domains . chopZoneID ( ipx ) ) ;
ip6s . remove ( ipx ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP6 , MapTools . set2string ( ip6s , "|" , false ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
* clash tests if any of the given ips are also contained in the Seeds ip set
* @param ips
* @return true if any of the given IPs are identical to the Seeds IP set
* /
public boolean clash ( Set < String > ips ) {
Set < String > myIPs = getIPs ( ) ;
for ( String s : ips ) {
if ( myIPs . contains ( s ) & & isProperIP ( s ) ) return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
* try to get the peertype < br >
* @return the peertype or null
* /
public final String getPeerType ( ) {
return get ( Seed . PEERTYPE , "" ) ;
/ * *
* try to get the peertype < br >
* @return the peertype or "virgin"
* /
public final String orVirgin ( ) {
return get ( Seed . PEERTYPE , Seed . PEERTYPE_VIRGIN ) ;
/ * *
* try to get the peertype < br >
* @return the peertype or "junior"
* /
public final String orJunior ( ) {
return get ( Seed . PEERTYPE , Seed . PEERTYPE_JUNIOR ) ;
/ * *
* try to get the peertype < br >
* @return the peertype or "senior"
* /
public final String orSenior ( ) {
return get ( Seed . PEERTYPE , Seed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) ;
/ * *
* try to get the peertype < br >
* @return the peertype or "principal"
* /
public final String orPrincipal ( ) {
return get ( Seed . PEERTYPE , Seed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ;
/ * *
* Get a value from the peer ' s DNA ( its set of peer defining values , e . g . IP , name , version , . . . )
* @param key the key for the value to fetch
* @param dflt the default value
* /
public final String get ( final String key , final String dflt ) {
final Object o = this . dna . get ( key ) ;
if ( o = = null ) {
return dflt ;
return ( String ) o ;
public final float getFloat ( final String key , final float dflt ) {
final Object o = this . dna . get ( key ) ;
if ( o = = null ) {
return dflt ;
if ( o instanceof String ) {
try {
return Float . parseFloat ( ( String ) o ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
return dflt ;
} else if ( o instanceof Float ) {
return ( ( Float ) o ) . floatValue ( ) ;
} else {
return dflt ;
public final long getLong ( final String key , final long dflt ) {
final Object o = this . dna . get ( key ) ;
if ( o = = null ) {
return dflt ;
if ( o instanceof String ) {
try {
return Long . parseLong ( ( String ) o ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
return dflt ;
} else if ( o instanceof Long ) {
return ( ( Long ) o ) . longValue ( ) ;
} else if ( o instanceof Integer ) {
return ( ( Integer ) o ) . intValue ( ) ;
} else {
return dflt ;
/ * *
* set the Peer ip .
* This sets the IP and IP6 field according to the current fill state of that fields :
* - if no field has a content , then IP is filled with the given ip , even if that ip is of type IPv6
* - if IP is already set then check if this is equivalent with the given ip . If both are equal , nothing is done .
* If they are not equal , the IP and IPv6 field is set according to the type if the given ip : if the given ip
* is of type IPv4 , then IP is set with ip , otherwise IP6 is set with the ip .
* ATTENTION : if the given IP is IPv6 , then after the call that IP is the only one assigned to the peer !
* @param ip
* /
public final void setIP ( String ip ) {
ip = Domains . chopZoneID ( ip ) ;
if ( ! isProperIP ( ip ) ) return ;
String oldIP = this . dna . get ( Seed . IP ) ;
String oldIP6 = this . dna . get ( Seed . IP6 ) ;
if ( ( oldIP = = null | | oldIP . length ( ) = = 0 ) & & ( oldIP6 = = null | | oldIP6 . length ( ) = = 0 ) ) {
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP , ip ) ;
} else {
if ( oldIP = = null | | ! oldIP . equals ( ip ) ) {
if ( oldIP = = null | | oldIP . length ( ) = = 0 | | ip . indexOf ( ':' ) = = 0 ) this . dna . put ( Seed . IP , ip ) ; else this . dna . put ( Seed . IP6 , ip ) ;
/ * *
* Set several local IPs which are good to access this peer .
* This OVERWRITES ALL ips stored before !
