You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1466 lines
56 KiB

// -------------------------------------
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen;
// first published on
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// YACY stands for Yet Another CYberspace
// the yacySeed Object is the object that bundles and carries all information about
// a single peer in the yacy space.
// The yacySeed object is carried along peers using a string representation, that can
// be compressed and/or scrambled, depending on the purpose of the process.
// the yacy status
// any value that is defined here will be overwritten each time the proxy is started
// to prevent that the system gets confused, it should be set to "" which means
// undefined. Other status' that can be reached at run-time are
// junior - a peer that has no public socket, thus cannot be reached on demand
// senior - a peer that has a public socked and serves search queries
// principal - a peer like a senior socket and serves as gateway for network definition
package net.yacy.peers;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
11 years ago
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
11 years ago
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.UTF8;
13 years ago
import net.yacy.cora.federate.yacy.Distribution;
13 years ago
import net.yacy.cora.order.Base64Order;
import net.yacy.cora.order.Digest;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains;
13 years ago
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ClusteredScoreMap;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ScoreMap;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MapTools;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.OS;
import net.yacy.peers.operation.yacyVersion;
import net.yacy.utils.Bitfield;
13 years ago
import net.yacy.utils.crypt;
public class Seed implements Cloneable, Comparable<Seed>, Comparator<Seed>
public static String ANON_PREFIX = "_anon";
public static final int maxsize = 16000;
* <b>substance</b> "sI" (send index/words)
public static final String INDEX_OUT = "sI";
* <b>substance</b> "rI" (received index/words)
public static final String INDEX_IN = "rI";
* <b>substance</b> "sU" (send URLs)
public static final String URL_OUT = "sU";
* <b>substance</b> "rU" (received URLs)
public static final String URL_IN = "rU";
* <b>substance</b> "virgin", a peer which cannot reach any other peers
public static final String PEERTYPE_VIRGIN = "virgin";
* <b>substance</b> "junior", this is a peer which cannot be reached from the outside
public static final String PEERTYPE_JUNIOR = "junior";
* <b>substance</b> "mentee", this is a junior peer with an mentor peer attached as 'remote' server port
public static final String PEERTYPE_MENTEE = "mentee";
* <b>substance</b> "senior", this is a peer with an open port to the public
public static final String PEERTYPE_SENIOR = "senior";
* <b>substance</b> "mentor", this is a senior peer which hosts server ports for mentee peers
public static final String PEERTYPE_MENTOR = "mentor";
* <b>substance</b> "principal", a senior peer which distributes the seed list to an outside hoster (i.e. using ftp upload to a web server)
public static final String PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL = "principal";
* <b>substance</b> "PeerType"
public static final String PEERTYPE = "PeerType";
private static final String FLAGS = "Flags";
public static final String FLAGSZERO = " ";
/** the applications version */
public static final String VERSION = "Version";
public static final String YOURTYPE = "yourtype";
public static final String LASTSEEN = "LastSeen";
private static final String USPEED = "USpeed";
/** the name of the peer (user-set) */
public static final String NAME = "Name";
public static final String HASH = "Hash";
/** Birthday - first startup */
private static final String BDATE = "BDate";
/** UTC-Offset */
public static final String UTC = "UTC";
private static final String PEERTAGS = "Tags";
/** the speed of indexing (pages/minute) of the peer */
public static final String ISPEED = "ISpeed";
/** the speed of retrieval (queries/minute) of the peer */
public static final String RSPEED = "RSpeed";
/** the number of minutes that the peer is up in minutes/day (moving average MA30) */
public static final String UPTIME = "Uptime";
/** the number of links that the peer has stored (LURL's) */
public static final String LCOUNT = "LCount";
/** the number of links that the peer has noticed, but not loaded (NURL's) */
public static final String NCOUNT = "NCount";
/** the number of links that the peer provides for remote crawls (ZURL's) */
public static final String RCOUNT = "RCount";
/** the number of different words the peer has indexed */
public static final String ICOUNT = "ICount";
/** the number of seeds that the peer has stored */
public static final String SCOUNT = "SCount";
/** the number of clients that the peer connects (connects/hour as double) */
public static final String CCOUNT = "CCount";
/** the public IP of this peer (old field, will be used to carry the IPv4) */
public static final String IP = "IP";
/** more public IPs of this peer, containing only IPv6 addresses. This list of of IPv6 addresses is separated with a vertical bar/pipe '|'.
* This list may have zero entries if the host does not have a IPv6 address. It may have more than one IPv6 address if the
* Host detects more than one public IPv6 locally but did not get a feedback from other peers if any of these addresses are
* reachable. The list may contain only one address, if a 'hello' with backping to another peer was successful and the other peer
* peer confirmed one of the IPv6 IPs which is then the only entry in this field.
public static final String IP6 = "IP6";
public static final String PORT = "Port";
public static final String PORTSSL = "PortSSL"; // https port
public static final String SEEDLISTURL = "seedURL";
public static final String NEWS = "news"; // news attachment
public static final String DCT = "dct"; // disconnect time
public static final String SOLRAVAILABLE ="SorlAvail"; // field to remember if remotePeer solr interface is avail.
