@ -40,12 +40,14 @@
// done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain
// the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
// Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream ;
import java.io.BufferedReader ;
import java.io.BufferedWriter ;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException ;
import java.io.FileOutputStream ;
import java.io.FileWriter ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStreamReader ;
@ -1087,7 +1089,7 @@ public final class yacy {
private static void domlist ( String homePath , String targetName ) {
private static void domlist ( String homePath , boolean html , String targetName ) {
File root = new File ( homePath ) ;
try {
plasmaURLPool pool = new plasmaURLPool ( new File ( root , "DATA/PLASMADB" ) , 16000 , 1000 , 1000 ) ;
@ -1098,13 +1100,63 @@ public final class yacy {
entry = ( plasmaCrawlLURL . Entry ) eiter . next ( ) ;
if ( ( entry ! = null ) & & ( entry . url ( ) ! = null ) ) doms . add ( entry . url ( ) . getHost ( ) ) ;
serverFileUtils . saveSet ( new File ( root , targetName ) , doms , new String ( serverCore . crlf ) ) ;
// output file
if ( html ) {
File file = new File ( root , targetName ) ;
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream ( new FileOutputStream ( file ) ) ;
Iterator i = doms . iterator ( ) ;
String key ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
key = i . next ( ) . toString ( ) ;
bos . write ( ( "<a href=\"http://" + key + "\">" + key + "</a><br>" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
bos . write ( serverCore . crlf ) ;
bos . close ( ) ;
} else {
// plain text list
serverFileUtils . saveSet ( new File ( root , targetName ) , doms , new String ( serverCore . crlf ) ) ;
pool . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
private static void urllist ( String homePath , boolean html , String targetName ) {
File root = new File ( homePath ) ;
try {
plasmaURLPool pool = new plasmaURLPool ( new File ( root , "DATA/PLASMADB" ) , 16000 , 1000 , 1000 ) ;
Iterator eiter = pool . loadedURL . entries ( true , false ) ;
plasmaCrawlLURL . Entry entry ;
File file = new File ( root , targetName ) ;
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream ( new FileOutputStream ( file ) ) ;
while ( eiter . hasNext ( ) ) {
entry = ( plasmaCrawlLURL . Entry ) eiter . next ( ) ;
if ( ( entry ! = null ) & & ( entry . url ( ) ! = null ) ) {
if ( html ) {
bos . write ( ( "<a href=\"" + entry . url ( ) + "\">" + entry . descr ( ) + "</a><br>" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
bos . write ( serverCore . crlf ) ;
} else {
bos . write ( entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
bos . write ( serverCore . crlf ) ;
bos . close ( ) ;
pool . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
private static String [ ] shift ( String [ ] args , int pos , int count ) {
String [ ] newargs = new String [ args . length - count ] ;
System . arraycopy ( args , 0 , newargs , 0 , pos ) ;
System . arraycopy ( args , pos + count , newargs , pos , args . length - pos - count ) ;
return newargs ;
/ * *
* Main - method which is started by java . Checks for special arguments or
* starts up the application .
@ -1177,9 +1229,24 @@ public final class yacy {
transferCR ( targetaddress , crfile ) ;
} else if ( ( args . length > = 1 ) & & ( args [ 0 ] . equals ( "-domlist" ) ) ) {
// generate a url list and save it in a file
boolean html = false ;
if ( args . length > = 3 & & args [ 1 ] . equals ( "-format" ) ) {
if ( args [ 2 ] . equals ( "html" ) ) html = true ;
args = shift ( args , 1 , 2 ) ;
if ( args . length = = 2 ) applicationRoot = args [ 1 ] ;
String outfile = "domlist_" + System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + ( ( html ) ? ".html" : ".txt" ) ;
domlist ( applicationRoot , html , outfile ) ;
} else if ( ( args . length > = 1 ) & & ( args [ 0 ] . equals ( "-urllist" ) ) ) {
// generate a url list and save it in a file
boolean html = false ;
if ( args . length > = 3 & & args [ 1 ] . equals ( "-format" ) ) {
if ( args [ 2 ] . equals ( "html" ) ) html = true ;
args = shift ( args , 1 , 2 ) ;
if ( args . length = = 2 ) applicationRoot = args [ 1 ] ;
String outfile = "domlist_" + System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + ".txt" ;
domlist ( applicationRoot , outfile ) ;
String outfile = " url list_" + System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + ( ( html ) ? ".html" : ".txt" ) ;
urllist( applicationRoot , html , outfile ) ;
} else {
if ( args . length = = 1 ) applicationRoot = args [ 0 ] ;
startup ( applicationRoot , startupMemFree , startupMemTotal ) ;