* @param ips list of IPs
* /
public final void setIPs ( final Set < String > ips ) {
// we must sort IPv4 and IPv6 here
Set < String > ipv6 = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
Set < String > ipv4 = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
for ( String ip : ips ) if ( isProperIP ( ip ) ) {
if ( ip . indexOf ( ':' ) > = 0 ) ipv6 . add ( ip ) ; else ipv4 . add ( ip ) ;
if ( ipv4 . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
if ( ipv6 . size ( ) = = 1 ) {
// if the only IP we have is IPv6, then put this into IP field
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP , ipv6 . iterator ( ) . next ( ) ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP6 , "" ) ;
} else if ( ipv6 . size ( ) > 1 ) {
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP , "" ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP6 , MapTools . set2string ( ipv6 , "|" , false ) ) ;
} else {
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP , Domains . chopZoneID ( ipv4 . iterator ( ) . next ( ) ) ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . IP6 , MapTools . set2string ( ipv6 , "|" , false ) ) ;
public final void setPort ( final String port ) {
this . dna . put ( Seed . PORT , port ) ;
public final void setType ( final String type ) {
this . dna . put ( Seed . PEERTYPE , type ) ;
public final void setJunior ( ) {
this . dna . put ( Seed . PEERTYPE , Seed . PEERTYPE_JUNIOR ) ;
public final void setSenior ( ) {
this . dna . put ( Seed . PEERTYPE , Seed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) ;
public final void setPrincipal ( ) {
this . dna . put ( Seed . PEERTYPE , Seed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ;
public final void put ( final String key , final String value ) {
synchronized ( this . dna ) {
this . dna . put ( key , value ) ;
/** @return the DNA-map of this peer */
public final ConcurrentMap < String , String > getMap ( ) {
return this . dna ;
public final void setName ( final String name ) {
synchronized ( this . dna ) {
this . dna . put ( Seed . NAME , checkPeerName ( name ) ) ;
public final String getName ( ) {
return checkPeerName ( get ( Seed . NAME , "∅" ) ) ;
public final String getHexHash ( ) {
return b64Hash2hexHash ( this . hash ) ;
public final void incSI ( final int count ) {
String v = this . dna . get ( Seed . INDEX_OUT ) ;
if ( v = = null ) {
v = Seed . ZERO ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . INDEX_OUT , Long . toString ( Long . parseLong ( v ) + count ) ) ;
public final void incRI ( final int count ) {
String v = this . dna . get ( Seed . INDEX_IN ) ;
if ( v = = null ) {
v = Seed . ZERO ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . INDEX_IN , Long . toString ( Long . parseLong ( v ) + count ) ) ;
public final void incSU ( final int count ) {
String v = this . dna . get ( Seed . URL_OUT ) ;
if ( v = = null ) {
v = Seed . ZERO ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . URL_OUT , Long . toString ( Long . parseLong ( v ) + count ) ) ;
public final void incRU ( final int count ) {
String v = this . dna . get ( Seed . URL_IN ) ;
if ( v = = null ) {
v = Seed . ZERO ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . URL_IN , Long . toString ( Long . parseLong ( v ) + count ) ) ;
public final void resetCounters ( ) {
this . dna . put ( Seed . INDEX_OUT , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . INDEX_IN , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . URL_OUT , Seed . ZERO ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . URL_IN , Seed . ZERO ) ;
/ * *
* < code > 12 * 6 bit = 72 bit = 24 < / code > characters octal - hash
* < p >
* Octal hashes are used for cache - dumps that are DHT - ready
* < / p >
* < p >
* Cause : the natural order of octal hashes are the same as the b64 - order of b64Hashes . a hexhash cannot
* be used in such cases , and b64Hashes are not appropriate for file names
* < / p >
* @param b64Hash a base64 hash
* @return the octal representation of the given base64 hash
* /
public static String b64Hash2octalHash ( final String b64Hash ) {
return Digest . encodeOctal ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . decode ( b64Hash ) ) ;
/ * *
* < code > 12 * 6 bit = 72 bit = 18 < / code > characters hex - hash
* @param b64Hash a base64 hash
* @return the hexadecimal representation of the given base64 hash
* /
public static String b64Hash2hexHash ( final String b64Hash ) {
if ( b64Hash . length ( ) > 12 ) {
return "" ;
// the hash string represents 12 * 6 bit = 72 bits. This is too much for a long integer.
