'Pure proof-of-concept' project like this usually written from scratch
using most primitive and wide-spread tools like 'make'. I've started
this project by disassembling original chinese filter which was
distributed with printer itself, and originally it is a kind of
reversed code 'just force it to work anyway', which is essentially is
just a working piece of shit.
Now I see dozen of bugs reported and even pull-requests, so I think I
can spend a bit of my time to this pet.
First, I use Jetbrains Clion for my main project where I work. CLion
projects are actually CMake projects, so let's add a rudimental
CMakeList to make it piece buildable from normal IDE.
Also pre-built filter I've considered as not so significant to keep it in this open-source proj (anyone can rebuild it anytime from scratch)
If need changes, edit this file instead of .ppd (it is not only more
right, but also more clear in syntax ane easier).
Then run
ppdc zj-58.drv
and it will create zj58.ppd (or whatever filename you've pointed