@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.SortedMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue ;
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowHandleSet;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.ReferenceContainer ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.TermSearch ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.Bitfield ;
import net.yacy.peers.graphics.ProfilingGraph ;
import net.yacy.repository.Blacklist.BlacklistType ;
import net.yacy.repository.FilterEngine ;
@ -97,9 +99,9 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
private int remote_indexCount ;
private int remote_peerCount ;
private int local_indexCount ;
private final AtomicInteger maxExpectedRemoteReferences , expectedRemoteReferences ,
receivedRemoteReferences ;
private final AtomicInteger maxExpectedRemoteReferences , expectedRemoteReferences , receivedRemoteReferences ;
private final WeakPriorityBlockingQueue < WordReferenceVars > stack ;
private final WeakPriorityBlockingQueue < URIMetadataNode > nodeStack ;
private final AtomicInteger feedersAlive , feedersTerminated ;
private final ConcurrentHashMap < String , WeakPriorityBlockingQueue < WordReferenceVars > > doubleDomCache ; // key = domhash (6 bytes); value = like stack
//private final HandleSet handover; // key = urlhash; used for double-check of urls that had been handed over to search process
@ -126,7 +128,9 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
// sortorder: 0 = hash, 1 = url, 2 = ranking
this . addRunning = true ;
this . localSearchInclusion = null ;
this . stack = new WeakPriorityBlockingQueue < WordReferenceVars > ( query . snippetCacheStrategy = = null | | query . snippetCacheStrategy = = CacheStrategy . CACHEONLY ? max_results_preparation_special : max_results_preparation , false ) ;
int stackMaxsize = query . snippetCacheStrategy = = null | | query . snippetCacheStrategy = = CacheStrategy . CACHEONLY ? max_results_preparation_special : max_results_preparation ;
this . stack = new WeakPriorityBlockingQueue < WordReferenceVars > ( stackMaxsize , false ) ;
this . nodeStack = new WeakPriorityBlockingQueue < URIMetadataNode > ( stackMaxsize , false ) ;
this . doubleDomCache = new ConcurrentHashMap < String , WeakPriorityBlockingQueue < WordReferenceVars > > ( ) ;
this . query = query ;
this . order = order ;
@ -238,6 +242,153 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
public void addFinalize ( ) {
this . addRunning = false ;
public void add (
final List < URIMetadataNode > index ,
final boolean local ,
final String resourceName ,
final int fullResource ) {
this . addRunning = true ;
assert ( index ! = null ) ;
if ( index . isEmpty ( ) ) return ;
if ( ! local ) {
assert fullResource > = 0 : "fullResource = " + fullResource ;
this . remote_resourceSize + = fullResource ;
this . remote_peerCount + + ;
long timer = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
// normalize entries
int is = index . size ( ) ;
EventTracker . update ( EventTracker . EClass . SEARCH , new ProfilingGraph . EventSearch (
this . query . id ( true ) ,
SearchEvent . Type . NORMALIZING ,
resourceName ,
is ,
System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timer ) , false ) ;
if ( ! local ) {
this . receivedRemoteReferences . addAndGet ( is ) ;
// iterate over normalized entries and select some that are better than currently stored
timer = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
final boolean nav_hosts = this . query . navigators . equals ( "all" ) | | this . query . navigators . indexOf ( "hosts" , 0 ) > = 0 ;
// apply all constraints
try {
final String pattern = this . query . urlMask . pattern ( ) ;
final boolean httpPattern = pattern . equals ( "http://.*" ) ;
final boolean noHttpButProtocolPattern = pattern . equals ( "https://.*" ) | | pattern . equals ( "ftp://.*" ) | | pattern . equals ( "smb://.*" ) | | pattern . equals ( "file://.*" ) ;
pollloop : for ( URIMetadataNode iEntry : index ) {
// doublecheck for urls
if ( this . urlhashes . has ( iEntry . hash ( ) ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
// increase flag counts