return Digest . encodeHex ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . decode ( b64Hash ) ) ;
/ * *
* @param hexHash a hexadecimal hash
* @return the base64 representation of the given hex hash
* /
public static String hexHash2b64Hash ( final String hexHash ) {
return Base64Order . enhancedCoder . encode ( Digest . decodeHex ( hexHash ) ) ;
/ * *
* The returned version follows this pattern : < code > MAJORVERSION . MINORVERSION 0 SVN REVISION < / code >
* @return the YaCy version of this peer as a float or < code > 0 < / code > if no valid value could be retrieved
* from this yacySeed object
* /
public final Double getVersion ( ) {
try {
return Double . parseDouble ( get ( Seed . VERSION , Seed . ZERO ) ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 0.0d ;
/ * *
* get the SVN version of the peer
* @return
* /
public final int getRevision ( ) {
return yacyVersion . revision ( get ( Seed . VERSION , Seed . ZERO ) ) ;
/ * *
* generate a public address using a given ip . This combines the ip with the port and encloses the ip
* with square brackets if the ip is of typeIPv6
* @param ip
* @return an address string which can be used as host : port part of an url
* /
public final String getPublicAddress ( final InetAddress ip ) {
// we do not use getPublicAddress(String ip) here to be able to check IPv6 with instanceof Inet6Address which is faster than indexOf(':')
if ( ip = = null ) throw new RuntimeException ( "ip == NULL" ) ; // that should not happen
final String port = this . dna . get ( Seed . PORT ) ; // we do not use getPort() here to avoid String->Integer->toString() conversion
if ( port = = null | | port . length ( ) < 2 | | port . length ( ) > 5 ) {
throw new RuntimeException ( "port not wellformed: " + port ) ; // that should not happen
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
if ( ip instanceof Inet6Address ) {
sb . append ( '[' ) . append ( ip . getHostAddress ( ) ) . append ( ']' ) ;
} else {
sb . append ( ip . getHostAddress ( ) ) ;
sb . append ( ':' ) ;
sb . append ( port ) ;
return sb . toString ( ) ;
/ * *
* generate a public address using a given ip . This combines the ip with the http port and encloses the ip
* with square brackets if the ip is of typeIPv6
* @param ip
* @return an address string which can be used as host : port part of an url ( if no port avail returns just host )
* @ ŧ hrows RuntimeException when the ip parameter is null
* /
public final String getPublicAddress ( final String ip ) {
if ( ip = = null ) throw new RuntimeException ( "ip == NULL" ) ; // that should not happen in Peer-to-Peer mode (but can in Intranet mode)
final String port = this . dna . get ( Seed . PORT ) ; // we do not use getPort() here to avoid String->Integer->toString() conversion
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ip . length ( ) + 8 ) ; // / = surplus for port
if ( ip . indexOf ( ':' ) > = 0 ) {
if ( ! ip . startsWith ( "[" ) ) sb . append ( '[' ) ;
sb . append ( ip ) ;
if ( ! ip . endsWith ( "]" ) ) sb . append ( ']' ) ;
} else {
sb . append ( ip ) ;
if ( port = = null | | port . length ( ) < 2 | | port . length ( ) > 5 ) {
//just skip port if peer didn't report it..... may finally depart
Network . log . severe ( "port not wellformed for peer" + this . getName ( ) + ": " + port = = null ? "null" : port ) ;
} else {
sb . append ( ':' ) ;
sb . append ( port ) ;
return sb . toString ( ) ;
/ * *
* Generate a public URL using a given ip . This combines the ip with the http ( s ) port and encloses the ip
* with square brackets if the ip is of typeIPv6
* @param ip a host name or ip address
* @param preferHTTPS when true and https is available on this Seed , use it as the scheme part of the url
* @return an URL string for the given peer ip
* @throws RuntimeException when the ip parameter is null
* /
public final String getPublicURL ( final String ip , final boolean preferHTTPS ) throws RuntimeException {
if ( ip = = null ) {
throw new RuntimeException ( "ip == NULL" ) ; // that should not happen in Peer-to-Peer mode (but can in Intranet mode)
final String scheme ;
final String port ;
if ( preferHTTPS & & getFlagSSLAvailable ( ) ) {
scheme = "https://" ;
port = this . dna . get ( Seed . PORTSSL ) ;
} else {
scheme = "http://" ;
port = this . dna . get ( Seed . PORT ) ;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( scheme . length ( ) + ip . length ( ) + 8 ) ; // / = surplus for port
sb . append ( scheme ) ;
if ( ip . indexOf ( ':' ) > = 0 ) {
if ( ! ip . startsWith ( "[" ) ) sb . append ( '[' ) ;
sb . append ( ip ) ;