/** zero-value */
private static final String ZERO = "0";
private static final int FLAG_DIRECT_CONNECT = 0;
private static final int FLAG_ACCEPT_REMOTE_CRAWL = 1;
private static final int FLAG_ACCEPT_REMOTE_INDEX = 2;
private static final int FLAG_ROOT_NODE = 3;
private static final int FLAG_SSL_AVAILABLE = 4;
public static final String DFLT_NETWORK_UNIT = "freeworld";
public static final String DFLT_NETWORK_GROUP = "";
private static final Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
// class variables
/** the peer-hash */
public final String hash;
/** a set of identity founding values, eg. IP, name of the peer, YaCy-version, ... */
private final ConcurrentMap<String, String> dna;
private long birthdate; // keep this value in ram since it is often used and may cause lockings in concurrent situations.
Bitfield bitfield = null;
private static ConcurrentMap<String, String> map2concurrentMap(Map<String, String> dna0) {
ConcurrentMap<String, String> dna = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
return dna;
public Seed(Map.Entry<byte[], Map<String, String>> dna0) {
this(UTF8.String(dna0.getKey()), dna0.getValue() instanceof ConcurrentMap ? (ConcurrentMap<String, String>) dna0.getValue() : map2concurrentMap(dna0.getValue()));
public Seed(final String theHash, final ConcurrentMap<String, String> theDna) {
// create a seed with a pre-defined hash map
assert theHash != null;
this.hash = theHash;
this.dna = theDna;
String flags = this.dna.get(Seed.FLAGS);
if (flags == null) flags = Seed.FLAGSZERO;
while (flags.length() < 4) flags += " ";
this.dna.put(Seed.FLAGS, flags);
this.dna.put(Seed.NAME, checkPeerName(get(Seed.NAME, "&empty;")));
this.birthdate = -1; // this means 'not yet parsed', parse that later when it is used
private Seed(final String theHash) {
this.dna = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
// settings that can only be computed by originating peer:
// at first startup -
this.hash = theHash; // the hash key of the peer - very important. should be static somehow, even after restart
this.dna.put(Seed.NAME, defaultPeerName());
// later during operation -
this.dna.put(Seed.ISPEED, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.RSPEED, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.UPTIME, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.LCOUNT, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.NCOUNT, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.RCOUNT, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.ICOUNT, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.SCOUNT, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.CCOUNT, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.VERSION, Seed.ZERO);
// settings that is created during the 'hello' phase - in first contact
this.dna.put(Seed.IP, ""); // 123.234.345.456
this.dna.put(Seed.PORT, "&empty;");
// settings that can only be computed by visiting peer
this.dna.put(Seed.USPEED, Seed.ZERO); // the computated uplink speed of the peer
// settings that are needed to organize the seed round-trip
this.dna.put(Seed.FLAGS, Seed.FLAGSZERO);
// index transfer
this.dna.put(Seed.INDEX_OUT, Seed.ZERO); // send index
this.dna.put(Seed.INDEX_IN, Seed.ZERO); // received index
this.dna.put(Seed.URL_OUT, Seed.ZERO); // send URLs
this.dna.put(Seed.URL_IN, Seed.ZERO); // received URLs
// default first filling
this.dna.put(Seed.BDATE, GenericFormatter.SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER.format());
this.dna.put(Seed.LASTSEEN, this.dna.get(Seed.BDATE)); // just as initial setting
this.dna.put(Seed.UTC, GenericFormatter.UTCDiffString());
this.dna.put(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_VIRGIN); // virgin/junior/senior/principal
this.birthdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
* check the peer name: protect against usage as XSS hack
* @param id
* @return a checked name without "<" and ">"
private final static Pattern tp = Pattern.compile("<|>");
public static String checkPeerName(String name) {
name = tp.matcher(name).replaceAll("_");
return name;
* generate a default peer name
* @return
private static String defaultPeerName() {
+ OS.infoKey()
+ "-"
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() % 77777777L)
+ "-"
+ Network.speedKey;
* Checks for the static fragments of a generated default peer name, such as the string 'dpn'
* @see #makeDefaultPeerName()
* @param name the peer name to check for default peer name compliance
* @return whether the given peer name may be a default generated peer name
public static boolean isDefaultPeerName(final String name) {
return name.startsWith("_anon");
11 years ago
private Set<String> getIPv6Entries() {
String ip6s = this.dna.get(Seed.IP6);
final Set<String> set = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>());
if (ip6s == null) return set;
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ip6s, "|");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
return set;
* try to get the public IP<br>
* @return the public IP or null
public final String getIP() {
final String ipx = this.dna.get(Seed.IP); // may contain both, IPv4 or IPv6
11 years ago
if (ipx != null && !ipx.isEmpty()) return Domains.chopZoneID(ipx);
11 years ago
Set<String> ip6s = getIPv6Entries();
if (ip6s != null && ip6s.size() > 0) return ip6s.iterator().next();
return null;
* Get all my public IPs. If there was a static IP assignment, only one, that IP is returned.
* If no feedback from other peers exist, then all locally determined IPs are returned.
* If a feedback from other peers exist, then return at most two IPs:
* the latest IPv4 and the latest IPv6 which was returned during a hello process from a remote peer
* @return a set of IPs which are supposed to be my own public IPs
public final Set<String> getIPs() {
Set<String> h = new LinkedHashSet<>();
final String ipx = this.dna.get(Seed.IP); // may contain both, IPv4 or IPv6
11 years ago
Set<String> ip6s = getIPv6Entries();
11 years ago
// put IPs in h in such a way that we believe the mostfront have more chances to get connected
if (ipx != null && !ipx.isEmpty()) h.add(Domains.chopZoneID(ipx));
return h;
* count the number of IPs assgined to that peer
* @return the number of peers in field IP (should be 1 all the time) plus the number of IPs in the IP6 field.
public final int countIPs() {
final String ipx = this.dna.get(Seed.IP); // may contain both, IPv4 or IPv6
11 years ago
Set<String> ip6s = getIPv6Entries();
if (ip6s == null || ip6s.size() == 0) {
return (ipx == null || ipx.isEmpty()) ? 0 : 1;
return (ipx == null || ipx.isEmpty()) ? ip6s.size() : ip6s.size() + 1;
* remove the given IP from the seed. Be careful not to remove the last IP; maybe call countIPs before calling the method.