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 32 ; j + + ) {
if ( iEntry . flags ( ) . get ( j ) ) this . flagcount [ j ] + + ;
// check constraints
Bitfield flags = iEntry . flags ( ) ;
if ( ! testFlags ( flags ) ) continue pollloop ;
// check document domain
if ( this . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) > 0 & &
( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . AUDIO & & ! ( flags . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasaudio ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . VIDEO & & ! ( flags . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasvideo ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . IMAGE & & ! ( flags . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasimage ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . APP & & ! ( flags . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasapp ) ) ) ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
// check site constraints
final String hosthash = iEntry . hosthash ( ) ;
if ( this . query . sitehash = = null ) {
if ( this . query . siteexcludes ! = null & & this . query . siteexcludes . contains ( hosthash ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
} else {
// filter out all domains that do not match with the site constraint
if ( ! hosthash . equals ( this . query . sitehash ) ) continue pollloop ;
// collect host navigation information (even if we have only one; this is to provide a switch-off button)
if ( this . query . navigators . isEmpty ( ) & & ( nav_hosts | | this . query . urlMask_isCatchall ) ) {
this . hostNavigator . inc ( hosthash ) ;
this . hostResolver . put ( hosthash , iEntry . hash ( ) ) ;
// check protocol
if ( ! this . query . urlMask_isCatchall ) {
final boolean httpFlagSet = DigestURI . flag4HTTPset ( iEntry . hash ( ) ) ;
if ( httpPattern & & ! httpFlagSet ) {
continue pollloop ;
if ( noHttpButProtocolPattern & & httpFlagSet ) {
continue pollloop ;
// check vocabulary constraint
String subject = YaCyMetadata . hashURI ( iEntry . hash ( ) ) ;
Resource resource = JenaTripleStore . getResource ( subject ) ;
if ( this . query . metatags ! = null & & ! this . query . metatags . isEmpty ( ) ) {
// all metatags must appear in the tags list
for ( Tagging . Metatag metatag : this . query . metatags ) {
Iterator < RDFNode > ni = JenaTripleStore . getObjects ( resource , metatag . getPredicate ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ni . hasNext ( ) ) continue pollloop ;
String tags = ni . next ( ) . toString ( ) ;
if ( tags . indexOf ( metatag . getObject ( ) ) < 0 ) continue pollloop ;
// add navigators using the triplestore
for ( Map . Entry < String , String > v : this . taggingPredicates . entrySet ( ) ) {
Iterator < RDFNode > ni = JenaTripleStore . getObjects ( resource , v . getValue ( ) ) ;
while ( ni . hasNext ( ) ) {
String [ ] tags = ni . next ( ) . toString ( ) . split ( "," ) ;
for ( String tag : tags ) {
ScoreMap < String > voc = this . vocabularyNavigator . get ( v . getKey ( ) ) ;
if ( voc = = null ) {
voc = new ConcurrentScoreMap < String > ( ) ;
this . vocabularyNavigator . put ( v . getKey ( ) , voc ) ;
voc . inc ( tag ) ;
// finally extend the double-check and insert result to stack
this . urlhashes . putUnique ( iEntry . hash ( ) ) ;
rankingtryloop : while ( true ) {
try {
this . nodeStack . put ( new ReverseElement < URIMetadataNode > ( iEntry , this . order . cardinal ( iEntry ) ) ) ; // inserts the element and removes the worst (which is smallest)
break rankingtryloop ;
} catch ( final ArithmeticException e ) {
// this may happen if the concurrent normalizer changes values during cardinal computation
continue rankingtryloop ;
// increase counter for statistics
if ( local ) this . local_indexCount + + ; else this . remote_indexCount + + ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
//if ((query.neededResults() > 0) && (container.size() > query.neededResults())) remove(true, true);
EventTracker . update ( EventTracker . EClass . SEARCH , new ProfilingGraph . EventSearch (
this . query . id ( true ) ,
SearchEvent . Type . PRESORT ,
resourceName ,
index . size ( ) ,