if ( ! ip . endsWith ( "]" ) ) sb . append ( ']' ) ;
} else {
sb . append ( ip ) ;
if ( port = = null | | port . length ( ) < 2 | | port . length ( ) > 5 ) {
//just skip port if peer didn't report it..... may finally depart
Network . log . severe ( preferHTTPS ? "https" : "http " + " port not wellformed for peer" + this . getName ( ) + ": " + port = = null ? "null" : port ) ;
} else {
sb . append ( ':' ) ;
sb . append ( port ) ;
return sb . toString ( ) ;
/ * *
* Generate a public URL Multiprotocol instance using a given ip . This combines
* the ip with the http ( s ) port and encloses the ip with square brackets if the
* ip is of typeIPv6
* @param ip
* a host name or ip address
* @param preferHTTPS
* when true and https is available on this Seed , use it as the
* scheme part of the url
* @return an MultiProtocolURL instance for the given peer ip
* @throws RuntimeException
* when the ip parameter is null
* @throws MalformedURLException
* when the ip and port could not make a well formed URL
* /
public final MultiProtocolURL getPublicMultiprotocolURL ( final String ip , final boolean preferHTTPS )
throws RuntimeException , MalformedURLException {
return new MultiProtocolURL ( getPublicURL ( ip , preferHTTPS ) ) ;
/** @return the port number of this seed or <code>-1</code> if not present */
public final int getPort ( ) {
final String port = this . dna . get ( Seed . PORT ) ;
if ( port = = null ) {
return - 1 ;
/*if (port.length() < 2) return -1; It is possible to use port 0-9*/
return Integer . parseInt ( port ) ;
/** puts the current UTC time into the lastseen field */
public final void setLastSeenUTC ( ) {
try {
/* Prefer using first the shared and thread-safe DateTimeFormatter instance */
this . dna . put ( Seed . LASTSEEN , GenericFormatter . FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND . format ( Instant . now ( ) ) ) ;
} catch ( final DateTimeException e ) {
/* This should not happen, but rather than failing we fallback to the old formatter wich uses synchronization locks */
this . dna . put ( Seed . LASTSEEN , GenericFormatter . SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER . format ( new Date ( ) ) ) ;
/ * *
* @return the last seen time converted to UTC in milliseconds
* /
public final long getLastSeenUTC ( ) {
try {
final String lastSeenStr = get ( Seed . LASTSEEN , "20040101000000" ) ;
long t ;
try {
/* Prefer using first the shared and thread-safe DateTimeFormatter instance */
t = LocalDateTime . parse ( lastSeenStr , GenericFormatter . FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND ) . toInstant ( ZoneOffset . UTC ) . toEpochMilli ( ) ;
} catch ( final RuntimeException e ) {
/* Retry with the old date API parser */
final GenericFormatter my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER =
new GenericFormatter ( GenericFormatter . newShortSecondFormat ( ) , GenericFormatter . time_second ) ; // use our own formatter to prevent concurrency locks with other processes
t = my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER . parse ( lastSeenStr , 0 ) . getTime ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
// getTime creates a UTC time number. But in this case java thinks, that the given
// time string is a local time, which has a local UTC offset applied.
// Therefore java subtracts the local UTC offset, to get a UTC number.
// But the given time string is already in UTC time, so the subtraction
// of the local UTC offset is wrong. We correct this here by adding the local UTC
// offset again.
return t /*+ DateFormatter.UTCDiff()*/ ;
} catch ( final java . text . ParseException e ) { // in case of an error make seed look old!!!
return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - AbstractFormatter . dayMillis ;
} catch ( final java . lang . NumberFormatException e ) {
return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - AbstractFormatter . dayMillis ;
/ * *
* test if the lastSeen time of the seed has a time - out
* @param milliseconds the maximum age of the last - seen value
* @return true , if the time between the last - seen time and now is greater then the given time - out
* /
public final boolean isLastSeenTimeout ( final long milliseconds ) {
final long d = Math . abs ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - getLastSeenUTC ( ) ) ;
return d > milliseconds ;
public final long getBirthdate ( ) {
if ( this . birthdate > 0 ) {
return this . birthdate ;
long b ;
final String bdateStr = get ( Seed . BDATE , "20040101000000" ) ;
try {
/* Prefer using first the shared and thread-safe DateTimeFormatter instance */