* @param ip
* @return true if the IP was in the seed and had been removed. If the peer did not change, this returns false.
public final boolean removeIP(String ip) {
11 years ago
String ipx = Domains.chopZoneID(this.dna.get(Seed.IP)); // may contain both, IPv4 or IPv6
11 years ago
Set<String> ip6s = getIPv6Entries();
if (ip6s == null || ip6s.size() == 0) {
if (ipx != null && !ipx.isEmpty() && ipx.equals(ip)) {
this.dna.put(Seed.IP, ""); // DON'T DO THAT! (the line is correct but you should not remove the last IP
return true;
return false;
if (ip6s != null && ip6s.contains(ip)) {
this.dna.put(Seed.IP6, MapTools.set2string(ip6s, "|", false));
return true;
if (ipx != null && !ipx.isEmpty() && ipx.equals(ip)) {
ipx = ip6s.iterator().next();
11 years ago
this.dna.put(Seed.IP, Domains.chopZoneID(ipx));
this.dna.put(Seed.IP6, MapTools.set2string(ip6s, "|", false));
return true;
return false;
* clash tests if any of the given ips are also contained in the Seeds ip set
* @param ips
* @return true if any of the given IPs are identical to the Seeds IP set
public boolean clash(Set<String> ips) {
Set<String> myIPs = getIPs();
for (String s: ips) {
if (myIPs.contains(s) && isProperIP(s)) return true;
return false;
* try to get the peertype<br>
* @return the peertype or null
public final String getPeerType() {
return get(Seed.PEERTYPE, "");
* try to get the peertype<br>
* @return the peertype or "virgin"
public final String orVirgin() {
return get(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_VIRGIN);
* try to get the peertype<br>
* @return the peertype or "junior"
public final String orJunior() {
return get(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_JUNIOR);
* try to get the peertype<br>
* @return the peertype or "senior"
public final String orSenior() {
return get(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR);
* try to get the peertype<br>
* @return the peertype or "principal"
public final String orPrincipal() {
* Get a value from the peer's DNA (its set of peer defining values, e.g. IP, name, version, ...)
* @param key the key for the value to fetch
* @param dflt the default value
public final String get(final String key, final String dflt) {
final Object o = this.dna.get(key);
if ( o == null ) {
return dflt;
return (String) o;
public final float getFloat(final String key, final float dflt) {
final Object o = this.dna.get(key);
if ( o == null ) {
return dflt;
if ( o instanceof String ) {
try {
return Float.parseFloat((String) o);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e ) {
return dflt;
} else if ( o instanceof Float ) {
return ((Float) o).floatValue();
} else {
return dflt;
public final long getLong(final String key, final long dflt) {
final Object o = this.dna.get(key);
if ( o == null ) {
return dflt;
if ( o instanceof String ) {
try {
return Long.parseLong((String) o);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e ) {
return dflt;
} else if ( o instanceof Long ) {
return ((Long) o).longValue();
} else if ( o instanceof Integer ) {
return ((Integer) o).intValue();
} else {
return dflt;
* set the Peer ip.
* This sets the IP and IP6 field according to the current fill state of that fields:
* - if no field has a content, then IP is filled with the given ip, even if that ip is of type IPv6
* - if IP is already set then check if this is equivalent with the given ip. If both are equal, nothing is done.
* If they are not equal, the IP and IPv6 field is set according to the type if the given ip: if the given ip
* is of type IPv4, then IP is set with ip, otherwise IP6 is set with the ip.
* ATTENTION: if the given IP is IPv6, then after the call that IP is the only one assigned to the peer!
* @param ip
public final void setIP(String ip) {
11 years ago
ip = Domains.chopZoneID(ip);
if (!isProperIP(ip)) return;
String oldIP = this.dna.get(Seed.IP);
String oldIP6 = this.dna.get(Seed.IP6);
if ((oldIP == null || oldIP.length() == 0) && (oldIP6 == null || oldIP6.length() == 0)) {
this.dna.put(Seed.IP, ip);
} else {
if (oldIP == null || !oldIP.equals(ip)) {
if (oldIP == null || oldIP.length() == 0 || ip.indexOf(':') == 0) this.dna.put(Seed.IP, ip); else this.dna.put(Seed.IP6, ip);
* Set several local IPs which are good to access this peer.
* This OVERWRITES ALL ips stored before!
