@ -449,32 +449,6 @@ public final class DateFormatter {
// find out time zone and DST offset
private static Calendar thisCalendar = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;
// pre-calculation of time tables
private final static long [ ] dimnormalacc = new long [ 12 ] , dimleapacc = new long [ 12 ] ;
private final static long [ ] utimeyearsacc = new long [ 67 ] ;
static {
long millis = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 67 ; i + + ) {
utimeyearsacc [ i ] = millis ;
millis + = ( ( i & 3 ) = = 0 ) ? leapyearMillis : normalyearMillis ;
millis = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i + + ) {
dimnormalacc [ i ] = millis ;
millis + = ( dayMillis * dimnormal [ i ] ) ;
millis = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i + + ) {
dimleapacc [ i ] = millis ;
millis + = ( dayMillis * dimleap [ i ] ) ;
// class variables
private int milliseconds , seconds , minutes , hours , days , months , years ; // years since 1970
private int dow ; // day-of-week
private long utime ;
public static String UTCDiffString ( ) {
// we express the UTC Difference in 5 digits:
@ -497,7 +471,7 @@ public final class DateFormatter {
return "+" + diff ;
p ublic static long UTCDiff ( ) {
p rivate static long UTCDiff ( ) {
// DST_OFFSET is dependent on the time of the Calendar, so it has to be updated
// to get the correct current offset
synchronized ( thisCalendar ) {
@ -508,7 +482,7 @@ public final class DateFormatter {
p ublic static long UTCDiff ( final String diffString ) {
p rivate static long UTCDiff ( final String diffString ) {
if ( diffString . length ( ) ! = 5 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "UTC String malformed (wrong size):" + diffString ) ;
boolean ahead = true ;
if ( diffString . length ( ) > 0 & & diffString . charAt ( 0 ) = = '+' ) ahead = true ;
@ -519,124 +493,10 @@ public final class DateFormatter {
return ( ( ahead ) ? ( long ) 1 : ( long ) - 1 ) * ( oh * hourMillis + om * minuteMillis ) ;
public static long correctedUTCTime ( ) {
return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - UTCDiff ( ) ;
public DateFormatter ( ) {
this ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
public DateFormatter ( final long utime ) {
// set the time as the difference, measured in milliseconds,
// between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC/GMT
this . utime = utime ;
dow = ( int ) ( ( ( utime / dayMillis ) + 3 ) % 7 ) ;
years = ( int ) ( utime / normalyearMillis ) ; // a guess
if ( utime < utimeyearsacc [ years ] ) years - - ; // the correction
long remain = utime - utimeyearsacc [ years ] ;
months = ( int ) ( remain / ( 29 * dayMillis ) ) ; // a guess
if ( months > 11 ) months = 11 ;
if ( ( years & 3 ) = = 0 ) {
if ( remain < dimleapacc [ months ] ) months - - ; // correction
remain = remain - dimleapacc [ months ] ;
} else {
if ( remain < dimnormalacc [ months ] ) months - - ; // correction
remain = remain - dimnormalacc [ months ] ;
days = ( int ) ( remain / dayMillis ) ; remain = remain % dayMillis ;
hours = ( int ) ( remain / hourMillis ) ; remain = remain % hourMillis ;
minutes = ( int ) ( remain / minuteMillis ) ; remain = remain % minuteMillis ;
seconds = ( int ) ( remain / secondMillis ) ; remain = remain % secondMillis ;
milliseconds = ( int ) remain ;
private void calcUTime ( ) {
this . utime = utimeyearsacc [ years ] + dimleapacc [ months - 1 ] + dayMillis * ( days - 1 ) +
hourMillis * hours + minuteMillis * minutes + secondMillis * seconds + milliseconds ;
this . dow = ( int ) ( ( ( utime / dayMillis ) + 3 ) % 7 ) ;
public DateFormatter ( final String datestring ) throws java . text . ParseException {
// parse a date string; otherwise throw a java.text.ParseException
if ( ( datestring . length ( ) = = 14 ) | | ( datestring . length ( ) = = 17 ) ) {
// parse a ShortString
try { years = Integer . parseInt ( datestring . substring ( 0 , 4 ) ) - 1970 ; } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong year" , 0 ) ;
if ( years < 0 ) throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong year" , 0 ) ;
try { months = Integer . parseInt ( datestring . substring ( 4 , 6 ) ) - 1 ; } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong month" , 4 ) ;
if ( ( months < 0 ) | | ( months > 11 ) ) throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong month" , 4 ) ;
try { days = Integer . parseInt ( datestring . substring ( 6 , 8 ) ) - 1 ; } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong day" , 6 ) ;
if ( ( days < 0 ) | | ( days > 30 ) ) throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong day" , 6 ) ;
try { hours = Integer . parseInt ( datestring . substring ( 8 , 10 ) ) ; } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong hour" , 8 ) ;
if ( ( hours < 0 ) | | ( hours > 23 ) ) throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong hour" , 8 ) ;
try { minutes = Integer . parseInt ( datestring . substring ( 10 , 12 ) ) ; } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong minute" , 10 ) ;
if ( ( minutes < 0 ) | | ( minutes > 59 ) ) throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong minute" , 10 ) ;
try { seconds = Integer . parseInt ( datestring . substring ( 12 , 14 ) ) ; } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong second" , 12 ) ;
