1-char tokens and also more-than-1-char tokens, then remove the 1-char
tokens to prevent that we are to strict. This will make it possible to
be a bit more fuzzy in the search where it is appropriate.
Reads document level included title and description and skips the graphic content to save bandwidth.
svg metadata element is not interpreted
- remove rdfParser from init (current function identical with genericParser)
to prevent blank thumbnail display in image search because of not handled source which don't load on click.
Now the cross icon indicates the problem (inlcuding not supported format)
function with a numeric date field:
"unexpected docvalues type NUMERIC for field 'last_modified' (expected
one of [SORTED, SORTED_SET]). Use UninvertingReader or index with
This is a well-known bug inside solr which prevents that now the 'sort
by date' in the YaCy search interface can be used. Without this patch no
results at all is displayed (since the exception prevents that). Now
there is at least a result but it is not ordered properly.
(regardless if these fields part of update).
Switch partial update option off in postprocessing if schema contains *_dts (multivalued date field).
see http://mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=601
In case of error we deleted the original document and added the new doc to the index.
This is not valid for partial update documents (which contain only a subset of the fields).
Remove the "delete" error handling step.
as simple string and no more as regular expressions.
Updated all locale files to adapt to refectored Translator : removed
useless escaped characters and did minor corrections.
Performed minor syntax corrections on some html source files.
Added an util to translate all html source files with all locales
without launching full YaCy application.
Corrected main arguments parsing on other translation utils.
caused as concurrency issue:
W 2015/09/05 14:09:10 ConcurrentLog java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.TreeMap.rotateRight(TreeMap.java:2239)
at java.util.TreeMap.fixAfterInsertion(TreeMap.java:2271)
at java.util.TreeMap.put(TreeMap.java:582)
at net.yacy.kelondro.table.Table.<init>(Table.java:235)
at net.yacy.crawler.HostQueue.openStack(HostQueue.java:229)
at net.yacy.crawler.HostQueue.getStack(HostQueue.java:204)
at net.yacy.crawler.HostQueue.push(HostQueue.java:397)
at net.yacy.crawler.HostBalancer.push(HostBalancer.java:237)
at net.yacy.crawler.data.NoticedURL.push(NoticedURL.java:184)
at net.yacy.crawler.CrawlStacker.stackCrawl(CrawlStacker.java:355)
at net.yacy.crawler.CrawlStacker.job(CrawlStacker.java:134)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor6.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
moved and was not cleared anymore. This results in an huge fieldcache.
Here I try to use DovValues where it is possible.
For this I used the Api-Scheme as new basis für the Solr-Schema.
This needs at least a complete optimization of the Solr-Index to get a
smaller FieldCache.
Everything that is indexed with these setting will not use the
Fieldcache at all.
bayesian filters. This can be used to classify documents during
indexing-time using a pre-definied bayesian filter.
New wordings:
- a context is a class where different categories are possible. The
context name is equal to a facet name.
- a category is a facet type within a facet navigation. Each context
must have several categories, at least one custom name (things you want
to discover) and one with the exact name "negative".
To use this, you must do:
- for each context, you must create a directory within
DATA/CLASSIFICATION with the name of the context (the facet name)
- within each context directory, you must create text files with one
document each per line for every categroy. One of these categories MUST
have the name 'negative.txt'.
Then, each new document is classified to match within one of the given
categories for each context.