* @param ips list of IPs
public final void setIPs(final Set<String> ips) {
// we must sort IPv4 and IPv6 here
Set<String> ipv6 = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> ipv4 = new HashSet<>();
for (String ip: ips) if (isProperIP(ip)) {
if (ip.indexOf(':') >= 0) ipv6.add(ip); else ipv4.add(ip);
if (ipv4.size() == 0) {
if (ipv6.size() == 1) {
// if the only IP we have is IPv6, then put this into IP field
this.dna.put(Seed.IP, ipv6.iterator().next());
this.dna.put(Seed.IP6, "");
} else if (ipv6.size() > 1) {
this.dna.put(Seed.IP, "");
this.dna.put(Seed.IP6, MapTools.set2string(ipv6, "|", false));
} else {
11 years ago
this.dna.put(Seed.IP, Domains.chopZoneID(ipv4.iterator().next()));
this.dna.put(Seed.IP6, MapTools.set2string(ipv6, "|", false));
public final void setPort(final String port) {
this.dna.put(Seed.PORT, port);
public final void setType(final String type) {
this.dna.put(Seed.PEERTYPE, type);
public final void setJunior() {
this.dna.put(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_JUNIOR);
public final void setSenior() {
this.dna.put(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR);
public final void setPrincipal() {
public final void put(final String key, final String value) {
synchronized ( this.dna ) {
this.dna.put(key, value);
/** @return the DNA-map of this peer */
public final ConcurrentMap<String, String> getMap() {
return this.dna;
public final void setName(final String name) {
synchronized ( this.dna ) {
this.dna.put(Seed.NAME, checkPeerName(name));
public final String getName() {
return checkPeerName(get(Seed.NAME, "&empty;"));
public final String getHexHash() {
return b64Hash2hexHash(this.hash);
public final void incSI(final int count) {
String v = this.dna.get(Seed.INDEX_OUT);
if ( v == null ) {
v = Seed.ZERO;
this.dna.put(Seed.INDEX_OUT, Long.toString(Long.parseLong(v) + count));
public final void incRI(final int count) {
String v = this.dna.get(Seed.INDEX_IN);
if ( v == null ) {
v = Seed.ZERO;
this.dna.put(Seed.INDEX_IN, Long.toString(Long.parseLong(v) + count));
public final void incSU(final int count) {
String v = this.dna.get(Seed.URL_OUT);
if ( v == null ) {
v = Seed.ZERO;
this.dna.put(Seed.URL_OUT, Long.toString(Long.parseLong(v) + count));
public final void incRU(final int count) {
String v = this.dna.get(Seed.URL_IN);
if ( v == null ) {
v = Seed.ZERO;
this.dna.put(Seed.URL_IN, Long.toString(Long.parseLong(v) + count));
public final void resetCounters() {
this.dna.put(Seed.INDEX_OUT, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.INDEX_IN, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.URL_OUT, Seed.ZERO);
this.dna.put(Seed.URL_IN, Seed.ZERO);
* <code>12 * 6 bit = 72 bit = 24</code> characters octal-hash
* <p>
* Octal hashes are used for cache-dumps that are DHT-ready
* </p>
* <p>
* Cause: the natural order of octal hashes are the same as the b64-order of b64Hashes. a hexhash cannot
* be used in such cases, and b64Hashes are not appropriate for file names
* </p>
* @param b64Hash a base64 hash
* @return the octal representation of the given base64 hash
public static String b64Hash2octalHash(final String b64Hash) {
return Digest.encodeOctal(Base64Order.enhancedCoder.decode(b64Hash));
* <code>12 * 6 bit = 72 bit = 18</code> characters hex-hash
* @param b64Hash a base64 hash
* @return the hexadecimal representation of the given base64 hash
public static String b64Hash2hexHash(final String b64Hash) {
if ( b64Hash.length() > 12 ) {
return "";
// the hash string represents 12 * 6 bit = 72 bits. This is too much for a long integer.
return Digest.encodeHex(Base64Order.enhancedCoder.decode(b64Hash));
* @param hexHash a hexadecimal hash
* @return the base64 representation of the given hex hash
public static String hexHash2b64Hash(final String hexHash) {
return Base64Order.enhancedCoder.encode(Digest.decodeHex(hexHash));
* The returned version follows this pattern: <code>MAJORVERSION . MINORVERSION 0 SVN REVISION</code>
* @return the YaCy version of this peer as a float or <code>0</code> if no valid value could be retrieved
* from this yacySeed object
public final Double getVersion() {
try {
return Double.parseDouble(get(Seed.VERSION, Seed.ZERO));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 0.0d;
* get the SVN version of the peer
* @return
public final int getRevision() {
return yacyVersion.revision(get(Seed.VERSION, Seed.ZERO));
* generate a public address using a given ip. This combines the ip with the port and encloses the ip
* with square brackets if the ip is of typeIPv6
* @param ip
* @return an address string which can be used as host:port part of an url
public final String getPublicAddress(final InetAddress ip) {
// we do not use getPublicAddress(String ip) here to be able to check IPv6 with instanceof Inet6Address which is faster than indexOf(':')
if (ip == null) throw new RuntimeException("ip == NULL"); // that should not happen
final String port = this.dna.get(Seed.PORT); // we do not use getPort() here to avoid String->Integer->toString() conversion
if ( port == null || port.length() < 2 || port.length() > 5 ) {
throw new RuntimeException("port not wellformed: " + port); // that should not happen
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (ip instanceof Inet6Address) {
11 years ago
} else {
11 years ago
return sb.toString();
* generate a public address using a given ip. This combines the ip with the http port and encloses the ip
