<tdvalign="top"><labelfor="usecaseFreeworld">Join and support the global network 'freeworld', search the web with an uncensored user-owned search network</label></td>
<tdvalign="top"><labelfor="usecasePortal">Your YaCy installation behaves independently from other peers and you define your own web index by starting your own web crawl. This can be used to search your own web pages or to define a topic-oriented search portal.</label></td>
<tdvalign="top"><labelfor="usecaseIntranet">Create a search portal for your intranet or web pages or your (shared) file system. URLs may be used with http/https/ftp and a local domain name or IP, or with an URL of the form file:///<path> or smb://<server>/<path><br/>
Files may also be shared with the YaCy server, assign a path here:
This path can be accessed at <ahref="http://localhost:#[port]#/repository/">http://localhost:#[port]#/repository</a></label>. Use that path as crawl start point.
<tdvalign="top"><labelfor="usecaseIntranet">Create a search portal for your intranet or web pages or your (shared) file system. URLs may be used with http/https/ftp and a local domain name or IP, or with an URL of the form file:///<path> or smb://<server>/<path><br/>