@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
private boolean enabled ;
private boolean enabledWhileCrawling ;
private boolean closed ;
private boolean gzipBody ;
private int timeout ;
private int maxOpenFiles ;
private boolean gzipBody 4Distribution ;
private int timeout 4Distribution ;
private int maxOpenFiles 4Distribution ;
public transferIndexThread transferIdxThread = null ;
@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
this . log = log ;
this . closed = false ;
setCounts ( 100 /*indexCount*/ , 1 /*juniorPeerCount*/ , 3 /*seniorPeerCount*/ , 8000 ) ;
this . gzipBody = gzipBody ;
this . timeout = timeout ;
this . maxOpenFiles = maxOpenFiles ;
this . gzipBody 4Distribution = gzipBody ;
this . timeout 4Distribution = timeout ;
this . maxOpenFiles 4Distribution = maxOpenFiles ;
public void enable ( ) {
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
// collect index
String startPointHash = selectTransferStart ( ) ;
log . logFine ( "Selected hash " + startPointHash + " as start point for index distribution, distance = " + yacyDHTAction . dhtDistance ( yacyCore . seedDB . mySeed . hash , startPointHash ) ) ;
Object [ ] selectResult = selectTransferIndexes ( startPointHash , indexCount , this . maxOpenFiles ) ;
Object [ ] selectResult = selectTransferIndexes ( startPointHash , indexCount , this . maxOpenFiles 4Distribution ) ;
plasmaWordIndexEntity [ ] indexEntities = ( plasmaWordIndexEntity [ ] ) selectResult [ 0 ] ;
//Integer openedFiles = (Integer) selectResult[2];
HashMap urlCache = ( HashMap ) selectResult [ 1 ] ; // String (url-hash) / plasmaCrawlLURL.Entry
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
( ( avdist = ( yacyDHTAction . dhtDistance ( seed . hash , indexEntities [ 0 ] . wordHash ( ) ) +
yacyDHTAction . dhtDistance ( seed . hash , indexEntities [ indexEntities . length - 1 ] . wordHash ( ) ) ) / 2.0 ) < 0.3 ) ) {
start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
error = yacyClient . transferIndex ( seed , indexEntities , urlCache , this . gzipBody , this . timeout ) ;
error = yacyClient . transferIndex ( seed , indexEntities , urlCache , this . gzipBody 4Distribution , this . timeout 4Distribution ) ;
if ( error = = null ) {
log . logInfo ( "Index transfer of " + indexCount + " words [" + indexEntities [ 0 ] . wordHash ( ) + " .. " + indexEntities [ indexEntities . length - 1 ] . wordHash ( ) + "]/" +
avdist + " to peer " + seed . getName ( ) + ":" + seed . hash + " in " +
@ -489,6 +489,10 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
private class transferIndexWorkerThread extends Thread {
// connection properties
private boolean gzipBody4Transfer = false ;
private int timeout4Transfer = 60000 ;
// status fields
private boolean finished = false ;
@ -514,12 +518,16 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
yacySeed seed ,
plasmaWordIndexEntity [ ] indexEntities ,
HashMap urlCache ,
boolean gzipBody ,
int timeout ,
long iteration ,
int idxCount ,
int chunkSize ,
String endPointHash ,
String startPointHash ) {
super ( new ThreadGroup ( "TransferIndexThreadGroup" ) , "TransferIndexWorker_" + seed . getName ( ) ) ;
this . gzipBody4Transfer = gzipBody ;
this . timeout4Transfer = timeout ;
this . iteration = iteration ;
this . seed = seed ;
this . indexEntities = indexEntities ;
@ -585,7 +593,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
// transfering seleted words to remote peer
this . status = "Running: Transfering chunk " + iteration ;
String error = yacyClient . transferIndex ( seed , indexEntities , urlCache , gzipBody , timeout ) ;
String error = yacyClient . transferIndex ( seed , indexEntities , urlCache , gzipBody 4Transfer , timeout 4Transfer ) ;
if ( error = = null ) {
// words successfully transfered
transferTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ;
@ -653,6 +661,9 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
private yacySeed seed = null ;
private boolean delete = false ;
private boolean finished = false ;
private boolean gzipBody4Transfer = false ;
private int timeout4Transfer = 60000 ;
private int maxOpenFiles4Transfer = 800 ;
private int transferedEntryCount = 0 ;
private int transferedEntityCount = 0 ;
private String status = "Running" ;
@ -669,9 +680,9 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
this . delete = delete ;
this . sb = plasmaSwitchboard . getSwitchboard ( ) ;
this . initialWordsDBSize = sb . wordIndex . size ( ) ;
//gzipBody = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(sb.getConfig("indexTransfer.gzipBody","false"));
//timeout = (int) sb.getConfigLong("indexTransfer.timeout",60000);
//this.maxOpenFiles = (int) sb.getConfigLong("indexTransfer.maxOpenFiles",800);
this . gzipBody4Transfer = "true" . equalsIgnoreCase ( sb . getConfig ( "indexTransfer.gzipBody" , "false" ) ) ;
this . timeout4Transfer = ( int ) sb . getConfigLong ( "indexTransfer.timeout" , 60000 ) ;
this . maxOpenFiles4Transfer = ( int ) sb . getConfigLong ( "indexTransfer.maxOpenFiles" , 800 ) ;
public void run ( ) {
@ -765,7 +776,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
// selecting 500 words to transfer
this . status = "Running: Selecting chunk " + iteration ;
Object [ ] selectResult = selectTransferIndexes ( this . startPointHash , this . chunkSize , maxOpenFiles - openedFiles . intValue ( ) ) ;
Object [ ] selectResult = selectTransferIndexes ( this . startPointHash , this . chunkSize , this . maxOpenFiles4Transfer - openedFiles . intValue ( ) ) ;
newIndexEntities = ( plasmaWordIndexEntity [ ] ) selectResult [ 0 ] ;
HashMap urlCache = ( HashMap ) selectResult [ 1 ] ; // String (url-hash) / plasmaCrawlLURL.Entry
openedFiles = ( Integer ) selectResult [ 2 ] ;
@ -867,7 +878,7 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
// handover chunk to transfer worker
if ( ! ( ( newIndexEntities = = null ) | | ( newIndexEntities . length = = 0 ) ) ) {
worker = new transferIndexWorkerThread ( seed , newIndexEntities , urlCache , iteration, idxCount , idxCount , startPointHash , oldStartingPointHash ) ;
worker = new transferIndexWorkerThread ( seed , newIndexEntities , urlCache , gzipBody4Transfer, timeout4Transfer , iteration, idxCount , idxCount , startPointHash , oldStartingPointHash ) ;
worker . start ( ) ;