- new switch 'isFacet' which causes that the usage of the vocabulary for
search facets is enabled or disabled. This shall be used for large
vocabularies sind searched in solr are extremely slow if facets for a
large set of alternative terms are generated
- new option to disable auto-enrichment from synonyms
- new option to add synonyms from another column when importing from csv
- automatically recognize double-occurrences in synonyms and bundling
terms for such synonyms
- snapshots can now also be xml files which are extracted from the solr
index and stored as individual xml files in the snapshot directory along
the pdf and jpg images
- a transaction layer was placed above of the snapshot directory to
distinguish snapshots into 'inventory' and 'archive'. This may be used
to do transactions of index fragments using archived solr search results
between peers. This is currently unfinished, we need a protocol to move
snapshots from inventory to archive
- the SNAPSHOT directory was renamed to snapshot and contains now two
snapshot subdirectories: inventory and archive
- snapshots may now be generated by everyone, not only such peers
running on a server with xkhtml2pdf installed. The expert crawl starts
provides the option for snapshots to everyone. PDF snapshots are now
optional and the option is only shown if xkhtml2pdf is installed.
- the snapshot api now provides the request for historised xml files,
i.e. call:
The result of such xml files is identical with solr search results with
only one hit.
The pdf generation has been moved from the http loading process to the
solr document storage process. This may slow down the process a lot and
a different version of the process may be needed.
list of latest/oldest entries in the snapshot database. This is an
The properties depth, order, host and maxcount can be omited. The
meaning of the fields are:
host: select only urls from this host or all, if not given
depth: select only urls at that crawl depth or all, if not given
maxcount: select at most the given number of urls or 10, if not given
order: either LATESTFIRST to select the youngest entries, OLDESTFIRST to
select the first entries or ANY to select any
The rss feed needs administration rights to work, a call to this servlet
with rss extension must attach login credentials.
so viewed text and metadata (stored) info is similar
- to archive it, use request with profile to allow indexing (defaultglobaltext) and update index
(the resource is loaded, parsed anyway, so it's not a expensive operation)
Request: remove 2 unused init parameter
- number of anchors of the parent
- forkfactor sum of anchors of all ancestors
thread pools will flush their cached (dead) threads after 60 seconds.
This will cause that YaCy now runs constantly withl about 50 threads,
about 100 at peak times. Previously, about 400 threads had been cached
and kept in a hibernation state, which caused that the numproc counter
in /proc/user_beancounters (exists only in VM-hosted linux) was as high
as the cached number of threads. This caused that VM supervisors
terminated whole VM sessions if a limit was reached. Many VM providers
have limits of numproc=96 which made it virtually impossible to run YaCy
on such machines. With this change, it will be possible to run many YaCy
instances even on VM hosts.
TimeoutRequests. The purpose is to test if YaCy runs better on VMs where
there is a limitation of concurrent processes; see
/proc/user_beancounters in row numproc; this value is limited and should
be low. Try to set timeoutrequests to keep this low. (works only after
be transcoded into jpg for image previews. To create such pdfs you must
Add wkhtmltopdf and imagemagick to your OS, which you can do:
On a Mac download wkhtmltox-0.12.1_osx-cocoa-x86-64.pkg from
http://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html and downloadh
In Debian do "apt-get install wkhtmltopdf imagemagick"
Then check in /Settings_p.html?page=ProxyAccess: "Transparent Proxy" and
"Always Fresh" - this is used by wkhtmltopdf to fetch web pages using
the YaCy proxy. Using "Always Fresh" it is possible to get all pages
from the proxy cache.
Finally, you will see a new option when starting an expert web crawl.