System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timer ) , false ) ;
public void add (
final ReferenceContainer < WordReference > index ,
@ -250,18 +401,13 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
//Log.logInfo("RWIProcess", "added a container, size = " + index.size());
this . addRunning = true ;
assert ( index ! = null ) ;
if ( index . isEmpty ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! local ) {
if ( index . isEmpty ( ) ) return ;
if ( ! local ) {
assert fullResource > = 0 : "fullResource = " + fullResource ;
this . remote_resourceSize + = fullResource ;
this . remote_peerCount + + ;
long timer = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
// normalize entries
@ -273,14 +419,11 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
resourceName ,
is ,
System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - timer ) , false ) ;
if ( ! local ) {
this . receivedRemoteReferences . addAndGet ( is ) ;
if ( ! local ) this . receivedRemoteReferences . addAndGet ( is ) ;
// iterate over normalized entries and select some that are better than currently stored
timer = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
final boolean nav_hosts =
this . query . navigators . equals ( "all" ) | | this . query . navigators . indexOf ( "hosts" , 0 ) > = 0 ;
final boolean nav_hosts = this . query . navigators . equals ( "all" ) | | this . query . navigators . indexOf ( "hosts" , 0 ) > = 0 ;
// apply all constraints
long timeout = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + maxtime ;
@ -288,11 +431,7 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
WordReferenceVars iEntry ;
final String pattern = this . query . urlMask . pattern ( ) ;
final boolean httpPattern = pattern . equals ( "http://.*" ) ;
final boolean noHttpButProtocolPattern =
pattern . equals ( "https://.*" )
| | pattern . equals ( "ftp://.*" )
| | pattern . equals ( "smb://.*" )
| | pattern . equals ( "file://.*" ) ;
final boolean noHttpButProtocolPattern = pattern . equals ( "https://.*" ) | | pattern . equals ( "ftp://.*" ) | | pattern . equals ( "smb://.*" ) | | pattern . equals ( "file://.*" ) ;
long remaining ;
pollloop : while ( true ) {
remaining = timeout - System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
@ -301,51 +440,34 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
break ;
iEntry = decodedEntries . poll ( remaining , TimeUnit . MILLISECONDS ) ;
if ( iEntry = = null ) {
if ( iEntry = = null ) {
Log . logWarning ( "RWIProcess" , "terminated 'add' loop after poll time-out = " + remaining + ", decodedEntries.size = " + decodedEntries . size ( ) ) ;
break pollloop ;
if ( iEntry = = WordReferenceVars . poison ) {
if ( iEntry = = WordReferenceVars . poison ) {
break pollloop ;
assert ( iEntry . urlhash ( ) . length = = index . row ( ) . primaryKeyLength ) ;
//if (iEntry.urlHash().length() != index.row().primaryKeyLength) continue;
// doublecheck for urls
if ( this . urlhashes . has ( iEntry . urlhash ( ) ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
if ( this . urlhashes . has ( iEntry . urlhash ( ) ) ) continue pollloop ;
// increase flag counts
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 32 ; j + + ) {
if ( iEntry . flags ( ) . get ( j ) ) {
this . flagcount [ j ] + + ;
Bitfield flags = iEntry . flags ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 32 ; j + + ) {
if ( flags . get ( j ) ) this . flagcount [ j ] + + ;
// check constraints
if ( ! testFlags ( iEntry ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
if ( ! testFlags ( flags ) ) continue pollloop ;
// check document domain
if ( this . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . AUDIO )
& & ( ! ( iEntry . flags ( ) . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasaudio ) ) ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
if ( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . VIDEO )
& & ( ! ( iEntry . flags ( ) . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasvideo ) ) ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
if ( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . IMAGE )
