// kelondroFlexTable.java
// (C) 2006 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 01.06.2006 on http://www.anomic.de
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.kelondro ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.TreeSet ;
import de.anomic.server.serverMemory ;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog ;
public class kelondroFlexTable extends kelondroFlexWidthArray implements kelondroIndex {
// static tracker objects
private static TreeMap < String , kelondroFlexTable > tableTracker = new TreeMap < String , kelondroFlexTable > ( ) ;
// class objects
protected kelondroBytesIntMap index ;
private boolean RAMIndex ;
/ * *
* Deprecated Class . Please use kelondroEcoTable instead
* /
public kelondroFlexTable ( final File path , final String tablename , final kelondroRow rowdef , int minimumSpace , final boolean resetOnFail ) {
// the buffersize applies to a possible load of the ram-index
// the minimumSpace is a initial allocation space for the index; names the number of index slots
// if the ram is not sufficient, a tree file is generated
// if, and only if a tree file exists, the preload time is applied
super ( path , tablename , rowdef , resetOnFail ) ;
if ( ( super . col [ 0 ] . size ( ) < 0 ) & & ( resetOnFail ) ) try {
super . reset ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e2 ) {
e2 . printStackTrace ( ) ;
throw new kelondroException ( e2 . getMessage ( ) ) ;
minimumSpace = Math . max ( minimumSpace , super . size ( ) ) ;
try {
final long neededRAM = 10 * 1024 * 104 + ( long ) ( ( super . row ( ) . column ( 0 ) . cellwidth + 4 ) * minimumSpace * kelondroRowCollection . growfactor ) ;
final File newpath = new File ( path , tablename ) ;
final File indexfile = new File ( newpath , "col.000.index" ) ;
String description = "" ;
description = new String ( this . col [ 0 ] . getDescription ( ) ) ;
final int p = description . indexOf ( ';' , 4 ) ;
final long stt = ( p > 0 ) ? Long . parseLong ( description . substring ( 4 , p ) ) : 0 ;
System . out . println ( "*** Last Startup time: " + stt + " milliseconds" ) ;
final long start = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
// we use a RAM index
if ( indexfile . exists ( ) ) {
// delete existing index file
System . out . println ( "*** Delete File index " + indexfile ) ;
indexfile . delete ( ) ;
// fill the index
System . out . print ( "*** Loading RAM index for " + size ( ) + " entries from " + newpath + "; available RAM = " + ( serverMemory . available ( ) > > 20 ) + " MB, allocating " + ( neededRAM > > 20 ) + " MB for index." ) ;
index = initializeRamIndex ( minimumSpace ) ;
System . out . println ( " -done-" ) ;
System . out . println ( index . size ( ) + " index entries initialized and sorted from " + super . col [ 0 ] . size ( ) + " keys." ) ;
RAMIndex = true ;
tableTracker . put ( this . filename ( ) , this ) ;
// check consistency
final ArrayList < Integer [ ] > doubles = index . removeDoubles ( ) ;
if ( doubles . size ( ) > 0 ) {
System . out . println ( "DEBUG: WARNING - FlexTable " + newpath . toString ( ) + " has " + doubles . size ( ) + " doubles" ) ;
// assign index to wrapper
description = "stt=" + Long . toString ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - start ) + ";" ;
super . col [ 0 ] . setDescription ( description . getBytes ( ) ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
if ( resetOnFail ) {
RAMIndex = true ;
index = new kelondroBytesIntMap ( super . row ( ) . column ( 0 ) . cellwidth , super . rowdef . objectOrder , 0 ) ;
} else {
throw new kelondroException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
public void clear ( ) throws IOException {
super . reset ( ) ;
RAMIndex = true ;
index = new kelondroBytesIntMap ( super . row ( ) . column ( 0 ) . cellwidth , super . rowdef . objectOrder , 0 ) ;
public static int staticSize ( final File path , final String tablename ) {
return kelondroFlexWidthArray . staticsize ( path , tablename ) ;
public static int staticRAMIndexNeed ( final File path , final String tablename , final kelondroRow rowdef ) {