b = LocalDateTime . parse ( bdateStr , GenericFormatter . FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND ) . toInstant ( ZoneOffset . UTC ) . toEpochMilli ( ) ;
} catch ( final RuntimeException e ) {
/* Retry with the old date API parser */
try {
final GenericFormatter my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER =
new GenericFormatter ( GenericFormatter . newShortSecondFormat ( ) , GenericFormatter . time_second ) ; // use our own formatter to prevent concurrency locks with other processes
b = my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER . parse ( bdateStr , 0 ) . getTime ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
} catch ( final ParseException pe ) {
b = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
this . birthdate = b ;
return this . birthdate ;
/** @return the age of the seed in number of days */
public final int getAge ( ) {
return ( int ) Math . abs ( ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - getBirthdate ( ) ) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 ) ;
public void setPeerTags ( final Set < String > keys ) {
this . dna . put ( PEERTAGS , MapTools . set2string ( keys , "|" , false ) ) ;
public Set < String > getPeerTags ( ) {
return MapTools . string2set ( get ( PEERTAGS , "*" ) , "|" ) ;
public boolean matchPeerTags ( final HandleSet searchHashes ) {
final String peertags = get ( PEERTAGS , "" ) ;
if ( peertags . equals ( "*" ) ) {
return true ;
final Set < String > tags = MapTools . string2set ( peertags , "|" ) ;
final Iterator < String > i = tags . iterator ( ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
if ( searchHashes . has ( Word . word2hash ( i . next ( ) ) ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
public int getPPM ( ) {
try {
return Integer . parseInt ( get ( Seed . ISPEED , Seed . ZERO ) ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 0 ;
public float getQPM ( ) {
try {
return Float . parseFloat ( get ( Seed . RSPEED , Seed . ZERO ) ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 0f ;
public final long getLinkCount ( ) {
try {
return getLong ( Seed . LCOUNT , 0 ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 0 ;
public final long getWordCount ( ) {
try {
return getLong ( Seed . ICOUNT , 0 ) ;
} catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 0 ;
private boolean getFlag ( final int flag ) {
if ( this . bitfield = = null ) {
final String flags = get ( Seed . FLAGS , Seed . FLAGSZERO ) ;
this . bitfield = new Bitfield ( ASCII . getBytes ( flags ) ) ;
return this . bitfield . get ( flag ) ;
private void setFlag ( final int flag , final boolean value ) {
String flags = get ( Seed . FLAGS , Seed . FLAGSZERO ) ;
if ( flags . length ( ) ! = 4 ) {
flags = Seed . FLAGSZERO ;
final Bitfield f = new Bitfield ( ASCII . getBytes ( flags ) ) ;
f . set ( flag , value ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . FLAGS , UTF8 . String ( f . getBytes ( ) ) ) ;
this . bitfield = null ;
public final void setFlagDirectConnect ( final boolean value ) {
setFlag ( FLAG_DIRECT_CONNECT , value ) ;
public final boolean getFlagDirectConnect ( ) {
return getFlag ( FLAG_DIRECT_CONNECT ) ;
public final void setFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl ( final boolean value ) {
setFlag ( FLAG_ACCEPT_REMOTE_CRAWL , value ) ;
public final boolean getFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl ( ) {
//if (getVersion() < 0.300) return false;
//if (getVersion() < 0.334) return true;
return getFlag ( FLAG_ACCEPT_REMOTE_CRAWL ) ;
public final void setFlagAcceptRemoteIndex ( final boolean value ) {
setFlag ( FLAG_ACCEPT_REMOTE_INDEX , value ) ;
public final boolean getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex ( ) {
//if (getVersion() < 0.335) return false;
return getFlag ( FLAG_ACCEPT_REMOTE_INDEX ) ;
public final void setFlagRootNode ( final boolean value ) {
setFlag ( FLAG_ROOT_NODE , value ) ;
public final boolean getFlagRootNode ( ) {
double v = getVersion ( ) ;
if ( v < 1.02009142d ) return false ;
return getFlag ( FLAG_ROOT_NODE ) ;
public final void setFlagSSLAvailable ( final boolean value ) {
setFlag ( FLAG_SSL_AVAILABLE , value ) ;
public final boolean getFlagSSLAvailable ( ) {
if ( getVersion ( ) < 1.5 ) return false ;
return getFlag ( FLAG_SSL_AVAILABLE ) ;
/ * *
* remembers status of remote Solr interface dynamicly
* should not be used for the local peer
* @param value
* /
public final void setFlagSolrAvailable ( final boolean value ) {
if ( value )