& & ( ! ( iEntry . flags ( ) . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasimage ) ) ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
if ( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . APP )
& & ( ! ( iEntry . flags ( ) . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasapp ) ) ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
if ( this . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) > 0 & &
( ( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . AUDIO & & ! ( flags . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasaudio ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . VIDEO & & ! ( flags . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasvideo ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . IMAGE & & ! ( flags . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasimage ) ) ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . APP & & ! ( flags . get ( Condenser . flag_cat_hasapp ) ) ) ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
// count domZones
@ -354,14 +476,10 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
// check site constraints
final String hosthash = iEntry . hosthash ( ) ;
if ( this . query . sitehash = = null ) {
if ( this . query . siteexcludes ! = null & & this . query . siteexcludes . contains ( hosthash ) ) {
continue pollloop ;
if ( this . query . siteexcludes ! = null & & this . query . siteexcludes . contains ( hosthash ) ) continue pollloop ;
} else {
if ( ! hosthash . equals ( this . query . sitehash ) ) {
// filter out all domains that do not match with the site constraint
continue pollloop ;
// filter out all domains that do not match with the site constraint
if ( ! hosthash . equals ( this . query . sitehash ) ) continue pollloop ;
// collect host navigation information (even if we have only one; this is to provide a switch-off button)
@ -371,14 +489,10 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
// check protocol
if ( ! this . query . urlMask_isCatchall ) {
if ( ! this . query . urlMask_isCatchall ) {
final boolean httpFlagSet = DigestURI . flag4HTTPset ( iEntry . urlHash ) ;
if ( httpPattern & & ! httpFlagSet ) {
continue pollloop ;
if ( noHttpButProtocolPattern & & httpFlagSet ) {
continue pollloop ;
if ( httpPattern & & ! httpFlagSet ) continue pollloop ;
if ( noHttpButProtocolPattern & & httpFlagSet ) continue pollloop ;
// check vocabulary constraint
@ -412,7 +526,7 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
// finally extend the double-check and insert result to stack
this . urlhashes . putUnique ( iEntry . urlhash ( ) ) ;
rankingtryloop : while ( true ) {
rankingtryloop : while ( true ) {
try {
this . stack . put ( new ReverseElement < WordReferenceVars > ( iEntry , this . order . cardinal ( iEntry ) ) ) ; // inserts the element and removes the worst (which is smallest)
break rankingtryloop ;
@ -422,12 +536,7 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
// increase counter for statistics
if ( local ) {
this . local_indexCount + + ;
} else {
this . remote_indexCount + + ;
if ( local ) this . local_indexCount + + ; else this . remote_indexCount + + ;
if ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) > = timeout ) Log . logWarning ( "RWIProcess" , "rwi normalization ended with timeout = " + maxtime ) ;
@ -464,25 +573,19 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
//(!this.remote || this.remote_indexCount > 0);
private boolean testFlags ( final WordReference ientry ) {
if ( this . query . constraint = = null ) {
return true ;
private boolean testFlags ( final Bitfield flags ) {
if ( this . query . constraint = = null ) return true ;
// test if ientry matches with filter
// if all = true: let only entries pass that has all matching bits
// if all = false: let all entries pass that has at least one matching bit
if ( this . query . allofconstraint ) {
if ( this . query . allofconstraint ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + ) {
if ( ( this . query . constraint . get ( i ) ) & & ( ! ientry . flags ( ) . get ( i ) ) ) {
return false ;
if ( ( this . query . constraint . get ( i ) ) & & ( ! flags . get ( i ) ) ) return false ;
return true ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + ) {
