This attribute can be used for ranking and for other purpose (demand by
The click depth is computed in two steps:
- during indexing the current fill-state of the reverse link index is
used to backtrack the current page to the root page. The length of that
backtrack is the clickdepth. But this does not discover the shortest
click depth. To get this, a second process to check again is needed
- added a process tag that can be used to do operations on the existing
index after a crawl; i.e. calculation the shortest clickpath. Added a
field to control this operation but not a method to operate on this.
- added a visualization of the clickpath length in the host browser
- an event type (once, regular) can be selected
- for this event type, a fixed time can be selected. This may be either
directly after startup or at one of the full hours at a day (==25
The main point about this feature is the opportunity to start an action
directly after startup. That makes it possible to create YaCy
distributions which, after started at the first time, start to index
parts of the intranet/internet by itself.
This uses an enhanced version of the Nutch/Solr TextProfileSignatue.
As a result, a signature of the document is written to the solr search
index. Additionally for each time when a signature is written, it is
checked if the singature exists already in the index. If the signature
does not exist, the document is marked as unique. The unique attribute
can now be used to sort document lists and bring duplicates to the end
of a result list.
To enable this, a large portion of the search api to Solr had to be
changed. This affected mainly caching of 'exists' searches to enhance
the check for existing signatures and do this without actually doing a
solr query.
Because here the first time a long number is used as value in the Solr
store, also the value naming in the YaCySchema had to be adopted and
normalized. This caused that many files had to be changed.
the actual data which is fetched from solr.
- used the new field options to reduce generic options like getting the
load date or the count of search results. should increase overall speed
- used the new field options to reduce overhead in the host browser
during aquisition of links.
- used the field options to make checking of links in crawler faster
- if the crawler is paused, the crawl queue is not cleaned
- language default on missing lang property to "uk" (fix set to nothing)
- language set to TLD (added call to existing language calculation from TLD)
- coordinate number exception on possible lat/lon content of "NaN,NaN"
adjust Netbeans IDE classpath (for Solr/Lucene 4.0.0 jars)
caused by a JRE bug, the PixelGrabber had to be circumvented using an
own frame buffer which can be read without a PixelGrabber. This resulted
in ultra-fast and much less memory-consuming transformation. YaCy images
are now generated really fast!
superfluous. The target is to make a solr document as the core of YaCy
documents which would cause that many conversions can be removed. On the
way to this target the Equivalence of URIMetadataRow and URIMetadataNode
had to be removed to expose the usage of the old URIMetadataRow data
This refactoring already removes unneccessary conversions and should
make memory usage during indexing lower.
which had been then mixed with remote RWIs. Now these Solr documents are
feeded into the result set as they appear during local and remote
search. That makes the search much faster.
URIMetadataNode which creates the opportunity to access Solr objects
directly and use their information richness
- lazy initialization of the URIMetadataNode object - should cause less
computation and memory usage during search.
- removed dead code
MultiProtocolURI during normalform computation because that should
always be done and also be done during initialization of the
MultiProtocolURI Object. The new normalform method takes only one
argument which should be 'true' unless you know exactly what you are
- added indexing to Tables columns to support larger bookmark
- added RDF output (HTTP) for public bookmarks at /YMarks.rdf
- YMarkRDF also provides a Jena RDF Model as "internal" API
- various other changes/fixes for YMarks (mainly backend)
title_count_i, title_chars_val, title_words_val
description_count_i, description_chars_val, description_words_val
- added many asserts to ensure data type correctness from YaCy to Solr
and vice versa
- made many fixes according to new findings from these asserts (!)
- fixed type definition found by the verifier
- added multivalue-string fields for solr with extension 'sxt'
- added multivalue-integer fields for solr with extension 'val'
- renamed some solr attributes from txt to sxt
- changed solr query line to an explicit AND/OR structure
- added a country code second level domain list to Domains class; with
- added a host string parser to get domain class name, country-code
second-level domain and subdomain out of it
- removed old coordinate attributes
Node to Row objects
- removed peerDeparture in solr remote search in case that peer does not
answer (this may be normal because it is allowed to switch this off)
metadata representation from the solr index. This shall replace metadata
from the built-in database in the future.
- added the Solr-driven metadata into the search index of YaCy which
makes it now possible to run YaCy without the old metadata index. This
is a major stept forward to a full migration to Solr.
a rss/opensearch writer and an enhanced solr xml writer.
The enhanced solr writer has less configuration overhead than the
original writer and should by slightly faster. The rss/opensearch writer
is at this time slightly incomplete compared with the already existing
rss search result form YaCy and also snippets are missing at this time.
To test the new interface, open for example:
The wt-code for the new result writers are=
wt=rss for opensearch
wt=exml for the enhanced solr xml writer.
Additionally, the SRU search parameters had been added to the solr
interface which can now also be used for a normal solr/xml search.
writter faster that the logger is able to print this out to its out
stream. A very large collection of unwritten log outputs had been seen
during strong crawling. The new ArrayBlockingQueue is limited to prevent
this case.
- vocabulary annotation is not done any more into the metadata of urldb
- vocabularies are written into the jena triplestore using a rdf
- vocabularies for rdf tripel must be updated; refactoring done
- with the new navigation tags in the triplestore a faster
pre-urldb-lookup is possible: navigation is processed now within the RWI
during pre-ranking retrieval
- added also a Owl vocabulary stub to add the plain-text url to the
triplestore using the owl:sameas predicate
rewrite engine to customize existing webpages. originally implemented by
Florian Richter.
- new limit to use the table copy (instead of flag): 400MB available. If
less is available, then a copy is never used. If more is available, then
it can be used if there is a remaining space of at least 200MB
- flush caches more often: flush the Digest cache
not equal. It might happen that these data is different because one of
that caches is cleaned after a while or when it is too big. The metadata
is then not cleaned, but now wiped after a checkup process at every
application start. This should cause a bit less memory usage.
- added log warnings in case that search processes run into time-out
- better concurrency for Integer formatter (used a non-synchronized
formatter before)
- bugfix for search termination (a poison pill was missing)
- added timeout parameters for search (again) -> target is, that they
are never reached.
- search request are now made using a map boundary
- search results are only computed for the map boundary
- the number of results is adopted to the results in the visible range
- added a double-buffering for the search result markers
- added a search query option for the search results:
SeedDB.lookupByName searche for lowercase peerNames, while MapColumnIndex.getIndex uses peername as is in the keyset.
Changed the index init to insert lowercase peer names as key
- a new database for url reference data ('seen links')
- a new database extending the references to the full url metadata
attributes set which shall replace the old metadata database if it is
- migration help classes stub to use old and new metadata databases
and the following test programm:
public class QueueLengthTimeTest {
public static long countTest(Queue<Integer> q, int c) {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
return System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int c = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
long t1 = countTest(new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(c), c);
long t2 = countTest(new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>(), c);
long t3 = countTest(new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Integer>(),
System.out.println("count = " + c + ": ArrayBlockingQueue =
" + t1 + ", LinkedBlockingQueue = " + t2 + ", ConcurrentLinkedQueue = "
+ t3);
c = c * 2;