this . dna . put ( Seed . SOLRAVAILABLE , "OK" ) ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . SOLRAVAILABLE , "NA" ) ;
/ * *
* gets the last set result for remote solr status
* @return if status unknown it returns true
* /
public final boolean getFlagSolrAvailable ( ) {
// field is indented to deal with 3 states
// null = never checked, "OK" and "NA" for not available
String solravail = this . dna . get ( Seed . SOLRAVAILABLE ) ;
boolean my = ( solravail ! = null ) & & ( "NA" . equals ( solravail ) ) ;
return ! my ;
/ * *
* set unused flags to zero
* currently last used flag is FLAG_SSL_AVAILABLE = 4 ( 2015 - 10 - 24 )
* /
public final void setUnusedFlags ( ) {
for ( int i = 5 ; i < 20 ; i + + ) {
setFlag ( i , false ) ;
public final boolean isType ( final String type ) {
return get ( Seed . PEERTYPE , "" ) . equals ( type ) ;
public final boolean isVirgin ( ) {
return get ( Seed . PEERTYPE , "" ) . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_VIRGIN ) ;
public final boolean isJunior ( ) {
return get ( Seed . PEERTYPE , "" ) . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_JUNIOR ) ;
public final boolean isSenior ( ) {
return get ( Seed . PEERTYPE , "" ) . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) ;
public final boolean isPrincipal ( ) {
return get ( Seed . PEERTYPE , "" ) . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ;
public final boolean isPotential ( ) {
return isVirgin ( ) | | isJunior ( ) ;
public final boolean isActive ( ) {
return isSenior ( ) | | isPrincipal ( ) ;
public final boolean isOnline ( ) {
return isSenior ( ) | | isPrincipal ( ) ;
public final boolean isOnline ( final String type ) {
return type . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) | | type . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ;
public long nextLong ( final Random random , final long n ) {
return Math . abs ( random . nextLong ( ) ) % n ;
private static byte [ ] bestGap ( final SeedDB seedDB ) {
final byte [ ] randomHash = randomHash ( ) ;
if ( seedDB = = null | | seedDB . sizeConnected ( ) < = 2 ) {
// use random hash
return randomHash ;
// find gaps
final TreeMap < Long , String > gaps = hashGaps ( seedDB ) ;
// take one gap; prefer biggest but take also another smaller by chance
String interval = null ;
while ( ! gaps . isEmpty ( ) ) {
interval = gaps . remove ( gaps . lastKey ( ) ) ;
if ( random . nextBoolean ( ) ) {
break ;
if ( interval = = null ) {
return randomHash ( ) ;
// find dht position and size of gap
final long left = Distribution . horizontalDHTPosition ( ASCII . getBytes ( interval . substring ( 0 , 12 ) ) ) ;
final long right = Distribution . horizontalDHTPosition ( ASCII . getBytes ( interval . substring ( 12 ) ) ) ;
final long gap8 = Distribution . horizontalDHTDistance ( left , right ) > > 3 ; // 1/8 of a gap
final long gapx = gap8 + ( Math . abs ( random . nextLong ( ) ) % ( 6 * gap8 ) ) ;
final long gappos = ( Long . MAX_VALUE - left > = gapx ) ? left + gapx : ( left - Long . MAX_VALUE ) + gapx ;
final byte [ ] computedHash = Distribution . positionToHash ( gappos ) ;
// the computed hash is the perfect position (modulo gap4 population and gap alternatives)
// this is too tight. The hash must be more randomized. We take only (!) the first two bytes
// of the computed hash and add random bytes at the remaining positions. The first two bytes
// of the hash may have 64*64 = 2^^10 positions, good for over 1 million peers.
byte [ ] combined = new byte [ 12 ] ;
System . arraycopy ( computedHash , 0 , combined , 0 , 2 ) ;
System . arraycopy ( randomHash , 2 , combined , 2 , 10 ) ;
// patch for the 'first sector' problem
if ( combined [ 0 ] = = 'A' | | combined [ 1 ] = = 'D' ) { // for some strange reason there are too many of them
combined [ 1 ] = randomHash [ 1 ] ;
// finally check if the hash is already known
while ( seedDB . hasConnected ( combined )
| | seedDB . hasDisconnected ( combined )
| | seedDB . hasPotential ( combined ) ) {
// if we are lucky then this loop will never run
combined = randomHash ( ) ;
return combined ;
private static TreeMap < Long , String > hashGaps ( final SeedDB seedDB ) {
final TreeMap < Long , String > gaps = new TreeMap < Long , String > ( ) ;
if ( seedDB = = null ) {
return gaps ;
final Iterator < Seed > i = seedDB . seedsConnected ( true , false , null , ( float ) 0.0 ) ;
long l ;
Seed s0 = null , s1 , first = null ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
s1 = i . next ( ) ;
if ( s0 = = null ) {
s0 = s1 ;
first = s0 ;
continue ;
l = Distribution . horizontalDHTDistance (