if ( ( this . query . constraint . get ( i ) ) & & ( ientry . flags ( ) . get ( i ) ) ) {
return true ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + ) {
if ( ( this . query . constraint . get ( i ) ) & & ( flags . get ( i ) ) ) return true ;
return false ;
@ -493,17 +596,15 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
return this . localSearchInclusion ;
private WeakPriorityBlockingQueue . Element < WordReferenceVars > takeRWI (
final boolean skipDoubleDom ,
final long waitingtime ) {
private URIMetadataNode takeRWI ( final boolean skipDoubleDom , final long waitingtime ) {
// returns from the current RWI list the best entry and removes this entry from the list
WeakPriorityBlockingQueue < WordReferenceVars > m ;
WeakPriorityBlockingQueue . Element < WordReferenceVars > rwi = null ;
WeakPriorityBlockingQueue . Element < URIMetadataNode > page ;
// take one entry from the stack if there are entries on that stack or the feeding is not yet finished
try {
//System.out.println("stack.poll: feeders = " + this.feeders + ", stack.sizeQueue = " + stack.sizeQueue());
int loops = 0 ; // a loop counter to terminate the reading if all the results are from the same domain
// wait some time if we did not get so much remote results so far to get a better ranking over remote results
// we wait at most 30 milliseconds to get a maximum total waiting time of 300 milliseconds for 10 results
@ -514,30 +615,26 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
// loop as long as we can expect that we should get more results
final long timeout = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + waitingtime ;
while ( ( ( ! feedingIsFinished ( ) & & this . addRunning ) | | this . stack . sizeQueue ( ) > 0 ) & &
( this . query . itemsPerPage < 1 | |
loops + + < this . query . itemsPerPage | |
( loops > 1000 & & ! this . doubleDomCache . isEmpty ( ) ) ) ) {
while ( ( ( ! feedingIsFinished ( ) & & this . addRunning ) | | this . stack . sizeQueue ( ) > 0 ) & &
( this . query . itemsPerPage < 1 | | loops + + < this . query . itemsPerPage | | ( loops > 1000 & & ! this . doubleDomCache . isEmpty ( ) ) ) ) {
page = null ;
rwi = null ;
if ( waitingtime < = 0 ) {
rwi = this . addRunning ? this . stack . poll ( waitingtime ) : this . stack . poll ( ) ;
page = this . addRunning ? this . nodeStack . poll ( waitingtime ) : this . nodeStack . poll ( ) ;
if ( page = = null ) rwi = this . addRunning ? this . stack . poll ( waitingtime ) : this . stack . poll ( ) ;
} else {
timeoutloop : while ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) < timeout ) {
if ( feedingIsFinished ( ) & & this . stack . sizeQueue ( ) = = 0 ) {
break timeoutloop ;
if ( feedingIsFinished ( ) & & this . stack . sizeQueue ( ) = = 0 ) break timeoutloop ;
page = this . nodeStack . poll ( 50 ) ;
if ( page ! = null ) break timeoutloop ;
rwi = this . stack . poll ( 50 ) ;
if ( rwi ! = null ) {
break timeoutloop ;
if ( rwi ! = null ) break timeoutloop ;
if ( rwi = = null ) {
//Log.logWarning("RWIProcess", "terminated takeRWI with rwi == null");
break ;
if ( ! skipDoubleDom ) {
return rwi ;
if ( page ! = null ) return page . getElement ( ) ;
if ( rwi = = null ) break ;
if ( ! skipDoubleDom ) {
return this . query . getSegment ( ) . fulltext ( ) . getMetadata ( rwi . getElement ( ) , rwi . getWeight ( ) ) ;
// check doubledom
@ -550,7 +647,7 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
// first appearance of dom. we create an entry to signal that one of that domain was already returned
m = new WeakPriorityBlockingQueue < WordReferenceVars > ( this . query . snippetCacheStrategy = = null | | this . query . snippetCacheStrategy = = CacheStrategy . CACHEONLY ? max_results_preparation_special : max_results_preparation , false ) ;
this . doubleDomCache . put ( hosthash , m ) ;
return rwi ;
return this . query . getSegment ( ) . fulltext ( ) . getMetadata ( rwi . getElement ( ) , rwi . getWeight ( ) ) ;
// second appearances of dom
m . put ( rwi ) ;
@ -577,27 +674,17 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
Log . logException ( e ) ;
continue ; // not the best solution...
