Initial CMakeLists

'Pure proof-of-concept' project like this usually written from scratch
using most primitive and wide-spread tools like 'make'. I've started
this project by disassembling original chinese filter which was
distributed with printer itself, and originally it is a kind of
reversed code 'just force it to work anyway', which is essentially is
just a working piece of shit.

Now I see dozen of bugs reported and even pull-requests, so I think I
can spend a bit of my time to this pet.

First, I use Jetbrains Clion for my main project where I work. CLion
projects are actually CMake projects, so let's add a rudimental
CMakeList to make it piece buildable from normal IDE.

Also pre-built filter I've considered as not so significant to keep it in this open-source proj (anyone can rebuild it anytime from scratch)
Alexey N. Vinogradov 5 years ago
parent 131d1d8b91
commit fcd9b33fe5

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 3.12 )
project ( rastertozj C )
find_package ( Cups REQUIRED )
find_library ( CUPSIMAGELIB NAMES cupsimage )
mark_as_advanced ( CUPSIMAGELIB )
set ( DEBUGFILE "/tmp/debugraster.txt" CACHE STRING "File where to make debug output if DEBUGP is set" )
option ( DEBUGP "Whetner to output debug info" ON )
add_executable ( rastertozj rastertozj.c )
target_compile_options ( rastertozj PRIVATE -Wall -fPIC -O3 )
target_include_directories ( rastertozj PRIVATE ${CUPS_INCLUDE_DIR} )
target_link_libraries ( rastertozj PRIVATE ${CUPS_LIBRARIES} ${CUPSIMAGELIB} )
if ( DEBUGP )
target_compile_definitions ( rastertozj PRIVATE DEBUGP DEBUGFILE="${DEBUGFILE}")
endif ()

Binary file not shown.