@ -152,21 +152,23 @@ public final class httpc {
private boolean allowContentEncoding = true ;
static boolean useYacyReferer = true ;
public static boolean yacyDebugMode = false ;
static {
// set time-out of InetAddress.getByName cache ttl
java . security . Security . setProperty ( "networkaddress.cache.ttl" , "60" ) ;
java . security . Security . setProperty ( "networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl" , "0" ) ;
/ * *
* Indicates if the current object was removed from pool because the maximum limit
* was exceeded .
* /
boolean removedFromPool = false ;
// Configuring the httpc object pool
static SSLSocketFactory theSSLSockFactory = null ;
static {
// set time-out of InetAddress.getByName cache ttl
java . security . Security . setProperty ( "networkaddress.cache.ttl" , "60" ) ;
java . security . Security . setProperty ( "networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl" , "0" ) ;
// Configuring the httpc object pool
// implementation of session thread pool
GenericObjectPool . Config config = new GenericObjectPool . Config ( ) ;
@ -183,11 +185,10 @@ public final class httpc {
config . minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 30000 ;
theHttpcPool = new httpcPool ( new httpcFactory ( ) , config ) ;
// initializing a dummy trustManager to enable https connections
static SSLSocketFactory theSSLSockFactory = null ;
static {
// initializing a dummy trustManager to enable https connections
// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
TrustManager [ ] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager [ ] { new X509TrustManager ( ) {
public java . security . cert . X509Certificate [ ] getAcceptedIssuers ( ) {
@ -220,8 +221,21 @@ public final class httpc {
HttpsURLConnection . setDefaultHostnameVerifier ( hv ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// provide system information for client identification
String loc = System . getProperty ( "user.timezone" , "nowhere" ) ;
int p = loc . indexOf ( "/" ) ;
if ( p > 0 ) loc = loc . substring ( 0 , p ) ;
loc = loc + "/" + System . getProperty ( "user.language" , "dumb" ) ;
systemOST =
System . getProperty ( "os.arch" , "no-os-arch" ) + " " +
System . getProperty ( "os.name" , "no-os-name" ) + " " +
System . getProperty ( "os.version" , "no-os-version" ) + "; " +
"java " + System . getProperty ( "java.version" , "no-java-version" ) + "; " + loc ;
userAgent = "yacy (www.yacy.net; v" + vDATE + "; " + systemOST + ")" ;
/ * *
* A reusable readline buffer
* @see serverByteBuffer
@ -471,21 +485,7 @@ public final class httpc {
return new GregorianCalendar ( GMTTimeZone ) . getTime ( ) ;
// FIXME: Why weren't all static parts put together? They are run one after
// each other on class loading? Hopefully. So why not put them into one
// static block?
static {
// provide system information for client identification
String loc = System . getProperty ( "user.timezone" , "nowhere" ) ;
int p = loc . indexOf ( "/" ) ;
if ( p > 0 ) loc = loc . substring ( 0 , p ) ;
loc = loc + "/" + System . getProperty ( "user.language" , "dumb" ) ;
systemOST =
System . getProperty ( "os.arch" , "no-os-arch" ) + " " + System . getProperty ( "os.name" , "no-os-arch" ) + " " +
System . getProperty ( "os.version" , "no-os-version" ) + "; " +
"java " + System . getProperty ( "java.version" , "no-java-version" ) + "; " + loc ;
userAgent = "yacy (www.yacy.net; v" + vDATE + "; " + systemOST + ")" ;
/ * *
* Initialize the httpc - instance with the given data . This method is used ,