@ -262,14 +262,14 @@ public class yacySeed {
return ( String ) o ;
public final void setIP ( ) { put( yacySeed . IP , "" ) ; }
public final void setIP ( final String ip ) { put( yacySeed . IP , ip ) ; }
public final void setPort ( final String port ) { put( yacySeed . PORT , port ) ; }
public final void setJunior ( ) { put( yacySeed . PEERTYPE , yacySeed . PEERTYPE_JUNIOR ) ; }
public final void setSenior ( ) { put( yacySeed . PEERTYPE , yacySeed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) ; }
public final void setPrincipal ( ) { put( yacySeed . PEERTYPE , yacySeed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ; }
public final void setLastSeen ( ) { put ( yacySeed . LASTSEEN , yacyCore . universalDateShortString ( new Date ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + serverDate . UTCDiff ( ) - getUTCDiff ( ) ) ) ) ; }
public final void setIP ( ) { dna. put( yacySeed . IP , "" ) ; }
public final void setIP ( final String ip ) { dna. put( yacySeed . IP , ip ) ; }
public final void setPort ( final String port ) { dna. put( yacySeed . PORT , port ) ; }
public final void setJunior ( ) { dna. put( yacySeed . PEERTYPE , yacySeed . PEERTYPE_JUNIOR ) ; }
public final void setSenior ( ) { dna. put( yacySeed . PEERTYPE , yacySeed . PEERTYPE_SENIOR ) ; }
public final void setPrincipal ( ) { dna. put( yacySeed . PEERTYPE , yacySeed . PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL ) ; }
public final void put ( String key , String value ) {
synchronized ( this . dna ) {
this . dna . put ( key , value ) ;
@ -291,25 +291,25 @@ public class yacySeed {
public final void incSI ( int count ) {
String v = ( String ) this . dna . get ( yacySeed . INDEX_OUT ) ;
if ( v = = null ) { v = yacySeed . ZERO ; }
put( yacySeed . INDEX_OUT , Integer . toString ( Integer . parseInt ( v ) + count ) ) ;
dna. put( yacySeed . INDEX_OUT , Integer . toString ( Integer . parseInt ( v ) + count ) ) ;
public final void incRI ( int count ) {
String v = ( String ) this . dna . get ( yacySeed . INDEX_IN ) ;
if ( v = = null ) { v = yacySeed . ZERO ; }
put( yacySeed . INDEX_IN , Integer . toString ( Integer . parseInt ( v ) + count ) ) ;
dna. put( yacySeed . INDEX_IN , Integer . toString ( Integer . parseInt ( v ) + count ) ) ;
public final void incSU ( int count ) {
String v = ( String ) this . dna . get ( yacySeed . URL_OUT ) ;
if ( v = = null ) { v = yacySeed . ZERO ; }
put( yacySeed . URL_OUT , Integer . toString ( Integer . parseInt ( v ) + count ) ) ;
dna. put( yacySeed . URL_OUT , Integer . toString ( Integer . parseInt ( v ) + count ) ) ;
public final void incRU ( int count ) {
String v = ( String ) this . dna . get ( yacySeed . URL_IN ) ;
if ( v = = null ) { v = yacySeed . ZERO ; }
put( yacySeed . URL_IN , Integer . toString ( Integer . parseInt ( v ) + count ) ) ;
dna. put( yacySeed . URL_IN , Integer . toString ( Integer . parseInt ( v ) + count ) ) ;
// 12 * 6 bit = 72 bit = 18 characters hex-hash
@ -379,15 +379,24 @@ public class yacySeed {
public final long getLastSeenTime ( ) {
public final void setLastSeenUTC ( ) {
// we put the current time into the lastseen field
// because java thinks it must apply the UTC offset to the current time,
// to create a string that looks like our current time, it adds the local UTC offset to the
// time. To create a corrected UTC Date string, we first subtract the local UTC offset.
dna . put ( yacySeed . LASTSEEN , yacyCore . universalDateShortString ( new Date ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - serverDate . UTCDiff ( ) ) ) ) ;
public final long getLastSeenUTC ( ) {
try {
final long t = yacyCore . parseUniversalDate ( get ( yacySeed . LASTSEEN , "20040101000000" ) ) . getTime ( ) ;
// the problem here is: getTime applies a time shift according to local time zone:
// it substracts the local UTF offset, but it should subtract the remote UTC offset
// so we correct it by first adding the local UTF offset and then subtracting the remote
// the time zone was originally the seeds time zone
// we correct this here
return t - getUTCDiff ( ) + serverDate . UTCDiff ( ) ;
// getTime creates a UTC time number. But in this case java thinks, that the given
// time string is a local time, which has a local UTC offset applied.
// Therefore java subtracts the local UTC offset, to get a UTC number.
// But the given time string is already in UTC time, so the subtraction
// of the local UTC offset is wrong. We correct this here by adding the local UTC
// offset again.
return t + serverDate . UTCDiff ( ) ;
} catch ( java . text . ParseException e ) {
return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
} catch ( java . lang . NumberFormatException e ) {
@ -411,13 +420,8 @@ public class yacySeed {
public final void setLastSeenTime ( ) {
// if we set a last seen time, then we need to respect the seeds UTC offset
put ( yacySeed . LASTSEEN , yacyCore . universalDateShortString ( new Date ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - serverDate . UTCDiff ( ) + getUTCDiff ( ) ) ) ) ;
public void setPeerTags ( Set keys ) {
put( PEERTAGS , serverCodings . set2string ( keys , "|" , false ) ) ;
dna . put ( PEERTAGS , serverCodings . set2string ( keys , "|" , false ) ) ;
public Set getPeerTags ( ) {
@ -458,7 +462,7 @@ public class yacySeed {
if ( flags . length ( ) ! = 4 ) { flags = yacySeed . FLAGSZERO ; }
final bitfield f = new bitfield ( flags . getBytes ( ) ) ;
f . set ( flag , value ) ;
put( yacySeed . FLAGS , new String ( f . getBytes ( ) ) ) ;
dna. put( yacySeed . FLAGS , new String ( f . getBytes ( ) ) ) ;
public final void setFlagDirectConnect ( final boolean value ) { setFlag ( 0 , value ) ; }