return ( int ) ( ( rowdef . column ( 0 ) . cellwidth + 4 ) * staticSize ( path , tablename ) * kelondroRowCollection . growfactor ) ;
public boolean hasRAMIndex ( ) {
return RAMIndex ;
public synchronized boolean has ( final byte [ ] key ) {
// it is not recommended to implement or use a has predicate unless
// it can be ensured that it causes no IO
if ( ( kelondroAbstractRecords . debugmode ) & & ( RAMIndex ! = true ) ) serverLog . logWarning ( "kelondroFlexTable" , "RAM index warning in file " + super . tablename ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return index . has ( key ) ;
private kelondroBytesIntMap initializeRamIndex ( final int initialSpace ) {
final int space = Math . max ( super . col [ 0 ] . size ( ) , initialSpace ) + 1 ;
if ( space < 0 ) throw new kelondroException ( "wrong space: " + space ) ;
final kelondroBytesIntMap ri = new kelondroBytesIntMap ( super . row ( ) . column ( 0 ) . cellwidth , super . rowdef . objectOrder , space ) ;
final Iterator < kelondroNode > content = super . col [ 0 ] . contentNodes ( - 1 ) ;
kelondroNode node ;
int i ;
byte [ ] key ;
while ( content . hasNext ( ) ) {
node = content . next ( ) ;
i = node . handle ( ) . hashCode ( ) ;
try {
key = node . getKey ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e1 ) {
e1 . printStackTrace ( ) ;
break ;
assert ( key ! = null ) : "DEBUG: empty key in initializeRamIndex" ; // should not happen; if it does, it is an error of the condentNodes iterator
//System.out.println("ENTRY: " + serverLog.arrayList(indexentry.bytes(), 0, indexentry.objectsize()));
try { ri . addi ( key , i ) ; } catch ( final IOException e ) { } // no IOException can happen here
if ( ( i % 10000 ) = = 0 ) {
System . out . print ( '.' ) ;
System . out . flush ( ) ;
System . out . print ( " -ordering- " ) ;
System . out . flush ( ) ;
return ri ;
public synchronized kelondroRow . Entry get ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
if ( index = = null ) return null ; // case may happen during shutdown
final int pos = index . geti ( key ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
if ( pos < 0 ) return null ;
// pos may be greater than this.size(), because this table may have deleted entries
// the deleted entries are subtracted from the 'real' tablesize,
// so the size may be smaller than an index to a row entry
/ * if ( kelondroAbstractRecords . debugmode ) {
kelondroRow . Entry result = super . get ( pos ) ;
assert result ! = null ;
assert rowdef . objectOrder . compare ( result . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , key ) = = 0 : "key and row does not match; key = " + serverLog . arrayList ( key , 0 , key . length ) + " row.key = " + serverLog . arrayList ( result . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , 0 , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
return result ;
} else { * /
// assume that the column for the primary key is 0,
// and the column 0 is stored in a file only for that column
// then we don't need to lookup from that file, because we already know the value (it's the key)
final kelondroRow . Entry result = super . getOmitCol0 ( pos , key ) ;
assert result ! = null ;
return result ;
public synchronized void putMultiple ( final List < kelondroRow . Entry > rows ) throws IOException {
// put a list of entries in a ordered way.
// this should save R/W head positioning time
final Iterator < kelondroRow . Entry > i = rows . iterator ( ) ;
kelondroRow . Entry row ;
int pos ;
byte [ ] key ;
final TreeMap < Integer , kelondroRow . Entry > old_rows_ordered = new TreeMap < Integer , kelondroRow . Entry > ( ) ;
final ArrayList < kelondroRow . Entry > new_rows_sequential = new ArrayList < kelondroRow . Entry > ( ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
row = i . next ( ) ;
key = row . getColBytes ( 0 ) ;
pos = index . geti ( key ) ;
if ( pos < 0 ) {
new_rows_sequential . add ( row ) ;
} else {
old_rows_ordered . put ( Integer . valueOf ( pos ) , row ) ;
// overwrite existing entries in index
super . setMultiple ( old_rows_ordered ) ;
// write new entries to index
addUniqueMultiple ( new_rows_sequential ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