* with square brackets if the ip is of typeIPv6
* @param ip
* @return an address string which can be used as host:port part of an url (if no port avail returns just host)
* @ŧhrows RuntimeException when the ip parameter is null
public final String getPublicAddress(final String ip) {
if (ip == null) throw new RuntimeException("ip == NULL"); // that should not happen in Peer-to-Peer mode (but can in Intranet mode)
final String port = this.dna.get(Seed.PORT); // we do not use getPort() here to avoid String->Integer->toString() conversion
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ip.length() + 8); // / = surplus for port
if (ip.indexOf(':') >= 0) {
if (!ip.startsWith("[")) sb.append('[');
if (!ip.endsWith("]")) sb.append(']');
11 years ago
} else {
11 years ago
if (port == null || port.length() < 2 || port.length() > 5) {
//just skip port if peer didn't report it..... may finally depart
Network.log.severe("port not wellformed for peer" + this.getName() + ": " + port == null ? "null" : port);
} else {
11 years ago
return sb.toString();
* Generate a public URL using a given ip. This combines the ip with the http(s) port and encloses the ip
* with square brackets if the ip is of typeIPv6
* @param ip a host name or ip address
* @param preferHTTPS when true and https is available on this Seed, use it as the scheme part of the url
* @return an URL string for the given peer ip
* @throws RuntimeException when the ip parameter is null
public final String getPublicURL(final String ip, final boolean preferHTTPS) throws RuntimeException {
if (ip == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("ip == NULL"); // that should not happen in Peer-to-Peer mode (but can in Intranet mode)
final String scheme;
final String port;
if(preferHTTPS && getFlagSSLAvailable()) {
scheme = "https://";
port = this.dna.get(Seed.PORTSSL);
} else {
scheme = "http://";
port = this.dna.get(Seed.PORT);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(scheme.length() + ip.length() + 8); // / = surplus for port
if (ip.indexOf(':') >= 0) {
if (!ip.startsWith("[")) sb.append('[');
if (!ip.endsWith("]")) sb.append(']');
} else {
if (port == null || port.length() < 2 || port.length() > 5) {
//just skip port if peer didn't report it..... may finally depart
Network.log.severe(preferHTTPS ? "https" : "http " + " port not wellformed for peer" + this.getName() + ": " + port == null ? "null" : port);
} else {
return sb.toString();
* Generate a public URL Multiprotocol instance using a given ip. This combines
* the ip with the http(s) port and encloses the ip with square brackets if the
* ip is of typeIPv6
* @param ip
* a host name or ip address
* @param preferHTTPS
* when true and https is available on this Seed, use it as the
* scheme part of the url
* @return an MultiProtocolURL instance for the given peer ip
* @throws RuntimeException
* when the ip parameter is null
* @throws MalformedURLException
* when the ip and port could not make a well formed URL
public final MultiProtocolURL getPublicMultiprotocolURL(final String ip, final boolean preferHTTPS)
throws RuntimeException, MalformedURLException {
return new MultiProtocolURL(getPublicURL(ip, preferHTTPS));
11 years ago
/** @return the port number of this seed or <code>-1</code> if not present */
public final int getPort() {
final String port = this.dna.get(Seed.PORT);
if ( port == null ) {
return -1;
/*if (port.length() < 2) return -1; It is possible to use port 0-9*/
return Integer.parseInt(port);
/** puts the current UTC time into the lastseen field */
public final void setLastSeenUTC() {
try {
/* Prefer using first the shared and thread-safe DateTimeFormatter instance */
this.dna.put(Seed.LASTSEEN, GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND.format(;
} catch(final DateTimeException e) {
/* This should not happen, but rather than failing we fallback to the old formatter wich uses synchronization locks */
this.dna.put(Seed.LASTSEEN, GenericFormatter.SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER.format(new Date()));
* @return the last seen time converted to UTC in milliseconds
public final long getLastSeenUTC() {
try {
final String lastSeenStr = get(Seed.LASTSEEN, "20040101000000");
long t;
try {
/* Prefer using first the shared and thread-safe DateTimeFormatter instance */
t = LocalDateTime.parse(lastSeenStr, GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toEpochMilli();
} catch(final RuntimeException e) {
/* Retry with the old date API parser */
final GenericFormatter my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER =
new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.newShortSecondFormat(), GenericFormatter.time_second); // use our own formatter to prevent concurrency locks with other processes
t = my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER.parse(lastSeenStr, 0).getTime().getTime();
// getTime creates a UTC time number. But in this case java thinks, that the given
// time string is a local time, which has a local UTC offset applied.
// Therefore java subtracts the local UTC offset, to get a UTC number.
// But the given time string is already in UTC time, so the subtraction
// of the local UTC offset is wrong. We correct this here by adding the local UTC
// offset again.
return t /*+ DateFormatter.UTCDiff()*/;
} catch (final java.text.ParseException e ) { // in case of an error make seed look old!!!