if ( ( seconds < 0 ) | | ( seconds > 59 ) ) throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong second" , 12 ) ;
if ( datestring . length ( ) = = 17 ) {
try { milliseconds = Integer . parseInt ( datestring . substring ( 14 , 17 ) ) ; } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong millisecond" , 14 ) ;
} else {
milliseconds = 0 ;
if ( ( milliseconds < 0 ) | | ( milliseconds > 999 ) ) throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' wrong millisecond" , 14 ) ;
calcUTime ( ) ;
return ;
throw new java . text . ParseException ( "serverDate '" + datestring + "' format unknown" , 0 ) ;
public String toString ( ) {
return "utime=" + utime + ", year=" + ( years + 1970 ) +
", month=" + ( months + 1 ) + ", day=" + ( days + 1 ) +
", hour=" + hours + ", minute=" + minutes +
", second=" + seconds + ", millis=" + milliseconds +
", day-of-week=" + wkday [ dow ] ;
public String toShortString ( final boolean millis ) {
// returns a "yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS"
final byte [ ] result = new byte [ ( millis ) ? 17 : 14 ] ;
int x = 1970 + years ;
result [ 0 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( x / 1000 ) ) ; x = x % 1000 ;
result [ 1 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( x / 100 ) ) ; x = x % 100 ;
result [ 2 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( x / 10 ) ) ; x = x % 10 ;
result [ 3 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + x ) ;
x = months + 1 ;
result [ 4 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( x / 10 ) ) ;
result [ 5 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( x % 10 ) ) ;
x = days + 1 ;
result [ 6 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( x / 10 ) ) ;
result [ 7 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( x % 10 ) ) ;
result [ 8 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( hours / 10 ) ) ;
result [ 9 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( hours % 10 ) ) ;
result [ 10 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( minutes / 10 ) ) ;
result [ 11 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( minutes % 10 ) ) ;
result [ 12 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( seconds / 10 ) ) ;
result [ 13 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( seconds % 10 ) ) ;
if ( millis ) {
x = milliseconds ;
result [ 14 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( x / 100 ) ) ; x = x % 100 ;
result [ 15 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + ( x / 10 ) ) ; x = x % 10 ;
result [ 16 ] = ( byte ) ( 48 + x ) ;
return new String ( result ) ;
public static long remainingTime ( final long start , final long due , final long minimum ) {
if ( due < 0 ) return - 1 ;
final long r = due + start - System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
@ -647,30 +507,16 @@ public final class DateFormatter {
public static void main ( final String [ ] args ) {
//System.out.println("kelondroDate is (" + new kelondroDate().toString() + ")");
System . out . println ( "offset is " + ( UTCDiff ( ) / 1000 / 60 / 60 ) + " hours, javaDate is " + new Date ( ) + ", correctedDate is " + new Date ( correctedUTCTime ( ) ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "serverDate : " + new DateFormatter ( ) . toShortString ( false ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " javaDate : " + formatShortSecond ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "serverDate : " + new DateFormatter ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " JavaDate : " + DateFormat . getDateInstance ( ) . format ( new Date ( ) ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "serverDate0: " + new DateFormatter ( 0 ) . toShortString ( false ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " JavaDate0: " + format ( FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND , new Date ( 0 ) ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "serverDate0: " + new DateFormatter ( 0 ) . toString ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " JavaDate0: " + DateFormat . getDateInstance ( ) . format ( new Date ( 0 ) ) ) ;
// parse test
try {
System . out . println ( "serverDate re-parse short: " + new DateFormatter ( new DateFormatter ( ) . toShortString ( false ) ) . toShortString ( true ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "serverDate re-parse long : " + new DateFormatter ( new DateFormatter ( ) . toShortString ( true ) ) . toShortString ( true ) ) ;
} catch ( final java . text . ParseException e ) {
System . out . println ( "Parse Exception: " + e . getMessage ( ) + ", pos " + e . getErrorOffset ( ) ) ;
//String testresult;
final int cycles = 10000 ;
long start ;
final String [ ] testresult = new String [ 10000 ] ;
start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cycles ; i + + ) testresult [ i ] = new DateFormatter ( ) . toShortString ( false ) ;
System . out . println ( "time for " + cycles + " calls to serverDate:" + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ) + " milliseconds" ) ;
start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cycles ; i + + ) testresult [ i ] = format ( FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND , new Date ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "time for " + cycles + " calls to javaDate:" + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ) + " milliseconds" ) ;