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fuchsi 35303f9504
add real size values (KBytes) of the DHT-In/Out-RAM-Caches to the PerformanceQueues page. A lot of users seem to tweak this value and it might help in finding the best size in relation to the peer's memory ressources.
18 years ago
env - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago
htdocsdefault - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
js second try of rev 4100 :). Tested in Iceweasel/Firefox 2.0.6, Konqueror 3.5.7, Opera 9.23 (all linux) and IE6-SP1 (wine) 18 years ago
proxymsg fixed and enhanced some details in crawl start with file 18 years ago
www re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
xml re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
yacy - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
AccessTracker_p.html steps to enhance remote search performance: 18 years ago steps to enhance remote search performance: 18 years ago
AccessTracker_p.xml steps to enhance remote search performance: 18 years ago *) fixed wrong calculation of network words, network links, network PPM if peer is senior or principal peer 18 years ago
BlacklistCleaner_p.html harmonisation of servlet naming, headlines and menu entries 18 years ago various fixes and cleanups for blacklist handling: 18 years ago
Blacklist_p.html harmonisation of servlet naming, headlines and menu entries 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
Blog.html moved publication options (wiki, blog, share) to a single menu entry 'Publication' 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
Blog.rss replaced yacy logo by better version 18 years ago
BlogComments.html *) blog-comments can now be moderated 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
Bookmarks.html Integration of FeedReader in Bookmarks. 18 years ago *) removed double encoding ( 18 years ago
Bookmarks.rss *) changing RSS feed titles 18 years ago
CacheAdmin_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago joined, plasmaURL and url hash computation: 18 years ago
ConfigBasic.html - re-sructuring of configuration menus 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
ConfigLanguage_p.html fix for selection in language list 18 years ago joined, plasmaURL and url hash computation: 18 years ago
ConfigNetwork_p.html added option to allow/disallow DHT transmission during indexing 18 years ago *) fixed exceptions that occured when non-integer values were entered where integers were expected 18 years ago
ConfigProfile_p.html added supporter page; personal home pages are removed from the surftips, they appear now separately on the supporter page, but only if the peer is also online 18 years ago fix to prevent bad-formed news messages 18 years ago
ConfigProperties_p.html - re-sructuring of configuration menus 18 years ago - re-sructuring of configuration menus 18 years ago
ConfigRobotsTxt_p.html - added ViewProfile / Impressum (default on) to local peer's robots.txt 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
ConfigSkins_p.html - the maxMemory-fix for the Sun JVM 1.4.2 wrongly also applied to 1.6, thx to NN 18 years ago joined, plasmaURL and url hash computation: 18 years ago
ConfigUpdate_p.html - fixed problem with yacyVersion and own version generation 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
Config_p.html - typo in yacy.init 18 years ago
Connections_p.html extended client connection clean-up: 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
CookieMonitorIncoming_p.html *) got rid of HTML in Java classes that led to HTML tags being displayed on monitor pages 18 years ago *) got rid of HTML in Java classes that led to HTML tags being displayed on monitor pages 18 years ago
CookieMonitorOutgoing_p.html *) got rid of HTML in Java classes that led to HTML tags being displayed on monitor pages 18 years ago *) got rid of HTML in Java classes that led to HTML tags being displayed on monitor pages 18 years ago
CrawlProfileEditor_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago
CrawlResults.html harmonisation of servlet naming, headlines and menu entries 18 years ago - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago
CrawlStartExpert_p.html - fixed opensearch bugs 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
CrawlStartSimple_p.html joined, plasmaURL and url hash computation: 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
CrawlURLFetchStack_p.html - fix for last two commits 18 years ago joined, plasmaURL and url hash computation: 18 years ago
CrawlURLFetch_p.html - fix for last two commits 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
FeedReader_p.html - added SSI parser and include directive for <!--# include virtual="<file>" --> 18 years ago joined, plasmaURL and url hash computation: 18 years ago
Help.html *) fixed more links 18 years ago
