When searching images, thumbnails that could not be rendered (because of
a load error such as HTTP 404, networking issue or an internal error on
the rendering servlet) are now hidden as default. But can be revealed
with a button if desired.
Fix for issue #217
The SearchEvent listen to changes on each of its navigators, and the
information about their overall state is sent with each fetched search
item (as a "data-nav-generation" attribute). Then the browser can
regularly fetch a fresh version of yacysearchtrailer.html only if
necessary (when that nav-generation value change).
When the limit is reached, a button allow expanding/collapsing remaining
When this feature is activated without a limit to the number of
displayed tags, when encountering search results with a very large
number of keywords, the results page can become almost unusable (very
long vertical scrollbar)
Using unfiltered detailed counts (local and remote entries found before
doubles detection and before applying query modifiers) was confusing and
inconsistent with the total count. It could let think more results are
to come in the next pages, without understanding why they are not
As a server-side oriented alternative to the JavaScript realtime
resorting feature proposed in PR #104.
The goal is the same as in this PR : having the possibility compensate
the network latency of various peers results fetching and obtain once
possible a consistently ranked result set.
Otherwise on a malformed getpageinfo_p XML response (from the browser
point of view), JavaScript errors where thrown and the ajax status
steering wheel remained displayed indefinitely.
This prevent rendering a big and inconvenient scrollbar on resources
containing many links.
If really needed, preview of all links is still available with a "Show
all links" button.
Doesn't affect the number of links used once the crawl is effectively
started, as the list is then loaded again server-side.
Replaced by shortcuts defined by the HTML "accesskey" attribute which
has the advantage to be advertised by screen readers when focusing the
corresponding buttons, contrary to custom JavasScript key handlers.
Now With Firefox :
- "Alt + Shift + n" for next page
- "Alt + Shift + p" for previous page
Following ARIA recommendation : "keyboard shortcuts enhance, not
replace, standard keyboard access." ( see
Fix for mantis 711 (http://mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=711)
Added as an additional icon with title in the search progress bar, to
inform about background search feeder threads terminated or still
running. While giving a bit more information to users about the p2p
search process, this can help choosing whether or not wait a little bit
more time before going to the next page, in order to get results from
various sources sorted as best as possible (see #91 for a discussion
about sorting accuracy and network latency).
Other related modifications included :
- regular updates to statistics in the progress bar until the
background feeders are completely terminated.
- removed some uses of unsecure and discouraged JavaScript elements
Fixes issue #90 for local queries only: Stealth mode, Portal mode or
Intranet mode.
For P2p mode, the issue would probably be difficult to solve with
reasonable performance. This is still to dig.
Also switched some InterreputedException catch log messages to warn
level as this is normal behavior when shutting down a peer.
Fixed yacysearch buttons navbar behavior to deal correctly with total
results count or offset over 1000. Also improved the buttons navbar to
be able to navigate over 10th page for local queries.