You can set a maximum depth for crawling which should cause a pdf
generation. The resulting pdfs are then available in
concurrently. When a RWI search result is flushed into the result set,
id does Solr Queries (which replaced the old-style Metadata Queries) and
they are possibly running concurrently to a previously startet Solr
search. Both methods may block each other with IO. To enhance the speed,
they are now serialized. Because the Solr search results may result in
better results using the more advanced and configurable Ranking methods,
this result is preverred over the RWI search result. However, remote RWI
search results are still feeded concurrently into the search result as
set to 'Always Fresh' the cache is always used if the entry in the cache
exist. This is a good way to archive web content and access it without
going online again in case the documents exist.
To do so, open /Settings_p.html?page=ProxyAccess and check the "Always
Fresh" checkbox.
This is set do false which behave as set before.
If you set this to true, then you have your web archive in DATA/HTCACHE.
Copy this to carry around your private copy of the internet!
if file in DATA/SETTINGS it is loaded otherwise file in ./defaults is loaded
(if locale ./defaults/stopwords.xx doesn't exist take solr/lang/stopwords_xx.txt as default)
move yacy.stopwords, yacy.stopwords.de and yacy.badwords.example out of root directory to ./defaults directory
encodings (preselected windows-type character encoding which is typical
for CSV files). Fixed also other problems with character encoding in
dictionary files. Automatically generated vocabularies are now also
noted in the API steering.
to always get fresh lists of documents. This is necessary since the
postprocessing changes the same documents which the
postprocessing-collection query selects.
hold a date for each URL to record when a url was first seen. This is
then used to overwrite the modification date for urls upon recrawl in
case that the first-seen date is before the latest document date. This
behaviour is necessary due to the common behaviour of content management
systems which attach always the current date to all documents. Using the
firstSeen database it is possible to approximate a real first document
creation date in case that the crawler starts frequently for the same
domain. As a result the search results ordered by date have a much
better quality and the usage of YaCy as search agent for latest news has
a better quality.
postprocessing the solr documents are now not completely retrieved.
instead, only fiels, needed for the postprocessing are extracted. When
Solr document are written, this is done using partial updates.
This increases postprocessing speed by about 50% for embedded Solr
configurations. For external Solr configurations the enhancement should
be much higher because the postprocessing with remote Solr is very slow.
When doing partial updates to a remote Solr, this method should perform
much better than before, it is expected that this is even much higher
than the increase with local Solr.
This is the first element of a new 'decoration' component which may hold
switches for different external appearance parameters.
The first switch in that context is decoration.audio (as usual in
yacy.init). This value is set to false by default, that means the audio
feedback element is switched off by default. To switch it on, set
decoration.audio = true (using /ConfigProperties_p.html). You will then
hear sounds for the following events:
- remote searches
- incoming dht transmissions
- new documents from the crawler
Sound clips are stored in htroot/env/soundclips/ which is done so
because a future implementation will read these files using the http
client and with configurable urls which will make it very easy for the
user to replace the given sounds with own sounds.
*) will try other ports if YaCy standard ports are not available
*) distinguish between internal and external port (not sure if this
works 100%)
Still to add: propery in config to enter own external port (in case of
manually configured NAT)
this extracts clickable links in pdf and adds it to the list of links
include a test case for this function
this is the corrected comment for commit:
(this eventually can benefit image search by using mime only)
reduce redundant field assignment for Solrdocuments created from URIMetadataNode (URIMetadataNode = SolrDocument with partially assigned fields)
tested with IE11 and Firefox 32 (change worked for both to show 2nd line without cutting off height)
+fix charset parameter in metadataImageParser
+update start errMsgTxt to "java 1.7"
removed preferred IPv4 in start options and added a new field IP6 in
peer seeds which will contain one or more IPv6 addresses. Now every peer
has one or more IP addresses assigned, even several IPv6 addresses are
possible. The peer-ping process must check all given and possible IP
addresses for a backping and return the one IP which was successful when
pinging the peer. The ping-ing peer must be able to recognize which of
the given IPs are available for outside access of the peer and store
this accordingly. If only one IPv6 address is available and no IPv4,
then the IPv6 is stored in the old IP field of the seed DNA.