Distribution . horizontalDHTPosition ( ASCII . getBytes ( s0 . hash ) ) ,
Distribution . horizontalDHTPosition ( ASCII . getBytes ( s1 . hash ) ) ) ;
gaps . put ( l , s0 . hash + s1 . hash ) ;
s0 = s1 ;
// compute also the last gap
if ( ( first ! = null ) & & ( s0 ! = null ) ) {
l = Distribution . horizontalDHTDistance (
Distribution . horizontalDHTPosition ( ASCII . getBytes ( s0 . hash ) ) ,
Distribution . horizontalDHTPosition ( ASCII . getBytes ( first . hash ) ) ) ;
gaps . put ( l , s0 . hash + first . hash ) ;
return gaps ;
public static Seed genLocalSeed ( final SeedDB db ) {
// generate a seed for the local peer (as anonymous peer)
// this is the birthplace of a seed, that then will start to travel to other peers
final String hashs = ASCII . String ( bestGap ( db ) ) ;
Network . log . info ( "init: OWN SEED = " + hashs ) ;
final Seed newSeed = new Seed ( hashs ) ;
// now calculate other information about the host
final int port = Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . getPublicPort ( SwitchboardConstants . SERVER_PORT , 8090 ) ; //get port from config
newSeed . dna . put ( Seed . NAME , defaultPeerName ( ) ) ;
newSeed . dna . put ( Seed . PORT , Integer . toString ( port ) ) ;
return newSeed ;
//public static String randomHash() { return "zLXFf5lTteUv"; } // only for debugging
public static byte [ ] randomHash ( ) {
final String hash =
Base64Order . enhancedCoder
. encode ( Digest . encodeMD5Raw ( Long . toString ( random . nextLong ( ) ) ) )
. substring ( 0 , 6 )
+ Base64Order . enhancedCoder
. encode ( Digest . encodeMD5Raw ( Long . toString ( random . nextLong ( ) ) ) )
. substring ( 0 , 6 ) ;
return ASCII . getBytes ( hash ) ;
public static Seed genRemoteSeed (
final String seedStr ,
final boolean ownSeed ,
final String patchIP ) throws IOException {
// this method is used to convert the external representation of a seed into a seed object
// yacyCore.log.logFinest("genRemoteSeed: seedStr=" + seedStr + " key=" + key);
// check protocol and syntax of seed
if ( seedStr = = null ) {
throw new IOException ( "seedStr == null" ) ;
if ( seedStr . isEmpty ( ) ) {
throw new IOException ( "seedStr.isEmpty()" ) ;
final String seed = crypt . simpleDecode ( seedStr ) ;
if ( seed = = null ) {
throw new IOException ( "seed == null" ) ;
if ( seed . isEmpty ( ) ) {
throw new IOException ( "seed.isEmpty()" ) ;
// extract hash
final ConcurrentHashMap < String , String > dna = MapTools . string2map ( seed , "," ) ;
final String hash = dna . remove ( Seed . HASH ) ;
if ( hash = = null ) {
throw new IOException ( "hash == null" ) ;
final Seed resultSeed = new Seed ( hash , dna ) ;
// check semantics of content
String testResult = resultSeed . isProper ( ownSeed ) ;
if ( testResult ! = null & & patchIP ! = null ) {
// in case that this proper-Test fails and a patchIP is given
// then replace the given IP in the resultSeed with given patchIP
// this is done if a remote peer reports its IP in a wrong way (maybe fraud attempt)
resultSeed . setIP ( patchIP ) ;
testResult = resultSeed . isProper ( ownSeed ) ;
if ( testResult ! = null ) {
throw new IOException ( "seed is not proper (" + testResult + "): " + resultSeed ) ;
//assert resultSeed.toString().equals(seed) : "\nresultSeed.toString() = " + resultSeed.toString() + ",\n seed = " + seed; // debug
// seed ok
return resultSeed ;
// TODO: add here IP ranges to accept also intranet networks
public final String isProper ( final boolean checkOwnIP ) {
// checks if everything is ok with that seed
// check hash
if ( this . hash = = null ) {
return "hash is null" ;
if ( this . hash . length ( ) ! = Word . commonHashLength ) {
return "wrong hash length (" + this . hash . length ( ) + ")" ;
// name
final String peerName = this . dna . get ( Seed . NAME ) ;
if ( peerName = = null ) {
return "no peer name given" ;
this . dna . put ( Seed . NAME , checkPeerName ( peerName ) ) ;
// type
final String peerType = getPeerType ( ) ;
if ( ( peerType = = null )
| | ! ( peerType . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_VIRGIN )
| | peerType . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_JUNIOR )
| | peerType . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) | | peerType . equals ( Seed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ) ) {
return "invalid peerType '" + peerType + "'" ;
// check IP
if ( ! checkOwnIP ) {
// checking of IP is omitted if we read the own seed file
final Set < String > ips = getIPs ( ) ;
if ( ips . isEmpty ( ) ) {
return "no IP at all" ;
for ( final String ip : ips ) {