public synchronized kelondroRow . Entry put ( final kelondroRow . Entry row , final Date entryDate ) throws IOException {
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return put ( row ) ;
public synchronized kelondroRow . Entry put ( final kelondroRow . Entry row ) throws IOException {
assert ( row ! = null ) ;
assert ( ! ( serverLog . allZero ( row . getColBytes ( 0 ) ) ) ) ;
assert row . objectsize ( ) < = this . rowdef . objectsize ;
final byte [ ] key = row . getColBytes ( 0 ) ;
if ( index = = null ) return null ; // case may appear during shutdown
int pos = index . geti ( key ) ;
if ( pos < 0 ) {
pos = super . add ( row ) ;
index . puti ( key , pos ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return null ;
//System.out.println("row.key=" + serverLog.arrayList(row.bytes(), 0, row.objectsize()));
final kelondroRow . Entry oldentry = super . get ( pos ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
if ( oldentry = = null ) {
serverLog . logSevere ( "kelondroFlexTable" , "put(): index failure; the index pointed to a cell which is empty. content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ) ;
// patch bug ***** FIND CAUSE! (see also: remove)
final int oldindex = index . removei ( key ) ;
assert oldindex > = 0 ;
assert index . geti ( key ) = = - 1 ;
// here is this.size() > index.size() because of remove operation above
index . puti ( key , super . add ( row ) ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return null ;
assert oldentry ! = null : "overwrite of empty position " + pos + ", index management must have failed before" ;
assert rowdef . objectOrder . compare ( oldentry . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , key ) = = 0 : "key and row does not match; key = " + serverLog . arrayList ( key , 0 , key . length ) + " row.key = " + serverLog . arrayList ( oldentry . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , 0 , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
super . set ( pos , row ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return oldentry ;
public synchronized void addUnique ( final kelondroRow . Entry row ) throws IOException {
assert row . objectsize ( ) = = this . rowdef . objectsize ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
index . addi ( row . getColBytes ( 0 ) , super . add ( row ) ) ;
public synchronized void addUniqueMultiple ( final List < kelondroRow . Entry > rows ) throws IOException {
// add a list of entries in a ordered way.
// this should save R/W head positioning time
final TreeMap < Integer , byte [ ] > indexed_result = super . addMultiple ( rows ) ;
// indexed_result is a Integer/byte[] relation
// that is used here to store the index
final Iterator < Map . Entry < Integer , byte [ ] > > i = indexed_result . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
Map . Entry < Integer , byte [ ] > entry ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
entry = i . next ( ) ;
index . puti ( entry . getValue ( ) , entry . getKey ( ) . intValue ( ) ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
public synchronized ArrayList < kelondroRowCollection > removeDoubles ( ) throws IOException {
final ArrayList < kelondroRowCollection > report = new ArrayList < kelondroRowCollection > ( ) ;
kelondroRowSet rows ;
final TreeSet < Integer > d = new TreeSet < Integer > ( ) ;
for ( final Integer [ ] is : index . removeDoubles ( ) ) {
rows = new kelondroRowSet ( this . rowdef , is . length ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < is . length ; j + + ) {
d . add ( is [ j ] ) ;
rows . addUnique ( this . get ( is [ j ] . intValue ( ) ) ) ;
report . add ( rows ) ;
// finally delete the affected rows, but start with largest id first, otherwise we overwrite wrong entries
Integer s ;
while ( d . size ( ) > 0 ) {
s = d . last ( ) ;
d . remove ( s ) ;
this . remove ( s . intValue ( ) ) ;
return report ;
public synchronized kelondroRow . Entry remove ( final byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
// the underlying data structure is a file, where the order cannot be maintained. Gaps are filled with new values.