return System.currentTimeMillis() - AbstractFormatter.dayMillis;
} catch (final java.lang.NumberFormatException e ) {
return System.currentTimeMillis() - AbstractFormatter.dayMillis;
* test if the lastSeen time of the seed has a time-out
* @param milliseconds the maximum age of the last-seen value
* @return true, if the time between the last-seen time and now is greater then the given time-out
public final boolean isLastSeenTimeout(final long milliseconds) {
final long d = Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastSeenUTC());
return d > milliseconds;
public final long getBirthdate() {
if ( this.birthdate > 0 ) {
return this.birthdate;
long b;
final String bdateStr = get(Seed.BDATE, "20040101000000");
try {
/* Prefer using first the shared and thread-safe DateTimeFormatter instance */
b = LocalDateTime.parse(bdateStr, GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toEpochMilli();
} catch(final RuntimeException e) {
/* Retry with the old date API parser */
try {
final GenericFormatter my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER =
new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.newShortSecondFormat(), GenericFormatter.time_second); // use our own formatter to prevent concurrency locks with other processes
b = my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER.parse(bdateStr, 0).getTime().getTime();
} catch (final ParseException pe) {
b = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.birthdate = b;
return this.birthdate;
/** @return the age of the seed in number of days */
public final int getAge() {
return (int) Math.abs((System.currentTimeMillis() - getBirthdate()) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24);
public void setPeerTags(final Set<String> keys) {
this.dna.put(PEERTAGS, MapTools.set2string(keys, "|", false));
public Set<String> getPeerTags() {
return MapTools.string2set(get(PEERTAGS, "*"), "|");
public boolean matchPeerTags(final HandleSet searchHashes) {
final String peertags = get(PEERTAGS, "");
if ( peertags.equals("*") ) {
return true;
final Set<String> tags = MapTools.string2set(peertags, "|");
final Iterator<String> i = tags.iterator();
while ( i.hasNext() ) {
if ( searchHashes.has(Word.word2hash( ) {
return true;
return false;
public int getPPM() {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(get(Seed.ISPEED, Seed.ZERO));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 0;
public float getQPM() {
try {
return Float.parseFloat(get(Seed.RSPEED, Seed.ZERO));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 0f;
public final long getLinkCount() {
try {
return getLong(Seed.LCOUNT, 0);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 0;
public final long getWordCount() {
try {
return getLong(Seed.ICOUNT, 0);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e ) {
return 0;
private boolean getFlag(final int flag) {
if (this.bitfield == null) {
final String flags = get(Seed.FLAGS, Seed.FLAGSZERO);
this.bitfield = new Bitfield(ASCII.getBytes(flags));
return this.bitfield.get(flag);
private void setFlag(final int flag, final boolean value) {
String flags = get(Seed.FLAGS, Seed.FLAGSZERO);
if ( flags.length() != 4 ) {
flags = Seed.FLAGSZERO;
final Bitfield f = new Bitfield(ASCII.getBytes(flags));
f.set(flag, value);
this.dna.put(Seed.FLAGS, UTF8.String(f.getBytes()));
this.bitfield = null;
public final void setFlagDirectConnect(final boolean value) {
setFlag(FLAG_DIRECT_CONNECT, value);
public final boolean getFlagDirectConnect() {
return getFlag(FLAG_DIRECT_CONNECT);
public final void setFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl(final boolean value) {
public final boolean getFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl() {
//if (getVersion() < 0.300) return false;
//if (getVersion() < 0.334) return true;
public final void setFlagAcceptRemoteIndex(final boolean value) {
public final boolean getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex() {
//if (getVersion() < 0.335) return false;
public final void setFlagRootNode(final boolean value) {
setFlag(FLAG_ROOT_NODE, value);
public final boolean getFlagRootNode() {
double v = getVersion();
if (v < 1.02009142d) return false;
return getFlag(FLAG_ROOT_NODE);
public final void setFlagSSLAvailable(final boolean value) {
setFlag(FLAG_SSL_AVAILABLE, value);
public final boolean getFlagSSLAvailable() {
if (getVersion() < 1.5) return false;
return getFlag(FLAG_SSL_AVAILABLE);
* remembers status of remote Solr interface dynamicly
* should not be used for the local peer
* @param value
public final void setFlagSolrAvailable(final boolean value) {
if (value)
this.dna.put(Seed.SOLRAVAILABLE, "OK");
this.dna.put(Seed.SOLRAVAILABLE, "NA");
* gets the last set result for remote solr status
* @return if status unknown it returns true
public final boolean getFlagSolrAvailable() {
// field is indented to deal with 3 states
// null = never checked, "OK" and "NA" for not available
String solravail = this.dna.get(Seed.SOLRAVAILABLE);
boolean my = (solravail != null) && ("NA".equals(solravail));
return !my;
* set unused flags to zero
* currently last used flag is FLAG_SSL_AVAILABLE=4 (2015-10-24)
public final void setUnusedFlags() {
for ( int i = 5; i < 20; i++ ) {
setFlag(i, false);
public final boolean isType(final String type) {
return get(Seed.PEERTYPE, "").equals(type);
public final boolean isVirgin() {
return get(Seed.PEERTYPE, "").equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_VIRGIN);
public final boolean isJunior() {
return get(Seed.PEERTYPE, "").equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_JUNIOR);
public final boolean isSenior() {
return get(Seed.PEERTYPE, "").equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR);
public final boolean isPrincipal() {
return get(Seed.PEERTYPE, "").equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL);
public final boolean isPotential() {
return isVirgin() || isJunior();
public final boolean isActive() {
return isSenior() || isPrincipal();
public final boolean isOnline() {
return isSenior() || isPrincipal();
public final boolean isOnline(final String type) {
return type.equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR) || type.equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL);
public long nextLong(final Random random, final long n) {
return Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % n;
private static byte[] bestGap(final SeedDB seedDB) {
final byte[] randomHash = randomHash();
if ( seedDB == null || seedDB.sizeConnected() <= 2 ) {
// use random hash
return randomHash;
// find gaps
final TreeMap<Long, String> gaps = hashGaps(seedDB);
// take one gap; prefer biggest but take also another smaller by chance
String interval = null;
while ( !gaps.isEmpty() ) {
interval = gaps.remove(gaps.lastKey());
if ( random.nextBoolean() ) {
if ( interval == null ) {
return randomHash();
// find dht position and size of gap
final long left = Distribution.horizontalDHTPosition(ASCII.getBytes(interval.substring(0, 12)));
final long right = Distribution.horizontalDHTPosition(ASCII.getBytes(interval.substring(12)));
final long gap8 = Distribution.horizontalDHTDistance(left, right) >> 3; // 1/8 of a gap
final long gapx = gap8 + (Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % (6 * gap8));
final long gappos = (Long.MAX_VALUE - left >= gapx) ? left + gapx : (left - Long.MAX_VALUE) + gapx;
final byte[] computedHash = Distribution.positionToHash(gappos);
// the computed hash is the perfect position (modulo gap4 population and gap alternatives)
// this is too tight. The hash must be more randomized. We take only (!) the first two bytes
// of the computed hash and add random bytes at the remaining positions. The first two bytes
// of the hash may have 64*64 = 2^^10 positions, good for over 1 million peers.