IndexCleaner_p.html - added SSI parser and include directive for <!--# include virtual="<file>" --> 18 years ago
IndexControl_p.html # update of de.lng 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
IndexCreateIndexingQueue_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago *) removed (hopefully only) surplus double encodings ( 18 years ago
IndexCreateLoaderQueue_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago *) removed (hopefully only) surplus double encodings ( 18 years ago
IndexCreateWWWGlobalQueue_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago *) removed (hopefully only) surplus double encodings ( 18 years ago
IndexCreateWWWLocalQueue_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago *) removed (hopefully only) surplus double encodings ( 18 years ago
IndexCreateWWWRemoteQueue_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago - fix for last two commits 18 years ago
IndexImport_p.html added option to configure a path to a secondary index location. 18 years ago - fixed dht selction problem: the seed tables used a wrong ordering 18 years ago
IndexShare_p.html - first review of Settings_*.inc, IndexShare_p and IndexControl regarding XHTML 18 years ago - added new Network Configuration menu, can be found in basic settings 18 years ago
IndexTransfer_p.html re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
LogStatistics_p.html - fix for last two commits 18 years ago corrected Brausse->Brausze 18 years ago
MessageSend_p.html - fixed a layout-bug in MessageSend_p.html (for details see 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
Messages_p.html - removed enctype="multipart/form-data" from the get-form of the peer-selection in Messages_p.html (in Konqueror this didn't work and multipart/form-data is only for post) 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
Messages_p.rss replaced yacy logo by better version 18 years ago
Messages_p.xml *) adding xml template to get the message list as xml 19 years ago
Network.html removed progress bar in Network list 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
Network.xml - fix for bad xml tag in Network.xml 18 years ago added parameter for network graphic background 18 years ago
News.html harmonisation of servlet naming, headlines and menu entries 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
News.rss replaced yacy logo by better version 18 years ago *) improved peerloadgraphic: 18 years ago
PerformanceMemory_p.html fix for missing object miss-cache flush value: 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
PerformanceQueues_p.html add real size values (KBytes) of the DHT-In/Out-RAM-Caches to the PerformanceQueues page. A lot of users seem to tweak this value and it might help in finding the best size in relation to the peer's memory ressources. 18 years ago add real size values (KBytes) of the DHT-In/Out-RAM-Caches to the PerformanceQueues page. A lot of users seem to tweak this value and it might help in finding the best size in relation to the peer's memory ressources. 18 years ago
PerformanceQueues_p.xml *) SOAP: new function to get the Performance Settings of Queues and Processes 18 years ago
PerformanceSearch_p.html first version of next-generation search interface: 18 years ago first version of next-generation search interface: 18 years ago
ProxyIndexingMonitor_p.html harmonisation of servlet naming, headlines and menu entries 18 years ago - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago
QuickCrawlLink_p.html Two fixes: escaped some &s in QuickCrawlLink_p.html and added correct id to the skype-field in ConfigProfile_p.html (note: ids must be unique in a (x)html-document - in most cases you can simply use the same like for name) 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
Ranking_p.html replaced detailed search page by ranking definition page (this is what it essentially is) 18 years ago * added a search history cache that maintains search results for 10 minutes 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago - enhanced remote search: during waiting time for remote crawls 18 years ago
SettingsAck_p.html updated languagefile 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago - final step for Advanced Settings pages to XHTML 18 years ago - final step for Advanced Settings pages to XHTML 18 years ago - final step for Advanced Settings pages to XHTML 18 years ago - updated translation for settings_foo_inc files 18 years ago - final step for Advanced Settings pages to XHTML 18 years ago - final step for Advanced Settings pages to XHTML 18 years ago - final step for Advanced Settings pages to XHTML 18 years ago - first review of Settings_*.inc, IndexShare_p and IndexControl regarding XHTML 18 years ago - first review of Settings_*.inc, IndexShare_p and IndexControl regarding XHTML 18 years ago - first review of Settings_*.inc, IndexShare_p and IndexControl regarding XHTML 18 years ago - first review of Settings_*.inc, IndexShare_p and IndexControl regarding XHTML 18 years ago - final step for Advanced Settings pages to XHTML 18 years ago