if ( m = = null ) {
continue ;
if ( m . isEmpty ( ) ) {
continue ;
if ( bestEntry = = null ) {
if ( m = = null ) continue ;
if ( m . isEmpty ( ) ) continue ;
if ( bestEntry = = null ) {
bestEntry = m . peek ( ) ;
continue ;
o = m . peek ( ) ;
if ( o = = null ) {
continue ;
if ( o . getWeight ( ) < bestEntry . getWeight ( ) ) {
bestEntry = o ;
if ( bestEntry = = null ) {
return null ;
if ( o = = null ) continue ;
if ( o . getWeight ( ) < bestEntry . getWeight ( ) ) bestEntry = o ;
if ( bestEntry = = null ) return null ;
// finally remove the best entry from the doubledom cache
m = this . doubleDomCache . get ( bestEntry . getElement ( ) . hosthash ( ) ) ;
@ -611,7 +698,8 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
return bestEntry ;
if ( bestEntry = = null ) return null ;
return this . query . getSegment ( ) . fulltext ( ) . getMetadata ( bestEntry . getElement ( ) , bestEntry . getWeight ( ) ) ;
/ * *
@ -631,18 +719,8 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
long timeleft ;
while ( ( timeleft = timeout - System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) > 0 ) {
//System.out.println("timeleft = " + timeleft);
final WeakPriorityBlockingQueue . Element < WordReferenceVars > obrwi = takeRWI ( skipDoubleDom , timeleft ) ;
if ( obrwi = = null ) {
return null ; // all time was already wasted in takeRWI to get another element
final URIMetadataNode page = this . query . getSegment ( ) . fulltext ( ) . getMetadata ( obrwi . getElement ( ) , obrwi . getWeight ( ) ) ;
if ( page = = null ) {
try {
this . misses . putUnique ( obrwi . getElement ( ) . urlhash ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final SpaceExceededException e ) {
continue ;
final URIMetadataNode page = takeRWI ( skipDoubleDom , timeleft ) ;
if ( page = = null ) return null ; // all time was already wasted in takeRWI to get another element
if ( ! this . query . urlMask_isCatchall ) {
// check url mask
@ -650,13 +728,6 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
this . sortout + + ;
continue ;
// in case that we do not have e catchall filter for urls
// we must also construct the domain navigator here
//if (query.sitehash == null) {
// this.hostNavigator.inc(UTF8.String(urlhash, 6, 6));
// this.hostResolver.put(UTF8.String(urlhash, 6, 6), UTF8.String(urlhash));
// check for more errors
@ -666,16 +737,14 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
// check content domain
if ( ( this . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) > 0 & &
page . url ( ) . getContentDomain ( ) ! = this . query . contentdom ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = Classification . ContentDomain . TEXT & &
page . url ( ) . getContentDomain ( ) . getCode ( ) > 0 ) ) {
if ( ( this . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) > 0 & & page . url ( ) . getContentDomain ( ) ! = this . query . contentdom ) | |
( this . query . contentdom = = Classification . ContentDomain . TEXT & & page . url ( ) . getContentDomain ( ) . getCode ( ) > 0 ) ) {
this . sortout + + ;
continue ;
// Check for blacklist
if ( Switchboard . urlBlacklist . isListed ( BlacklistType . SEARCH , page ) ) {
if ( Switchboard . urlBlacklist . isListed ( BlacklistType . SEARCH , page ) ) {
this . sortout + + ;
continue ;
@ -691,10 +760,8 @@ public final class RWIProcess extends Thread
. equals ( "" ) ) {
FilterEngine f = ContentControlFilterUpdateThread . getNetworkFilter ( ) ;
if ( f ! = null ) {
if ( ! f . isListed ( page . url ( ) , null ) ) {
this . sortout + + ;
continue ;