Many methods in Seed.java are now marked as @deprecated because they had
been used for a single IP only. There is still a large construction site
left in YaCy now where all these deprecated methods must be replaced
with new method calls. The 'extra'-IPs, used by cluster assignment had
been removed since that can be replaced with IPv6 usage in p2p clusters.
All clusters must now use IPv6 if they want an intranet-routing.
This is a modified genericImageParser adding tif (and psd) support even if java ImageIO plugin for tif is not installed in JDK.
Adds just tif and psd to the available parsers.
Uses the same library to extract metadata, so could eventually be merged with genericImageParser.
All detected metadata are added to the parsed document (potentially some more as with genericImageParser)
genericImageParser uses javax ImageIO, supported images depend on available plugins for ImageIO package (this is JDK installation specific). Jpeg, png and gif are availabel by default. Tif and others only on avalable plugin (in classpath).
Add supported image type dynamically on startup.
the parser initialization. To make the apk parser usable, the handling
of application type links had to be modified. Now all documents which
have not a parser attached are placed to the noload-queue while all
other documents are parsed using the associated parser class. This may
have side-Effects on other parsers and the display of different file
classes (images, apps, videos).
solr to the YaCy built-in solr search servlet. Its not complete and not
fully correct (there is still a utf8 encoding problem) but it is a way
to get easily requests forwarded through YaCy to an external Solr.
it is now possible to get the results in two steps:
- first retrieve all IDs as given for a query
- then retieve each document individually
This was necessary for very large result sets where a query may run for
hours and is possibly terminated by a solr-internal timeout. This occurs
regulary during postprocessing and therefore this commit may fix
unwanted postprocessing terminations.
hour. The table can be shown with
The entries have the following meaning:
aM: activeLastMonth
aW: activeLastWeek
aD: activeLastDay
aH: activeLastHour
cC: countConnected (Active Senior)
cD: countDisconnected (Passive Senior)
cP: countPotential (Junior)
cR: count of the RWI entries
cI: size of the index (number of documents)
The entry keys are abbreviated to reduce the space in the table as the
name is written again for every row.
This is the beginning of a 'yacystats' micro-alternative als built-in
function in YaCy. Graphics may follow after some time if enough test
data is available.
found a situation after crash (reboot) with existing running semaphore but YaCy not running.
Ping generated exception which finally deleted the conf file (during pre-read procedure)
- change to ping (catch exception solved it)
- additionally removed delete yacy.conf file (if needed we need to make a backup)
when the buffer is cleaned after a buffer flush which is not then
available in Solr since that is waiting for a commit. In such cases the
counter would run backwards which is prevented by ignoring the buffer
solr+buffer and the hit cache. This shall help during first crawls to
see a running document counter even if there was no commit meanwhile to
solr. To support that strategy, the hit cache must be written earlier.
during document parsing; instead use the same references that would also
be written into the webgraph. That should cause that the webgraph and
the citation index express the exact same semantic.
string which is visible in the browser. That makes it possible that the
browser instructs the user how to change a forgotten admin password
(during runtime).
attributes are attached to artificial constructed index.html files which
list directories. Such files are naturally rejected by the crawler and
should not appear in the error log because these files are part of the
construction of file crawlers and confuse users if they see them in the
error log.
- default mySeed.ip to hostip in SeedDB.initMySeed() if Intranetmode
this allows to become senior status in intranet hosted search network with view peers,
otherwise peer would stay junior because of default init with loopback ip as public (dna) ip.