byte[] combined = new byte[12];
System.arraycopy(computedHash, 0, combined, 0, 2);
System.arraycopy(randomHash, 2, combined, 2, 10);
// patch for the 'first sector' problem
if ( combined[0] == 'A' || combined[1] == 'D' ) { // for some strange reason there are too many of them
combined[1] = randomHash[1];
// finally check if the hash is already known
while ( seedDB.hasConnected(combined)
|| seedDB.hasDisconnected(combined)
|| seedDB.hasPotential(combined) ) {
// if we are lucky then this loop will never run
combined = randomHash();
return combined;
private static TreeMap<Long, String> hashGaps(final SeedDB seedDB) {
final TreeMap<Long, String> gaps = new TreeMap<Long, String>();
if ( seedDB == null ) {
return gaps;
final Iterator<Seed> i = seedDB.seedsConnected(true, false, null, (float) 0.0);
long l;
Seed s0 = null, s1, first = null;
while ( i.hasNext() ) {
s1 =;
if ( s0 == null ) {
s0 = s1;
first = s0;
l = Distribution.horizontalDHTDistance(
gaps.put(l, s0.hash + s1.hash);
s0 = s1;
// compute also the last gap
if ( (first != null) && (s0 != null) ) {
l = Distribution.horizontalDHTDistance(
gaps.put(l, s0.hash + first.hash);
return gaps;
public static Seed genLocalSeed(final SeedDB db) {
// generate a seed for the local peer (as anonymous peer)
// this is the birthplace of a seed, that then will start to travel to other peers
final String hashs = ASCII.String(bestGap(db));"init: OWN SEED = " + hashs);
final Seed newSeed = new Seed(hashs);
// now calculate other information about the host
final int port = Switchboard.getSwitchboard().getPublicPort(SwitchboardConstants.SERVER_PORT, 8090); //get port from config
newSeed.dna.put(Seed.NAME, defaultPeerName() );
newSeed.dna.put(Seed.PORT, Integer.toString(port));
return newSeed;
//public static String randomHash() { return "zLXFf5lTteUv"; } // only for debugging
public static byte[] randomHash() {
final String hash =
.substring(0, 6)
+ Base64Order.enhancedCoder
.substring(0, 6);
return ASCII.getBytes(hash);
public static Seed genRemoteSeed(
final String seedStr,
final boolean ownSeed,
final String patchIP) throws IOException {
// this method is used to convert the external representation of a seed into a seed object
// yacyCore.log.logFinest("genRemoteSeed: seedStr=" + seedStr + " key=" + key);
// check protocol and syntax of seed
if ( seedStr == null ) {
throw new IOException("seedStr == null");
if ( seedStr.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IOException("seedStr.isEmpty()");
final String seed = crypt.simpleDecode(seedStr);
if ( seed == null ) {
throw new IOException("seed == null");
if ( seed.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IOException("seed.isEmpty()");
// extract hash
final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> dna = MapTools.string2map(seed, ",");
final String hash = dna.remove(Seed.HASH);
if ( hash == null ) {
throw new IOException("hash == null");
final Seed resultSeed = new Seed(hash, dna);
// check semantics of content
String testResult = resultSeed.isProper(ownSeed);
if ( testResult != null && patchIP != null ) {
// in case that this proper-Test fails and a patchIP is given
// then replace the given IP in the resultSeed with given patchIP
// this is done if a remote peer reports its IP in a wrong way (maybe fraud attempt)
testResult = resultSeed.isProper(ownSeed);
if ( testResult != null ) {
throw new IOException("seed is not proper (" + testResult + "): " + resultSeed);
//assert resultSeed.toString().equals(seed) : "\nresultSeed.toString() = " + resultSeed.toString() + ",\n seed = " + seed; // debug
// seed ok
return resultSeed;
// TODO: add here IP ranges to accept also intranet networks
public final String isProper(final boolean checkOwnIP) {
// checks if everything is ok with that seed
// check hash
if ( this.hash == null ) {
return "hash is null";
if ( this.hash.length() != Word.commonHashLength ) {
return "wrong hash length (" + this.hash.length() + ")";
// name
final String peerName = this.dna.get(Seed.NAME);
if ( peerName == null ) {
return "no peer name given";
this.dna.put(Seed.NAME, checkPeerName(peerName));
// type
final String peerType = getPeerType();
if ( (peerType == null)
|| !(peerType.equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_VIRGIN)
|| peerType.equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_JUNIOR)
|| peerType.equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR) || peerType.equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL)) ) {
return "invalid peerType '" + peerType + "'";
// check IP
if ( !checkOwnIP ) {
// checking of IP is omitted if we read the own seed file
final Set<String> ips = getIPs();
if(ips.isEmpty()) {
return "no IP at all";
for(final String ip: ips) {
if (!isProperIP(ip)) {
Network.log.severe("not a proper IP " + ip + " peer : " + this.getName() + "ips " + ips);
return "not a proper IP " + ip;
// seedURL
final String seedURL = this.dna.get(SEEDLISTURL);
if ( seedURL != null && !seedURL.isEmpty() ) {
if ( !seedURL.startsWith("http://") && !seedURL.startsWith("https://") ) {
return "wrong protocol for seedURL";
try {
final URL url = new URL(seedURL);
final String host = url.getHost();
if (Domains.isIntranet(host)) {