final int i = index . removei ( key ) ;
assert ( index . geti ( key ) < 0 ) ; // must be deleted
if ( i < 0 ) {
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return null ;
final kelondroRow . Entry r = super . getOmitCol0 ( i , key ) ;
if ( r = = null ) {
serverLog . logSevere ( "kelondroFlexTable" , "remove(): index failure; the index pointed to a cell which is empty. content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + ( ( index = = null ) ? 0 : index . size ( ) ) ) ;
// patch bug ***** FIND CAUSE! (see also: put)
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return null ;
assert r ! = null : "r == null" ; // should be avoided with path above
assert rowdef . objectOrder . compare ( r . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , key ) = = 0 : "key and row does not match; key = " + serverLog . arrayList ( key , 0 , key . length ) + " row.key = " + serverLog . arrayList ( r . getPrimaryKeyBytes ( ) , 0 , rowdef . primaryKeyLength ) ;
super . remove ( i ) ;
assert super . get ( i ) = = null : "i = " + i + ", get(i) = " + serverLog . arrayList ( super . get ( i ) . bytes ( ) , 0 , 12 ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return r ;
public synchronized kelondroRow . Entry removeOne ( ) throws IOException {
final int i = index . removeonei ( ) ;
if ( i < 0 ) return null ;
kelondroRow . Entry r ;
r = super . get ( i ) ;
super . remove ( i ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return r ;
public synchronized kelondroCloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( final boolean up , final byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
return index . keys ( up , firstKey ) ;
public synchronized kelondroCloneableIterator < kelondroRow . Entry > rows ( final boolean up , final byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
if ( index = = null ) return new rowIterator ( up , firstKey ) ;
assert this . size ( ) = = index . size ( ) : "content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + index . size ( ) ;
return new rowIterator ( up , firstKey ) ;
public class rowIterator implements kelondroCloneableIterator < kelondroRow . Entry > {
kelondroCloneableIterator < kelondroRow . Entry > indexIterator ;
boolean up ;
public rowIterator ( final boolean up , final byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException {
this . up = up ;
indexIterator = index . rows ( up , firstKey ) ;
public rowIterator clone ( final Object modifier ) {
try {
return new rowIterator ( up , ( byte [ ] ) modifier ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
return null ;
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
return indexIterator . hasNext ( ) ;
public kelondroRow . Entry next ( ) {
kelondroRow . Entry idxEntry = null ;
while ( ( indexIterator . hasNext ( ) ) & & ( idxEntry = = null ) ) {
idxEntry = indexIterator . next ( ) ;
if ( idxEntry = = null ) {
serverLog . logSevere ( "kelondroFlexTable.rowIterator: " + tablename , "indexIterator returned null" ) ;
return null ;
final int idx = ( int ) idxEntry . getColLong ( 1 ) ;
try {
return get ( idx ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return null ;
public void remove ( ) {
indexIterator . remove ( ) ;
public kelondroProfile profile ( ) {
return index . profile ( ) ;
public static final Iterator < String > filenames ( ) {
// iterates string objects; all file names from record tracker
return tableTracker . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
public static final kelondroProfile profileStats ( final String filename ) {
// returns a map for each file in the tracker;
// the map represents properties for each record oobjects,
// i.e. for cache memory allocation
final kelondroFlexTable theFlexTable = tableTracker . get ( filename ) ;
return theFlexTable . profile ( ) ;
public static final Map < String , String > memoryStats ( final String filename ) {
// returns a map for each file in the tracker;
// the map represents properties for each record objects,
// i.e. for cache memory allocation
final kelondroFlexTable theFlexTable = tableTracker . get ( filename ) ;
return theFlexTable . memoryStats ( ) ;
private final Map < String , String > memoryStats ( ) {
// returns statistical data about this object
final HashMap < String , String > map = new HashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
map . put ( "tableIndexChunkSize" , ( ! RAMIndex ) ? "0" : Integer . toString ( index . row ( ) . objectsize ) ) ;
map . put ( "tableIndexCount" , ( ! RAMIndex ) ? "0" : Integer . toString ( index . size ( ) ) ) ;
map . put ( "tableIndexMem" , ( ! RAMIndex ) ? "0" : Integer . toString ( ( int ) ( index . row ( ) . objectsize * index . size ( ) * kelondroRowCollection . growfactor ) ) ) ;
return map ;
public synchronized void close ( ) {
if ( tableTracker . remove ( this . filename ) = = null ) {
serverLog . logWarning ( "kelondroFlexTable" , "close(): file '" + this . filename + "' was not tracked with record tracker." ) ;
if ( ( index ! = null ) & & ( this . size ( ) ! = ( ( index = = null ) ? 0 : index . size ( ) ) ) ) {
serverLog . logSevere ( "kelondroFlexTable" , this . filename + " close(): inconsistent content/index size. content.size() = " + this . size ( ) + ", index.size() = " + ( ( index = = null ) ? 0 : index . size ( ) ) ) ;
if ( index ! = null ) { index . close ( ) ; index = null ; }
super . close ( ) ;
public static void main ( final String [ ] args ) {
// open a file, add one entry and exit
final File f = new File ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
final String name = args [ 1 ] ;
final kelondroRow row = new kelondroRow ( "Cardinal key-4 {b256}, byte[] x-64" , kelondroNaturalOrder . naturalOrder , 0 ) ;
try {
final kelondroFlexTable t = new kelondroFlexTable ( f , name , row , 0 , true ) ;
final kelondroRow . Entry entry = row . newEntry ( ) ;
entry . setCol ( 0 , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
entry . setCol ( 1 , "dummy" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
t . put ( entry ) ;
t . close ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;