When searching images, thumbnails that could not be rendered (because of
a load error such as HTTP 404, networking issue or an internal error on
the rendering servlet) are now hidden as default. But can be revealed
with a button if desired.
Fix for issue #217
<!-- show date histogram if date navigation is active -->
<divid="imageErrorsInfo"class="info hidden">
Failed to render <strongid="imageErrorsCount">0</strong> thumbnail(s).
<buttonid="showErrorImagesBtn"class="btn btn-default btn-sm"onclick="showErrThumbnails()"title="Show anyway links to images that could not be rendered">Show</button>
<buttonid="hideErrorImagesBtn"class="btn btn-default btn-sm hidden"onclick="hideErrThumbnails()"title="Hide links to images that could not be rendered">Hide</button>