// network.unit.domain = any returns isIntranet() always true (because noLocalCheck is set true)
// but seedlist on intranet host must be allowed -> check for intranet mode and deny "localhost" or loopback IP
if (Switchboard.getSwitchboard().isIntranetMode() ) {
if (Domains.isLocalhost(host)) {
return "seedURL on local host rejected ("+host+")";
} else {
return "seedURL in local network rejected ("+host+")";
} catch (final MalformedURLException e ) {
return "seedURL malformed";
return null;
* check if the given string containing an IP is proper. This checks also if the IP is within the given
* range of the network definition
* @param ipString
* @return true iff the IP is proper
public static final boolean isProperIP(final String ipString) {
if (ipString == null) return false;
if (ipString.length() < 3) return false;
if (Switchboard.getSwitchboard().isAllIPMode()) return true; // accept everyting
final boolean islocal = Domains.isLocal(ipString, null);
//if (islocal && Switchboard.getSwitchboard().isGlobalMode()) return ipString + " - local IP for global mode rejected";
return islocal == Switchboard.getSwitchboard().isIntranetMode();
public final String toString() {
final ConcurrentMap<String, String> copymap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
copymap.put(Seed.HASH, this.hash); // set hash into seed code structure
String s = MapTools.map2string(copymap, ",", true); // generate string representation
return s;
public final String genSeedStr(final String key) {
// use a default encoding
final String r = toString();
final String z = crypt.simpleEncode(r, key, 'z');
final String b = crypt.simpleEncode(r, key, 'b');
// the compressed string may be longer than the uncompressed if there is too much overhead for compression meta-info
// take simply that string which is shorter
return ( b.length() < z.length() ) ? b : z;
public final void save(final File f) throws IOException {
final String out = crypt.simpleEncode(toString(), null, 'p');
final FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f);
fw.write(out, 0, out.length());
public static Seed load(final File f) throws IOException {
final FileReader fr = new FileReader(f);
final char[] b = new char[(int) f.length()];, 0, b.length);
final Seed mySeed = genRemoteSeed(new String(b), true, null);
assert mySeed != null; // in case of an error, an IOException is thrown
mySeed.dna.put(Seed.IP, ""); // set own IP as unknown
return mySeed;
public final Seed clone() {
final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> ndna = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
return new Seed(this.hash, ndna);
public int compareTo(final Seed arg0) {
final int o1 = hashCode();
final int o2 = arg0.hashCode();
if ( o1 > o2 ) {
return 1;
if ( o2 > o1 ) {
return -1;
return 0;
public int hashCode() {
return (int) ((Base64Order.enhancedCoder.cardinal(this.hash) & (Integer.MAX_VALUE)));
public int compare(final Seed o1, final Seed o2) {
return o1.compareTo(o2);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return this.hash.equals(((Seed) other).hash);
public static void main(final String[] args) {
added a new way of content browsing in search results: - date navigation The date is taken from the CONTENT of the documents / web pages, NOT from a date submitted in the context of metadata (i.e. http header or html head form). This makes it possible to search for documents in the future, i.e. when documents contain event descriptions for future events. The date is written to an index field which is now enabled by default. All documents are scanned for contained date mentions. To visualize the dates for a specific search results, a histogram showing the number of documents for each day is displayed. To render these histograms the morris.js library is used. Morris.js requires also raphael.js which is now also integrated in YaCy. The histogram is now also displayed in the index browser by default. To select a specific range from a search result, the following modifiers had been introduced: from:<date> to:<date> These modifiers can be used separately (i.e. only 'from' or only 'to') to describe an open interval or combined to have a closed interval. Both dates are inclusive. To select a specific single date only, use the 'to:' - modifier. The histogram shows blue and green lines; the green lines denot weekend days (saturday and sunday). Clicking on bars in the histogram has the following reaction: 1st click: add a from:<date> modifier for the date of the bar 2nd click: add a to:<date> modifier for the date of the bar 3rd click: remove from and date modifier and set a on:<date> for the bar When the on:<date> modifier is used, the histogram shows an unlimited time period. This makes it possible to click again (4th click) which is then interpreted as a 1st click again (sets a from modifier). The display feature is NOT switched on by default; to switch it on use the /ConfigSearchPage_p.html servlet.
10 years ago
final ScoreMap<Integer> s = new ClusteredScoreMap<Integer>(true);
for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; i++ ) {
final byte[] b = randomHash(); & Base64Order.enhancedCoder.decodeByte(b[0]));
final Iterator<Integer> i = s.keys(false);
while ( i.hasNext() ) {