pause reason: resource observer: not enough memory space==暂停原因: 资源观察器:没有足够内存空间
Please wait some seconds,==请稍等,
Please wait some seconds,==请稍等,
it may take some seconds until the first result appears there.==在出现第一个搜索结果前需要几秒钟时间.
it may take some seconds until the first result appears there.==在出现第一个搜索结果前需要几秒钟时间.
If you crawl any un-wanted pages, you can delete them <a href="IndexCreateQueues_p.html?stack=LOCAL">here</a>.==如果您抓取了不需要的页面, 您可以 <a href="IndexCreateQueues_p.html?stack=LOCAL">点这</a> 删除它们.
If you crawl any un-wanted pages, you can delete them <a href="IndexCreateQueues_p.html?stack=LOCAL">here</a>.==如果您抓取了不需要的页面, 您可以 <a href="IndexCreateQueues_p.html?stack=LOCAL">点这</a> 删除它们.