add url parameter to make sure no parameter are included in refresh url
which could cause unwanted restart of import job
see comments
use getAttributes() to get query parameters as clear text (w/o url encoding)
use getSearchpartMap() to get in internal format (url encoded)
fix for
as simple string and no more as regular expressions.
Updated all locale files to adapt to refectored Translator : removed
useless escaped characters and did minor corrections.
Performed minor syntax corrections on some html source files.
Added an util to translate all html source files with all locales
without launching full YaCy application.
Corrected main arguments parsing on other translation utils.
moved and was not cleared anymore. This results in an huge fieldcache.
Here I try to use DovValues where it is possible.
For this I used the Api-Scheme as new basis für the Solr-Schema.
This needs at least a complete optimization of the Solr-Index to get a
smaller FieldCache.
Everything that is indexed with these setting will not use the
Fieldcache at all.
bayesian filters. This can be used to classify documents during
indexing-time using a pre-definied bayesian filter.
New wordings:
- a context is a class where different categories are possible. The
context name is equal to a facet name.
- a category is a facet type within a facet navigation. Each context
must have several categories, at least one custom name (things you want
to discover) and one with the exact name "negative".
To use this, you must do:
- for each context, you must create a directory within
DATA/CLASSIFICATION with the name of the context (the facet name)
- within each context directory, you must create text files with one
document each per line for every categroy. One of these categories MUST
have the name 'negative.txt'.
Then, each new document is classified to match within one of the given
categories for each context.
When the sidebar on search page becomes scrollable, the scrollbar shrinks the sidebar and makes the search results weirdly scrollable on X axis by several pixels. Now the sidebar always have a scrollbar, and results are never X-scrollable.
index has more than two million documents. This protects the index from
beeing flooded with search requests that cannot be resolved before the
real search query has to be computet.