if ( ! isProperIP ( ip ) ) {
Network . log . severe ( "not a proper IP " + ip + " peer : " + this . getName ( ) + "ips " + ips ) ;
return "not a proper IP " + ip ;
// seedURL
final String seedURL = this . dna . get ( SEEDLISTURL ) ;
if ( seedURL ! = null & & ! seedURL . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( ! seedURL . startsWith ( "http://" ) & & ! seedURL . startsWith ( "https://" ) ) {
return "wrong protocol for seedURL" ;
try {
final URL url = new URL ( seedURL ) ;
final String host = url . getHost ( ) ;
if ( Domains . isIntranet ( host ) ) {
// network.unit.domain = any returns isIntranet() always true (because noLocalCheck is set true)
// but seedlist on intranet host must be allowed -> check for intranet mode and deny "localhost" or loopback IP
if ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . isIntranetMode ( ) ) {
if ( Domains . isLocalhost ( host ) ) {
return "seedURL on local host rejected (" + host + ")" ;
} else {
return "seedURL in local network rejected (" + host + ")" ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) {
return "seedURL malformed" ;
return null ;
/ * *
* check if the given string containing an IP is proper . This checks also if the IP is within the given
* range of the network definition
* @param ipString
* @return true iff the IP is proper
* /
public static final boolean isProperIP ( final String ipString ) {
if ( ipString = = null ) return false ;
if ( ipString . length ( ) < 3 ) return false ;
if ( Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . isAllIPMode ( ) ) return true ; // accept everyting
final boolean islocal = Domains . isLocal ( ipString , null ) ;
//if (islocal && Switchboard.getSwitchboard().isGlobalMode()) return ipString + " - local IP for global mode rejected";
return islocal = = Switchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) . isIntranetMode ( ) ;
public final String toString ( ) {
final ConcurrentMap < String , String > copymap = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
copymap . putAll ( this . dna ) ;
copymap . put ( Seed . HASH , this . hash ) ; // set hash into seed code structure
String s = MapTools . map2string ( copymap , "," , true ) ; // generate string representation
return s ;
public final String genSeedStr ( final String key ) {
// use a default encoding
final String r = toString ( ) ;
final String z = crypt . simpleEncode ( r , key , 'z' ) ;
final String b = crypt . simpleEncode ( r , key , 'b' ) ;
// the compressed string may be longer than the uncompressed if there is too much overhead for compression meta-info
// take simply that string which is shorter
return ( b . length ( ) < z . length ( ) ) ? b : z ;
public final void save ( final File f ) throws IOException {
final String out = crypt . simpleEncode ( toString ( ) , null , 'p' ) ;
final FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( f ) ;
fw . write ( out , 0 , out . length ( ) ) ;
fw . close ( ) ;
public static Seed load ( final File f ) throws IOException {
final FileReader fr = new FileReader ( f ) ;
final char [ ] b = new char [ ( int ) f . length ( ) ] ;
fr . read ( b , 0 , b . length ) ;
fr . close ( ) ;
final Seed mySeed = genRemoteSeed ( new String ( b ) , true , null ) ;
assert mySeed ! = null ; // in case of an error, an IOException is thrown
mySeed . dna . put ( Seed . IP , "" ) ; // set own IP as unknown
return mySeed ;
public final Seed clone ( ) {
final ConcurrentHashMap < String , String > ndna = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
ndna . putAll ( this . dna ) ;
return new Seed ( this . hash , ndna ) ;
public int compareTo ( final Seed arg0 ) {
final int o1 = hashCode ( ) ;
final int o2 = arg0 . hashCode ( ) ;
if ( o1 > o2 ) {
return 1 ;
if ( o2 > o1 ) {
return - 1 ;
return 0 ;
public int hashCode ( ) {
return ( int ) ( ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder . cardinal ( this . hash ) & ( Integer . MAX_VALUE ) ) ) ;
public int compare ( final Seed o1 , final Seed o2 ) {
return o1 . compareTo ( o2 ) ;
public boolean equals ( Object other ) {
return this . hash . equals ( ( ( Seed ) other ) . hash ) ;
public static void main ( final String [ ] args ) {
final ScoreMap < Integer > s = new ClusteredScoreMap < Integer > ( true ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10000 ; i + + ) {
final byte [ ] b = randomHash ( ) ;
s . inc ( 0xff & Base64Order . enhancedCoder . decodeByte ( b [ 0 ] ) ) ;
final Iterator < Integer > i = s . keys ( false ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
System . out . println ( i . next ( ) ) ;