@ -2,30 +2,62 @@ package de.anomic.data;
public class htmlTools {
/ * * Replaces characters in a string with other characters defined in an array .
/ * * Replaces characters in a string with other entities according to HTML standards .
* @param text a string that possibly contains special characters
* @param entities array that contains characters to be replaced and characters it will be replaced by
* @param includingAmpersand if < code > false < / code > ampersands are not encoded
* @return the string with all characters replaced by the corresponding character from array
* /
//[FB], changes by [MN], re-implemented by [MC]
public static String encodeUnicode2html ( String text , boolean includingAmpersand ) {
if ( text = = null ) return null ;
int pos = 0 ;
int spos = ( includingAmpersand ? 0 : 2 ) ;
int epos = mapping . length ;
return encode ( text , mapping , spos , epos ) ;
/ * *
* Replaces special entities ampersand , quotation marks , and less than / graiter than
* by the escaping entities allowed in XML documents .
* @param text the original String
* @return the encoded String
* /
public static String encodeUnicode2xml ( String text ) {
if ( text = = null ) return null ;
int spos = 0 ;
int epos = 8 ;
return encode ( text , mapping , spos , epos ) ;
/ * *
* Generic method that replaces occurences of special character entities defined in map
* array with their corresponding mapping .
* @param text The String too process .
* @param map An array defining the entity mapping .
* @param spos It is possible to use a subset of the map only . This parameter defines the
* starting point in the map array .
* @param epos The ending point , see above .
* @return A copy of the original String with all entities defined in map replaced .
* /
public static String encode ( String text , final String [ ] map , int spos , int epos ) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ( text . length ( ) ) ;
search : while ( pos < text . length ( ) ) {
search : while ( s pos < text . length ( ) ) {
// find a (forward) mapping
loop : for ( int i = ( includingAmpersand ) ? 0 : 2 ; i < mapping . length ; i + = 2 ) {
if ( text . charAt ( pos ) ! = mapping [ i ] . charAt ( 0 ) ) continue loop ;
loop : for ( int i = spos ; i < epos ; i + = 2 ) {
if ( text . charAt ( s pos) ! = map [ i ] . charAt ( 0 ) ) continue loop ;
// found match
sb . append ( mapping [ i + 1 ] ) ;
pos + + ;
sb . append ( map [ i + 1 ] ) ;
s pos+ + ;
continue search ;
// not found match
sb . append ( text . charAt ( pos ) ) ;
pos + + ;
sb . append ( text . charAt ( s pos) ) ;
s pos+ + ;
return new String ( sb ) ;
return sb . toString ( ) ;
public static String decodeHtml2Unicode ( String text ) {