Settings_p.html - re-sructuring of configuration menus 18 years ago fixed great mess with localization paths. the problem was: 18 years ago
Statistics.html joined, plasmaURL and url hash computation: 18 years ago
Status.html *) fixed dead link 18 years ago Remove grouping separator in Network.xml (yacystats will woork without it) and format a few more numbers. 18 years ago - added servlet: remote crawler queue overview 18 years ago
Steering.html *) Better Bourne-Shell (OpenSolaris) compatibility, update and restart really work now. As the Bourne-Shell is the grandfather of most modern shells, it should also work with Linux (tested with Mandriva, works) and OSX (Please test!). 18 years ago added options and execution methods for automated updates 18 years ago
Supporter.html enhanced handling of news records: 18 years ago joined, plasmaURL and url hash computation: 18 years ago
Surftips.html added supporter page; personal home pages are removed from the surftips, they appear now separately on the supporter page, but only if the peer is also online 18 years ago joined, plasmaURL and url hash computation: 18 years ago
Surftips.rss Newsfeed for the surftips 18 years ago
TestApplet.html enhanced SSI server-side support: 18 years ago
User.html - added SSI parser and include directive for <!--# include virtual="<file>" --> 18 years ago redesigned some parts of http authentication 18 years ago
User_p.html - re-sructuring of configuration menus 18 years ago - added SSI parser and include directive for <!--# include virtual="<file>" --> 18 years ago
ViewFile.html - fix for last two commits 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
ViewLog_p.html harmonisation of servlet naming, headlines and menu entries 18 years ago *) Logging GUI handler: line-size is now set to max-size if max-size was exceeded 18 years ago
ViewProfile.html *) peer profile can now be displayed as vcard 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
ViewProfile.vcf *) adding tags for skype 18 years ago
ViewProfile.xml *) adding tags for skype 18 years ago
WatchCrawler_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago - fixed opensearch bugs 18 years ago
WatchWebStructure_p.html - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago - redesigned crawl start menu, integrated monitoring pages 18 years ago - Changed yFormatter handling to be more flexible and produce more readable code for server pages. There are serverObject.putNum() methods to allow adding of number type values in a formatted form, and put() methods for number types that add them without formatting. This reduces the need to transform them into Strings in server pages and removes the HTML encoding step which is unecessary for numbers. 18 years ago
Wiki.html moved publication options (wiki, blog, share) to a single menu entry 'Publication' 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
WikiHelp.html #update of de.lng and fra.lng 18 years ago removed unused variables/imports 18 years ago
YaCySearchPluginFF.html re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
YaCySearchPluginFF.src - some code-cleanup (no more syntax-warnings here) 18 years ago
favicon.ico slightly enhanced the favicon 18 years ago
favicon.png added web structure image 18 years ago
index.html first version of next-generation search interface: 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago re-designed some parts of DHT position calculation (effect is the same as before) 18 years ago
opensearchdescription.xml - fixed opensearch bugs 18 years ago - added ViewProfile / Impressum (default on) to local peer's robots.txt 18 years ago
robots.txt - added ViewProfile / Impressum (default on) to local peer's robots.txt 18 years ago
sharedBlacklist_p.html 18 years ago various fixes and cleanups for blacklist handling: 18 years ago
ssitest.html more refactoring of search: 18 years ago - added SSI parser and include directive for <!--# include virtual="<file>" --> 18 years ago
ssitestservlet.html enhanced SSI server-side support: 18 years ago enhanced SSI server-side support: 18 years ago
yacysearch.html Add headless AWT, nice level and memory parameters to the init script. It should work like the now. 18 years ago remove left over '>' in description and replace ' ' by '+' in rss search where URL-encoded parameters are required. 18 years ago
yacysearch.rss fix more encooding problems in yacysearch.rss. 18 years ago
yacysearch.xsl *) Snippet fetching: 18 years ago
yacysearchitem.html remove left over '>' in description and replace ' ' by '+' in rss search where URL-encoded parameters are required. 18 years ago fix more encooding problems in yacysearch.rss. 18 years ago