- use CommonParams and DisMaxParams constants
- fix typo in get sort parameter
- getDocumentCountByParams redundant implementation and risk of not optimized call (row parameter unspecified) -> as only used from getCountByQuery removed from interface
see http://mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=437
test result (concurrency=7)
2000 docs = eom always
1000 docs = eom always
100 docs = eom never
chosen -> 200 docs (eom not encountered during test with 1GB mem setting)
- type detection (rss/atom)
- init type parameter overwritten during parse, parameter obsolete
- detection by endtag changed to simpler first-tag evaluation
- channel image not used, removed related extra parser handling
- remove unused code (set/getImage) in rssfeed
- atom link extraction to account for possible multipe link tags
- spec limits link to one with rel="alternate" or one without rel attribute
not accounting for the follwing type & hreflang exception yet:
o atom:entry elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:link
element with a rel attribute value of "alternate" that has the
same combination of type and hreflang attribute values.
work now, at least it does on my network. UPNP code in YaCy can still
be improved though (see TODO comment: make port on gateway configurable
or find free one).
*) removed old code
*) added new lib
*) changed code to work with new lib
formulated as edismax query but this was not set as query attribut. The
defType=edismax property needs a qf-field, so this was added as well. Do
not remove that field again! This fixes also a problem with title-unique
filled with the date, when the url is recognized as to be outdated. That
field was partly misinterpreted and the time interval was filled in. In
case that all the urls which are in the index shall be treated as
outdated, the field is filled now with Long.MAX_VALUE because then all
crawl dates are before that date and therefore outdated.
according to the ranking profiles boost fields defined by the peer (if df/qf is not specified in query).
This allows for pretty simple queries ( q=word) without the need to know about the specific index configuration.
Making sure all relevant fields (as determined by the index owner) are searched, still maintaining the option to query specific fields
and does not relay on the duplication of text to text_t.
- add author to reset-default boost fields (support results for author nav)
- with search modifier /heuristic a request is send to all configured opensearch target systems (old /heuristic/blekko modifier not longer valid)
- this allows to use opensearch heuristic on individual search request (in contrast to configuration HEURISTIC_OPENSEARCH=true which sends a osd request on all global searches
- the index.html searchoption text adjusted to be displayed only if option configured
- add Archive-It to predefined systems
attribute in the <a> tag for each crawl. This introduces a lot of
changes because it extends the usage of the AnchorURL Object type which
now also has a different toString method that the underlying
DigestURL.toString. It is therefore not advised to use .toString at all
for urls, just just toNormalform(false) instead.
with metadata retrieval from connectors directly. This should cause
better usage of the cache. Automatically increase the metadata cache if
more memory is available.
'cloud' was a bad idea. Changed also the accumulation process for peer
targets so that every dht chunk is not assigned the set of redundant
targets but they are assigned to redundant targets individually. This
enhances the granularity of the target accumulation and should enhance
the efficiency of the process. Finally the dht protocol client was
enriched with the ability to remove the 'accept remote index' flag from
peers or remove peers completely if they do not answer at all.
generic parser but extracts links like the htmlParser. This should be
used for ASCII documents without known text format annotation like
source code files or json documents. Probably also good for xml files
without known schema.
- close stackfile inputstream at end of ChunkIterator
This should solve startup delay while unfinished crawl jobs exist (maybe also too many open file situation)
was optional and another alternative metadata store was available. Since
that store is now removed, Solr is always available (internally or
and adjusted xslt, for solr snippets (&hl=true) to decode the xml encoded html <b> tag by adding disable-output-escaping
(still open item description may be double as dc: tag and rss.description tag)
- author facet is based on omitted author_sxt field
- adjust to make author nav available on exist of author field but keep using author_sxt to construct the facet (why!?)
- add check for querymodifier author in searchevent
- Web servers may now deliver YaCy-specific http header field with a
title and keywords. The new http header fields are:
X-YaCy-Media-Title - to be used for media (image, audio, video) titles
X-YaCy-Media-Keywords - to be used for media (image, audio, video)
- both fields are written to document fields title and keywords and are
searched also during image search.
- to make the usage of arbitrary http header fields (including this new
fields) possible in the /api/push_p.json servlet, a new POST argument is
also introduced to push http header fields. The new POST attribute is
named "responseHeader-X" (where X is the counter). It is allowed to use
this attribute as multi-attribute several times, each can be filled with
a http header line.
- see /api/push_p.html for examples